A True Paradise: WHERE WE ARE HEADING - Kevin Anderson

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United Nations University - EHS

United Nations University - EHS

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Climate scientist Kevin Anderson warns that continuing on our current path could result in a 3-4°C temperature rise by the end of the century, a catastrophic outcome to be avoided at all costs. He cautions against believing the political rhetoric about progress in the fight against climate change and calls on us to push for bold policy changes.

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@amberazurescale5617 11 ай бұрын
Very much agree with Kevin. I'm into environmental and climate protection for 30 years now, about 18 years as renewable energies professional. Came to learn that technology isn't the problem. Humans are. And frankly, I always knew, but thought they'd change. They didn't, and won't. So, 3 to 4 degrees it'll be, and the planet will be grilled. Is there a choice, can it be avoided? Sure. You only have to start 30 years ago. But today... no, hopeium is not my drug. All that can be done now is a graceful retreat. Reduce your own CO2 footprint, save every little bit of nature and every little animal as good as you can, and watch the world burn as long as you can endure it.
@___.51 11 ай бұрын
I can’t endure for much longer but my return to the earth is its own consolation.
@evandrenner2310 11 ай бұрын
We are locked in for 10c. There is nothing we as a species can do
@room_threeothree 11 ай бұрын
I concur with your perspective. Certain phenomena pertaining to climate and the biosphere are now irreversible, and reducing human emissions will not restore the environment to its pristine state; however, this does not negate the imperative to curtail emissions, regardless of the challenges we face. As for my personal contribution, I have significantly reduced my carbon footprint. I sold my car and now rely on bicycling or public transportation for essential travel. Additionally, I have forgone air travel for vacations and curbed superfluous material expenditures. Throughout these endeavours, I strive to find joy in life, or in whatever is left to enjoy, while actively promoting compassion and agapic love.
@mikepilkenton2383 10 ай бұрын
Legalize euthanasia . Big market. Lots of room for growth. Affermative action for the greater good, As they like to say"a win/win for everyone"
@xxwookey 10 ай бұрын
2 degrees is still possible today. It's not 'hopium', but it does require significant social change amongst the high-emitters, of which we see very little sign so far. I do wonder whether putting Kevin on the telly for 5 minutes every night, say just before the news, would make a difference. There are still a lot of people who have never heard of the man and his clear and simple message, delivered in flat vowels, carefully sticking to the science, and perhaps most importantly from a 'walk the talk' position, unlike almost all our so-called leaders. Perhaps I am a hopeless optimist, but I reckon a dose of Kevin, over and over again for a year or two, would get a lot of people to a position of better understanding. He's a hard man to just dismiss.
@tovebl 11 ай бұрын
This should be mandatory viewing for any leader. Thank you Kevin for continuing to be a voice of reason.
@3goldenhairs 11 ай бұрын
mandatory viewing for non-leaders too
@grahamt5924 11 ай бұрын
It seems to be a load of nonsense. Take away fossil fuel and billions of us will die anyway.
@normanberg9940 11 ай бұрын
Yeah all very "NICE". But the problem is you don't provide any solutions beyond lets kill off 3/4 of the worlds population. Wind and solar are NOT viable solutions. They simply cannot provide the required energy. And can be every bit as polluting as oil. What happens to those power sources once they become defunct? They are not recyclable. The same can be said about electric vehicles. First off the power to charge those batteries still needs to come from somewhere, usually coal fired power plants. And the strip mining of lithium required for those same batteries is far more disastrous for the environment than any oil well. All you people are doing is sticking a band aid over a festering wound. Out of sight = out of mind. So you can all sleep better at night knowing just how virtuous you all are. Problem is you, the West, are a shrinking demographic and the undeveloped world is growing in leaps and bounds. The undeveloped world does not care about your climate virtues. It wants to develop and you are in no position to lecture or convince them. The only way you have of changing their minds is through education and the only way you can hope to educate them is by allowing them the power necessary to achieve that. Preaching to the converted is a waste of time. When the problem lies in Beijing and not Washington and Delhi and not London. That is your dilemma. There is a temporary solution until something truly better comes along. Nuclear. But then, you have all watched far to many Simpsons episodes for that ever to become reality.
@nm628679c 10 ай бұрын
So him talking sht and saying that 'the majority of the worlds population lives near the coast"' is OK with your tiny mind? You're a bunch of people with mental health issues!😶‍🌫️
@Mark-pb4dn 8 ай бұрын
this guy is Greta Thunberg on steroids
@harrynac6017 11 ай бұрын
He didn't say it on purpose, but he was right "fossil fools"
@lesbrattain6864 11 ай бұрын
I was raised in Alaska and can SEE the change. I have been singing the climate song for about 15 years now. Nobody will listen or accept it, not even my wife who is a literate and intelligent person. I am old and won't see the worst of it. So be it.
@lucidnode 11 ай бұрын
Literate and intelligent but nobody is more indoctrinated on average than those who have spent most of their life benefiting from the way our system is structured even if it is at the expense of something else. That's how even white hillbillies (on average) are ok with this but poor african americans aren't. Because they're under the illusion the are benefiting. Jeff Bezos is no different. He's only under the illusion he's benefitting as well, nobody is really benefiting off of this long term. That illusion, at least in his case (there are other illusions like patriarchy or racism that he's not as invested in) has a very specific name and form. It's called capitalism and it's when money or "profit," becomes your god. But money isn't profit, and if you keep following the dollar bill eventually we all suffer from your actions (if we feed into your actions, mostly because we're being fed by you). Because true profit is sustainable and capitalism isn't, it's alienating, making us all be stuck on our own little island based on what we (and our "atomic family") have in our wallet. And profit for whom anyways? (Again, on average) Those most likely to step on others, psychopaths and narcissists. The worst of us benefit at the expense of the best, who are happy with what they have even if it's little and spend their time helping others rather than focusing on material things and stepping on people to get ahead. In the most non-religious way possible (or completely religious depending on how you want to take it) it's completely satanic. And entirely anti-social. You'd think capitalists thought they were living in a vacuum with all the variables they refuse to consider in pursuit of their gain alone. Or if they do consider them they think in terms of control, adding lots of sugar which is addicting, always reminding you of things to buy through commercials, subtly steering you in certain directions through internet algorithms, rather than in terms of freedom, because through freedom everyone benefits, but through control you get a larger slice of the pie, at some point basically the whole thing, leaving only tablescraps behind, and who doesn't want more pie? It's selfish and short sighted to do that to the majority of people. We're all slaves to this system we engage with rich or poor, (why else would the rich not stop what they were doing when they know it will hurt them long term if they weren't enslaved themself?) and the only way out is for people to remember the golden rule. If we are to have a future it will be socialist; if we are to have a future it will be libertarian. That's why the American Green Party advocates for communalism (a well thought out system of socialist, almost communist directly democratic minarchism/pseudo anarchy with a heavy focus on social ecology for combating climate change) as a long term goal. Because capitalism, authoritarianism, and not living in harmony with nature will soon kill us. Lol. Just joking climate change is the only problem here haha.
