A passable Paladin Guide Reborn (FFXIV)

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Misshapen Chair

Misshapen Chair

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Пікірлер: 212
@JohnyScissors 3 жыл бұрын
Succeeding in a boss fight when the rest of the team is on the floor in a dungeon almost solely because of clemency is a sheer amount of serotonin I can't begin to describe
@theblackneon5396 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely humiliating my party at high level dungeons after they’ve died by asking "want me to wipe, or should I just finish it?".
@Borgitz13 3 жыл бұрын
@never5930 3 жыл бұрын
@a.e.richardson218 3 жыл бұрын
I had a melee DPS be the tank after both tanks and the other healer Perma died that was fun to heal
@HamsterPants522 3 жыл бұрын
@@a.e.richardson218 I love stuff like that
@VioletShinobi 3 жыл бұрын
Chair: "Shield bash will never be used at level 80" FF14: *Laughs in Leviathan Unreal*
@theblackneon5396 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely humiliating my party at high level dungeons after they’ve died by asking if they want me to wipe, or if I should just finish it.
@samiulsami2491 3 жыл бұрын
"It's how you use your mitigation to satisfy the content that matters" You sir, are a poet.
@Spectacular_Insanity 3 жыл бұрын
I might add that Paladin has the most complicated rotation out of all the tanks because the cooldown timers on so many of PLD's abilities are just... weird.
@AKImeru 3 жыл бұрын
Tell me about it! Then you add the fact that you need Skill Speed only to fit in the basic 2 melee combos under FoF + another to keep goring blade rolling and even then its a tight window and you can see the design for this class needs some tweaks. I hope we get those tweaks in Endwalker because perfecting Paladin doesn't feel good, feels like you are fighting the cooldown system.
@strikingdummy8001 3 жыл бұрын
I just realized how much PLD potential has with optimization by watching this and comparing it to my knowledge of the job. There’s so much more to talk about compared to other jobs with regards to optimization. Arguably the most easy to learn, and the most difficult to be the best at
@jansteyaert1 3 жыл бұрын
A quick note on the passage of arms. The blocking part of it falls off immediately, the party mitigation lasts longer. About 5 seconds after the channel stops. So it's absolutely worth weaving into your rotation whenever big damage is about to hit the party... cause most of the time the mitigation will absolutely last long enough.
@lenny4039 3 жыл бұрын
Oddly enough, lore-wise, Dark knights are more so the typical paladins and paladins are more like soldiers
@Helman114 3 жыл бұрын
Paladins are the royal guard. Dark Knights are just paladins during their teenage emo phase.
@Banisteriopsis 3 жыл бұрын
The mansplaining, step-on-me daddy energy of this video is incredible. 10/10 would recommend.
@OreallyR17 3 жыл бұрын
How the hell is the guy with the shield less of a tank, and the guys with big two hand weapons less of a damage dealer then the other?
@SpiderHorse9 3 жыл бұрын
I dont think that is true, if you see the clemency section of the this video, he disregards clemency as something you should never use, something about being like an insult to healers or some bs like that, i can see why he thinks paladin is a lesser tank. But reality is clemency IS a skill paladin has, and it is a pretty ridiculous super easy to use quick heal you can totally include into your damage mitigation skillset.
@PapaMidnite__ 3 жыл бұрын
@@SpiderHorse9 It would have to be on a healer to healer basis. I couldn't fathom a WHM mad that they can hold their resources for the bosses unless they need to get that blood lily up
@TheRedAzuki 3 жыл бұрын
Cuz of the kamehameha
@cloudmagus 3 жыл бұрын
@@SpiderHorse9 Clemency is useful in prog and occasionally for safety. It really shines in ultimate. I dunno if you even run savage though considering your comment, it's not really part of your 'mitigation skillset' since it doesn't mitigate damage, it only helps your healers conserve mana and saves your raid from some unnecessary wipes when they are strained. In an ideal situation and in easier content clemency is never required. Sometimes it can be helpful however to pull aggro from all mobs in a dungeon when you first stop at the end of your run (single cast), or if your party is struggling and you've got incompetent healer syndrome in your party (either singular or plural) then you can use it to save the raid if necessary.
