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@goktugarabac1205 Жыл бұрын
1.Normal 2.The Real g Major 4 3.CoNfUsIon 4.CoNfUsIon + The Real G Major 4 5.H Major 200 6.Spain Chorded 7.G Major 8.Crying X 9.X has Might Confuse You 10.DMA 11.G Major 8900 12.Invert Color 13.RGB To BGR 14.RGB To BGR Reversed 15.CoNfUsIon RGB To BGR Reversed 16.HPIBAWR 17.Sponge Effect 18.Pitch Black 19.Monitor Major 20.G Major 4 21.G Major 4 + The ReL G Major 4 22.G Major 4 + CoNfUsIon (again) 23.G Major 4 + The Real G Major 4 + CoNfUsIon 24.Devil' Blast + G major 4 25.FriesBuckFlangChorded 26.U Major 144 27.Asleep X Centillion 28.Might Confuse You + G Major 4 29.DMA (again) 30.G Major 6 (4+2) 31.G Major 90 by Mario Bruton 32.G Major 90 by Mario Bruton (again) 33.G Major 90 by Mario Bruton Reversed 34.CoNfUsIon Reversed + G Major 90 by Mario Bruton 35.HPIBAWR + G Major 4 36.Sponge Effect + G Major 4 37.Surrond Major 38.Crazy Diamond 39.ConfUsIon + Invert Color 40.CoNfUsIon + Invert Color +The Real G Major 4 41.Low Voice Without Slow Speed (Sponge Effect + Reversed Voice) 42.Low Voice Without Slow Speed + The Real G Major 4 43.Devil's Blast + CoNfUsIon 44.HYS Major 45.Low Voice Without Slow Speed (again) (Reverse Voice) 46.Crying X + CoNfUsIon 47.Might Confuse You + Invert Color + CoNfUsIon 48.DMA + CoNfUsIon 49.G Major 2 + CoNfUsIon 50.Field Day Major + Left Mirrored 51.CoNfUsIon + RGB To BGR 52.CoNfUsIon + RGB To BGR Reversed (again) 53.Mirror + RGB To BGR Reversed 54.G Major 1400000000000 Reversed 55.Sponge + ConfUsIon 56.CoNfUsIon + Invert Color (again) 57.CoNfUsIon + Crazy Diamond 58.G Major 7 59.G Major 11 (7+4) 60.CoNfUsIon + G Major 7 61.CoNfUsIon + G Major 11 (7+4) 62.Devil's Blast + G Major 7 63.Elder Guard Chorded 64.Inverted 65.Asleep X 66.Might Confuse You + G Major 7 67.Pixitracker Major 14 Without Wave And Without Diffrent Music 68.G Major 2 (again) 69.G Major 7 + Invert Color 70.G Major 7 + RGB To BGR 71.G Major 7 + RGB To Bgr reversed 72.G Major 7 + RGB To BGR Reversed + CoNfUsIon 73.HPIBAWR (again) 74.Sponge + G Major 7 75.G Major 7 + Pitch Black 76.G Major 7 + Crazy Diamond 77.Chorded (again) 78.Chorded (again) 79.Chorded + CoNfUsIon 80.Chorded + CoNfUsIon + G major 4 81.Chorded + Devil's Blast 82.Chorded^2 83.Chorded + G Major 84.Chorded + Crying X 85.Chorded + Might Confuse You 86.Chorded (again) 87.Chorded (again) 88.Chorded (again) 89.Chorded (again) 90.Chorded Reversed 91.Chorded + CoNfUsIon Reversed 92.HPIBAWR + Chorded 93.Chorded + Sponge Effect 94.Chorded + Pitch Balck 95.Chorded + Crazy Diamond 96.Autovocoding 97.Autovocoding + G Major 4 98.Autovocoding + CoNfUsIon 99.Autovocoding + CoNfUsIon + G Major 4 100.Slow Map Wave 101.Autovocoding + Chorded 102.Autovocoded Still 103.Autovocoding + Crying X😭😭😭 104.Might Confuse You + autovocoding 105.1st of Round 1 vs Megan Woodmansee Effect + G Major 600965 106.M Blit 06 107.Autovocoding (again) 108.Autovocoding (again) 109.Autovocoding Reversed 110.Autovocoding + CoNfUsIon Reversed 111.HPIBAWR + Autovocoding 112.Sponge + Autovocoding 113.Autovocding + Pitch Black 114.Aormulator V5143 115.G Major 2 (again) 116.Rj Kumar's G Major 788 117.CoNfUsIon + G Major 2 118.CoNfUsIon + Rj Kumar's G Major 788 119.X is Wild 120.Banik Chorded 121.G Major 345678 122.Crying X + G Major 2 123.Might Confuse You + G Major 2 124.Pixitracker Major 14 Without Wave And Without Diffrent Music (again) 125.G Major 4 (2 squared "^2") 126.G Major 2 (again) 127.G Major 2 (again) 128.G Major 2 Reversed 129.G Major 2 + CoNfUsIon + RGB To BGR Reversed 130.Noir Major 18 Reversed 131.G Major 2 + Sponge Effect 132.G Major 2 + Pitch Black 133.U Major Mjiajajor 134.Crying X (again) 135.Crying X + The Real G Major 4 136.Crying X + CoNfUsIon 137.Crying X + CoNfUsIon + The Real G Major 4 138.F Major + Green solid mp3 139.Crying X + Chorded 140.Crying X + G Major 141.Crying X^2 142.Might Confuse You + Crying X 143.DMA + Crying X 144.G Major 2 + Crying X 145.Crying X + Invert Color 146.Crying X + RGB To BGR 147.Crying X + RGB To BGR Reversed 148.HPIBAWR + Crying X 149.Crying X + Sponge Effect 150.Crying X pitch Black 151.Assemble Effect 6.0 ULTIMATE 152.G Major 1 153.G Major 1 + The Real G Major 4 154.Mirror 155.Mirror + The Real g Major 4 156.7w Major 157.15w Major 158.G Major 1 + G Major 159.34w Major 160.Might confuse You + G Major 1 161.DMA + G major 1 162.G Major 5 163.G Major 1 + Invert Color 164.Reaal G Major 1 165.Real G Major 1 Reversed 166.CoNfUsIon Reversed (again) 167.HPIBAWR (sounds like cubed) 168.G Major 1 + Sponge effect 169.G Major 1 + Pitch Black 170.G Major 1 + Crazy Diamond