@globalwarming382 11 ай бұрын
I guess im not alone when i set and listen to the several climate scientists and podcasts on the dire situation that we humans have put our children and grandchildren in. 😢
@Hybridog 11 ай бұрын
I've noticed it too. I'm 66 and have lived in Texas most of that time. Central Texas is known for it's rolling limestone hills and springs that bubble up in low spots and breaks in the rock. It used to be when I was a kid, even in hot summers, water always dripped from the areas where roads cut through the rock. Water ran in the ditches almost year round all across the vast hill country. And now? That does not happen. If we get a fluke rain event where we get rain for weeks or even months, some seeps will start dripping again, but then they stop.The caliche clay soil is bone dry several feet down. Even 30 years ago there was a seep that put a little water over a road in my neighborhood all winter and well into summer. I have not seen it wet in almost 15 years. Our drinking water lakes are low and one day we are going to have a crisis in Austin where there is not enough water for the city to function. And we will have more fires. And more and more dangerous heat days. And the trees will start dying because the rocky clay soil can't hold the rain that is not falling. I figure in 35 years it's going to be really bad here and all across the south. And then the great migration will start.
@globalwarming382 11 ай бұрын
@@Hybridog it already started. The border is a disaster because of global warming.
@MrCSutton 10 ай бұрын
How do you know what you're seeing isn't natural? I'm 59 and in all my years I've seen nothing to worry about regarding the climate. There is no climate crisis.
@brianwheeldon4643 11 ай бұрын
I've followed the increase in climate change from when it was described as change through warming then emergency and now it's in the realm of crisis.That's what 30 years has lead us to without any meaningful action or plans or reduction in emissions. This must be the year change begins. Attitudes need to change and lead to action for change. Thanks Kevin for your tireless work over the decades. You have educated many myself included. Good wishes
@giorgialadashvili4771 11 ай бұрын
The emissions likely won't peak until 2025-2026. Cutting them by any meaningful metric will take decades. We have already passed 1.5C if you account for global dimming and are heading towards 2C by 2050 and even that is a bit optimistic. Now I do want to be optimistic, but change does not seem very likely.
@brianwheeldon4643 11 ай бұрын
@@giorgialadashvili4771 I agree totally
@nancylaplaca 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Kevin for your work - I have been advocating for clean energy (and fighting idiocy like “clean” coal etc) for 18 years. Along the way I have learned a lot of climate science, and so appreciate your clear voice and willingness to teach others.
@kelownatechkid 11 ай бұрын
Criminally underrated video... very important message
@southvibez 11 ай бұрын
"We're under some gross misconception that we're a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we'll correct our errors and God will smile on us - It's delusion." (Farley Mowat)
@horse69outside 11 ай бұрын
All the technology and energy consumption has created interlinked global supply chains that reward (capitalism) hugely wasteful consumption of resources, which benefits the bottom lines and opulent lifestyles of the wealthy one percent. The apex of this centuries old tower of privilege and power is a rats nest of psychopaths and narcissists, conspirators and manipulators, who will stop at nothing to retain their positions, and it goes without saying that mass murder is always an option. The next plannedemic will be much more deadly. Their endgame is totalitarian control of a global agenda, digital currency and id, with anyone not willing to bow down labelled a terrorist, a racist, a mysogynist (thanks, Trudeau). The apex of power have decided they want the planet for themselves, and billions of us need to be gotten rid of.
@madelinewerner7544 11 ай бұрын
I currently can’t go outside because wildfire smoke from Canada has traveled thousands of miles to permeate the skies in our city and has made the air unsafe to breathe. Yet no one I know wants to even talk about climate change because it’s too depressing. The overall lack of care for the place we all live on that contains all the resources we need to survive is unfathomable to me. Toxic positivity and blissful ignorance (AKA denial and inaction) seem to be our downfall.
@robertemmett347 11 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, I agree with you. My biggest worry is for future generations, it makes me sad to think that if nothing is done about Climate Change, the future looks bleak for people and habitat in the near future.
@Briand-ei1gs 11 ай бұрын
Why do you think Co2 a must have for plant life is responsible for forest fires?
@MrCSutton 10 ай бұрын
The fires are arson. Just like in Greece, as their government confirmed. You lefties. Priceless.
@karlwheatley1244 6 ай бұрын
​@@Briand-ei1gs "Why do you think Co2 a must have for plant life is responsible for forest fires?" Lots of people don't understand that, and I'm a researcher who is writing a book on the crises we face, so here's an overview of the science that explains why more CO2 generally means more intense wildfires and more acreage burned. First, our emissions have increased global CO2 levels 50% which caused global warming which increased global water vapor and methane levels, which then caused even more warming, which released even more CO2, water vapor, and methane, which caused still more warming, and onward that chain reaction rolls. Second, in a slightly warmer world, more water evaporates from the soil, trees, bushes, and plants then ever before, drying out the ground, trees, and other foliage. You might expect all that water to simply return to where it came from, but having warmed the atmosphere 2 degrees F, it now can hold ~8% more moisture than it could when slightly cooler. Thus, as slightly warmer-than-before air masses move over forests nowadays, they suck more water out of them than before and are less likely to return that water quickly in rain or snow. So most of the world's great forests are gradually but steadily drying out--including the Amazon, the forests in the American Rockies, and the great boreal forests of Canada, Russia, etc. Third, the slightly warmer winters mean that in places like the American Rockies, fewer of the tree-killing bark beetles are killed off during the winters AND the longer warm season means that species of bark beetles that could only mate 2X per year before can often now mate 3X per year. Bottom line: An explosion of tree-killing bark beetles in the Rockies and elsewhere due to mane-made global warming. Fourth, in a slightly warmer world, you get a significant uptick in extreme heat waves (due to the curved shape of the right side of the normal distribution), and these amplify the drying out of soil and trees, and the death of trees already stressed by the above factors. Wildfires that emerge during particularly hot spells are also significantly harder to put out. Fifth, the consequence of the combined forces of #2, #3, and #4 is lots more "standing-dead" trees in the worlds' forests. For example, Colorado alone had an estimated over 800 million standing dead trees before they experienced the two worst forest fires on record a few years ago. Sixth, in a hotter world, you get lightning strikes with thunderstorms. Seventh, the combination of less moisture in the soil and trees, more dead trees, and more lightning strikes--and a warmer climate for the fire to emerge in has resulted in significant increases in acreage burned in the US and elsewhere across recent decades--despite advances in firefighting technologies. I hope that helps explain the causal linkages between burning fossil fuels and the worsening forest fires we are witnessing. Take care.
@Larkinchance 11 ай бұрын
A personal observation. I live on Cape Cod in the US North East. During the summer months, it can get very lush with vegetation. As a child, I remember the street lights attracting swarms of flying insects. Now, 60 years later, last August there were none. This year, almost July, I haven't seen any insects except, some mosquitos
@chrisbarron5861 11 ай бұрын
Do you decide to attribute it directly to CO2 levels, do you have evidence ?
@Briand-ei1gs 11 ай бұрын
Well why would earth warming up a tiny bit hurt insects.
@Larkinchance 11 ай бұрын
@@Briand-ei1gs I'll guess we'll find out...
@chrisbarron5861 11 ай бұрын
Temperature is not the only variable though. The use of pesticeds and fertilizers must be considered. Have farming practices changed in the area ?
