A Letter to the Governor, Reserve Bank of India!

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ixamBee Target RBI - All Regulatory Body exams

ixamBee Target RBI - All Regulatory Body exams

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@targetrbi 2 күн бұрын
www.linkedin.com/in/susheelragade/ web.telegram.org/k/#@TargetRBI2018 👉🏻RBI Grade A/B 2025 Comprehensive Demo Course: www.ixambee.com/demo2020/39/840?lang=eng&redirect_to=online-course/rbi-grade-b 👉🏻RBI Grade A/B 2025 Exclusive Demo Course: www.ixambee.com/demo2020/39/844?lang=eng&redirect_to=online-course/rbi-grade-b-exclusive RBI Grade B 2025 Preparation Ask your Queries Here: www.ixambee.com/form/VAmwEU01KSpU8k0i 👉Download RBI Grade B 2025 Complete Guide and Study Plan: www.ixambee.com/live-class-session-pdfs/rbi-grade-b-2025-complete-guide-and-study-plan
@IndraVijayan 2 күн бұрын
Sir, Add one more demand to this please : "Phase 1 Exam in ONE SHIFT only". It's very crucial to get rid of Unfair Normalization.
@lucifer_is_here7121 2 күн бұрын
We support this letter, too many aspriants have suffered due to covid and no one has cared about their lives, age should be relaxed to 32 for officer level and assistant level 30, covid has taken two years from every aspirant, this should be implemented across the board.
@Upcomingbankerr 2 күн бұрын
Bro I appeared in bank exams during covid and even then all major banking exams happened. So I don't understand what loss you are taking about..
@lucifer_is_here7121 2 күн бұрын
@Upcomingbankerr Rbi exams werent conducted during that time, so those aspirants lost that chance due to age.
@lucifer_is_here7121 2 күн бұрын
@@Upcomingbankerr also I have been selected in 3 bank exams, I dont think age matters in banking, regulatory bodies have huge compeitition you can lose even with slightest of mistakes, so losing 2 chances is a big missout.
@Upcomingbankerr 2 күн бұрын
@lucifer_is_here7121 ya that's correct
@vikrant_bhise 2 күн бұрын
Please increase the age limit of 28 for clerk and 30 for Po As 32 for clerk and 35 for PO Also 55% criteria for AO type exams in insurance. Myself lost all AO exams 😢 due to percentage criteria. I mean the one who are deserving and has confidence and eager to work in insurance can't fill the form just because of 55%. In college time due to many circumstances couldn't attend college and score more percentage
@tarunkr.9041 2 күн бұрын
We the people preparing for RBI support this letter.
@rajashreebala4949 2 күн бұрын
Sir thanks a lot for your efforts.It is bitter truth that due to Covid lockdown,we were denied of chances,which could have changed our destiny otherwise.Those who have crossed 30(UR)&33(OBC) are all scapegoats for things which were beyond our control,whereas it should have been due to preparation level of aspirants in normal scenario.Relaxation could have been 33 for UR.Many of us are already employed,and our rich experience would add only value to RBI.Thanks again for voicing out sir.
@shailendraKumar-po4et 2 күн бұрын
Thanks sir...Age should be increased..Corona already wasted 2 to 3 years...RAILWAYS have increased age limit .Bank and Rbi should also increase specially for General category...plz also consider IRDAI as well...they have not released notification earlier..its unjust for candidates who have touched age of 30
@SandeepUjjawal 2 күн бұрын
We support this letter thanks for raising our issues on such a big platform and among concerned authorities and politicians
@tatakai-r4b 2 күн бұрын
itni mehnat hamre liye sir ....hats off to u 🫡🫡🫡
@biltughosh875 Күн бұрын
Full Support 🙌
@Shitanshu_17 Күн бұрын
Full Support hai sir ji ❤
@21210052 2 күн бұрын
I strongly agree with this letter actually there are alot of banking aspirants who are depressed only because they have no further option because of age limit
@kailashsinghkathayatksk1257 2 күн бұрын
One must admit sir, no one does this much what you have been doing for the benefit of students. Thank you very much sir❤
@Mr.BhupendraSingh Күн бұрын
Bilkul sir aap sahi kar rahe ho m aap ke sath hu, i fully support you
@buonisungte2466 2 күн бұрын
Yesss....Thank you Sir eagerly waiting for good response from top officials
@gargipanwar1828 2 күн бұрын
We definitely support this letter. Thankyou sir.
