Please pray for me. I want to give up! I lost my job because I refused the vaccine. I refused due to my already failing health. Heart disease and lupus. I get so much hate on KZbin simply for asking for prayers it’s horrifying. As christian’s we should be able to cry out to one another and ask for prayers or just a shoulder to cry on. I have been struggling to provide for myself and my two autistic children both are non verbal. Taking care of my boys is my life but it’s overwhelming because they are special needs. My husband passed away three years ago so I’m all alone. I’m so overwhelmed! My situation already has me down, and depressed. We are facing eviction. We have nowhere to go! But I have so much faith that God will provide for me and my children. I know God loves us all. FAITH OVER FEAR!
@brandonvirgin85612 жыл бұрын
Sue them if the fire you.
@chrisramirez5842 жыл бұрын
Where is your church family? This is one of the functions of the church to care for widows who find themselves unable to work because of sickness or caring for children that have a disability. KZbin is not the church and although we can find some good resources on it depending on it for prayer and comfort is unrealistic. I pray that you will find a Bible believing Church to go to so that you and your children can be ministered to spiritually and physically.
@MarcelHarrison Жыл бұрын
Father I ask your hand and spirit of peace. Please make all provision in Yeshua's name I thank u in advance!!!
@petrahoydenova310110 ай бұрын
I hope your situation has become better ... I really it only now...I also have a special need boy and no how difficult it is. Also rejecting vax and no work....God bless you and your boys as we are nearing the end times...coming very fast....
@magnam68074 ай бұрын
Seeing this 2 years after you posted. I pray that God has sustained you. I also had a heart operation in 2021 and I didn't take it. God was gracious and i didn't lose my job.
@zhenyamugisa94232 жыл бұрын
Hi Chris ,listened to your explanation of how Gog is misconstrued as Russia and you are absolutely correct, not only do I agree that your view that the Gog war is at the end of the millennium, but there is a very key prophecy in Isaiah that not only fits only at the end time(the description describes of two truly powerful kings that does not at all fit with Daniel 8 war, but fits like hand in glove with the Antichrist war in Dan 11:44 , It is Isaiah 41 the entire chapter mentions two powerful kings that make the earth tremble one from the East and one from the North ,of the Northern king it describes him as 'calling on God's name' and being sent as a herald to Israel but Israel at the time is deluded,just as mentioned as the great Apostasy in Thesallonians.These are the two kings that worry the Antichrist in Daniel 11:44 and not until these kings are defeated can the Antichrist conquer the world.The King from the North in Isaiah 41 is further described as from the north,from the parts of the rising sun, with Russia being a European, northern and far Eastern Asian country in one,it stands to reason Russia is the only country to fit this prophecy! So looking at biblical prophecy labelling Russia as Gog is not only wrong but seems as pernicious as the pre tribulation doctrine it could be Satanically inspired to stand against a country that according to prophecy in Isaiah41 will stand for Christendom,There are also eastern Orthodox Saint prophecies that echo this by mentioning Russia going through great trial(the Bolshevik Revolution) and being shunned and hated by all nations(,current world dynamics) but eventually rising to unite Christendom to fight Turkey and bringing a last revival before the coming of the Antichrist.
