A Call to Action Video Response to Karen Klein story

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Life Vest Inside is up to win a $10,000 grant through KIND snacks and the organization with the most votes wins!
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Learn more about the empowering nature of kindness: Check out Founder, Orly Wahba's, TED talk: vote and comment to help bring the universal language of KINDNESS to TED 2013! talentsearch.te...
Join me on a Kindness Mission Day as we head to Rochester NY to spread love and kindness. Let's empower people by showing them that kindness is within their reach and can make a significant change. Email me at lifevestinside@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in the day.
Life Vest Inside is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible
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@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
Remember - Kindness can go where hatred and agression are banned. Let's make a difference and influence people in a positive way
@najibjanna 12 жыл бұрын
One act of kindness can change the world around us.
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
Orly was a teacher for 7 amazing years and a lot of her teaching experiences apply to how Life Vest Inside works! Thanks for asking and sorry for the confusion! You ca follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to learn more about Life Vest Inside! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
The children were silent because they knew that what they had done was wrong. I had two ways of reacting - the school was ready and willing to suspend the children responsible. But instead I swallowed my anger and discussed the concept of benefit of the doubt. After class I spoke to each child responsible separately. I didn't scream or yell - but rather told them that what hurt most is that I expected so much of them and I know in my heart of hearts that they are better than that.
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I understand your anger; we're not just giving them happiness - when helping them see how much potential for good they have within themselves, by doing so their choices will become much better. How can a person learn from their mistakes if no one will give them a chance to correct them. Sometimes a person needs others to help them find their way. There are no bad people; bad actions - YES -but within a persons heart is goodness, sometimes we just need to help ppl find it again within themselves
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I have been a teacher for the past 7 years. During 1 year of teaching I had a group of students create an "I hate Orly club" I can't tell u how much this hurt me, especially because I give to my students w all my heart.The things that were said were terrible and I was so close to telling the school I wanted to leave.The guidance counselor approached the kids when I wasn't in one day - to reprimand them. I came into class the next day and the topic happened to have been the benefit of the doubt.
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I know that you are angry, what was done is hurtful. But if you look at the heart of the matter u will see that when a person lacks self value they lack value for others as well. In todays time, its a lack of self-value that is our greatest enemy. Arrogance and confidence are compete opposites-whereas arrogance comes from weakness, confidence comes from strength. I am speaking from experience -cont on next comment..
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more! I think this is such an important comment because it shows that by simply punishing the children and degrading them, it will only bring about a more terrible effect. I am doing what I can to try and arrange for the children to accompany me on a Kindness Mission Day - when a person sees the power they have for good - their choices will suddenly become much different. I hope to show that kindness is much more powerful tool than punishment. Lmk if you can help me in any way
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for reaching out to show your support! I would love your help in any way - I am doing what I can to try and arrange for the children to accompany me on a Kindness Mission Day - when a person sees the power they have for good - their choices will suddenly become much different. I hope to show that kindness is much more powerful tool than punishment. Anything you can do from your end to help me connect w the parents or schoolboard would be great!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your support! I most certainly feel it event from 2,800 miles away! I would love your help in any way - I am doing what I can to try and arrange for the children to accompany me on a Kindness Mission Day - when a person sees the power they have for good - their choices will suddenly become much different. I hope to show that kindness is much more powerful tool than punishment. Anything you can do from your end to help me connect w the parents or schoolboard would be great!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
My sentiments are exactly the same! We need to educate people and help them see just how powerful and wonderful they truly are. If people realize this, there decisions will be completely different. These children are so much better than they think they are - we need to help them see that and then we will see such tremendous growth. I am doing all I can to connect with the town to try and take the children on a Kindness Mission Day - any and all help you may be able to provide would be great!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your feedback! I completely agree - it would be phenomenal if a legacy of kindness emerges from such a hurtful event. I am doing whatever I can to try and connect with the school board in Greece NY to see about taking the children on a Kindness Mission Day - the greatest way to fight against agression is through kindness and empowerment. If you have any thoughts of how to connect with them please do let me know - thank you for your support!
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
I think bullying in general is unreasonable. However, sometime, the bully just needs to be loved, when people aren't treated well they treat others with the same attitude. Lets continue this conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Follow us! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I am doing what I can to try and connect with the kids and their parents because I would love to take them on a Kindness Mission Day. I know they must be embarrassed by what has happened but I think by showing them the potential they have for good, I believe strongly that their choices will change for the better:)
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I told them that I would put myself on the line and tell the school not to take action and suspend them. What happened next was amazing! The change in those children and in the grade at large was something I had not expected. Those students turned out to be the grade I was closest to. The following year I had them in my class it was one of the most phenomenal years ever.
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I do understand what you are saying and there is definitely truth to it. Things are most certainly difficult in today's time, but I've seen first hand that by empowering another and helping them see their potential for good - good will follow. Children and adults the same must recognize their potential to effect change in the world - to see how much they in fact matter.
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
Seven amazing years and those seven years helped build the foundation of the concept of Life Vest Inside! Thanks for asking! Have a great day and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
But it is just as important to control that anger instead of letting it get the best of us! thanks for commenting! Your opinion means so much Follow Life Vest Inside on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to learn more! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, therefore good people need to stand up for the right thing. Together we can make the world a better just by performing simple acts of kindness! Feel free to share your stories of kindness with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
Just last week I received a text from one of the girls who is now towards the end of high school - I will never forget what she said to me. She thanked me for everything I had done for her and said how grateful she is that I didn't give up on her. Thats the power of kindness:)
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
YES! Kindness has the power to create a huge change! Be sure to share your stories of kindness with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, every person needs to treat others the way they would like to be treated! Thanks so much for your comment! We'd love to hear from you on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Follow us! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I understand your sentiment - but when you get a chance read the comment I wrote below to geishasecrets and let me know your thoughts:)
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I would love to get in touch with her and get her involved on the Mission Day- that's what I'm in the process of trying to do:)
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your support and doing what you can to make this happen and bring more people in:) I will keep you posted!