@priyankaparhi9796 2 күн бұрын
Thank u sir🙏
@aishikkumarroy741 2 күн бұрын
I support this initiative. Hope for positive outcome
@techguru5488 2 күн бұрын
3:25 percentage criteria pura nikl dena chye... engineering n baki graduation me difference h...
@sankalan4956 2 күн бұрын
Thank you very much sir🙏
@shivamsrivastava3702 2 күн бұрын
Yes sir we are with you...❤❤ Thank you so much sir 🙏
@shubhamshrivastava6 2 күн бұрын
we support you sir , kisi ka bhala ho jaye usse to acha baat hai, sir kaas SBI clerk me bhi age 30 hota 🥲🥲
@sadhanamishra956 2 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot sir even you raised your voice 😢 for students
@IshitaSaxena 2 күн бұрын
I think the letter should also include the situation of the exam centres. The keyboards don’t work properly, some centres don’t even have proper place to sit or stand between the two exams or a shade to cover the head. No proper drinking water or sanitation facilities and most of these are far out of the city. I suffered a bad heatstroke between the two exams due to the above issues jeopardising my second paper. Basic checks should be done beforehand.
@Lokesh-md1fz Күн бұрын
Thansk for your initiative sir. It will be more impactful if we students/aspirants community stage some kind of protest to raise these demands because until unless this issues comes into public highlights or in media government is not going to do anything. Upsc ssc aspirants have got their demands met by such public protests only. Banking and regulatory exams aspirants lacks unity in raising their demands. Ibps too need various improvement like single shift exams atleast in mains , better systems and keyboards at exams centers, disclosure of questions papers and answers keys etc. increasing age limit is a legitimate demad in light of covid impact. Those who are affected should support this initiative.
@Wxy-pz1tx Күн бұрын
Thank u sir😊❤🙏
@Govindyadav-it9gq 2 күн бұрын
Thank you sir for such a great efforts for us.... You are only one to do such welfare task for us. Hats off to you and your true efforts 🙏🙏❣
@aakashtiwari9159 Күн бұрын
We support the letter ❤
@BankerAravind 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Sir.
@brijeshsingh9394 41 минут бұрын
We support
@Akshat8400 2 күн бұрын
I support this letter ❤
@shivdaskajbe2054 Күн бұрын
good work sir..🙏🙏
@spacexfanclub6529 2 күн бұрын
Sir I sincerely want to raise a very low hanging fruit issue (it will barely cost anything & its ROI for our country Bharat both economically & socially will be tremendous) which can help our country become Viksit Bharat & because you have contacts right uptil NITI Aayog & beyond so this huge change can become a reality & Bharat can become as clean as developed countries & our country's tourism industry as well Ease of living for all of us regular citizens can improve dramatically...all of these issues i am sure our PM , his cabinet & NITI Aayog certainly cares about . The problem which i want to bring to your attention is that Stray dogs & cows' population is increasing in all cities & villages.... they attack & even severely injure children as well as adults & many of them have been killed as well .... and they sh*t on streets of our entire country. Meanwhile "Animal activists" & Supreme Court have joined hands to make sure that no action could be taken. Therefore through NITI Aayog , a win win situation can be created for our country & regular citizens as well as for Animal activists by catching & shifting all these animals to a newly built animal shelter outside of our cities which must be paid for & maintained by these animal activists & animal lovers on their weekend time or whenever they find time. This way atleast all of us non animal lovers regular people will be able to live with more Ease of living due to now having cleaner & safer streets as well as Bharat's overall cleanliness image around the world will grow & that will help our country economically by providing boost to our Tourism sector. No more will any foreign cartoonist get a chance of showing Indian streets with cows standing on it either. Sir I & many other millions of citizens of this country would be in your debt & in Modi 3.0 governments' debt forever if this dream becomes reality. Thank you so much sir !!! Also i love your sense of humor in many of your videos (i have watched many of your older videos) :P
@targetrbi 2 күн бұрын
@@spacexfanclub6529 I have very close friends who are working on this issue of Street Dogs with the help of NGOs. Atleast in Maharashtra some working is in progress, no idea about other states, you all can add info here.
