Click here and get the best resources online to master French grammar and improve your vocabulary with tons of content for FREE!
@deletethisnananabz3 жыл бұрын
Lya is my favorite. I watch all of her videos. ♥️ I'm still learning French but she is a great teacher.
@nizarkhaznadar4902 жыл бұрын
@emjairose3 жыл бұрын
I am so trilled to discover these videos. I am enjoying all of the lessons very much.
@celestialknight23393 жыл бұрын
Thrilled* 👍🏼😁
@noorafsa8831 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lya for helping us . Lots of love from India . These classes are really helping me .
@yaraaljalwah96253 жыл бұрын
thank u. i’m learning french in school and im struggling but this is helping me so much xx
@wombat56283 жыл бұрын
Merci beaucoup! 🇫🇷 🇫🇷
@celine54132 жыл бұрын
Merci Beaucoup !!!
@apollogold6212 жыл бұрын
Excellent group of linguists, thank you for your work. I highly recommend this channel! I subscribed after the first video :)
@musicasey3 жыл бұрын
J'aime beaucoup vos langages corporels pour expliquer et vous être très belle, merci !
@sa21g22g232 жыл бұрын
Merci beaucoup pour cette majestueuse lecon pour apprendre plus belles et tres splendides mots et questions la majestueuse language francaise, thanks you very much for this wonderful lesson for learning more very splendids french words and french sentences in french
@jaho9873 Жыл бұрын
Bonjour! Merci Beaucoup!
@rendurtv137910 ай бұрын
Je suis ici pour la voir
@librepenseur95243 жыл бұрын
Merci très beaucoup : Thank you very much
@pandorski350003 жыл бұрын
Merci très beaucoup is not correct if i may, merci beaucoup is already the superlative, one never says très beaucoup in french, never
@suzytremblay43333 жыл бұрын
@@pandorski35000 That's right
@hetaeramancer Жыл бұрын
Merci three beauty cup that's the meaning if anyone's curious
@Abasali-yt7rk3 жыл бұрын
Bonjour merci beaucoup
@hailey14173 жыл бұрын
@Abasali-yt7rk3 жыл бұрын
@@hailey1417 hi
@hailey14173 жыл бұрын
@@Abasali-yt7rk bonjour 💀💀
@Abasali-yt7rk3 жыл бұрын
@jonwelderbeast.4382 жыл бұрын
Pencil Lead.......very useful!!!!
@hetaeramancer Жыл бұрын
1:16 = 20 optimiste = hopeful profond = deep peu profond = shallow riche = rich pauvre = poor moniteur = monitor clavier = keyboard casque audio = headphones hoquet = hiccup myrtille = blueberry pruneau = prune mangue = mango citron = lemon fesse = buttocks épaule = shoulder muscle = muscle os = bone barbe = beard patate douce = sweet potato champignon = mushroom 11:45 = 40 sac à dos = backpack mine graphite = pencil lead colle = glue calculatrice = calculator taille-crayon = pencil sharpener large = wide étroit = narrow dur = hard doux = soft abricot = apricot ananas = pineapples melon = melon figue = fig prune = plum chou-fleur = cauliflower chou = cabbage céleri = celery aubergine = eggplant germe de soja = bean sprout accident = accident 22:32 = 60 lit simple = single bed lit double = double bed hôtel = hotel réception = front desk Océan Pacifique = Pacific Ocean Océan Atlantique = Atlantic Ocean Océan Indien = Indian Ocean Australie = Australia Antarctique = Antarctica Asie = Asia Afrique = Africa Europe = Europe Amérique du Nord = North America Amérique du Sud = South America indigo = indigo pêche = peach foncé = dark agaçant = annoying torse = torso poitrine = breast 35:28 = 80 moustache = mustache machine à laver = washing machine lecteur DVD = DVD player ventilateur = fan climatiseur = air conditioner cuisinière = stove école primaire = elementary school collège = middle school lycée = high school université = university principal = principal vif = bright ordinateur portable = laptop computer souris = mouse haut-parleur = speaker webcam = webcam micro = microphone ordinateur de bureau = desktop computer piment rouge = chili pepper maïs = corn 47:53 = 100 casser = break coupure = cut se fouler = sprain four à micro-ondes = microwave oven réfrigérateur = refrigerator aspirateur = vacuum cleaner transpiration = sweat enregistrement = check-in numéro de chambre = room number clef de chambre = room key appel-réveil = wake-up