@cloudmagus 3 жыл бұрын
Paladin isn't a terrible main tank but its utility in Intervention and the fact Spirits Within exists means it is far more powerful and more optimal as an offtank. You can still play paladin as main tank without too much of a problem, my group has a main tank paladin and he has had no problems in any of the three ultimates mitigating damage.
@MrTripleM3 3 жыл бұрын
On the note about your editor's note on making mistakes and/or fixing them: When are you getting a Patreon so we can laugh at your mistakes whilst financially support you making said mistakes?
@MisshapenChair 3 жыл бұрын
I already shared some points at the end of the video, but I'm probably not nuking this again unless something else is really out of whack. The only thing that I did find funny is that I had 2 friends who both play paladin watch my original video and we all had the wrong idea about certain abilities. Otherwise this video is almost identical to what it was before. It's still my responsibility to make things as accurate as possible and on that front, I failed. So if you are curious, or watched the previous version, here are the patch notes. Version 1.1 Hotfix: 4:26 - reworded buffs to not imply you always double weave every single rotation 7:03 - reworded gauge generation 7:26 - Fixed How Divine Veil Works 8:17 - Fixed Passage of Arms 12:16 - shield bash is not completely useless 17:09 - Rewording explanation for ranged first 19:23 - Fixing Hallowed Ground Plus Cover 22:18 - fixing timings for buffs Version 1.2 Not in video: 6:45 - Sheltron and blocking will behave differently as you level. 9:07 - I use the phase "go to 50%" I should have said "goes up by 50%" A simple mistake but with vastly different meanings.
@charlottesice1401 3 жыл бұрын
You do seem to actually like, care about this stuff, it's neat
@kanokoehara1712 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I was wondering what happened.
@KhionePheonix 3 жыл бұрын
Man, so many healing buffs in this game don't work on OGCDs. It really makes me question why they bother to do this or what the mentality behind it is. Like....why does Scholar's Dissipation increase ONLY GCD heals, but gives you a full aetherflow stack which can be exclusively used on...OGCD heals???? It just seems like the ability is fighting against itself.
@sabersaurus7018 3 жыл бұрын
Intervention does not go from 10% to 50%, it goes from 10% to 50% more of the buff used, so Rampart adds 10% (20% total) and Sentinel adds 15% (25% total) or both for 35%
@wormy218 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit youtube patch notes. The future is now.
@TheKaratejesus 3 жыл бұрын
This is awesome. Super helpful. I love Paladin because the number of times I've come in clutch with a cover on a sprout or becoming a healer when a fight goes south is actually higher than you'd think. I've found people often dont notice that you just covered them to save their life but ill definitely still be proud of myself for it. Also, passage of arms looks fucking sick. Can't wait to see what the next expansion brings, hope we get more of the signature supportive abilities that come in handy in a pinch, those are why I play Paladin. When the team thinks we should give up and restart I pull out the clemencys and tell them to keep up the DPS because god damn it we still got this!
@Este314 3 жыл бұрын
8th umbral calamity.
@HalberdierHyperion 3 жыл бұрын
So nobody's going to read this, but I wanted to add one small optimization with the damage rotation. Once you're past the opener and you're back into your melee phase, it's better to use two Atonements after Royal Authority and then pop Fight or Flight right before Goring Blade, then use your third Atonement afterward, and then do the same for the next Royal Authority/Goring Blade set before FoF wears off (splitting up the third Atonement until after Goring Blade again). What this does is enable you to get four Atonements in FoF instead of just getting a Riot Blade under it. This only adds 62.5 potency per minute, but it's literally a free damage increase. It gets a bit wonky if you lose uptime, though, but Paladin's just kind of that way generally.
@HamsterPants522 3 жыл бұрын
I read your comment and will practice this. Thanks
@canguyen1590 2 жыл бұрын
correct, the unbuffed window should only have two atonements, and every fight or flight after opener should have 4 atonements
@sleepylycan1009 3 жыл бұрын
Being a Balmung degenerate myself I got a chuckle out of the Quicksand joke
@darmus3524 3 жыл бұрын
Is that 14's Moon Guard Goldshire Inn?
