9:26 My jaw was so fucking low when I saw what a gt chara was doing to a 99 def character. That hp bar got destroyed in a lmb and a skill 😭😭🙏🙏
@medjaimcgraw5632Ай бұрын
Some helpful tips :D Phase 1 Look at 2. Depending on what color knives the opponent gets hit by will tell you if they move in combos or not. Change the color of 1 accordingly for extra damage. (0.1 -> 0.2 ticks) Out of combos, keep the knife red normally. If you are low on stamina, turn it blue to punish them for pursuing you. If they are low on stamina turn it orange to keep them on their toes. If you land your counter, combo them without launching them so the shockwaves can get their max use (Use 5) Phase 2 The homing explosive knives now have the stay down effect, making opponents who are down stay on the floor longer. For 2, if you can hit the opponent early enough with an m1, you'll knock them away then one of the knives will RE STAND them for further combo potential. (Don't go for another m1, go for a stun move) Make sure to utilize the colored knives, regonize the pattern the opponents do from phase 1's 2 and damage them extra. If the opponents stop being stupid, you can go back to red... OR STILL use the colored knives to make their wake up game predictable as you'll know if they are going to instantly be moving or not. (Catch them off guard when they get back up) Your counter recovers extremely quickly, use it to either land it or whiff but bait an opponent into striking you, getting your stamina back from a parry or just dodging it overall and punishing them. Phase 3 You have a grab, two in fact, grab super armor moves to cancel them out instantly instead of having to dodge them. Vines 1 will make knocking back opponents send them nowhere, use this for big combos. Your ultimate vine move will re stand opponents on the swirling swings part before knocking them back. This can go in tandem with vines 1 for combo extensions. Oh yeah and DON'T use knives 1 in a high scale combo, that will keep their scaling high and make you do horrible damage until it goes away. -Match Up Tips- Also use knives 1 to temporarily disable a Sans user from even USING their telekinesis. Don't use your Phase 3 grabs in a combo against an Asgore, instead drop your combo, THEN grab when they use a super armor move to cost them a cooldown AND still get your damage, if not better. Use blue knives against Jevil a lot, punish them for trying to pursue their set ups or rushing you down.
@medjaimcgraw5632Ай бұрын
Of course you may know some of these, but hopefully you know something new. If not, at least other people can read it.
@clumsyone8575Ай бұрын
It’s really fun to use the color knives for these reasons. That Asgore and Jevil tip is pretty helpful! I hate how hard it to land the phase 3 ult sometimes. Recently though I figured out that vines 2 (and prob vines 1 like you said too) helps out a lot when trying to mana punish them. More SSC soon…
@elijahcalderon6419Ай бұрын
this is great advice since i want to try to main ssc and also thanks for explaining how changing the color deals more dmg for knife 1
@medjaimcgraw5632Ай бұрын
@@clumsyone8575 I have come with updated advice!
@medjaimcgraw5632Ай бұрын
SSC P1 You are a fencer, and a study freak. (Fencer: play carefully and capitalize enemy mistakes. Pressure them to FORCE those mistakes.) (Study Freak: Learn your opponents play style and punish their wrong doings) Most moves are not to be used raw. You want to play around your opponent and punish them for any habits they may have, forcing them to change it up and making them more vulnerable. Your knives 2 combo extends on the color they are NOT holding while in a combo. If you get them in another, you can try throwing a knife of that same color to get that extra damage or to force them to move in that manner, letting their wake up game become more predictable. Knives 3 teleports you back on hit, you can use it to put the opponent in an uncomfortable position if they are low on stamina and pressure them more... Or just use it as a combo extender. Knives 4 can catch someone who's moving in a predictable pattern, it's best to use if they are far away enough or while they are dealing with an orange knife to increase chances of a slip up or to just lock all of their options off. Knives 5 is super armor but do not try to challenge other super armors as you do NOT knock them off their feet, only stun. You can use this during an M1 combo to find another STUDY opportunity as there is a gap before the move starts. Do they smack you then get hit by the knives? Do they block before getting hit? Do they try to dash? Depending on what that option is, you can use it to stop your next M1 combo SHORT, then capatalize. If they try to hit you counter instead of finishing the M1. If they block, you can wait a second and then try to guard break them for another full M1, but it's usually best to just finish the M1. If they dodge? Finish the M1. SSC P2 You are a rushdown glass canon, this is