call régler la note = check out clair = light or = gold rose = pink argenté = silver beige = beige framboise = raspberry toux = cough ail = garlic 1:00:20 = 120 inondation = flood typhon = typhoon ouragan = hurricane tornade = tornado sécheresse = drought Islam = Islam Protestantisme = Protestantism Catholicisme = Catholicism Hindouisme = Hinduism Bouddhisme = Buddhism cheville = ankle coude = elbow poignet = wrist genou = knee peau = skin se raser = shave chef = chef non-fumeur = non-smoking fumeur = smoking sang = blood 1:10:50 = 140 rose = rose fleur = flower lys = lily tournesol = sunflower pissenlit = dandelion voyage = traveling faire du sport = exercising séance de sport = workout lire = reading jouer aux cartes = playing cards boucle d'oreille = earring collier = necklace bague = ring caleçon = boxer shorts jupe = skirt hamburger = hamburger cheeseburger = cheeseburger pizza = pizza hot-dog = hot dog pourboire = tip 1:21:02 = 160 campagne = country village = village ville = town banlieue = suburb pièce = room brûlure = burn échecs = chess langue = language sécher = blow-dry arts martiaux = martial arts satisfait = satisfied calme = calm peigner = comb se rincer la bouche = gargle insatisfait = dissatisfied cinq mille = five thousand trois mille = three thousand six mille = six thousand sept mille = seven thousand neuf mille = nine thousand 1:30:48 = 180 propriétaire = landlord dortoir = dormitory immeuble = apartment building ville = city ferme = farm tsunami = tsunami avalanche = avalanche feu = fire tremblement de terre = earthquake tempête de sable = sandstorm gant = glove parapluie = umbrella chapeau = hat manches longues = long-sleeved manches courtes = short-sleeved douloureux = painful timide = timid nerveux = nervous anxieux = anxious gêné = embarrassed 1:40:38 = 200 restaurant = restaurant bistrot = pub café = coffee shop bar = bar meuble = furniture herbe = grass sol = soil terre = dirt rocher = rock arbre = tree Taoïsme = Taoism Bible = Bible Coran = Quran prêtre = priest Judaïsme = Judaism mille = one thousand deux mille = two thousand huit mille = eight thousand dix mille = ten thousand quatre mille = four thousand 1:50:01 = 220 sortir les poubelles = take out the trash serveur = waiter la météo = weather report Celsius = Celsius programme télé = TV show jogging = jogging restauration rapide = fast food parc = park feu de circulation = traffic light panneau = sign métro = subway gare = train station cinq cents = five hundred neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf = nine hundred ninety-nine cent un = one hundred and one quatre cents = four hundred neuf cents = nine hundred pouce = inche kilo = kilogram centimètre = centimeter 2:00:05 = 240 mal de tête = headache diarrhée = diarrhea symptôme = symptom mal de ventre = stomachache nettoyer = clean sécher = dry poussière = dust passer l'aspirateur = vacuum croisement = intersection autoroute = highway route = road rue = street intéressant = interesting méchant = mean ennuyé = bored sept cents = seven hundred huit cents = eight hundred deux cents = two hundred trois cents = three hundred six cents = six hundred 2:10:17 = 260 maladie = illness rhume = cold blessure = injury médicament = medicine douleur = pain fièvre = fever fenêtre = window alcool = alcohol repas = meal brouillard = fog grêle = hail orage = thunderstorm aquarium = aquarium football = soccer zoo = zoo tarif = fare arrêt de bus = bus stop gramme = gram mètre = meter kilomètre = kilometer 2:19:09 = 280 riz = rice pain = bread œuf = egg nouilles = noodle réveil = alarm clock porte = door télécommande = remote control essuyer = wipe la carte = menu magazine = magazine livre audio = audio book jeu vidéo = video game bon marché = cheap cher = expensive gentil = kind effrayant = scary relaxant = relaxing livre = pound mile = mile pied = foot 2:29:05 = 300 cacao = cocoa boisson sans alcool = soft drink jus = juice bibliothèque = bookcase lit = bed miroir = mirror commode = dresser balayer = sweep ranger = put away passer la serpillière = mop serveuse = waitress degré Fahrenheit = Fahrenheit température = temperature humide = humid y avoir du vent = windy terrain de jeux = playground piscine = pool tennis = tennis basket-ball = basketball litre = liter 2:40:55 = 320 poêle à frire = frying pan planche à découper = cutting board évier = sink bol = bowl sortie = exit plan = map valise = suitcase touriste = tourist politique = politics biologie = biology chimie = chemistry physique = physics économie = economics mettre = put se rappeler = remember tenir = hold caddie = shopping cart sac plastique = plastic bag comédie = comedy roman = novel 2:51:24 = 340 neuvième = ninth dixième = tenth huitième = eighth rasoir = shaving razor gant de toilette = washcloth serviette de bain = towel cuillère = spoon fourchette = fork couteau = knife assiette = plate abeille = bee fourmi = ant serpent = snake lait = milk designer = designer artiste = artist soldat = soldier entrepreneur = entrepreneur nouvelle = short story classeur = folder 3:01:14 = 360 après-shampoing = conditioner déodorant = deodorant savon liquide = liquid soap canard = duck corbeau = crow cafard = cockroach moustique = mosquito maçon = construction worker femme au foyer = homemaker glace = ice histoire = history géographie = geography magasin = store marché = market prix = price coupon = coupon rayon = aisle sac = bag photo = photograph boisson gazeuse = soda 3:13:04 = 380
@hetaeramancer Жыл бұрын
3:13:04 = 380 bouilloire = kettle casserole = pot grenouille = frog pigeon = pigeon guide touristique = guidebook entrée = entrance guide touristique = tour guide réservation = reservation passeport = passport informatique = computer science maths = math sentir = feel dessiner = draw plan = plan vente = sale faire du shopping = shopping quatrième = fourth cinquième = fifth sixième = sixth septième = seventh 3:23:36 = 400 dehors = outside intérieur = inside gauche = left droite = right première = first deuxième = second troisième = third savon = soap brosse à dents= toothbrush dentifrice = toothpaste shampoing = shampoo information = information agriculteur = farmer secrétaire = secretary banquier = banker écrivain = writer essayer = try mesurer = measure garder = keep attendre = wait 3:34:57 = 420 brosser = brush doucher = shower laver = wash partir = leave chèque = check soixante-six = sixty-six soixante-dix-sept = seventy-seven quatre-vingt-huit = eighty-eight quatre-vingt-dix-neuf = ninety-nine cent = one hundred salle de séjour = living room salle à manger = dining room couloir = hallway appartement = apartment maison = house exercise = exercise ouvert = open écouter = listen anniversaire = birthday prendre sa retraite = retire 3:44:40 = 440 pyjama = pajamas soutien-gorge = brassiere réveiller = wake up faire le trajet = commute manger = eat art = art littérature = literature film = movie musique = music réponse = answer enseigner = teach poser = ask fermer = close naissance = birth travail = work allumer = turn on éteindre = turn off manger dehors = eat out assister = attend ouest = west 3:54:00 = 460 cravate = necktie costume = suit baskets = sneakers vingt-et-un = twenty-one vingt-deux = twenty-two trente-trois = thirty-three quarante-quatre = forty-four cinquante-cinq = fifty-five étudiante = student regarder = watch salle de classe = classroom école = school chaise d'école = school chair bureau = school desk surfer sur internet = surf the Internet nord = north retourner = return baigner = bathe dormir = sleep sud = south 4:03:34 = 480 président = president industrie = industry ceinture = belt pièce = coin argent = money carte de débit = debit card billet = bill photographie = photography décoller = take off chambre = bedroom cuisine = kitchen salle de bain = bathroom remise des diplômes = graduation promotion = promotion anniversaire de mariage = anniversary funérailles = funeral mariage = wedding expliquer = explain derrière = back est = east 4:13:55 = 500 supérieur = superior entreprise = company salaire = salary radio = radio télévision = television internet = internet journal = newspaper