@sleepylycan1009 3 жыл бұрын
@@darmus3524 Yeah lol
@g_vost 2 жыл бұрын
in terms of off-tanking, pld does seem to have the most team-support abilities, between cover, intervention, divine veil, and passage of arms. (clemency too but thats half points) gunbreaker comes in second with aurora, and heart of light, stone, and corundum. dark knight is in third with TBN, dark missionary, and oblation. warrior is fourth with nascent flash and shake it off. of course, all tanks have reprisal to reduce enemy damage, interject to prevent certain casts, and stuns to prevent minor enemies from attacking or moving.
@christianflor1394 3 жыл бұрын
Finaly a tank guide that tells you what skills to use. Great stuff!
@theneurotheologist2937 3 жыл бұрын
I was in the ARR beta, way back when. I started as a Pally, back when it was impossible to get, none the less hold, aggro. Every BLM hated us because they could cast only once every ten seconds, or they pulled aggro. Flash was interwoven with....everything. Every other action had to be a flash, or you lost aggro. Let a single party member hit anything OTHER than your target, and they pulled aggro. Sure, they improved our aggro management, but Flash was always there. I stepped away from the game shortly before Shadowbringers came out, and am only now returning. I have no freakin' idea how to play my job. They re-worked things so substantially (and Flash is gone, dammit) that I could not even reload my hotbars because everything was different. Yours is the BEST PALADIN GUIDE available right now, and I've looked at tons of them, including those with Google sheets and microsecond timing graphics with enough time dilation in them that you'd swear you're looking at EVE Online during a mega-war. The crap makes zero sense. But yours, my good man, explains exactly what's going on and does so in a way that an average WOW-exile can understand it. You rock my small, little world.
@PatrickOchoa8a 3 жыл бұрын
I really wish cover had a shorter cooldown cause "take damage meant for your teammate" is exactly the kind of thing I play tank to do.
@TheTankbus 3 жыл бұрын
I just want pre ShB cover back dammit. they went and massacred my boy with ShB
@skeletonwar4445 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheTankbus what did they do?
@TheTankbus 3 жыл бұрын
@@skeletonwar4445 they gave it an oath gauge cost and changed the way damage was taken while covering people. Really it's it's fact cover costs a whopping 50 oath gauge is what hurts me
@EinsteinJR2 3 жыл бұрын
What happened? No one seems to know, everyone's memory is foggy
@TheRavenArchon 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a final fantasy XI vet and career PLD tank coming over to 14. I mostly played in the 75cap era, but I resubscribe every couple years to check in with Vana'diel try out the new endgame stuff, regear, etc. I finally decided that I needed to move on and join 14 after trying it out and realizing it has much of the same magic and feel of XI, and I want to get the new tanking system down, so I really appreciate videos like this. Maybe it would be smarter to start a new game with an "easier" role like dps or something (I know dps still requires skill, but you don't kill the whole party if you mess up usually), but there are few gaming experiences quite as thrilling as being the wall standing between the mobs and other real life players and knowing that if you play right and your backup has your back, you can't die no matter how hard the godmonsterthing tries. Subbed and upvoted. If you see this message, I did have a couple questions though. With the AOE spinny moves, are they typically only used on trash, or do some higher priority targets have adds that require them being worked into your rotation? If so, is there an optimal time to drop them in or it is just situationally "Oh crap, adds, spinny spinny time." Secondly, I get the CONCEPT of a rotation, having played some WoW and GW2 and stuff, it's just the most optimized way to bring all your abilities to use - but is there no room for variance? Do situations come up in the game where you have to break the rotation? Not anywhere near endgame yet, but I'm hoping there are surprises in battle to look forward to, and not just a rinse and repeat.
@tyro334 3 жыл бұрын
I'm aware this is more than a little late and you might have your answers by now, but: Yes, many bosses will have adds that, if you are the only tank or off tank, will usually be expected to pull aggro on. If there is only one or two of them, it's best to simply continue your single target attacking on the new enemies. But if a large group do appear, absolutely start spinning! And for your second point: Yes, sometimes your rotation will be broken. Usually due to needing to dodge large attacks, or sometimes the boss will even become untargetable. This is why it's important to know the "why" of your rotation, instead of simply the order to press buttons. So that when things go awry, you can adjust as necessary. This is definitely more important as DPS where dealing damage is the most important thing other than surviving, but it's still good to know for Tanking. I hope you've been enjoying FF14!
