Dr. Alan, 看了您關於白內障手術的優缺點說明,講解的非常清楚幫助非常大,非常優質的影片。我想替85歲父親諮詢,他只有單眼視力,所以遲遲不敢開白內障,怕從看不清楚直接變成看不見。現在拖了好幾年了,我也擔心已經變成放太久的香蕉了。看了你的視頻覺得還能一起改善近視,青光眼,真的是一舉多得。不過有沒有建議拖了太久或者年紀太大相對風險很大,就不適合再開白內障手術了呢?謝謝您。
Hi Dr.Alan, if i end up with uveitis that worsen my cataract problem, when would be the best time to have surgery (my doctor recommended surgery) ? is there certain waiting period after recovering from uveitis before going ahead with the surgery?
@DrAlanEyeducationOfficial Жыл бұрын
Hello, I think that’s up to your doctor to decide. Recurrent uveitis can cause many problem like synechiae, high eye pressure , etc, so I think the answers to your question really depends. Maybe seek a second opinion just to make sure? Thank you for your question 😀