浮生若N夢、萬法唯心造 ~ Our job is to go back to the "source" of the problem - the "mind" and not the world / Universe. ❤A Course in Miracles (奇蹟課程) 💪 ~ a unique spiritual self-study program ( 純 自修課程 !!! 是另一個 解脫的選項 ! ) ❤一切取決於、您還打算在娑婆世界/宇宙 裡 競爭、追逐 plus 輪迴...受苦多久 ???
看英文WIKI有描述, 換了新梯子。 In 2007, out of safety considerations, the original 15 feet (4.6 m) ladder was replaced with a new one by Chinese and international mountaineers.