@teej08132 жыл бұрын
For those questioning Chris' take on the timing of the Rapture, consider this... The disciples asked Jesus 'What will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?' In his answer, Jesus listed, in order, a dozen or so events that had to happen culminating in the darkening of the sun and moon and the falling of the stars just prior to his appearance on the clouds. Then in Revelation, Jesus showed John a similar list of events in the form of two visions. Rev chapters 6-11 and Rev chapters 12-14 seem to cover the same time frame from two different perspectives (heaven, then Earth). Here's a comparison of Matthew and the two visions of Revelation: Event Matt Revelation (2 visions, same events) False Christs 24:4 6:1 13:8 (1st Seal) Wars 24:6 6:3 13:7 (2nd Seal) Famines, Earthquakes, Pestilence 24:7 6:5-8 13:16 (3rd & 4th Seals) Persecution, Martyrdom 24:9 6:9 13:10-15 (5th Seal) False prophets 24:11 13:11-14 Gospel to all nations 24:14 14:6 Abomination of Desolation 24:15 12:6 Flee Judea 24:16 12:6-17 Beginning of 'great distress' 24:21 12:7 Days 'cut short' 24:22 Sun & moon darkened, stars fall 24:29 6:12 (6th Seal) Jesus' 2nd Coming (on the clouds) 24:30 6:15 14:14 (6th Seal) Gathering of the elect (Rapture) 24:31 7:2-14 14:15 (6th Seal) As in the Days of Noah, salvation of believers and judgment of unbelievers occur on the same day: Start of God's Wrath 24:37 8:1-5 (7th Seal) Temple opened (indicates the end of each vision) 11:19 15:5 Here's an overview of Revelation (with the two visions): Beginnings of birth pains 6:1-8 (Seals 1-4) Abomination of Desolation Great Tribulation (persecution of Jews & Christians) 6:9-11 (5th Seal) Second Coming (resurrection and rapture) 6:12-17 14:14 (6th Seal) God's Wrath starts Chapters 8-11 (7th Seal, Trumpets 1-7) Second vision (pause to recap Great Tribulation) Chapters 12-14 God's Wrath concludes Chapters 15-16 (Bowls 1-7) Twice, Jesus told us that the gathering of the elect (144,000, Resurrection of the Dead, Rapture of living believers) would occur sometime after the Abomination of Desolation and immediately after the signs in the sun, moon, and stars. Paul also said the gathering would happen after the Abomination of Desolation in 2 Thes 2:3-4. It seems Jesus twice gave us a chronological list of events leading to the sign of his coming and the start of God's wrath. If so, the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls occur sequentially, and a Resurrection of the Dead/Rapture, at the 6th Seal when Jesus first appears in the clouds, occurs just prior to God's wrath being poured out in the form of Trumpets and Bowls.
@bopeep15602 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this! I'm wondering what your take is on the "last trump"?
@petrahoydenova310110 ай бұрын
Don't you think that God's wrath will be happening during the great tribulation and it will go like 1st seal - 1st trumpet - 1st bowl, then 2nd seal - 2nd trumpet - 2nd bowl etc.....?
@teej081310 ай бұрын
@@petrahoydenova3101 I've heard this theory, and some of it matches scripture. But much of it does not. Here are a couple examples of where I think it contradicts: 1) Revelation 6-11 clearly present the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls as sequential. For example, the Trumpets aren't handed out until all 7 Seals are broken, and the Bowls aren't handed out until all 7 Trumpets are blown. I understand that some teach that the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls are three visions of the same time period. But I don't think scripture supports this assumption. In order to believe that Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls happen concurrently, you have to ignore verses like Rev 8:1-2. I also believe that the scroll of Rev 5 contains the Father's instructions for pouring out his wrath. And you can't read his instructions until all 7 Seals are broken. 2) Tribulation and God's Wrath are two different things, and they start at different times. Starting in Matt 24:9, Jesus talked about the 'tribulation' (some versions say affliction or persecution) that his followers will face. He keeps referring to 'they'... THEY will arrest you... THEY will hate you. It seems that Jesus is saying the anti-christ and his people will persecute God's people. This isn't God's wrath, it's a period of persecution that only the church (and Jews, by the way) will face. Matt 24:14 makes it clear that this severe persecution will begin at the mid-point of Daniel's 70th Week. This lines up with Rev 6's Fifth Seal. Jesus doesn't mention God's wrath in Matt 24-25. But in 24:14, he does say that after the persecution of the church (as well as the 'falling away' and 'preaching of the Gospel to all nations') then 'the end will come'. By 'the end', I think he's referring to God's judgment/wrath without using the actual term. This lines up with Rev 8-11 which cover the blowing of the Seven Trumpets and Rev 15-16 which cover the pouring out of the Seven Bowls. Both Trumpets and Bowls seem to be God's Wrath on the wicked. So it seems that 'tribulation' is anti-christ's persecution of God's people (Fifth Seal), while God's Wrath is God pouring out judgment on the wicked (7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls). In between the two is the 6th Seal which is Jesus' second coming, resurrection, and rapture. Then the 7th Seal (same day as the 6th) which marks the first day of God's Wrath. ~~~~~~~~~~ Here's another thing that occurs to me as I study scripture; some rapture timing theories completely ignore Jesus' teaching on the 'Days of Noah' and the 'Days of Lot'. In Matt 24 (and especially in Luke 17), Jesus went to great lengths to explain that deliverance and judgment happen on the same day. On the very day Noah entered the ark, the rain fell. And on the very day Lot was led out of Sodom, fire fell. That's why I believe that the rapture (deliverance at the Sixth Seal) and the start of God's judgment (Seventh Seal) occur on the same day. Hope this helps.
