Am local kl, but loves this episode too, very informative that i might need to share with my friends abroad one day ( if they're interested to explore).
有youtuber says 在上年11月開始有smm2h 的approval letter 上寫著 mm2h participants are not allowed to reside in other part of malaysia except sarawak, (除了砂勞越以外, mm2h 的參與者不能在其他馬來西亞的地方居住), 希望現在有其他更新或放寬,不然申請這個smm2h 的吸引力就會大減。
@jiunnweipoon7686 Жыл бұрын
@@luvbaa5403 uncle gary 好像在今年新年才拿到smm2h的,还没拿到签证的时候看他都在澳洲香港居住直到新年前拿到签证就飞来西马并一直居住到现在
@roamingalone5226 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this channel. How can I contact this consultant privately? may need his advice and service. Thanks!
IT is normal for a Good nation to safe guide the nation and the applicant and ensure the quality of life in Malaysia.If a policy did review ( Every Five Years) it consider abnormal of Back ward life ( standard). In Thailand are facing huge issue of foreigner's due to poor selection of applicant and low quality standard.