@naseralsalem236 3 жыл бұрын
2 Things people generally don't know about Veil, it is generally stronger than shake if applied to a non tank. why? because Veil is based on the Paladin's HP while Shake is based on the HP of the person receiving the Shake, so on a non tank veil is a stronger shield (assuming everyone is roughly the same ilvl). another thing SCH's fairy can proc veil with its' passive heal embrace
@sirstash 3 жыл бұрын
I have made it to level 70 only really know what half of my shit does, this really helped
@GoldenSifter 3 жыл бұрын
What is neat about Divine Veil with SCH, embrace is considered a spell so fairy can trigger it XD
@devanwc23 2 жыл бұрын
Guide still holds up pretty well. Sucks that its a pain to update videos like these. but used this to get back into pally after a long break appreciate it chair
@Endlessfin 3 жыл бұрын
God dammit bahamut did it again
@blubblubwhat 3 жыл бұрын
its commandable that u correct errors in guides.. even thogh they will bring u whay less views than a completly new video! respect and much apriciated as a sprout.
@drunemeton 2 жыл бұрын
Posted Feb. 26, 2021 and offering a Karaoke at 10k subscribers. Now on Oct. 25, 2021 you’re almost at 60k subscribers. Well done! Great guide too, so I guess that explains the subs…
@JohnnyTightIips 3 жыл бұрын
Playing a Paladin now as my first class, so thought I better watch how to actually play it.
@HamsterPants522 3 жыл бұрын
Same here. I was working towards unlocking dark knight and gunbreaker, but by the time I got them paladin had really grown on me.
@persecom 3 жыл бұрын
Your content reminds me of Sseth. Good shit
@drago1uk2000 3 жыл бұрын
A little tip, during aoe you will always do more damage with a non requiescat holy circle than a FoF buffed prominence combo, as long as you keep your mp high enough for your requiescat you're good.
@josephsheehan6079 3 жыл бұрын
While true isn’t it better to save save all MP to align it with the spell buff?
@drago1uk2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@josephsheehan6079 Ofcourse but not if its on cooldown after just using it.
@JackieTheRaccoon 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for these guides! They're extremely helpful!
@KristianNox 3 жыл бұрын
Well ether I like watching your videos
@NabaniSaa 3 жыл бұрын
My goal is to clear a raid with only Paladins. Paladin Tanks, Paladin DPS and Paladin Heals.
@godhand2018 3 жыл бұрын
Would 100% be possible people cleared ucob with 8 tanks (not all paladins I'm pretty sure but you can definitely do that aswell)
@TalysAlankil 3 жыл бұрын
once upon a time i ran temple of the fist as a black mage, and our healer and other dps died. that is the only time i saw clemency used, because our paladin essentially played both tank and healer while I did the dps lol
@VincentMahay 3 жыл бұрын
For blocking mitigation, it's not always 20%, afaik it goes from 10% to 20% depending of your shield in 5.x. Also, you're not really talking about passive blocking without sheltron, but it's hard to find resources about rate calculation for 5.x on this, but it's meaningful for big packs of monsters in dungeon, for endgame dungeon PLD have statistically around 6% always-on mitigation (but not meaningful for bosses, not enough hits obviously). Also, cover was really good before they removed the mitigation effect on it. Good guide btw, thanks for the content and the keep going.
@josepadron335 3 жыл бұрын
Bro i can hear the frustration in this version
@Thandwar 2 жыл бұрын
Commenting because the sarcastic catgirl in the video told me to Awesome content btw
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
13:15 You're better off pulling with provoke, so you can immediately AOE the mobs without waiting for the GCD cooldown. Also shield bash has some use if you get queued into low level dungeons. It lets you stun mobs one after another, reducing damage a decent amount. Can help for big pulls with rando healers or if you're leveling the class and aren't high iL yet. Definitely useless at 80 though. I didn't use it at all in E8S when doing it as PLD.
