Julie, Powerful and compelling. So moving. So important to keep striving for single payer. Thanks, Bob Mason
@ps9guru11 жыл бұрын
Soooo proud of my fellow Pittsburghers - let's show the rest of the country how to do this!
@Halunlimited11 жыл бұрын
This is a great and stimulating public awareness video. The selected artists make this issue very real and get me thinking about this important topic. Your narration and editing tie it all together very effectively. Great message. Thanks for putting it out there.
@JulieSokolow11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Bob!
@josephlendvai846911 жыл бұрын
Very nice job, Julie. Please keep at it! The solution, universal single payer health care, will come from the ground up, from you and your friends and thousands like you committed to make it happen. Joe Lendvai, Maine AllCare
@JulieSokolow11 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@VoodooHoodooLady10 жыл бұрын
Amazing initiative. I think your film work is great, it tackles important issues. And it definitely shows great artistic eye. I hope health care issues will improve world wide. And as a dutch person, it mind boggles me that a supposedly rich country as USA treats it's citizens to poorly.
@RhythmsandRhymes11 жыл бұрын
Great message and interesting video. Yes we do need a "healthy democracy". The American public should be able to join the U.S. Congress/Senate/Judicial/Executive health care plan at an affordable price. Since Congress tends to favor itself rather than its employer, i.e. the American public who pays its salary via taxes, the only way to overhaul the system is to get a new Congress.
@pr0t0color11 жыл бұрын
What you say is only true within the context of America's current for-profit insurance scheme. Single Payer isn't something that no country in the world has ever tried before. On the contrary, the concept is well developed and tested and works everywhere that it has been employed.
@impalert11 жыл бұрын
You see, no matter how much you like to be an artist, if you are not making enough money to support yourself, go find another trade which pays more, or find a way to sell your stuff... do not expect others to pay for you just because you are an artist
@kt0wnhero11 жыл бұрын
The answer to the problem isn't more Health INSURANCE, it's more Health CARE -- they are two totally different, though often confused, things.Health INSURANCE is the underlying problem to all of our inflated costs, and giving people more INSURANCE will only make that worse.We need to provide a basic level of socialized medicine,and let insurance handle what it's supposed to handle: emergencies.Car insurance doesn't cover oil changes bc its unsustainable, and so is covering basic health checkups.
@impalert11 жыл бұрын
Or, if your current job does not provide health insurance, you can join the army part time and get it... Its simple, you have to give something to get something...
@kt0wnhero11 жыл бұрын
Insurance is a for-profit business, it always has and it always will be. That's the whole point. That's like complaining that Apple is a for-profit hardware company. Health INSURANCE is not the answer, basic Health CARE provided on a "single payer" basis, coupled with Insurance for extra protection will work. Just like it does in those other countries you mention.
@Fzuke11 жыл бұрын
Just like police and fire protection, or roads and bridges, or libraries and elementary school for our kids? We should have to get them through our employer or else join the army to qualify? What an absurd notion. Just as absurd as the notion that health insurance should only be available on those terms. huffingtonpost doht com/linda-bergthold/single-payer---alive-and_b_3938385.html#
@impalert11 жыл бұрын
Who is going to pay for all of it, if all what you do is making "art" nobody wants to buy...