your most damaging phase but also your most vulnerable. Play carefully but also DEEPLY pressure your opponents using the knowledge you've learned from P1. Knives 2 is strictly a combo extender, do not use it raw. If you do use it, try to use it while close so you can get a full m1 off and have the knives restand them. If you pull that off, continue with another move to stun them, do not try another m1 as it will be on cooldown. Knives 3 stays the same. Knives 4 is unblockable and tracks any dashes instantly. Use it as another pressure tool but do NOT use it close. You will be punished. You can use it close or from afar. Use it close if you're comboing but use it far if you are preserving your stamina. Knives 5 stays the same. Knives 6 is a counter, resets damage scaling, already covered in the video. It also instantly starts YOUR stamina regeneration, so if you are low on stamina, make sure to play defensive after landing this. Knives 7 tracks where your opponent will be and stuns them. Use it as a pressure tool, an OTG (off the ground to make their wake up game more pressuirng for them and to catch them in another combo). Or a combo extender using the knives 2 restand technique. Knives 8 is strictly a punish tool. Use it on their high endlag or as a stamina punish. SSC P2.5 You are a grappler and are very keen on knockdowns and you have a lot of tools to manage carefully. But each has their use. Vines 1 (tap) set up a trap that does constant damage. Foes are slowed inside the radius. If they are knocked back, they don't go anywhere allowing for easy combo extensions. Use to set up dangerous area to protect yourself or to punish foes harshly. Very good tool and can be summoned after hitting a vines 2 or 6. Vines 1 Hold a combo extender unblockable and stuns for a while allowing you to set up a bit or just continue your combo. Vines 2 A guard breaking zone that sends upwards. Great for combos, kinda good for guard breaking because the start up is heavily punishable. But it also stuns for a REALLY REALLY long time. You can sneak in vines 1 after landing this! Vines 3 A super armored leap that crashes down exactly on where your opponent was when starting this move. Sweet spot re-strands while the sour spot knocks back. Use this to cover distance quickly and keep up the pressure as it has very high range. But it IS punishable on whiff. Vines 4 Your other GRAB. Use to negate super armor moves or to keep up your combo. You probably shouldn't use it raw, but it can catch foes off guard. Vines 5 Projectile that knocks down. Long start up, you probably shouldn't use it raw. Great for combos as it has a high knockback stun time. It can be used to trade as the projectile will stay active even while you are stunned. Vines 6 Your counter. Keeps the opponent stunned and in place for a while. Use this to set up. Vines 7 Your stamina punish tool. Has super armor during start up. Don't ever use this raw. It can connect when an opponents stamina is 7 or less. 8 probably for Asgore thanks to his longer get up time. Souls 1 Orange, Blue, Orange. Move, Stop, Move. Use this to cut off your opponents movements. The knives are unblockable. This is great for finishing off low hp enemies or getting them to move. Souls 2 A beam that knocks back. Good combo extender and is a decent poke tool. Souls 3 A whole lotta damage. Can be used as a stamina punish tool and even snuck into combos for that extra damage. Teleport (Hold) Turn into a ball and home in on enemies. Knock them down. Great for combos and for connecting a knockback on moves that otherwise would be impossible (Vines 4). Only use to punish, stop an opponent from activating a move or to combo extend as it is punishable on block. Plan (Also TL;DR) P1 Fencer. Play around the opponent and study them and their habits... Then either punish them or force them into unfamiliar gameplans themself. Make them vulnerable to being caught off guard. P2 Glass Canon Rush down. Beat the absolute dog#### out of your opponent and do as much damage as possible. You have many tools to keep up the damage and few to punish and keep yourself safe. Don't let them have any options. P2.5 Knock your opponent down and don't let them get up safely. You have some very good combos and a lot of tools that you need to handle carefully. You have a tool for almost any situation, but use your tools wisely. Use the knowledge you have gained from phase 1 to be a threat to them in this phase. You have a decent amount of tools against certain characters though. P2.5 (Bully Asgore) Your grabs and knocks downs can be used to negate any super armor your opponent has instantly. If you face someone who loves their super armor, quit your combos early and wait till they use them to then catch them with a grab, dealing either unscaled damage or costing them a cooldown. Don't get obvious with it though.
@santiago-s9kАй бұрын
@deltaomega8917Ай бұрын
9:50 that cut was so good had thought you had found a bug the first 2 times I saw it