@friendlygiant1507 3 жыл бұрын
Friend introduced me to this channel when we were talking how being a mentor is basically the Obama giving himself the medal meme. Video about hierarchy something. It's like i'm watching a very irritated baby of casually explained and sam O'Nella, most of that irritation probably because of recording footage at buttfuck 4:30AM 4:25 fucking love it. Looking forward to the karaoke.
@X1OProductions 3 жыл бұрын
There is only one tank that solos and that's PLD. Best invuln in the game, always meta, best tank aesthetic.
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
WAR does a lot of solos too. Some they're better at than PLD just because they don't lose any damage when healing. PLD still the best overall for sure.
@creely 3 жыл бұрын
Great video man! I'm going to be that FF nerd though lol. Shield Bash and Cover are signature abilities paladin has in most every FF game they are in. That's probably why we have them and will always have them. 😆 I love it.
@RagnellAvalon 3 жыл бұрын
Shield Bash is not very common since Paladins traditionally two-hand. The only other game "Paladin" has Shield Bash in is FF11 - otherwise it exclusively appears on Dissidia!Firion (who is not a Paladin), the Raptor job in FFTA2, and the Knight (who is modeled on the FF5 Warrior) in Bravely Default.
@Medli32 2 жыл бұрын
'Video man explains cover' 'Me remembering a video I saw of a Paladin in infinite tornado hell because he covered someone in "The Limitless Blue" who obliviously stood in the tornado, thus launching him higher and higher into the air' Yeah Cover has a few weaknesses.
@thegamer101n 3 жыл бұрын
If you need help with reviewing a monk guide I can help. Even though only 10 ppl play them
@Z4gle 3 жыл бұрын
The chair said I am helping
@soberbard 3 жыл бұрын
sadge my shield bash info for palace didnt make it into the remake but kudos for taking time to improve the guide etc!
@wolfVFV 3 жыл бұрын
> only tank class that uses a shield > squishys tank class what
@JoshSci 3 жыл бұрын
Great guide, thanks!
@brettwerdesheim9767 3 жыл бұрын
Guessing that server balmung and the things they do with their swords
@PatrickOchoa8a 3 жыл бұрын
The only time I can remember really using shield bash is in Haukke Manor. If you don't have another melee class for stuns or they just don't know what they're doing, then it can be useful to deal with 2 Succubi using their AoE fear thing. But other than that I'm not sure.
@staomruel 2 жыл бұрын
I used the like button, what was the other request?
@NightbladeNotty 3 жыл бұрын
PLD was my first experience with tanking but I'm a damned dirty ape warrior at heart lol. After this though, I might play around with it again 😬
@Puff_Chady 2 жыл бұрын
Needs an update video on Paladin.
@ladwarcoffee 3 жыл бұрын
Even if you over pull as a pld shield bash stun can seriously increase your survivability for at least a short while. Its also longer then low blow or holy. Can be useful with under geared player to haste most 4 dungeon trash pulls. not recommend as the first thing you go to especially if you have a whm since they should be holying anyways but if it looks bad it can make the difference between a wipe and a rough clear.
@zanderwhitcroft 3 жыл бұрын
Hallowed Ground clutched 2 bosses while the group all wiped except me, best feeling in the world!
@mattmcguirk4511 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks (as a main tank) every tank feels exactly the same with very minor differences. I wish SE would do something about that
@mattmcguirk4511 3 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping that with EW we add in differences between the tanks. Make GNB and WAR very fast DPSy tanks and make Pally/Drk the healy (or healy by hurting oneself) tanks, just to give a different flavor. Not gonna lie, started playing in 5.2 and watching old vids of the TP system and the old tanking ways, makes me regret not getting into this game sooner. But hopefully SE makes it so.