@chetanpaulr4 ай бұрын
Can u refute preterism i meant not only the surface arguments but in depth
@kelvinmichael62722 жыл бұрын
It seems like the once saved always saved doctrine does not hold true in the end times. I think we have to accept that. This doctrine has deceived a lot of believers to think they can live in sin after knowing God and still go to heaven. There are too many verses that prove this wrong, and this topic highlights that.
@paulspaulette61972 жыл бұрын
Keep em coming🎚✝️💚
@kelvinmichael62722 жыл бұрын
Wow wow wow, I’ve been waiting for this for a while, I even checked earlier on today
@josephmcguire91282 жыл бұрын
had somebody tell me that apostasia means depart and means rapture. I was like.....nahhhhh!
@5slabs2 жыл бұрын
There are those who fall away in the sense that they become agnostic-Atheists (I could name some well-known Bible teachers who have, did), and there are those who fall away from Grace or justification by faith alone (such as is addressed in Galatians 3 and 5: " have fallen from grace." or as in Hebrews 6 and 10)-- I believe the latter are not as the former who become agnostic-atheists, but fall away from justification by faith alone in Christ alone for some sort of legalistic means of justification before God (such as for a justification by keeping the law of Moses or through asceticism).
@MattMorrisINTP2 жыл бұрын
Hey Chris!
@jamesenewold88642 жыл бұрын
Judas Iscariot is a foreshadow and type of the apostate church. We are told at the beginning of Luke ch 22 that satan enters Judas. I asked God to show me why he betrayed Jesus, because in ch 22 there is no reason given other than 30 pieces of silver and something was telling me that there had to be another motivation. The previous chapter, ch 21 holds the answer as to why. Jesus' answer to His apostles question, "Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?" was the turning point for Judas, and will be as well for the apostate church, that will fall away when the understanding falls upon them that, among other things, they will not be raptured away from the persecution of the great tribulation. Just as Judas fell away once it became clear to him that Messiah would not be fulfilling prophecy in the way he had hoped, so does the apostate church. It is helpful to remember the fact that prophecy in Scripture is often shown to be given regarding three tenses; the near future; the present; and the distant future. In Ch 21 we are shown this type of prophecy; first, Jesus states that the temple would be destroyed, which had to be devestating for the apostles to hear. This would be fulfilled in the near future, when Rome would lay seige to Jerusalem and destroy the temple. We know that Jesus was not just referring to the literal temple of worship, which His disciples were referencing Jesus to look upon the beauty of, but also to the true Temple of His body. This part of the prophecy would be fulfilled at the present time with His crucifixion. We know that the disciples did not understand this present-tense aspect of the prophecy until after Jesus' resurrection (John 2:21-22). There is a third tense contained in the prophecy; the distant future. For this we can look to 1 Corinthians 3:16 where we see that we believers are the temple of God. We know from 1Peter 2:4-5 that Jesus is "the living Stone" and that we believers who are joined in Him are like "living stones". This is also further described by Paul in Ephesians 2:19-22 where he states that we believers are, "... built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord." So Jesus was also referring to a time in the distant future where the building of believers (the present day church) would be torn down "...there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down..." So Jesus was giving a prophecy that there would come a day when not one believer would be left upon another. Just as when you are arrested, you are seperated and must stand trial as an individual, we believers (the church) will have accusers lay hands upon us (arrest us) and be seprated and brought before judges where we will be judged and persecuted by the rulers of this world individually. This will lead to a great falling away (apostacy) where just as Jesus prophecied in Matthew 24:10 "And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." So many of us will be turned in and handed over to be put to death by the Judases in our midst, just as it happened to our Lord Jesus Christ. in Luke ch 21 there were some among the disciples who were pointing out to Jesus how beautiful the Temple was - the goodly stones and gifts (symbolic of believers, prophets, the apostles, and their contributuons) when Jesus declares that a time was coming when not one stone of the Temple would be left upon another - that it would be torn down. This was an incredible shock to the disciples and any other jew at that time. They were very troubled when they then asked Him when this would happen and what would be the sign. Jesus answers by prophecying of many things that would happen (in present, near-future, and distant-future tenses) including the destruction of Jerusalem and the persecution of the saints. Needless to say, this was a hard saying for His disciples to hear. Many Jews at that time were, and even now are, expecting a much different Messiah. More like the one prophecied of in Joel 2:11 or Isaiah 13 - One that would lead Jerusalem to victory - not leave it to be destroyed. It is right after this prophetic answer to the disciples' question that satan entered into Judas. It seems clear that this answer from Lord Jesus was too much for Judas' faith to bear once it became clear to him that Jesus was not going to go about fulfilling the Scriptures in the way he had hoped.
