.... Okay but I do this. I sleep follow someone if I'm woken up in the right stage of sleep, and have been known to follow my mom or whomever around for hours, and even follow simple instructions like go back to bed or brush my teeth (not well, mind you). The last time it happened, my mom was laughing herself silly because I was leaning against the door frame snoring and didn't wake up until she shook me awake and told me to go back to bed. (She had actually told me it was a snow day and I don't need to get up, but autopilot heard get up And followed mom as she took am shower, did her hair and makeup, and opened the door to find me leaning there, asleep.)
@ladria9743Күн бұрын
When you're early and there are no comments yet...
@ConstantChaos122 сағат бұрын
Humans can go into deep and restful trances doing this, js, humans can persue prey a lot longer on foot than most people today would know. So to out do even us at it is impressive.
@papastalin6923 сағат бұрын
i dunno man i think he might just be an eepy sleepy dude
@Amp-northКүн бұрын
I am here
@christianavance912415 сағат бұрын
I've been able to sleep and continue tasks also. When I was little my babysitter used to freak out that she would put me in time out and then find me standing in a corner not touching the walls ar all but completely asleep. As I got older I was able to sleep while on long walks (5- 10 mile range) as long as I was familiar with the route, and my eyes would stay open and I could still interact with people without fully waking up. And no this was not 'sleep walking', I would fall asleep WHILE walking as opposed to falling asleep and then get up and walk.