Great points to ponder, all. The quotation by Chesterton about seeing something 999 times and then seeing it once more-and then for the first time was always a puzzling bit of commentary. (I know-rare when reading Chesterton, no?) There was a perfect application of that notion in Witness by Whittaker Chambers this past year, thanks to a presentation by a speaker at the GK Chesterton conference. Chambers, a dyed-in-the-wool communist working the underground network for nefarious purposes. He was also an avowed atheist. He spoke thusly: One day he looked at his little daughter’s ear and actually noticed its delicate design, its perfect detail, actually seeing the for the first time. From that moment on he knew there had to be a Designer for such an exquisite shape. It was his first step away from atheism and toward his conversion. Chesterton knew what he was talking about. What joy it is seeking out what Chesterton was talking about. Could you put a donation port on this you tube channel like so many others do?