@petrahoydenova310110 ай бұрын
JUDAH satan's son and will come back and resurrect in the Antichrists body, after the Antichrist has been deadly the midtpoint
@avoiceinthewilderness576610 ай бұрын
Because Judas was a YID. He was guilty in the womb. There was only one J word of the 12.
@clintpaxson36752 жыл бұрын
I believe you can't lose your salvation but you can reject it or give it up. I believe that is what the bible means when it says blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
@robwaters88482 жыл бұрын
Don't chose to believe something just so it makes you feel more comfortable with the Bible. There will be things written that will make you uncomfortable but it is truth regardless. If you're "fine with" or find it easy to follow the strict rules within those pages then you're doing it wrong. God bless you my brother and God bless those that you love and love you.
@jasonxoc2 жыл бұрын
There is imminence in being human in a world where you can die at any time… There are phases to being a Christian… You become saved and through the Spirit guiding you toward the evolution of perfection, you become blameless. That means that the moment you are baptized in the Spirit, by asking Jesus into your heart, you are cleansed. At that point you decide to listen to the Spirit of God or choose to let the enemy back into your life through sin. But SIN is a relative term… in that the Spirit evolves you into perfection in its way. It’s progress, not perfection THROUGH THE SPIRIT by hungering for righteousness… Look at the parable of the 10 virgins… 5 are foolish and as the Groom is announced to come, didn’t bring oil, the other 5 did bring oil. I believe the “oil” is an analogy to your rightousness in filling yourself with the Spirit. So if you wait until the very end to begin to serve God, living in sin and trusting in the Blood of Jesus to cleanse you, your lamp oil may not be filled. That means that you should be filled with the Spirit, asking the Father to send his Spirit to guide you towards perfection and the longer you spend in that state, the more filled your oil lamp is. We should strive towards perfection, in the Spirit… spending time in prayer, either sowing or reaping, guided by the Spirit every day and if you live by this, you’re the servant / virgin that will be in the Kingdom. Trust in asking the Father to send the Spirit to guide / teach you. If you have questions, trust that the Spirit will guide you. I believe that a lot of Christians have more faith in the enemy’s ability to deceive them than they do the Spirits ability to keep them righteous. Trust in the Spirit to guide you and teach you how to worship, live, pray, study and become righteous in prayer daily and you don’t have to worry about any of this. That’s how I’m thinking of it anyway… But I’m no teacher.
@boldforchrist90002 жыл бұрын
How can you possibly say you don't believe someone can sin their way out of salvation?
@rigavitch Жыл бұрын
He didn't
@patrickedgington58272 жыл бұрын
Hi Chris for the last few years I have addressed this matter, the question of faith, perhaps a hundred times. I have felt called to do so. At one point in my walk, I began wondering what faith actually was. We hear about it talk about it. It’s defended in different ways. William Lain Craig has a you tube channel called reasonable faith. Very often you will hear someone expressing that faith is not a strange thing at all and they will say things like you travel on plains, right??so you have faith? Yet when I read scripture the picture of faith, I gained doing so is not consistent with the way the word is used today. There was also an issue of belief; there is a clear equivocation in what identifies as the body as Christianity, between faith and belief. If you believe and confess your in? well is that really true? Yes and no. I would say it depends on how you come to believe, and just how far that goes. Most of use believe 2+2 =……, and we are fairly certain of the answer. We have done the math ourselves and it always comes out to the same thing. That’s one way to believe something is true. I mentioned Dr. Craig who is a philosopher. He deals with sound logical assertions. He might say that God is the best explanation for the creation of the universe. So, what happens if someone comes along with a better one? Sometimes people are persuaded by evidence. This is a very well accepted means of determining something is true. Evidence though also requires interpretation. Some atheists think most Christians are Christians because that’s what they were taught growing up and just have never really dug in to deep. It seems clear to me from scripture that some who believe strongly enough to argue with Yashua at the end are all the same not saved. I could sight a few scriptures that make this apparent. I think one can even believe to the end, but for the wrong reasons, make it as far as the wedding feast, and be ordered out by the King, for not having on the correct raiment. I have said that, all those with faith believe, but not all that believe have faith, and I am speaking of biblical faith, saving faith; Faith as scripture describes it and