@poigmhahon 10 ай бұрын
Here in N. Idaho the insect population drop off was extreme this year. Very noticeable and dramatic, also no tree frogs at night. A noticeable decline in bird populations as well. There has been no change in farming practices and this is not a large crop agricultural area. Similar decline in sea birds on the west coast...it's alarming and happening fast.
@misterjones2u 11 ай бұрын
I am with you Kevin!
@3goldenhairs 11 ай бұрын
Well put - great assessment of our perilous situation; makes it crystal clear that radical change is needed but the changes won't be coming from the great and the good
@grahamt5924 11 ай бұрын
There is no change coming. You had better get used to that idea. We need fossil fuels just to survive. Loads would die if we just stopped. We will continually use the stuff
@horse69outside 11 ай бұрын
All the technology and energy consumption has created interlinked global supply chains that reward (capitalism) hugely wasteful consumption of resources, which benefits the bottom lines and opulent lifestyles of the wealthy one percent. The apex of this centuries old tower of privilege and power is a rats nest of psychopaths and narcissists, conspirators and manipulators, who will stop at nothing to retain their positions, and it goes without saying that mass murder is always an option. The next plannedemic will be much more deadly. Their endgame is totalitarian control of a global agenda, digital currency and id, with anyone not willing to bow down labelled a terrorist, a racist, a mysogynist (thanks, Trudeau). The apex of power have decided they want the planet for themselves, and billions of us need to be gotten rid of.
@brianrobinson3236 11 ай бұрын
Excellent, so clear. But terrifying. Thanks for posting it. I shall send around the link.
@giorgialadashvili4771 11 ай бұрын
By no means we should succumb to pessimism, but when one remembers, that the highest cut to emissions occurred during pandemic, when entire economies were shut down, and even that only accounted for a measly 4%(!) reduction in emissions, barely enough to register a dent, yeah, it's time to be worried.
@MrCSutton 10 ай бұрын
Alternatively, the fact that massively reduced emissions didn't make any difference ought to show you that human CO2 emissions have no effect on the earth's climate. Which is the reality.
@giorgialadashvili4771 10 ай бұрын
@@MrCSutton Emissions were not reduced "massively", they were reduced by 4%. Did you even read what I wrote? Economies shut down, but we are so dependent on fossil fuels, the emission cuts were small.
@karlwheatley1244 6 ай бұрын
@@MrCSutton "ought to show you that human CO2 emissions have no effect on the earth's climate." There's a mountain of research proving that our emissions caused almost all recent global warming. CO2 is THE main atmospheric control knob of global temps, in large part because it is a non-condensing gar that once added to the atmosphere, stays aloft for centuries, and because raising global CO2 levels also raises global methane and water vapor levels--in a snowballing chain reaction. Take care.
@soulevans7334 2 ай бұрын
​@MrCSutton Let's say we all accept that human caused climate change was all a lie and we decide its pointless to take any of the proposed actions to mitigate it. If it turns out it wasn't a lie it would be the biggest mistake ever made in human history. Given what's a stake here I think both sides need really good evidence. I've seen lots of really good evidence for the position that says its caused by humans. Do you feel that you have exceptional evidence for your position.
@soulevans7334 2 ай бұрын
​@MrCSutton Lets say that we accept that human caused climate change was all a lie and we decide to do none of the proposed actions to mitigate it. If it turns out that it wasn't a lie, taking no action would be the biggest mistake ever made in human history. Given whats a stake, I think both sides need to present exceptional evidence. Do you feel that you have exceptional evidence for your position?
@mathieucaron4957 11 ай бұрын
But if we look at recent research, how can we continue to think that +2 could be avoided? We are now told that the Arctic will be ice-free around September 2030 (even if we stop our emissions), and other studies say that if the ice melts in the Arctic, it will increase the warming enormously. If they're right, that means global warming will greatly increase regardless of our actions. I think we should start talking about how we can adapt and accept that unfortunately it can't be happy for everyone...
@keithw8286 11 ай бұрын
The consistent underestimate of the speed and scope of the climate crisis by the scientific community should give us pause. Records are being set year on year, and accelerating. The exponential nature of change, the existence of positive feedback, should be enough to garner the changes needed. Unfortunately, decisions are made on political cycles, not global ones. I am in my sixties. Growing up, I loved science fiction. The idea of technology reaching the point where it’s indistinguishable from magic, reaching across the galaxies. Now I mourn that humanity may not have that or any kind of future.
@emceegreen8864 11 ай бұрын
Keith. Have a look at the science fiction novel The Ministry for the Future. Chapter 42 introduces a real world climate policy with the ability to resolve the climate problem. Technically it’s called Carbon Quantitative Easing.
@RussCR5187 11 ай бұрын
Sad to say, but the human brain did not evolve with exponential change as part of its adaptive experience. Most people have no idea how to think about it. I believe there are actually two exponential storms coming at us. The other is the inevitable end to affordable energy in quantities able to support a world with 7+ billion people in it. Especially when most of the high-consuming world is based on debt-driven economic systems. But that's a story for another day.
@Timlagor 11 ай бұрын
@@RussCR5187 Evolutionary history is not nearly as important to what we think as people like to claim. Producing energy on that scale is eminently doable with current green technology. The problem is oil companies that actively obstruct it. We have reached a point where substantial sacrifices are necessary in the short term though -especially from the greediest 1%
@RussCR5187 11 ай бұрын
@@Timlagor I'm not convinced that the natural resources required to build and maintain the current green technology is sufficient for sustainability.
@keithw8286 11 ай бұрын
@@emceegreen8864 thanks , I still like a read
@pix23 11 ай бұрын
there is a critical error in the displayed captions at 11:22. The displayed caption is "because we've done very well out-the-system thinking", but what he actually says is "because we've done very well out of the system, thankyou".
@jeaninedc11 10 ай бұрын
One of the best explanations I have seen of the crisis we are in. I have been aware of the issues you mention for the last 12 years at least, but I will use this video as a tool when I need to explain how dire the situation is to others.
@qbas81 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this very important and informative video! I have shared in some groups I belong to.
@miguel5785 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting a version subtitled in Spanish! That will allow me to share it. Kevin Anderson is extremely articulate. And Antonio Guterres always has such painful punchlines delivered to world leaders.
@rdklkje13 6 ай бұрын
You gotta love Guterres. He's practically powerless but keeps reminding them that he'll be calling them out as much, as loudly and for as long as he possibly can.
@stephenbarlow2493 11 ай бұрын
A huge thank you to Professor Kevin Anderson, who I respect as the most rigorous and honest voice on the climate crisis.
@grahamt5924 11 ай бұрын
I would love to chat with him because in my head, it does not stack up. Co2 is a natural essential gas, so why is it an issue when it is needed by plants.
@stephenbarlow2493 11 ай бұрын
@@grahamt5924 CO2 maybe a natural gas, but above a certain concentration, and it will kill you. However, that is not the reason it is a problem here. It's simply that the whole idea that a compound, is good or bad is mistaken. It is the relative levels that matters. We need salt, but above a certain level, not only is it bad for you, but it will also kill you. The overall point is this, and that is science understands CO2 and its roles in various processes, in massive depth. In fact, the only reason we know of the existence of CO2, is because of science. It is not that science has never considered or studied the role of CO2.
