@@草餅まんじゅう if japan didn't attack pearl harbor,America wouldn't attack hiroshima and nagasaki.because of Japan,many residents of pearl harbor lost their son and father
被爆3世です。祖父があの日、広島駅駅舎で被爆しました。自分は喉が生まれつき悪い体調の持ち主です。 起きたことは後悔しても無かったことには絶対になりません! そのことについて、今一度、全人類に再認識してほしい!! いまだに戦争紛争が続いてますが、当事者はこれで幸せになれると本気で信じてるのか??? 戦争で得られるのは幸せではなく、遺族の悲しみと怨嗟の連鎖しかないですよ!!! 子、孫に幸せになってほしいと願う親心があるのなら、このようなことはできないはずです!! まずは勇気をもって歩み寄ることから始めませんか? 歩みよられる側はそれを簡単には無下にはできないはずです。それこそが対話であり、これを重ねることこそが真の平和であると信じます! アリさんには大変な葛藤があったことと思いますが勇気をもって行動していただいてることに敬意を表します! I am a third generation A-bomb survivor. My grandfather was exposed to the atomic bomb on that day in the Hiroshima Station building. I was born with a bad throat. I regret what happened, but it can never be said to have never happened! I want all mankind to be reminded of that once again! We still have war conflicts going on, but do the people involved really believe that this will make them happy? What you get from war is not happiness, but only a cycle of sadness and vindictiveness of the bereaved families! If you have the parental heart to want your children and grandchildren to be happy, you cannot do this! Why don't you start by having the courage to walk up to them? The person being walked up to should not be able to disregard that easily. That is what dialogue is all about, and I believe that this is what true peace is all about! I know he have been through a lot, but I respect him for your courage to take action!