not as it is commonly used today. I have only ever heard one sermon preached on faith that dealt with it in terms of its scriptural nature. That was by Adrian Rogers and he was specifically addressing Romans 10:17 So then faith comes? His point was that for many this reading was being misunderstood because of a bad translation. Specifically, a confusion of the term ῥήματος, (rhēmatos) The translation we read is basically: So, faith from hearing - and hearing through (the) word of Christ. This could he went on to point out be understood as we come to faith from a study of scripture after all that’s the word of God…..and if Paul had used λόγος (logos) that’s what he would have been saying, but he used ῥήματος, (rhēmatos) ἄρα ἡ πίστις ἐξ ἀκοῆς, ἡ δὲ ἀκοὴ διὰ ῥήματος Χριστοῦ (rhēmatos) What Paul is saying would be better translated if it read: So, then we receive the gift of faith when we encounter the living God personally, when we hear His voice. Χριστοῦ (rhēmatos) is a spoken word. I think there are a great number of people in a great many churches right now that have never been saved, but who do in fact believe in God and in His Christ, but while they believe they don’t have faith. I believe this because once I was one. I was born into a christian small c home. I learned about God/god. stress the about in that...... I knew scripture, went to church, and if anyone had asked me, I would have said with genuine conviction that yes, I believed. So, there you are I did believe and I would confess as much with certainty…. Then at fifteen something happened and that’s why I am here now, why I search scripture, why Yashua is my hope. Certainly, I have encountered Him many times since that first time, and it has made my life a wonder. I can’t understand how anyone could or could want to go through life without Him; but this is to do with the first time and my own personal reaction to that. He spoke to me and I thought I must be losing my mind? He spoke again and I said aloud “no (insert explanative) way! You mean to tell me you’re reallllll; really real? and I can call out to you, and you can/will answer me, repeat opening line, no (insert explanative) way”! I do understand that Satan comes as an angel of light and we are warned to test every Spirit, but nowhere in scripture are we to not anticipate their being part of our reality, and in terms of the Father we are specifically warned to anticipate that involvement. For whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.
@jvlp20462 жыл бұрын
Where do the TWO WITNESSES (Two Candlestands/Two Olive Trees) of God come in the Bible Timeline that was not shown (included) in your Graphical Outline of 7 years Tribulation?...
@paulspaulette61972 жыл бұрын
Also I believe the apostasy has to do with th e fact that very soon it will be a crime punishable by death to worship Yeshua/Jesus. John 16:2. A little known law on the books NOW to educate the nation on the Noahide laws. Every President (both parties) have reconfirmed the covenant EVERY YEAR with Noahide rabbis at the whitehouse. They will be told to deny Jesus or off with your head... when you’re in a line watching beheadings and it’s your turn, what will you do? Read MATTHEW 11 where Jesus praises John the Baptist as the greatest man born of woman but followed that by saying John was LOWER THAN THE LEAST IN HEAVEN... why? Because when faced with death, he questioned if Jesus was Messiah ir should they keep looking... what will YOU do when faced with death... pray to be strengthened in your faith
@smarthalayla63972 жыл бұрын
Here are some awesome facts from the Bible about Jesus that will enlighten your soul. Don't miss the word of God.
@avoiceinthewilderness576610 ай бұрын
You see rightly. The beginning of apostasy was introduced long ago. With the doctrine of believing anything this little man with little hats and sweaty hands. And now church folk will literally throw you out of church for telling the truth about these “people”. As an epitaph it is called Judeo-Christianity. Basically announcing that they have conquered the faith. And yet when you tell anyone who goes to church about the Noahide laws they just look at you with a blank stare.
@pm54532 жыл бұрын
I believe you can torture people to say anything, if you torture them long enough. Lets say someone forces you to say that you dont love your wife and after a long torture and suffering you say the words ”i dont love my wife” Do you think your wife will blame you and divorce you forever? If not, why do people believe Jesus would do that?
@Vae072 жыл бұрын
Where can I find your thoughts and opinions on current events (Russia Ukraine etc) in relation to end times prophecy?
@paulspaulette61972 жыл бұрын
I can tell you what it’s NOT... lots of people calling it the Gog/Magog prophecy. Biblical proof that event happens AFTER the 1000 year reign of Christ in Revelation 20:7 millenial reign and Rev 20:8 Gog/Magog.
@Vae072 жыл бұрын
@@paulspaulette6197 yep I don’t believe it’s gog or Magog either. Not sure who’s saying that but would still like to hear Chris break down on this and where he sees it fit into the bigger picture of end times.