@grahamt5924 11 ай бұрын
@stephenbarlow2493 For most crops the saturation point will be reached at about 1,000-1,300 ppm under ideal circumstances. A lower level (800-1,000 ppm) is recommended for raising seedlings (tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers) as well as for lettuce production. 750 ppm is ideal for wheat growth. Humans are fine in co2 of 1000ppm and current co2 levels are about 400ppm, so again, what's the issue. Everything still seems to be safe.
@stephenbarlow2493 11 ай бұрын
@@grahamt5924 Anthropogenic Climate Change. What the video is about.
@grahamt5924 11 ай бұрын
@stephenbarlow2493 The reality is that co2 emissions are going to continue to rise, so we got to hope it goes OK.
@thegoldencycle9154 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I agree 100%. As an engineer, a climate enthusiast, and a human. The only chance I see for a sudden and effective change is the people. And the legal power of the courts. Couldn't they stop governments and fossil fuel companies from violating our laws and human rights?
@brianwheeldon4643 10 ай бұрын
Good question. The judiciary are complicit, until they can no longer sustain that position and realise the futility of their complicity. The other 'tipping point' is what Just Stop Oil are kicking off. It's happening slowly, until it ramps up almost overnight and then the media and the currently powerful are washed away. That's where the new law pre-organised (as is being organised now) comes into play. Similarly, deliberative democracy is being organised now by XR. It can be done although statistically the 'chances' are still no better than 5 percent (in my opinion) It's a military non-violent civil resistance being put into operation and it is essential to the survival of recognisable society and life.
@MrCSutton 10 ай бұрын
@@brianwheeldon4643 JSO are a load of middle class lefty wasters. Normal people hate them and rightly so.
@JesseP.Watson 9 ай бұрын
"Climate enthusiast"...? Sounds like a non-biased position to carefully assess the data on the topic!
@clivemitchell3229 11 ай бұрын
For me, climate change is like being in a car going downhill towards a cliff edge. The hill is getting steeper and the car is accelerating. Net zero is the logical equivalent of taking one's foot off the accelerator. We'll still accelerate due to gravity, but hey, it's no longer us that's doing it, so we're saved! Not. Instead, we should be standing on the brakes, throwing an anchor out of the window and sewing parachutes for when we go over. I'm working on parachutes and cliff-climbing gear.
@Timlagor 11 ай бұрын
In reality "net zero" is promising to brake when we get to that line we made up further down the hill -and holding down the accelerator in the meantime. Net Zero 2050 commitment has been used in the UK as an excuse to open a new coal mine ("we''ll close it in 2049"). I really didn't make that up (it's in Cumbria near Whitehaven)
@stellateddy4078 11 ай бұрын
Wtf are you going on about? I'm going for a nice drive tomorrow. Lots of petrol burning up the road.
@Briand-ei1gs 11 ай бұрын
@@stellateddy4078 These people have mental illness created by Marxist communist in higher education. It starts when they are young. I know I am fed up with the lying. They have wated trillions of dollars on energy that is destroying the world economies.
@horse69outside 11 ай бұрын
All the technology and energy consumption has created interlinked global supply chains that reward (capitalism) hugely wasteful consumption of resources, which benefits the bottom lines and opulent lifestyles of the wealthy one percent. The apex of this centuries old tower of privilege and power is a rats nest of psychopaths and narcissists, conspirators and manipulators, who will stop at nothing to retain their positions, and it goes without saying that mass murder is always an option. The next plannedemic will be much more deadly. Their endgame is totalitarian control of a global agenda, digital currency and id, with anyone not willing to bow down labelled a terrorist, a racist, a mysogynist (thanks, Trudeau). The apex of power have decided they want the planet for themselves, and billions of us need to be gotten rid of.
@robertcartwright4374 9 ай бұрын
Your metaphor is similar to mine, except I substitute for the car a bus, with the global elites as the driver, pressing pedal to metal, and instead of a cliff, it's a steepening convex slope, increasingly strewn with larger and larger boulders. Yours does the job too.
@xxwookey 10 ай бұрын
If you want some subtitle corrections, here's a list: 1:11: 'Where' -> 'Well,' 5:55: 'doubled' -> 'double' 6:19: 'These' -> 'This' 6:32: 'the really' -> 'a really' 7:11: 'they're' -> 'that they're' 7:14: 'say to' -> 'say, to' 7:21: 'but because' -> 'because' (he stumbled here but meant the latter) 7:52: 'in time to' -> 'having to' 7:55: 'actually' -> 'is going to' 7:58: 'getting to' -> 'running too' 9:51: 'in bed' -> 'embed' 10:17: 'turn' -> 'term' 11:21: 'out-the-system thinking' -> 'out of the system, thank you' 12:03: 'of the' -> 'of' It was a tricky subtitling job - I can see why some of what Kevin said got garbled.
@eewilson9835 3 ай бұрын
We have done well out of the system, thats correct Kevin. We live the same, but different. Now our ways are mainstreaming because people are forced to change. The future looks bright with bold changes, strong individuals, and loving actions from people that have hope and never stop knowing that THIS IS IT, and this is the easy way to a better earth.
@lyndaschroeder8117 10 ай бұрын
ive been around for 80 yrs living mostly ourdoors. Have seen changes in all of nature that are beyond hope. You are wonderful kevin. Everyday person in my town are driving ;much faster than need to for 4 blocks.! all the time! We had empty streets during COVID worldwide. Somehow we can make it if only all energy is used to grow and distribute food.....Just a few of the rich starving now could change our world around. Somebody tell Elon that under CURRENT reality more population now will increase migration problems. If all of us who can ride a bike were doing it now imagine the improvement we could have right away. Even with electric ones.. Business as usual can be figured out to all our advantage! We have mannnnny smart people among us. Many local smart people everywhere! Encourage each other......before we drown and or roast.
@janklaas6885 9 ай бұрын
we need wise people
@jonlaban4272 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this story My action is in the Data Centre sector and in particular pushing legislation for compulsory data centre heat reuse to slash GHG emissions.
@solarwind907 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. Well spoken. Thank you very much,
@InvertedRhombus 11 ай бұрын
Essential viewing. It's a shame the first minute of this distracts from the importance of this video. Please, cater to people's shortened attention spans to get the traction important messages like this need
@monkeyfist.348 11 ай бұрын
Always nice to see you trying Kevin! Keep up the good work
@andrewlindley837 10 ай бұрын
Brilliant. In light of Sunak's moronic announcements today this should be compulsory viewing for all. Those with power though will make sure it isn't.
@brianrobinson3236 4 ай бұрын
Just watched it again. And it's worth watching and re-watching ad inf until we really do something.
@namnack 11 ай бұрын
Totally on board with the message here, but what on God's burning Earth is going to replace fossil energy on any meaningful time scale... Unobtanium or zero point energy? Of course we're doomed.