@junky2fk 3 жыл бұрын
@@mattmcguirk4511 your comment gave me an idea. i would like to see a two-by-two identity for tanks: Damage mitigation identity: Shield tanks: DRK and GNB Heal tanks: WAR and PAL DPS identity for tanks: High burst DPS: WAR and GNB DoT gradual DPS: PAL and DRK So we can have 4 unique tanks roles: High DPS and shield tank: GNB DoT DPS and shield tank: DRK High DPS and Heal tank: WAR DoT DPS and heal tank: PAL
@mattmcguirk4511 3 жыл бұрын
@@junky2fk honestly think that would be a great idea. Same with healers. I think SE has a really concrete hold on how to make the DPS's more unique. Hell, getting all my melees to 80 in the last few months and each one required a whole different mindset. Which was awesome. But then just lvling up SCH, AST and WHM (in that order) the only one with a gimmick is AST. WHM is literally "yeah, before lvl 50 you'll hate your life cuz everything has hard cast time." I just think your breakdown is genius, and I wanna see them throw Sage in with some legit thought behind it. I'm still of the mindset they should have WHM and AST as regen heals (since who Nocturnals anyway), and SGE and SCH shield heals. And screw it, while we're at it, make it so that people actually have to use potions in dungeons, and use bloodbath to heal while attacking. Cuz if I heal one more dungeon where the DPS just expects heals rather than does something about it, I'm gonna start screaming at my PC again. Ya got bloodbath and Second Wind for a reason, USE EM. Sorry for that rant there, but it's nice to open up to with some intellect behind it hah.
@RagnellAvalon 3 жыл бұрын
they used to be a bit more different but they were also more annoying to play since you had to juggle multiple stances and most people were just terrible at it
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
@@junky2fk I like how PLD isn't a shield tank here either
@bophadesknutz7798 3 жыл бұрын
Passage of Arms/Arms Up last 5 seconds after its cancelled, at least for your party
@Force-Multiplier Жыл бұрын
Disshapen Chair where is my Reworked Endwalker Paladin video?!!! GET BACK TO WORK BOY!
@SleepyOmel 3 жыл бұрын
I remember killing the first boss in the twining as a pld when our healer died and all i did was heal and mp regain, fun time
@MegaSasuke21 3 жыл бұрын
John update pog :^)
@steweygrrr 3 жыл бұрын
Repost to remind people that while Vanilla may be _a_ god for your Paladin to follow, she is not Kagami Sumika and thus not _the_ god. This has been a Public Awareness message from the 'Drill Milky Punch from a Psychic Zombie Robot That Exists In All Possible Realities That She Can Exist In' programme.
@greatertyler860 3 жыл бұрын
This video has content.
@alexanderrodriguez2428 2 жыл бұрын
10:27 I lost it. Bravo hahaha
@jude4195 3 жыл бұрын
Great video
@smellybearc7411 3 жыл бұрын
Paladin is the squishiest of all the tanks now?!
@LoredanSunstrider 2 жыл бұрын
1:58 EW be like "Hold that thought"
@lolwarriordps 3 жыл бұрын
here is some more engagement
@hkoizumi3134 3 жыл бұрын
I've been saying "requesting a cat" rather than Requiescat.
@hortehighwind8651 3 жыл бұрын
I too want to request a spellwielding cat for 12s.
@JurraMeBoi 3 жыл бұрын
picked up the class the hour end walker was revealed... lvl62 now but i love it's vibe
@DanteEdgeworth 2 жыл бұрын
is he talking about balmung in the beginning lmao?
@hunkyicecream 3 жыл бұрын
Mr "Reupload" Chair
@infoverflow5559 3 жыл бұрын
I use provoke to get mobs attention from afar and to aggro that one mob that I cannot see and is far away
@grncookie1825 3 жыл бұрын
Wait but literally yesterday I covered a tank buster for another paladin while they were stunned and couldn't use Hallowed Ground themselves, and I used Hallowed Ground on myself and neither of us took damage
@heavenzrevenge 3 жыл бұрын
Cover makes it so any and all damage taken is redirected to the paladin that cast it. Meaning if you used Hollowed Ground the damage he was supposed to receive was redirected to you and invuled by you Hollow
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
@@heavenzrevenge cover ignores hollow. Test it out with a buddy, you'll take cover damage anyways. OP here probably just had enough shields & mitigation that their HP wasn't affected, only the shield.
