I was born in Erlin also, now lived in Seattle for over 42 years, your film remind me a lot memories of every time I went back to visit my grandparents, Just as you described, the market, the school, Yuanlin Bus station, and those tasty food like o-dae are all over 50 years,, Thank you for bringing back to Erlin again, even from watching your video make me so touching and want to cry.,
抽獎結果出爐囉🎁 恭喜以下10位幸運兒! Sun Jason 澤怠楊 budi99952 榕 Z Terry Paul Lin 林榆叡 157的長頸鹿 Johanna Wang OceanRise 請私訊「千千進食中」的FB粉絲專頁,提供可認明是本人使用的YT頻道介面截圖喔! 有不清楚的地方也可先私訊,會儘速回覆您,謝謝🙏🏻