@carolynbrzezinski5779 11 ай бұрын
Burning fossil carbon was a one-off energy bonanza that propelled human capacity beyond planetary limits! We are now going toward the downward slope of the carbon pulse (Nate Hagen’s term). There is no energy replacement that allows us business as usual. We are living outside our planetary boundaries. Either we #ReduceConsumption now AND FAST- or the physics of too much CO2/CH4 will wipe us off the face of the planet. Physics is nonnegotiable. End of story.
@gabeelzi1871 11 ай бұрын
I keep thinking the same thing, all of our “green” energy still relies on fossil fuels, at the very least to make them. Everyone thinks Star Trek is our future, but all I can see is the Stone Age ahead.
@richardh8082 11 ай бұрын
Many countries already over 50% renewable energy. Just need to roll it out quicker
@giorgialadashvili4771 11 ай бұрын
@@richardh8082 Renewable energy, even in tandem with nuclear, will not be able to neatly substitute fossil fuels. Some reduction in consumption will still be necessary. And that in the most optimistic scenario.
@___.51 11 ай бұрын
@@richardh8082too little too late. We’re on a collision course with runaway global heating and mass extinction.
@Theresa3sa 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Kevin
@shootsteel 10 ай бұрын
However, most of what we are doing is counter productive.
@keithomelvena2354 7 ай бұрын
The thing about the COVID response is that it was designed to minimise economic damage, so we could get back to BAU as quickly as possible. The thing about the climate response is that it's designed to minimise economic damage and keep BAU front and centre. They're the same response.
@louisehoff9467 11 ай бұрын
how can people who truly love their children and family and friends be looking away? how can elected officials continue to look away?
@kelownatechkid 11 ай бұрын
I think it must be denial. Because to truly understand means you internalize all the future suffering your kids etc will experience. I believe most people recoil away from that kind of thinking
@olivergill2903 11 ай бұрын
It's in the nature of cognitive dissonance to look away. Apart from there being such an overwhelming knowledge base to earth systems, the natural human evolutionary response is to shirk it or find heuristic shortcuts,
@stellateddy4078 11 ай бұрын
Because this is a load of nonsense? Because these people are lying and or fanatics.
@vintage_violet 11 ай бұрын
Willful ignorance, denial, the insanity of greed (the uber rich are basically psychotic, assume they're immune/godlike), and/or fear of having to face the truth and accept that we must "suffer" drastic changes to lifestyle (especially in the West). Sadly we are all being forced to go through changes we will have no choice in.
@olivergill2903 11 ай бұрын
@@stellateddy4078 The cognitive bias is strong in this one
@emceegreen8864 11 ай бұрын
Don’t y’all think the main problem is lack of economic support for the work that needs to be done? I mean we know what to do but it’s hard to get the millions of us needed the resources to do the job. That’s what action is!
@bradleywinter2803 11 ай бұрын
This would have been great advice, great advice...if it was 1974.
@phil20_20 11 ай бұрын
The warming effect of CO2 was discovered in 1856. The extraction of kerosene from crude oil was invented, 1859.
@erwinlanser 11 ай бұрын
We're doomed😱
@madameblatvatsky 11 ай бұрын
@EnvironmentalCoffeehouse 11 ай бұрын
Kevin, one of the important voices we don't hear. But Tim Pool gets half a million views. WASF.
@seraph5765 11 ай бұрын
Tim Pool is such a dweeb, lol
@harrynac6017 11 ай бұрын
Or what to think of Jordan Peterson. He's calling all climate activists "narcissists", and politicians acting on climate change "psychopaths". And then he's offened when other psychologists don't want to associate with him anymore.
@wadeinn463 11 ай бұрын
Minute by minute coverage of 5 guys in a lost sub…. No mention of the 700 climate refugees that drowned trying to live.
@harrynac6017 11 ай бұрын
@@boyblue3270 Google "refugees Greece drown" and you'll probably get multiple examples of boats sinking and people drowning. This last boat had more casualties than usual. Mostly its' dozens of peope, now it was hundreds. They are not called climate refugees, but mostly they (indirectly) are. We hear it when it's about oil, but lots of conflicts in Africa and the Middle East are about excess to fresh water, for daily use and agriculture.
@globalwarming382 11 ай бұрын
​@@wadeinn463no one cares about the poor. The sub was full of the very people that are causing the poor to do desperate things like die finding a safe place to live. A good Billionaire is a good Billionaire.
@Larkinchance 11 ай бұрын
Human civilization is a different organism from the individual. The mechanisms in a technological civilization rely on supply chains and they will can't stop until they break down.
@Nine-Signs 11 ай бұрын
We can have perpetual growth capitalism or a viable future for humanity, physics dictates we cant have both simultaneously. Our leaders have chosen capitalism over the future for most species on the surface.
@Nine-Signs 11 ай бұрын
p.s. Raising taxes on dividends from no work, to the same level as waged labour for hard work, raises 14 billion £ a year. That is enough to put 5Kw solar + battery in every residential home in the UK within a decade. Wont be done as it would take away profits from transnational capitalist energy corporations. Instead we will spend untold billions bribing those corporations to slowly roll out slivers of renewables here and there, bit by bit, and after we have paid those untold billions over untold decades then we have the privilege of continuing to pay those corporations sky high prices for our energy supplied by them alone.
@Timlagor 11 ай бұрын
Incorrect. We cannot have perpetual growth capitalism. We can have about a decade more of GDP-growth-capitalism. They're my rulers not my leaders.
@charlessoukup1111 5 ай бұрын
Are we doing much to help our situation? NO!! Do we really KNOW how to change our industrial behavior toward improvement while not bringing about large scale chaos? NO!! Are united in our efforts to do. Anything?? NO!! Does that sum things up? YES!!😢
@Ann-qz7bl. 5 ай бұрын
@emceegreen8864 2 ай бұрын
It’s time to get to work. Funding the transition to a sustainable planet requires adequate or indeed abundant resources directed at the problem. There’s no other choice. Research Global Carbon Reward for a path towards that goal.
@janklaas6885 9 ай бұрын
4:52,4.57 we are screwed
@Grafyte 2 ай бұрын
3-4C by the end of the century? Man, we're on track to beat that by 2035!
@___.51 11 ай бұрын
Civilization is a heat engine
@Timlagor 11 ай бұрын
It doesn't have to be. Indeed it wasn't really until a couple of hundred years ago. Perhaps you meant "industrialization"
@matthewhaynes1279 11 ай бұрын
Please take on Dr Patrick Moore. He is keeping denials alive.
@Jc-ms5vv 6 ай бұрын
The lying Patrick Moore? Wonder how much he’s getting paid by big oil and gas
@JohnnyBelgium 11 ай бұрын
Technology is the cause of all of our existential problems. Why would future technology come without problems? One hope is peak fertilizer.
@lynadamson1456 11 ай бұрын
what are the first 45 secs about?
@nealonions7654 11 ай бұрын
Confused me too. I thought it set the tone for the rest of the content though which was far more disturbing in a necessary way. Essential viewing.