@ProjectKiLlJoY5 3 жыл бұрын
Bruh you still got Intervention wrong. It doesn't go to 50% DR if you have Rampart or Sentinel active; it gains 50% of the DR of either of those effects. So, for example, if you have Rampart active and pop Intervention on someone, their total DR is 20%. If you have Sentinel active their DR becomes 25% total. Though tbh for a 6 second DR buff, it really should just jump to 50% DR if you have Rampart or Sentinel already active, because then it might be about as good as TBN and thus actually worth using.
@kosshark 3 жыл бұрын
21:10 me yesterday when both healers died halfway thru against normal eden titan
@chromelunchbox2321 3 жыл бұрын
Just a heads-up; this video isn't in your class guide playlist
@jeremielacroix8207 3 жыл бұрын
bruh, good vid
@acegreenstara2366 3 жыл бұрын
Alright who got the 25 kill streak this time
@Valkross9 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if they changed it or what, but I think your description of Shelltron is off. You said it blocks ALL attacks for 6 seconds. AFAIK it blocks the NEXT attack for 6 seconds and the buff is removed after 1 block. Granted there are exceptions like multi-hit tank busters. I don't know if you mentioned the buff disappearing after 1 block and I just missed it, but it's something I thought I'd mention.
@Ledeej083 3 жыл бұрын
They changed it to all attacks in Shadowbringers.
@Valkross9 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ledeej083 Oh. Then that's my bad. Thanks for letting me know.
@Grimguard 3 жыл бұрын
This conception that Gunbreaker is a low-mitigation tank really ought to be forgotten. In people's defense, it probably comes from the fact that brutal shell used to be a 150/150 heal/shield where the shield lasted 10 sec. It is now 200/200 and the shield lasts 30 sec, so you virtually always get SOME value out of the shield, and it is the largest self-heal of all tanks BY FAR. Storms path, on the other hand, is cast less often and is only a 250 potency heal. What this means in practice, essentially, is that GNB does an entire extra HP bar worth of healing than WAR over the course of a 10 minute fight - You can check my math, but at ~530 item level, Brutal shell is cast about 40 times for 12,000 heal+shield = 480k, and storms path is cast about 35 times for 7200 healing = 252k. 480k-252k is 228k, a bit more than an entire tank HP bar. Since rampart=rampart, nebula=vengeance, and aurora=equlibrium (for the sake of this example, at least), the question to be answered is whether Thrill of Battle, Shake it Off, and Raw intuition overcome the value of Camouflage, Heart of Light, and Heart of Stone, respectively. Thrill of battle's 20% heal is better than Camoflague if Camo mitigates less than 400k damage per cast (read: ALWAYS.) More realistically, Camo can mitigates a buster and ~three or four autos, or about about 200k base damage in savage, maybe slightly less. So in other words, Camo is about 20k effective HP and Thrill is about 40. If you cast thrill ON COOLDOWN, which you SHOULDNT, you can only do it 6 times in a 10 minute fight. Realistically, you can do it 5 times assuming great timings. 5 times 20 is 100k. Alright, Thrill overcomes 100k of that 228k Brutal Shell advantage. Some similar math for Heart of Light vs Shake it Off. If a raidwide does 75% of a DPS HP bar, HoL mitigates 7.5%. Shake it off ALWAYS mitigates 15%. So that's the breakeven point for HoL being HALF as effective as Shake it off. Realistically, you cast Shake it Off about the same number of times as Thrill in a 10 minute fight - five. Now, of course, Shake it Off has a massive advantage in raid healing, but on the main tank, the benefit of the large shield is almost always wasted because healers have to AoE heal all those squishy DPS anyway, leading to overheals on the tanks, who take FAR less damage from raidwides. In my opinion, HoL and Shake it off are both NOT RELEVANT to tanking effectiveness, but DPS efficiency - shake it off has the potential to save a healer GCD over HoL every use, meaning an extra Glare/Broil/Malefic. Even if you DO count an extra 7.5% tank HP as valuable, Shake it off is only worth about 5*15k = 75k tank HP over the course of a fight. 