@spacexfanclub6529 2 күн бұрын
@@targetrbi Thank you so much for your response sir !! A national level executive action by the government (whose skeleton can be created by the NITI Aayog or any concerned Cabinet minister in Modi 3.0) is needed & only NGOs are clearly not able to so far produce any visible difference in terms of making our streets safer & cleaner. Most animal related NGOs are not working to remove animals from our streets either. They are generally concerned only about the animals & nothing else. Most of them i mean.
@sarita7049 2 күн бұрын
Ha Please sir we support you
@UtsavKumarDwivedi 2 күн бұрын
Hon'ble IxamBee Team! Maine aapka NABARD Grade A ka Paid Course liya hai, aap check kar sakte hain mere naam se, mera bas yahi request hai ki RBI aur NABARD jaise institutions mein sirf Officers ko hi Recruit naa kia jaaye, Rather, Assistant ka bhi Recruitment kiya jaana chahiye. Please sir iss RBI aur NABARD Assistant ke Recruitment bhi hona chahiye every year, isko bhi apne Letter mein Consider kijiyega. Please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@manikmodgil9398 2 күн бұрын
2020 to 22 was crucial for 1994-95 born we represent the avg. Age of this country. If we are not given the opportunity then how govt. Can take advantage of demographic dividend.
@VarunDev-o6r 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much sir. ❤
@manjotsingh9203 2 күн бұрын
Great efforts sir I am supporting you this will help me sir please try for this
@bulletbike4 2 күн бұрын
Sir, please include about separate cutoff for EWS in pre and mains
@pradnyakumbhar9635 2 күн бұрын
Thank you sir ❤
@Upcomingbankerr 2 күн бұрын
Please Add this point: Sir please try to provide proper relaxation to apprentice completed candidates in bank. They should provide atleast 10% relaxation to those in vacancies like railway is providingto their apprentice completed candidates.. please sir please..
@Kurmimanish99 37 минут бұрын
#😊One Exam One Shift
@RaviDubey1211 2 күн бұрын
Sir we will be grateful to you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@dreamer2103 2 күн бұрын
Sir, pls include a point to consider PG done by distance or online mode as well.. It's is not possible for everyone to do PG via full time for various reasons like time, affordability, etc
@madhisathya2766 2 күн бұрын
No need, people who are doing full time PG deserve the posts, because these people took the effort to study full time.
@deepanshu540 2 күн бұрын
Sir jinka age(32+) already nikal chuka h ,agar government kuch kar bhi de then unko to kuch milna hi nhi boz 2020-21 mai kuch relaxation mil hi nhi...!!!
@dhirajsharma2341 2 күн бұрын
I support you😊😊
@gauravgaikawad Күн бұрын
Chatrapati sambhaji nagar 🧡🙏
@minlax5434 2 күн бұрын
60 percent hatna chahiye bhout paper nahi de pata
@mayurgadekar8994 9 сағат бұрын
Upsc mpsc ECGC SBI ibps Or RRB kisi ko percentage required nahi hai
@madhisathya2766 2 күн бұрын
Agree with all, but 60% criteria shouldnt be removed, otherwise credibility of RBI would be compromised. Also it can give rise to a lot of cases of corruption, people below 60% will simply give money and make fake certificates amd give RBI exam. Already competition is high, if 60% criteria is removed, then it will be near to impossible to clear the exam. Now only 1.5 lakh are giving exam, if 60% criteria is removed, 3 lakh people would give the exam. It will become tougher than Civil services and CAT. To maintain some amount of status and credibility, 60% criteria should be there.