@nicolasdorronsoro 11 ай бұрын
Lezerach mine in Germany
@lynadamson1456 11 ай бұрын
@@nicolasdorronsoro how is that relevant to Kevin Anderson's talk? is it a coal mine? its not clear, and what's also odd is I just saw another video with the same title about Paradise, with Johan Rockstrom. Good to get the word out about how bad our situation is and how fast it is getting much worse, but also helpful if the videos are clear to the viewer
@nicolasdorronsoro 11 ай бұрын
@@lynadamson1456 Lezerach is a symbol of all the things wrong Anderson denounces, a coal mine just opened in a developed country, thats why it appears. Agree in the fact that it is not well explained
@lynadamson1456 11 ай бұрын
@@nicolasdorronsoro Thanks for the explanation!
@janklaas6885 9 ай бұрын
were heading to 🔥HELL🔥
@paulscholes54 11 ай бұрын
Get this out there, swamp your local and national media, ask why the current “off the scale” heat anomalies around the world, and the millions suffering and dying already at 1.2C, are not being reported. And if you still wonder what you can do, talk about it, join with others, think of a person dying of starvation in Africa, because of climate induced drought, as you would a family member.
@ThePlayerOfGames 11 ай бұрын
In a 24/7 news cycle dominated by idealogues it's hard for plain speaking scientific communicators to be heard
@user-rx9zi2um5s 2 ай бұрын
We've already passed 1.5C.
@bradleywinter2803 11 ай бұрын
Yeah I know and all I have is a paper plate for a fan😞
@billnaylor1872 5 ай бұрын
Kevin clearly identifies that change never comes from the top down but only happens from the bottom up - that's you and me folks...
@nsbd90now 11 ай бұрын
Climate change makes me think of the Fermi Paradox, which questions why-- given the size and age of the universe-- we haven't seen any sign of any other life out there. One possibility is that all civilizations destroy themselves before achieving interstellar travel. I wonder if we are about to be an example of that. Another possibility is that we are actually alone. Life is just that special and rare and unique.
@geraldinenaughton1522 5 ай бұрын
Excellent video.. very honest. But is it possible at all for human beings with our short life spans to be invested in the future, from a psychological standpoint. If we lived a couple of thousand years we might then be concerned enough to make changes in the way we live. If someone told me, that I couldn't drive my car, Id tell them to get lost... and if they told me that a couldn't fly to sunny climes for my vacation, I'd punch them. I'm not going to change my behaviour. I think disaster is inevitable, only God can fix this. Maybe all the disasters in the book of Revelation are actually speaking about climate change and our demise. "The sea and the waves roaring and mens hearts failing them from fear for the things which are coming upon the earth"
@Mickju 11 ай бұрын
The people who matter are not listening.
@lshwadchuck5643 10 ай бұрын
I only needed to see the interview with Obama where he described answering his daughter's questions about climate action. He said something about we can try, but if we get to 3C we'll just have to try not to get to 3.5C. Pure obfuscation! I'm afraid they actually have listened and they're just enjoying their positions on the top deck of the Titanic and their proximity to the lifeboats while preventing panic in steerage with music and lies.
@A3Kr0n 10 ай бұрын
We choose to fail because if we did what's needed some other group will continue on growing until someone else is telling us what to do. Do we choose the path to de-growth while China, India, or Russia gain a global advantage? That's the argument I've heard.
@richardkell4888 10 ай бұрын
Kevin knows fine well we do not have a century, but it makes for more digestible reading. 02:44 so bloody true. 02:50, I don't fly, no passport other than fr security purposes. (actually no washing m/c here, no tumbler, no tv, no mobile, minimal petrol car miles). 03:38 note most cities and nuclear reactors are on the coast, oops! aside, we shld have had a one child policy fr decades already. 04:30 its called 'politicians' and this four year cycle of re-election. yes we have grownups but are behaving as children. 04:50 and keeping emissions down bites us on the ass .... as clearer skies increase warming! the irony of burning diatomaceous oil and how their demise as living life forms converting CO2 to O is being rendered useless is so profound. 06:20 an illusion far too many are complicit with. 06:54 ... most certainly these temps will not spread evenly around the planet (similarly with inc ice melt, the equatorial bulge will be profound) and expansion and tectonic movements etc etc. 07:07 ... 2.7 does not factor in actual expotential rates of change nor interconnected feedback loops, its a bit like comparing 'chopsticks' to the later Beethoven Quartets. 07:58 we need to pump this planet clean and so far we are all scooting abt in our SUVs and doing nothing abt it. Large scale carbon capture even as a formative idea does not exist. we'll skip stop oil, just hope a doctor or ambulance or funeral attendee is not caught up with it; imho ppl shld be allowed to get about their ordinary business. 10:20, yes net zero can be a most dangerous cover-all that masks plain truth. 12:00 how we live. 12:45 we are going to fail, yes I concur on this. 13:11 it is a choice to fail. 14:00 the real trick is to try really hard. 15:20 we CAN drive change rapidly. Oh dear, we have harnessed the IC engine for so much of our life activity, until recently it wld have been within living memory that no such beast was heard on the roads other than the clip-clop of hooves. We need wherever possible to live close and walk to our work, surely with technology business airflights can be minimised Eat meals cooked fresh as a stirfry, abandon the inefficient steel box and forty minute preprepared crap for dinner. etc etc
@life42theuniverse 11 ай бұрын
A playlist I made about humanity’s crisis kzbin.info/aero/PLhH8w0wcKSeDpkunKyRWBkPCcjiEk6AL7
@Double-Mjay 10 ай бұрын
This reality check is desperately needed.
@drkarenbukharibukhari9931 11 ай бұрын
UN Chief on Climate - Press Conference (15 June 2023)
@harveytheparaglidingchaser7039 7 ай бұрын
Listen up, he's right
@andrewnelson3681 5 ай бұрын
That ticking clock sound is so scary. Why don’t they just remove all the carbon in the world and put it into space or something?
@ingogotico1398 11 ай бұрын
Kevin Anderson and Klaus Schwab will be the leaders of our new wonderful earth kingdom and I can´t wait
@lagringa7518 11 ай бұрын
Enjoy the idea of being an electronically controlled cyborg slave?
@beer94 11 ай бұрын
governments will simulate a Pinatubo when things get bad
@NashHinton 10 ай бұрын
Will they? Do you see the clowns running our governments?
@Timlagor 11 ай бұрын
Please talk less about this century and more about 2050 and earlier. 2100 is still taken as a license to delay action -the situation is so dire that that may seem fantastical but it's still true. By 2050 everything will have changed so radically (one way or another*) that predictions beyond then are futile anyway. The other problem with the models is that they leave out a lot of the bad feedback effects altogether because they can't model them with confident accuracy. It's not a coincidence or exceptionally bad luck that we keep finding everything is worse and faster than we thought and that effect is only going to increase in the coming years. * Either we completely change our behaviour or we die in huge numbers and the survivors change their behaviour
@nsbd90now 11 ай бұрын
I'd bet that global chaos will be well underway by 2030.
@Briand-ei1gs 11 ай бұрын
Yeah new York was supposed to be underwater by 2010. Oceans have not raised a millimeter
@nsbd90now 11 ай бұрын
@@Briand-ei1gs No it wasn't, and we're already seeing the increased flooding in cities such as New York and Miami.
@Briand-ei1gs 11 ай бұрын
@@nsbd90now The ocean has not rose any. How do you people fall for this?
@nsbd90now 11 ай бұрын
@@Briand-ei1gs It's always obvious who didn't get good grades in school.