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
I agree that hostility is not going to solve the issue at all! We need to stop pointing fingers and recognize that by teaching kindness and empowering people - only then will change be possible.
@LifeVestInside 12 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to Karen as well - and all the thousands of others that experience this on an everyday basis. However, from personal experiences I have seen that simply by punishing someone that has done something wrong won't fix the problem - it will only put a bandaid on it. I am doing I can to try and arrange for the children to accompany me on a Kindness Mission Day - when a person sees the power they have for good - their choices will suddenly become much different
@LifeVestInside 11 жыл бұрын
We can't always explain the reason behind a specific person's actions, but we can teach them to be kind. You can share this video with as many people as you like! Thanks for commenting, your support means so much to us! Have a great day! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Use the hashtag #LifeVestInside on Twitter and Instagram!
@JennyGuerraHernandez 12 жыл бұрын
I've done a mini-marketing campaing and I'm going to fill the volunteer application right now. I'm a teacher and pshicopedagogist, so count on me. Best Regards
@Shamoles 12 жыл бұрын
i love you
@1100xxcbr 12 жыл бұрын
"Good" will only follow if it is based on a good moral foundation which begins at birth. Lack of good parenting will only result with a child and a smoke screen disguise of good behavior. Obviously these children are good actors in front of their parents or the parents are oblivious to the unsupervised monster they created with lack of parenting and commitment to teach their child good moral standards. Lack of good character is the reason why the ridicule did not stop 1 second after it started.
@MrPatrickodonnell 12 жыл бұрын
BE PEACE True strength is a result of flexibility, whether it be physical, mental, emotional or in our relationships,the strongest aspects of ourselves are the the aspects we EXPRESS the most flexibility. In response to the comment below...those that have less, often care less. We don't get what we want in life, we get what we're being...BE PEACE, BE LOVE, BE HOPE, BE FLEXIBLE, BE WORTHY and BE KIND...those that perceive themselves as separate from others are not going to be missed!
@daveknights9431 12 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to Karen Klein, It's unfortunate that teens at this particular age can feed off of each other when bullying someone whether they be of the same age or a senior. I admire Karen for the patience she displayed. These teens are now experiencing an old saying. (What goes around, comes around). Perhaps after the torment that they will now experience from many, they will learn that positive,caring gestures towards others is far more rewarding.
@kippytx 12 жыл бұрын
I do think kindness it the real answer to make things better. And I would love to see Karen be used to teach others about getting along. She not only turned the other cheek but showed compassion for the boys. While at the same time including the need for personal responsibility of both them and the school. I do not live close but being kind is possible everywhere and does not cost anything--we all can do that!! Wouldn;t it be something if a legacy of kindness results!!
@TomJerrysVlogs 11 жыл бұрын
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
@fishodorvagina 11 жыл бұрын
Yup, that's what happens when you have bullying, you have people buying firearms to protect themselves and to put a stop to the bullying. I like Orly Wahba's idea in stopping the bullying, but she's missing the picture, she thinks only marching, dancing, and lecturing is going to help hahaha. Perhaps you need to do more than that.
@n310ea 11 жыл бұрын
While anger within itself will not solve problems, it is a propulsion system to make you stand up for your species. Sure, we can find cause of problems, but there is still going to be anger because the problem happened in the first place.
@MLRYacct 12 жыл бұрын
I truly wish I could join you, but, alas, I am about 2,800 miles away. If there's anything I can do from this distance, please let me know and consider it done. One again, Orly, keep up the amazing work, and consider yourself e-hugged.
@JennyGuerraHernandez 12 жыл бұрын
I want to help but I live in Canary Islands. Please, tell me what can I do from here.
@fishodorvagina 11 жыл бұрын
It is unacceptable to bully and rule over your fellow human beings whether you are a cop or not. Working for the government is no exception. We are humans, we are all created equally!
@sammckay5673 12 жыл бұрын
I think the kids should go to juvee for life hahahahahahahahaha and I'm still mad Idc what a counselor or whatever u r says
@DZEyoyo123 11 жыл бұрын
What do you think about police officers bullying people, do you think it's unreasonable as well?
@anthonymosher124 12 жыл бұрын
Just to make it clear these kids did not post this video a kid who was not involved recorded it and put it on Facebook and KZbin. He obviously wanted to do something without getting ridiculed himself. Also just to make it clear the kids were from Greece, New York. Just wanted to clarify. However, these kids deserve punishment but not on this scale. This will definitely be a learning experience for these kids. Anything can happen in a day and age where things can go viral in 2 seconds!
@DZEyoyo123 11 жыл бұрын
I know. The reason why I asked is because there are videos of cops beating up on people for victimless crimes, which explains why gun ownership in America is at record high, people are arming themselves to the teeth to protect themselves from a tyrannical government that is taking place, and I don't blame them.
@DZEyoyo123 11 жыл бұрын
Police officers need to watch this video, cops have very bad anger problems.
@roscojonston8359 11 жыл бұрын
how long were u a teacher?
@אורליבלושטיין-ט3ת Жыл бұрын
תמיד איתך❤❤❤❤❤
@roscojonston8359 11 жыл бұрын
no, I was asking how long the woman in the vid has been a teacher. im not a teacher. you read it wrong. no worries :)
@JennyGuerraHernandez 12 жыл бұрын
I've post your video and an invitation to take action in the following Facebook Pages: Iberia, Air Europa, Minube, AirFrance, Lufthansa and a website called "ViajeaNuevaYork". I wish anyone could take your bus. Good luck!
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