@paulspaulette61972 жыл бұрын
@@Vae07 May I also suggest everything we’re experiencing is to fulfill the prophecy of the 10 kings with no kingdom. The UN map will be redrawn into 10 sectors. I saw this map over 30 years ago when I worked as a reporter. We are witnessing the destruction of the worlds nationalism so this can happen, but let’s see what Holy Spirit led Chris has to say🎚✝️😇
@Vae072 жыл бұрын
@@paulspaulette6197 yeah that sounds about right the 10kings etc What about the one currency and mark of the beast?
@petrahoydenova310110 ай бұрын
You should check out what is happening in Saudi Arabia and what The crown Prince is doing...he is a very hot candidate for the beast. All eyes onto him and saying he will make the peace with Israel, and peace and security will come. They also talk about the third temple ...SA, Jordan and Israel.
@Matt24_2 жыл бұрын
Let’s get controversial. I have gone back and forth on losing ones salvation in my walk with the Lord. If one reads carefully what the Holy Spirit is saying in the book of Hebrews and 1 Corinthians 3:12-15, you can discern that the loss suffered is not salvation, but rewards at the judgment seat of Christ. There are many warnings to true Christians about not entering the Kingdom of God through disobedience and/or willful sin. I believe these passages that trouble so many about losing salvation, mean a loss of rewards and inheritance. This is the “meat” referred to in Hebrews. This loss is reward and not being able to be with Jesus in his Jerusalem during the Millennium results in weeping and gnashing of teeth, a phrase that is also applied to people going to the fires of hell yet in the verses I am referencing apply to Christians that find themselves in “outer darkness” meaning they won’t be in the bright light of Jesus’ prescience during the Millennium. Carefully reread all these passages again in prayer and you will discern they are not warning of hell, but a warning of loss of reward and inheritance in the kingdom of God during the Millennium. A Christian cannot lose their salvation because it was bought with the precious blood of Jesus. That is Redemption. That is a sealing. I no longer believe you can wrestle yourself out of God’s hands. You can fall into God’s judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ. This is not taught on enough in my opinion. This subject is taught by Charles Cooper on his channel as well as Chuck Missler in his last book, The Kingdom, Power & Glory),which was heavily criticized by many evangelicals. Many 19th century Christian teachers like Panton, GH Lang and Govett have taught about the Judgment Seat/rewards and inheritance principles.
@pm54532 жыл бұрын
Peter did deny Christ three times, but Jesus did not reject him. So, people can with their flesh deny christ and still be saved. Every christian is weak at times, that does not mean that God will forsake them.
@larriveeman2 жыл бұрын
what do you think luke 21:36 means
@sevendayoptions67042 жыл бұрын
This was a difficult topic, you did a great job explaining apostasy. I guess the question is why doesn't God allow one to die sooner when saved to prevent one from failing to endure and lose their salvation. I suppose it's because many have endured and died by choice in their faith by allowing themselves to be tested and saw that testing as a great honor bestowed upon them. So to be fair if there are those whose faith looked to be tested, than all those who proclaim to have faith must also be given that opportunity to also be tested.
@danielatkins48722 жыл бұрын
You can’t lose your salvation, that would be works based. I would argue one who blasphemed the Holy Spirit (the only unpardonable sin) never had the Holy Spirit thus giving them that capability. A true spirit filled Christian wouldn’t I’d argue.
@paulspaulette61972 жыл бұрын
@@danielatkins4872 First iff, obedience is not works. Second...tell that to John the Baptist who Jesus called LOWER THAN THE LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (Mathew 11:11). When faced with death, questioned whether Jesus was truly Messiah. This will happen to us soon (John 16:2) when it will be a crime punishable by death to worship Jesus. When standing in a line watching people before you get beheaded for all sorts of crimes, when you are told to deny Jesus or die, what will you do? The antichrist is to be announced very soon. Pray to be strengthened.
@danielatkins48722 жыл бұрын
@@paulspaulette6197 of course obedience is a must. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you.
@danielatkins48722 жыл бұрын
Also how I now your twisting stuff is I never said obedience is works you did.
@danielatkins48722 жыл бұрын
@@paulspaulette6197 and if you want to get really technical he said you’ll know them by their fruits. Are fruit works or obedience? Pray for humility to see what the Holy Spirit teaches because the Holy Spirit doesn’t teach us different things just at different time.
@margiedegroot67054 ай бұрын
osas is true--nothing can undo it. no antichrist or so-called mark of the beast can remove the seal of the HS.