@catherinebanks6420 9 ай бұрын
"Fossil fools"-- I like this pronunciation better.
@Rustea314 11 ай бұрын
Nature has mechanism to balance itself and restore human population is at a reasonable level or the environment/habitat will evolve beyond our ability to adapt. We, Humans, have already enjoyed a couple hundred years of warming and I don't think there is a lot more upside.; I hope I am wrong.
@southpaw786 10 күн бұрын
So he comes from a society that’s largely composed and built on some of the most egregious lies ever told by our species, but on this, a real problem, he wants you to trust his explanations, propositions and plans for future solutions!
@qbas81 11 ай бұрын
I would only change one word: we should not “try” to stay under 1.5C, we should attempt to stay under 1.5C “Do it or do not. There is no try” as master Yoda said!
@Timlagor 11 ай бұрын
"attempt" is not in the Yoda quote because it means exactly the same as "try".. also do you really think the words of a green puppet add to your non-argument?
@thiemokellner1893 9 ай бұрын
Jason Box, a Greenland ice sheet scientist with a channel here, is convinced that we have already locked in for 20 m of sea level rise at least, with the current amount of CO2 in the air.. CO2 level rising still, happy drowning.
@kaninma7237 10 ай бұрын
The oligarchs have chosen to fail. The politicians just do their bidding.
@lshwadchuck5643 10 ай бұрын
I think you're right. I heard a kingpin of the Canadian tar sands on CBC Radio a couple of weeks ago. He was demanding funding from the government even though it has legislated drastic emissions reductions. He was promising future carbon capture in a vague manner, really putting lipstick on a pig.
@kimweaver1252 11 ай бұрын
"Doesn't have to continue". I disagree. You will have to show me how we can drastically reduce the melting of pemafrost and the subsequent emission of methane from ice and subsea continental sedimentary drapes. Show how we build an entirely new non-carbon based energy system, which will be at least as large as the current energy production, storage, and distribution system. That colossal project will be built completely with carbon fuels. Completely, as there is no surplus non-fossil energy available for a new project. Not until all the current energy needs are met with non-carbon based energy will there be any "extra" to build out the new system. So, a non-carbon based energy system will about double the CO2 content of the atmosphere and do little to nothing to stop the emissions of methane. Does anyone else see the predicament?
@cedarmountain1525 11 ай бұрын
Yes, we have boxed ourselves into a corner. And I don't see a way out, not that I am any expert. We cannot work our way out. To fix the problem we have to make it worse. And making it worse is to my mind the end of us. The one thing we can do is sit with it all and know that if we do do something it is only done because it is the right thing to do, not because it's going to change anything. It's not going to fix the problem. You cannot resolve a problem at the level of the problem. And I think at this point that is all we have.
@kimweaver1252 11 ай бұрын
@@cedarmountain1525 Exactly. Do whatever you can to attenuate the problem, but don't become attached to outcomes. Do it because it is the correct thing for you to do.
@cedarmountain1525 11 ай бұрын
@@kimweaver1252 Exactly.
@kirkha100 10 ай бұрын
@@cedarmountain1525excellent comment.
@ReesCatOphuls Ай бұрын
(13:40) Kevin from June 2023 is going to be disappointed to hear that temperatures took off after this video was released, and May 2024 Kevin knows that 365-day-running average is 1.61C (copernicus 1850-1900) and the 17 month average is over 1.5C, we have had over 100 individual days above 1.75C and 6 individual days above 2C.
@martiansoon9092 9 ай бұрын
2,7C of warming... Not, because we are still rising our emission records. This year our oil consumption hits the records. We may even be at 2,55C when aerosol effect is calculated in as latest Hansen report argues. And the heat is on. Even complete shutdown of fossil burning and all ghg emissions is not stopping the warming in next 30-40 years. And we are still making more emissions and other things, like cutting and burning entire forests, that creates more and more warming. It is more likely to end up to 3-4C world than 2C one by 2100. Even adding IPCC's own aerosol effect, alone, rises temperatures from current 1,2C warming to 1,8C warming. Other warming effects rises temperatures above 2C. So 2C is already baked in the system. Slashing emission to net zero (not to needed true zero) by 2050 or 2060 is adding loads of emissions above 2C. And none says that our current pledges aka. promises will be kept or are even possible. Ie. our land emissions, like forests, are rising fast making some given promises impossible. Likelihood of 3-4C warming is pretty high on our current trajectory. And what was needed few years back? 7-9% emission cut per year? Yea, we did try that unwillingly during covid shutdowns. In ONE SINGLE YEAR. After that we have already made another emission record and continued at the path that is even above "the worst case scenario". (We were about 10% higher emission just before covid...) Next COP is led by oil company CEO in oil country. And then comes Australia with its huge coal companies. So next few COP's are already lost. And destruction is continued with record level emissions. There are no real signs that situation could get better. We should end fossil burning. Permanently. By any means possible. Oil CEO's to prison, because they have lied about dangers of their products and for the actual harm they do. 10 million people dying per year by air pollution alone. Climate change may well kill us all. Same for most fossil company workers, because they are aiding this destruction. Every single oil, coal and gas company should be forced to shut down. By any means possible. We have to act, because if we don't, they just keep on killing this planet and all of us along the way.
@johnwheeler4034 11 ай бұрын
nice glass
@tomdehen 6 ай бұрын
The problem is simply stated: there are 8 billion humans existing on a planet that can sustain no more than 1 billion humans. As soon as our numbers are reduced to 1 billion, our species may stand a chance of survival.
@phillipmiddleton9335 11 ай бұрын
eat the rich
@patrick6110 11 ай бұрын
Scientist like Kevin Anderson render a great service to politicians. Climate change is the best thing that could ever happen to politicians in countries that are bearing the weight of catastrophic pollution of air, water and soils, tragic degradations of our ecological systems thanks to dangerous agricultural practices and insane prioritization of industrial benefits over restraint (such as in the case of cars becoming heavier by the year). By attracting the public's attention to an invisible threat like climate change, something that may or may not happen in a very distant future, and something that most agree no action today will change anything for the next 20 years, scientists are allowing politicians to develop vague discourses, make future promises (such as stopping the production of petrol cars in 15 years) and start new industries under the guise of improving climate. Of course none of these will improve climate and all will further contribute to the deterioration of our environment. We live in these environments today. And amusingly, solving the environment problem would help the climate, but helping the climate clearly isn't doing much for the environment. Thank you very much for your great shortsightedness.
@Ann-qz7bl. 5 ай бұрын
From. What. Understand. We. Are. At. 3* 3years. AGO. This. Info. Is. Kept. Silent. Do. To .panic. in. The. General. Population
@charlessoukup1111 5 ай бұрын
The trend OF COURSE will continue even as disasters & consequences build, as they are now, until they become unliveable, then the efforts will become only partly successful and we WILL see large scale collapse. I'm 77 so I won't see it, those being born now will see really disastrous, rugged survival times, but we'll drudge on...somehow, diminished, but evolving. For a while. What else? Miracles 😊of some sort?? Face it Buddies, We are IT, and what we is what we get. And that's ok, but better to face it than to continue deluding ourselves with fairy stories, right?