chaîne d'information = news channel instrument de musique = musical instrument peinture = painting théâtre = theater comédie musicale = musical opéra = opera se détendre = relax tableau blanc = whiteboard tableau = blackboard contrôle = test manuel = textbook devant = front emploi = job 4:24:28 = 520 portefeuille = wallet sac à main = purse commande = order champ = field désert = desert patron = boss bureau = office collègue = co-worker réunion = meeting gendarmerie = police station pharmacie = pharmacy boulangerie = bakery cinéma = movie theater négociation = negotiation contrat = contract affaires = business affaire = deal chargé = busy grave = serious fatigué = tired 4:32:17 = 540 ennuyeux = boring incroyable = amazing important = important carte de crédit = credit card clé = key permis (de conduire) = driver's license forêt = forest fleuve = river océan = ocean lac = lake document = document ordinateur = computer fax = fax machine imprimante = printer porte-mine = mechanical pencil règle = ruler marqueur = marker banque = bank épicerie = convenience store hôpital = hospital 4:39:53 = 560 aide = help apprendre = learn bouger = move dix-sept = seventeen dix-huit = eighteen dix-neuf = nineteen vingt = twenty cou = neck visage = face oreille = ear cheveu = hair montagne = mountain plage = beach forêt tropicale = rainforest île = island dictionnaire = dictionary bleu = blue jaune = yellow orange = orange couleur = color 4:47:17 = 580 blanc = white rouge = red vert = green finir = finish commencer = start devenir = become quatorze = fourteen quinze = fifteen seize = sixteen téléphone = telephone œil = eye dents = teeth lèvre = lip photocopieuse = copy machine bureau = desk livre = book stylo = pen poste = post office bibliothèque = library supermarché = supermarket 4:54:15 = 600 hélicoptère = helicopter noir = black brun = brown gris = gray se reposer = rest entendre = hear veux = want dégoûtant = disgusting onze = eleven douze = twelve treize = thirteen mail = e-mail téléphone portable = cellular phone SMS = text message bouche = mouth joue = cheek nez = nose cahier = notebook crayon = pencil gomme = eraser 5:01:43 = 620 chien = dog chat = cat hamster = hamster chaud = warm pluie = rain tomate = tomato fraise = strawberry cerise = cherry enfant = child ami = friend adulte = adult vélo = bicycle voiture = car moto = motorcycle scooter = scooter bateau = boat méduse = jellyfish homard = lobster crabe = crab tortue = turtle 5:08:33 = 640 banane = banana pomme = apple raisin = grape pastèque = watermelon oiseau = bird souris = mouse soleil = sun temps = weather degré = degree femme = woman homme = man copine = girlfriend copain = boyfriend train = train avion = airplane bus = bus taxi = taxi épinard = spinach dauphin = dolphin calamar = squid 5:15:44 = 660 content = happy triste = sad énervé = angry vêtement = clothing chaussure = shoe chaussette = sock sous-vêtement = underwear parler = talk donner = give bas = low élevé = high fruit = fruit pieuvre = octopus requin = shark baleine = whale nuageux = cloudy frais = cool concombre = cucumber poivron = bell pepper broccoli = broccoli 5:22:27 = 680 chemise = shirt pantalon = pants robe = dress dire = say appel = call trouver = find propre = clean sale = dirty carotte = carrot oignon = onion laitue = lettuce mouton = sheep lapin = rabbit phoque = seal nuage = cloud ensoleillé = sunny de la pluie = rainy bébé = baby fille = girl garçon = boy 5:29:22 = 700 montre = watch lunettes = glasses veste = jacket recevoir = receive chercher = search prendre = take faible = weak fort = strong froid = cold chaud = hot drôle = funny pêche = peach orange = orange pomme de terre = potato graine de soja = soybean légume = vegetable vache = cow cochon = pig cheval = horse neige = snow 5:36:13 = 720 main = hand bras = arm pied = foot jambe = leg doigt = finger dos = back estomac = stomach poitrine = chest janvier = January février = February mars = March avril = April mai = May juin = June juillet = July août = August septembre = September octobre = October novembre = November décembre = December 5:44:45 = 740 pouvoir = can zéro = zero un = one deux = two trois = three quatre = four cinq = five six = six sept = seven huit = eight neuf = nine dix = ten vendeur = salesman gérant = manager cuisinier = cook ingénieur = engineer programmeur = programmer infirmière = nurse corps = body tête = head 5:53:01 = 760 rire = laugh délicieux = delicious eau = water thé = tea café = coffee bière = beer vin = wine boeuf = beef poulet = chicken porc = pork poisson = fish agneau = lamb docteur = doctor officier de police = police officer professeur = teacher employé = employee venir = come regarder = see faire = make utiliser = use 6:01:45 = 780 aujourd'hui = today hier = yesterday demain = tomorrow semaine = week année = year seconde = second minute = minute heure = hour pendule = clock heure = o'clock calendrier = calendar lundi = Monday mardi = Tuesday mercredi = Wednesday jeudi = Thursday vendredi = Friday samedi = Saturday dimanche = Sunday faire = do aller = go 6:10:49 = 800 Bonjour. = Hello. Bon après-midi. = Have a nice afternoon. Bonsoir. = Good evening. Bonne nuit. = Goodnight. Enchanté de vous rencontrer. = Nice to meet you. Comment vas-tu ? = How are you? Oui. = Yes. Non. = No. Merci ! = Thank you. Je m'appelle... = I'm... Au revoir. = Goodbye. mauvais = bad bon = good belle = beautiful laid = ugly facile = easy difficile = difficult près de = near loin = far petit = small
@thenakedsingularityАй бұрын
laugh I love your little gestures. :)
@ethnicityofhistory73342 жыл бұрын
Teacher best 👍 💯
@claudineijesus2230 Жыл бұрын
Excellent grup linguistic today. 👋👋👋👋
@JulietAbban-w2w2 ай бұрын
Good 👍 to 🎉 learn french
@Aisha-gd6dq3 жыл бұрын
Merci infiniment
@JoseMartinez-zv2xv3 жыл бұрын
I'm takeing class of France on thrudays in Seattle at the library different times be there to look at my artwork and drink some wine and talk.
@JoseMartinez-zv2xv3 жыл бұрын
No never mind I'm doing some very important
@jesushasgotme3 жыл бұрын
Wish you luck
@JoseMartinez-zv2xv3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry I'm homeless and thought I need time off...I been studying for year.BUT ILL BE THERE LOLOLOLO🤑🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 IM A COOL PERSON...sorry
@zaywin12447 ай бұрын
Thanks Lya❤
@Tips2visit3 жыл бұрын
Thanks you are helping me a lot! Mercy!
@aRlCØM匚2 жыл бұрын
Merci beaucoup
@nizarkhaznadar4902 жыл бұрын
800 Merci 🌹💯👍
@hastiahmadi57597 ай бұрын
Thanks Lya 😍👍🫶🌹💕🔥💜💯
@queensofthedthrone82675 ай бұрын
French Olympics got me going with the Madam Antoinette scene featuring Gojira.
@nizarkhaznadar4902 жыл бұрын
Perfect... 💯👍
@loumel3 жыл бұрын
I’m french and I watch this video to learn english words
@philippetam27053 жыл бұрын
Bonjour monsieur, what do you think about the usage of the French words in the videos ? Are the words common or a bit formal in daily french conversation ? Merci !
@thao87283 жыл бұрын
@@philippetam2705 NOT AT ALL! This is not the way how to learn French properly from my vantage point!
@makgadget91672 жыл бұрын
@joydeepnath9197 Жыл бұрын
You are the real boss here.. Lol
@alanwilder26392 жыл бұрын
The amazing Lya
@danho32623 жыл бұрын
Hey there i couldn't find the 660 french words clip on your yt channel
@vja4Him9 ай бұрын
I am not able to access the study materials. Error message says that I have opted out of marketing, whatever that means. I have searched all settings and cannot find "Marketing Settings" ..... Help .....
@vja4Him9 ай бұрын
I am signed up, but cannot receive anything. Error messages says that I have opted out of receiving emails. I don't know how to fix this issue .....
@FrancisSoto-s4b Жыл бұрын
Very illustrative😂
@thenakedsingularityАй бұрын
my bookmark: 1:40:38
@zeeg15296 ай бұрын
oh yeah how would i have ever lived without knowing indigo and ananas. hands down most useful words ngl
@Dorcas-kt6po7 ай бұрын
I❤ it
@3646794933 жыл бұрын
@joelbartoline7863 жыл бұрын
Hi watching Dubai
@Aisha-gd6dq3 жыл бұрын
Omg same
@tbroomfield5218 Жыл бұрын
What is the difference between: "J'aimerais" and "Je voudrais"?