@Uniformotion.105 2 күн бұрын
Hello sir how are you, sir mere pass ek question h:- sir mere 12 class me 54% the pr graduation m 65% hn to ky 12 ke percentage ka rbi ke interview m negative impact padega? Please reply🥰
@targetrbi 2 күн бұрын
Doesn’t matter much.
@Youmeankit 2 күн бұрын
Sir please tell them to reduce workdays in banks to 5 days a week.
@VishalKumar-xg6nn 2 күн бұрын
Do something for lic assistant notification also ...it's been 5 years , why they are not releasing it😢 All others teachers are busy in selling course and teaching 16 hrs long marathon, but not a single video on why lic is doing this 😭
@rakeshvishwakarma6085 2 күн бұрын
Thanxx sir
@ayushsrivastava3835 2 күн бұрын
Lets start twitter campaign guys !! This is our for future
@aasthagupta1167 2 күн бұрын
Sir a demand for 5 days banking. Highly needed. Please support us with your voice.
@Sohail_Khan. 2 күн бұрын
Very good initiative, I support you sir and please add Open university degree validation issues as well.
@Wxy-pz1tx Күн бұрын
At least increase the age limit of rbi assistant. Because all the insurance level assistant exams have age limit 30😢
@the_dreams_hashira 2 күн бұрын
Sir, in your letter mention that by accepting your norms ultimately RBI will be benefited as there is a pool of talent that is not giving RBI grade b exam because of these uncertainties... In my experience RBI is an elite organisation like the Indian Army but RBI is a civilian org. so they need to cater to the needs of aspirants.
@yogeshyadav-pd2yo 2 күн бұрын
First comment and view ...thanks sir 🙂
@Anandinquisitive 2 күн бұрын
Sir, the percentage criteria in graduation shouldn't be there. Let everyone participate unbiasedly, if they really don't want them to be there make it relatively harder in interview.
@mindtree1907 2 күн бұрын
Sir i am working as EPFO SSA since last 4 years is it worth for it?
@rohithganga2424 2 күн бұрын
Please do it sir. Thank you so much.
@juhisatam0805 2 күн бұрын
Please request for 1 more attempt also as we did not gv the exam in covid. Humble request 😢
@samarjitdebbarma8540 Күн бұрын
Sir age calculation criteria should also be as on 1st January of every year
@sadhanamishra956 2 күн бұрын
Ar sir kanpur University m 60 % graduation m lana pahle easy nhi tha
@flynnrider9724 2 күн бұрын
sir i also want to be the part of this how can i send a letter can u give me the address pls amd the stamps needed
@youreverydaymotivation. Күн бұрын
60% should be there for RBI Grade B
@rbigradebofficer8508 2 күн бұрын
Can somebody tell me the dates for rbi grade b interview for new delhi centre??? This year 🙏🙏🙏
@SumantaAcharjee-g7f 2 күн бұрын
Percentage hata k sirf graduation kardo PLEASE. Every year many students deprived for the percentage criteria.
@DhirajKhochare 2 күн бұрын
Please also include the demand for withdrawal of the normalization process.
@niara6 Күн бұрын
Koi iss issue ko seriously kyu nhi leta?? Covid k wajah se saal waste hua but phir bhi log considerate kyu nhi ho rhe
@debasispanigrahi5753 Күн бұрын
Sir please write a letter to RBI for age relaxation I personally need it the most
@abhinavkumar3356 2 күн бұрын
Sir, please record of answer sheet bhi maango, aur sab hi mains clear karne walon ka bhi answer sheet upload karne ki baat karo. Transparency bhadegi
@parthaprotimtarafdar7313 2 күн бұрын
UPSC me marks criteria nehi hain, mera hisab se RBI me percentage criteria hata dena chaiye... a lot of deserving candidates are deprived because of this...they can have a better career opportunity...
@praweenkumar5971 2 күн бұрын
SIR, please write a letter to SBI also regarding Assistant recruitment to increase age limit from 28 to 30 years.
@aasthagupta1167 2 күн бұрын
Also number of attempts in rbi. 6 number of attempts should be removed.
@samarjitdebbarma8540 Күн бұрын
Sir, age criteria should be increased, we got only one life time.