@JayFortran 7 ай бұрын
These models don't account for economic collapse from the end of increasing fossil fuels production. We've passed peak oil and won't be able to afford to extract the rest of the fossil fuels.
@jennymartin8264 9 ай бұрын
I know a person mid 50's who drives a big heavy double cab ute. This person thinks that she will be dead of old age (looking at 25 years at a guess) before she sees any effect of global warming on her life. So she does not care and continues to drive around in this type of vehicle without any thought to the use of fossil fuel etc etc. Apart from outright deniers, there are alot of people out there who have similar attitudes to this. I agree, we are fucked.
@angusmackaskill3035 10 ай бұрын
The earth would be such a perfect place if everyone just thought like me
@Is402831 2 ай бұрын
how do you explain the 98% decrease in human climate death in the last 100+ years?
@user-cd6nf8td7s 2 ай бұрын
That's a cherry-picked fact. And it's weather deaths, not climate deaths. It's like saying "Well how do you explain less wildfires over the past 100+ years?". Just because firemen rode on horse and buggy 100 years ago doesn't mean the climate is getting better. Rather, we've been getting better at fighting fires. And in your case, we've been building and building and building, and increased our extraction from nature 1000-fold. That gives people access to homes and heat, avoiding death from weather, but it doesn't say anything about the climate.
@matthouben4242 11 ай бұрын
We missed the move to nuclear in the 70's and early 80's, like France did after the oil crisis. This would have avoided the current problems to a significant degree. It would not avoided them completely, but we would be in a much better situation for sure. Ironically, the biggest opponents of nuclear were the "green" parties, which bombarded the public with nuclear FUD and fear mongering. It was easy for them to do, due to PR blunders by the nuclear industry and an irresponsible use of nuclear by eg the former Soviet Union. But even now, in this climate crisis, nuclear is still blocked by these same "greens". We have seen in Germany to which terrible results this leads.
@PlaCerHooD 9 ай бұрын
You're aware the of the current issues France is having, right? Because you really trying to be objective, right? They are buying energy from Germany because they're nuclear plants are in need of overhaul, new projects exploded in cost and building time, they literally have issues finding enough water to cool them in summer. Proponents of nuclear also entirely ignore that it isn't scalable due to enourmous difficulty of building reactors and you know... they still need fuel. Imagine Germany were like nuclear based... it would be screwed just as much as it's dependence on russian gas screwed it.. since the nuclear fuel would come from Putin too
@matthouben4242 9 ай бұрын
@@PlaCerHooD These issues were temporary, largely due to a disrupted maintenance schedule caused by COVID. In the meantime, the situation has improved considerably and France is exporting nuclear generated power again, also to Germany.
@martiansoon9092 9 ай бұрын
Extinction rebellion is great, but the means are pointed to wrong direction. Stop oil, gas and coal companies. Shutting down traffic for few minutes is not solving anything. And people are just getting angry about it. Shutting down large emitters will get more attention and will make real impacts. But the shutdown should be permanent. When you fight against even a small fraction like car emissions, you see that every commercial brake advertises these high emissions and the very lifestyle that creates high emissions. If you watch your series or movies, then you often realize that they are filled with ads on cars and the very lifestyle that creates loads of emissions. And I won't even start with the emissions that a movie makes, or F1, rally or even football... And all of those are filled with harmful ads. When you finally go to work, you are most likely just adding new layers and profits to emission making system. The whole system is rigged to create more and more emissions. First we should tackle the worst emissions from large fossil fuel companies. And in the meanwhile all the polluting layers should be pealed out from our system. When you realize the gigantic task ahead of us, then you will see that 3-4C warming is very likely. In the timescale that we need emission cuts, the forcing them would likely lead to a civil war. Some people are more willing to keep on doing same very harmful acts, even if it kills them in the end.
@travcat756 3 ай бұрын
Is this the same guy who just got sued?
@johnward5102 7 ай бұрын
What we have done since 1990 is listened to a load of pro-death tosh.
@jameswaters3939 11 ай бұрын
The boiling point of nitrogen is -320f. We are able to liquify nitrogen to that temperature. If we chemtrailed it along the 4 atmospheric jetstreams, this might assist in cooling the planet. Maybe.
@JesseP.Watson 9 ай бұрын
It might plunge us into an ice-age too... good thinking, batman.
@tsb3093 3 ай бұрын
…I don’t think you understand how a thermodynamic cycle works. What you are proposing is about as helpful as leaving your fridge door open to cool the room.
@jameswaters3939 3 ай бұрын
@@tsb3093 Frankly, the topic is too big to understand, by anyone. We can prognosticate ad nauseum. I posted on another video wondering about the energy output of the sun. One answer was that there is very little fluctuation and is not likely relevant in climate change data.
@tsb3093 3 ай бұрын
Look I don’t want to be rude but regarding your suggestion to liquify nitrogen for the purposes of using it to cool the atmosphere, that really is a nonsensical idea and it’s not difficult at all to understand why. In order to liquify a gas, you need to use energy and remove the heat from the gas until it condenses into its liquid form. Both the heat that you remove from the gas and the energy used to drive the refrigerant cycle to do that are expelled into the ambient..to the atmosphere or perhaps a water cooling system. If you then let the nitrogen revapourise in the atmosphere, and it matters not at which altitude, it does not provide as much cooling as the heat that you expelled, since you used energy at less than 100% efficiency to carry out the process. Please, if you don’t understand that, don’t bother replying.
@jameswaters3939 3 ай бұрын
@@tsb3093 I don't agree. The jetstreams are free energy. The energy to liquify nitrogen is not discounted. We're talking -320F - come on. I don't particularly care for geoengineering, and the numbers would have to be calculated to see, but I think it could work if the numbers worked.
@grahamt5924 11 ай бұрын
3 to 4 degrees warmer sounds good to me. I don't like cold weather, so i don't see the problem.
@Briand-ei1gs 11 ай бұрын
This is all communist brainwashing. The Bible says the wicked flee when no one is chasing them.
@NashHinton 10 ай бұрын
Scientists say civilization will collapse at 4 degrees
@thepandaman 9 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if you're just trolling, but if you're not - you must look beyond the average figure of 3 to 4 degrees warming globally. Yes, that will be the average, but the ramifications of that are worse draughts, more severe heatwaves, floods, storms, mass migration from coastal regions, lack of pollinators, lack of fresh water from snowmelt & glaciers...the list goes on.
@grahamt5924 9 ай бұрын
@thepandaman Have you ever thought about the problem of no more fossil fuel. That is even more frightening to me. We are an organism dependent on a finite energy source with no alternative. We are walking to the cliff edge with no alternative and that is why we will keep burning it until it is all gone.
@Jc-ms5vv 6 ай бұрын
Humans will go extinct at 3c
@tmahe28 9 ай бұрын
We need to save videos like this so that when the climate alarm cult is exposed we can learn from the techniques they used.
@martiansoon9092 9 ай бұрын
Actually, we don't even have any reference points on this planet with current warming RATES. None in this planets history. (Asteroid that killed dinosaurs cooled the planet faster thou.)
@mikepotter5718 10 ай бұрын
The problem is you need to think about the economic situation in parallel with Climate Change.
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