175k out of 228k handled. There are cases where the extra second of Heart of Stone is superior to the extra 5% mitigation of Raw intuition (i.e. mitigating an extra boss autoattack), but even if we ignore that, Raw intuition needs to be active for 53k / .05 = 1.06 million incoming damage to close the remaining gap. That's... plausible, depending on the fight, but unlikely. In other words, WAR and GNB have virtually the same level of effectiveness as main tanks. GNB does a bit more damage, but Shake it Off's raid utility has the potential to add that missing damage for WAR back in the form of healer GCDs. Their only meaningful difference is Holmgang vs Superbolide, which is highly fight-dependent. PLD is worse than both as main, but is a GREAT OT with Hallowed (see E10S for example), and DRK is often better in prog than any other tank because of TBN's insane value, but even still, there are cases where WAR or GNB is a better main than DRK, often because Living Dead fucking blows compared to Superbolide or TBN is essentially wasted because tank damage is not high enough for a particular fight to reliably keep popping TBN. IMO, over the course of shadowbringers, the best main tanks: GNB=WAR > DRK >>> PLD, best off tanks: PLD > DRK = WAR > GNB
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
But WARs are gonna Nascent Flash over Raw Intuition 99% of the time anyways. Specially when they got Inner Release/Chaos up
@SpartanMJO12 3 жыл бұрын
keeping shield bash and junking shield swipe is still my biggest gripe with paladin where's my bitch slap squeenix where is it
@raressavu9531 3 жыл бұрын
Warrior guide for memes soon? Or you dont like it...? Idk, funny video xD
@sketch8077 3 жыл бұрын
Take my comment widepeepoHappy
@James-kv3ll 3 жыл бұрын
So do you ever cast spells outside of Requiescat?
@samisayque 3 жыл бұрын
ok ok I’ll subscribe
@kamerohn_ 3 жыл бұрын
PLD or DRK... Can't decide :( back from year break and I use to main DRK.. Can't decide if I'm lazy and want to go DRK since it's 80 or finish my pally that's 73 lol
@Senira322 3 жыл бұрын
does circle of scorn not get affected by fight or flight?
@neophobicnyctophile8264 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of people don't realize that PLD is the only job that actually draws aggro in PvP. I've experienced this myself in Frontline time and time again. I don't' know how it works, but when I see a PLD enemy, he has to die. ...Buncha no-good do-gooders.
@PaperLaur 3 жыл бұрын
Big, bulky, probably shiny thing that makes your brain spontaneously play *DEUS VULT.* Why wouldn't you want to hit it first? Signed a Paladin main
@neophobicnyctophile8264 3 жыл бұрын
@@PaperLaur Wanna spar?
@TheLucidChiba 3 жыл бұрын
I'll like and sub but I refuse to comment.
@barryfleming3014 3 жыл бұрын
I was mildly amused.
@Kefkaownsall 3 жыл бұрын
So I just provoke not shirk for some reason
@BenkaiDebussy 2 жыл бұрын
I finally managed to get my friend to try FF14, but he made a Gladiator and got bored with the game by around level ~30. I can't even really blame him, because FF14 is an *extremely* boring game to play for the first 10s of hours (and with Gladiator/Paladin just being particularly egregious). He also had past experience with fairly high level legacy FF11, so basically the polar opposite of the completely mindless early-FF14 experience.
@RagnellAvalon 3 жыл бұрын
idk who will ever use this knowledge but Shield Bash stuns for slightly longer than Leg Sweep and has (almost non-existent) potency I'm pretty sure everyone who decides to do actually interesting content A) knows this and B) has no use for it so I'm not sure why this would ever be relevant, but there you go
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
Palace of the Dead PLD solo uses shield bash a lot
@RagnellAvalon 3 жыл бұрын
@@trustytrest I said "interesting " content but you're right, good catch
@beaawsome2211 3 жыл бұрын
so paladin works well with WHM XD cause they almost only have GCDs
@kaerakh4267 3 жыл бұрын
10:30 I fucking died. lol
@BalmungMP5 3 жыл бұрын
Gibe SMN guide pls
@rateriota2190 3 жыл бұрын
10:28 LOL
@NinaFelwitch 3 жыл бұрын
So weird that the only tank with a shield, something all tanks should have, is the squishiest and those tanks with huge oversized weapons deal less damage. Who designed this shit?
@GriziDaWiz 3 жыл бұрын
The video forgot to use hallowed ground to become invincible. It got hit full force.
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