@TheDtid2 жыл бұрын
jolly good
@ethnicityofhistory73342 жыл бұрын
İ can speak or write ✍️ Turkish Urdu pashto Punjabi British English. Hindi balti French Persian Arabic and hassaniya Arabic
@hetaeramancer Жыл бұрын
@carmenodp6327 Жыл бұрын
@sumrukumru42033 жыл бұрын
Elle est tres belle.
@taiwoowens1518 Жыл бұрын
Just curious... does the French teacher know Rosa the Spanish teacher?
@slikden3 жыл бұрын
6 hours wow
@sogsog1113 жыл бұрын
Bon. But for those adjectives you should give examples of both masculine and feminine usage.
@Quantin20133 жыл бұрын
I’m French and I’m sure that this is real Real French word
@philippetam27053 жыл бұрын
Bonjour, what do you think about the usage of the French words in the videos ? Are the words common or a bit formal in daily french conversation ? Merci !
@NoobsDeveloper3 жыл бұрын
I think lya left and they made a robot like lya.
@philippetam27053 жыл бұрын
Haha if this is the case I want to buy Lya robot to teach me french at home.
@piemine5543 жыл бұрын
6 hours 😀
@Strega46463 жыл бұрын
LYA 💙💙💙
@vizeath Жыл бұрын
Number 7 : Tapez un texte avec le clavier. I think she meant to say : Taper ... not Tapez
@avneetkaur21753 жыл бұрын
20 words
@AFGmusiqueIR2 жыл бұрын
Wow 6 hours
@The17Kovalchuk3 жыл бұрын
I speak french and english
@pandorski350003 жыл бұрын
i speak frish and engrench as for me
@salvadorestenor76113 жыл бұрын
Hi ami lya you are beautiful how are you? From philippines
@pandorski350003 жыл бұрын
Tu m'étonnes que nos prochaines vacances d'été seront supers...y'a intérêt après 2 ans de taule
@lukeecle1173 жыл бұрын
Salut ça va ? Salam aleykoum, chao.
@jamalyoussef54803 жыл бұрын
she is so cute.
@misukilabella46962 жыл бұрын
Je suis optimiste mon vacances de prochaine est bon
@ReeseDee3 жыл бұрын
She looks like Lorde
@AntoineleRenard3 жыл бұрын
Pourquoi j'ai cette vidéo dans mes recommandations alors que je parle déjà français ? Étrange...
@philomenajoseph741225 күн бұрын
Poitrine Chest madame
@zaywin12447 ай бұрын
she is so cute
@bahsaddigu972610 ай бұрын
@user-FM13 жыл бұрын
Lya is spirituality dead long time ago . Not cheerful as she used to be
@TheGoldenDonuttt3 жыл бұрын
Right?! She should just do her own thing. Anyway i unsubscribed because there are so many better channels to learn french and more fun and lively
@zahrans3 жыл бұрын
Well she's French so....
@jesusdascapas67382 жыл бұрын
There are only five continent. Not seven
@kawsarahmed51163 жыл бұрын
Salute you mem,,, how are you,, where you from medam,,, greetings from Bangladesh medam,,, I hope you give me answer madam.
@guldklimp3 жыл бұрын
Pourquoi vous écrivez clef de chambre ? Personne écrit clef aujourd'hui. On écrit clé...
@saturnking773 жыл бұрын
The beaver is gnawing wood in shallow water 🤦♂️🤣🤷♂️🤔 is this supposed to be a common French phrase? 🙄
@Blitz0_3 жыл бұрын
Why tf am i watching this, im french ffs
@EdwardEverett-Ronning7 ай бұрын
your pronunciation of English "geography" is completely wrong
@EdwardEverett-Ronning7 ай бұрын
your English pronunciation of "geography' is completely wrong
@КонстантинКобринец-г7ч3 жыл бұрын
lya, merry me:)
@jason05123 жыл бұрын
@vladimiroprenko96593 жыл бұрын
Six hours's file? Lia against Google? But I can not understand why her english is worse and worse with each video oeure?