@yashmahodaya369 2 күн бұрын
Please do it
@Bankerbabu7955 2 күн бұрын
Sir please write a letter to SBI chairman for sbi clerk recruitment 2024-25 , increase the age limit 28 to 30.
@ankitapatil89 2 күн бұрын
60% criteria bhi nikal do
@parthaprotimtarafdar7313 2 күн бұрын
Mera MP, HS me 80 percent ka upor marks hain but grad me 54 percent hain, NABARD GR A attempt kiya do bar but uske baad 60 percent criteria kar diya... only people with a certain percent can apply for these posts rest are deprived... no logic... there is a tough open market exam already to assess the candidates ability ( specially talking about generalist cadre), a certain percentage can not define a candidate's merit... UR, OBC keliye 50 percent in grad rakhega and SC/ST/PwD ke liye passing criteria rakhega toh orr bhi candidate's ko opportunity milegaa at least... par NABARD bhi gr A ke liye 60 percent kar diya iska kiya logic hain... kohi ratta marke bhi toh 60 percent la sakta orr kisiko ek exam me percent kom aaagya toh usko competition se bahar kar dena... criteria should be revised to give opportunity in such open market exam to get better pool of candidates...as far as generalist cadre is concerned in RBI, NABARD, IRDAI etc...
@parthaprotimtarafdar7313 2 күн бұрын
Age for UR category 32 years karna chaiye to give opportunity to the aspirants... as these are class 1 positions... to give opportunities to a wide variety of candidates, candidates from villages/small town/poor/ middle class families... like UPSC...
@rakeshvishwakarma6085 2 күн бұрын
Remove 60% criteria
@adarshagrawal8415 Күн бұрын
Sir ibps clerk me v 30 honi chahiye 😒
@Make_MILLIONS 2 күн бұрын
Sir please consider one shift exam for all regulatory bodies.
@21210052 2 күн бұрын
Please request for 1 more attempt also
@kalpeshpatel-re6qv 2 күн бұрын
Sir SBI me kar dijiye sbi ja me help ho jayega
@bharatdubey83 Күн бұрын
crackgradeb just filed a PIL for rights of banking aspirants. These letters do not yield any result.
@bishalkumarshaw1 2 күн бұрын
Poll me no option hi nehi diya🤣🤣 Partiality
@sushilsingh7482 2 күн бұрын
Sbi cbo ka 30 se 32 karwa do sir
@KrishnenduSahaUEE 2 күн бұрын
lol..kuch na hoga😂😂😂😂
@lucifer_is_here7121 2 күн бұрын
Nothing will haplen with this type of attitude, itna pessemism acha hai, agar mein tumhe bolu tumhara selection nahi hoga toh kesa lagega, tum bologe mein efforts dal raha hu, same logic idhar bhi hai, awaaz toh uthana padega, kam se kam sath toh doh, hoga toh fayda tumhe bhi milegam
@KrishnenduSahaUEE 2 күн бұрын
@lucifer_is_here7121 to bolo na koun rok rha hai..after all its free 🤣🤣
@lucifer_is_here7121 2 күн бұрын
@@KrishnenduSahaUEE Aap emotional intelligence ka pad rahe ho, basic emypathy nahi hai aapke pas, you havent suffered this fate, getting selected in govt exam, kisiko 1 yr lagta hai, kisiko 4 yrs, sabke pas sahi envoirnment, toold nahi hote, usme bhi covid ne sabse 2 yrs leliya, maybe ye jo letter likhna usse kucj nahi hoga, par negative bolna aur troll karna isse pe koi fayda mahi hoga. Kisi issa jo ye video dekh raha hoga, jo is saal age debar ho gaya hoga, usko kesa lagega, kuch acha nahi toh kuch bora bhi mat bola karo, sabka time ata hai, avha bhi aur bura bhi.
@KrishnenduSahaUEE 2 күн бұрын
​@@lucifer_is_here7121It is what it is bro..😂😂😂
@lucifer_is_here7121 2 күн бұрын
@@KrishnenduSahaUEE Karma will take care of this attitude.
@sumankundu93 2 күн бұрын
Thank you sir.
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