A Global Perspective on the Boston Tea Party: The Role of the East India Company

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Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum

Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum

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In honor of the Boston Tea Party’s 250th Anniversary, join Leena Bhatnagar, economist and writer, as she discusses how the British East India Company and global circumstances contributed to the event. In this virtual talk, she will highlight how the British East India Company played a pivotal role in the British Empire’s economic and geopolitical ambitions in the late 18th century, with its influence spanning from India to London to Boston. She will discuss how the East India Company’s commercial links influenced the views of colonial Boston’s economic and political leaders, and how events in India and London in the early 1770s ultimately contributed to the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. She will also highlight how she explored these themes through her historical fiction novel, The Tea Merchant.
This webinar was recorded on October 23, 2023.

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