A Workout Plan for Parents (And Anyone Who's Busy and Tired)

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The Bioneer

The Bioneer

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In this video, I discuss training for parents. Specifically: how parents can continue to train and be productive, even with all the challenges that new role presents.
Working out consistently is hard for parents seeing as we simply don't get any "downtime." Kids need looking after every minute they're awake. For those of us who go to work, that means it's our turn when we get home! And even once they're in bed, you'll find yourself preparing lunches, tidying up, washing clothes, and catching up on admin.
Weekends aren't much easier, as you'll be visiting friends, taking your kids to classes, and dealing with their various illnesses.
And this video didn't even touch on how simple activities - like getting into a car - can feel like a stress dream (if I ask my daughter to step back from the car doo, she will rotate six times then back into the road while still somehow being hit by the door...).
Nor did I mention the constant stress and worry you feel for your kids!
I should mention at this point that, in spite of all those challenges, having kids is still MORE than worth it. But yeah, it's a challenge if you want to stay in shape!
So, how do you keep making progress as a parent? Some tips I cover in this video include:
* Make your training as convenient, practical, and versatile as possible
* Learn to train from everywhere with different versions of your workout
* Invest in training equipment that makes home workouts easier
* Consider using full-body workouts
* Make your workouts modular
* Train functionally to prepare your body for being a parent

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@Moving4Well Жыл бұрын
This topic means a huge amount to me and it’s not spoken about enough, with so much great training advice on KZbin being largely impossible to follow as a busy parent. So, thanks so much for this video. I've been training for 20 years and having a 4 year old and 2 year old blew my normal programme out of the water, and I'm still adapting. But it’s crucial to my mental health that I do so. I would really like to give top tips from my experience over the past 4 years - 1. Get a running stroller (Out 'n' About Nipper Sport) - this completely changed my relationship with my son (and now his younger brother) a few years ago. I can get in a good 7 mile run whilst he naps or just takes in his surroundings. 2. If you work a normal 9 to 5, get up early (5am for me) and get your training in before the house wakes up. 3. Learn some good calisthenics / gymnastics exercises, as its great fun practicing these at home/ the park with your child once they are old enough. TRX straps are also great to have in the house. 4. Get yourself a good bike and a child bike seat - I absolutely love taking my kids out for a ride and they love it too 5. If you get time in the evening with your partner once the kids are in bed, use it to stretch whilst you chat / watch TV 6. Take recovery really seriously - avoid training sick / injured as your priority now is to function as a parent, not as an athlete 7. Maybe consider avoiding exercises that are likely to cause injury, and focus on stuff that might actually help you as a parent, e.g., carrying things, being agile, etc. 8. If you work a normal 9 to 5, avoid training at the weekend (unless you’re using the running stroller/ bike). Leave the weekends for family time and recovery, and you won’t feel as guilty about taking out time to train during the week. 9. Prioritise your relationship with your partner (if you have one) above everything else. I am only able to take the time out to train because my partner looks after the kids when I do, and vice-versa. We support each other to achieve our personal goals and that’s so important. 10. Potentially re-prioritise your life. Before kids we can often give it our all at work whilst also training frequently and hard; once you have kids, something has to give. If training means that much to you, but you’re still expected to work as hard as you used to at work, maybe its time for a career / job change? I appreciate that might not work for the self-employed. 11. Get a good child carrier backpack - nothing like a long hike with your little one pulling on your ears giggling...You can also do lunges / squats with them on your back! Most importantly - be easy on yourself. You will probably lose some gains/ not progress as much as you used to, and you will get A LOT wrong as a parent. But as long as you’re trying the best you can, and everyone is happy, its all good.
@agonsfitness7308 Жыл бұрын
This was a great read. My daughter is 8months old and the struggle is real. There is some great advice here.
@Noxtof Жыл бұрын
best comment, thanks
@anthonyriojas8267 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow parent of 2, these are excellent points. #9 is spot on. I’m fortunate enough to be able to train while I wfh while the kids are at school, but in the evenings I happily hang with the little ones while my wife does her evening workout.
@ambrosiatea Жыл бұрын
This is amazing, thank you ❤
@DukeChubbyDun Жыл бұрын
With 2 toddler boys and a third child on the way, I was freaking out a bit that I would NEVER get close to my pre-motherhood body (I miss being strong and energetic). But this video and your comment gives me hope! It all starts in the mind- I refuse to allow myself to lose hope again, I will adjust my expectations based on the reality of life these days, and I will employ these strategies. Thanks so much!
@ShutchyerLips Жыл бұрын
I did great training until I had my third child. That was the day I started to drop all the balls and couldn't figure out how to do anything except work and parent. Eventually I figured out how to do mini workouts throughout the day and started seeing gains again. This was dropping for 10 intense Pushups or 25 rapid ones every hour or so, then a 5-10 minute routine if I ever found the time. Once I was rolling with the Pushups, I could find the time and get my head back in the game, setting these mini workouts as a priority and not giving in to the parental burnout. It was life changing. Good luck to everyone out there! The struggle is real.
@ekaterinastaneva9922 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Bioneer and here's a little additional for mums especially. 1) do not beat yourself if you cannot work at all in the first half an year. Breastfeeding means no sleep at night and no break from the baby. Priority should be rest and mental restoration. 2) if you can workout, then 100% focus on physio excercises. Hormones released during pregnancy have most likely messed your joints and tendons particularly in your knees and pelvis. Without good range of motion and join/tendon health in these key areas it will be impossible to do compound movements and most types cardio. 3) swimming and walking are your friends. Swimming is goos for the joins walking is gentle too and can be done with a baby. DO NOT TRY TO RUN IF YOUR KNEES FEEL DODGY. You might have to wait for your hormonal levela to drop or you risk some nasti injuries. 4) pilates is your friend - yoga might be too bendy for your joints atm, pilates is strengthening and can be done with a baby at home. 5) prioritise lifts that will aid your ability to lift the baby aka upper body push excetcises, squats and deadlifts. Olympic lifta + overhead press and bench press, sum squats - these are ideal, but few women will be able to do them. Be careful. I thought I am quite strong until pregnancy took all the gains away and it happened that my baby is an absolute unit! At 7 months I have tendinitis in my wrists, upper and lower back pain, neck pain and brutal muscle fatigue. I simply cannot carry him any more. 6) ALWYAS do MAXIMUM of 50% of the excercises you think you can. If you injure yourself like I did twice because I thought I can totally go back to lifting and boxing in few months, you will have to hire a childcare or partner needs to take a holiday. A simple wisted ankle can prevent you from being able to look after your baby for a week! Priorise SAFEST excercise option 7) if you had cesarean - no yoh cannot lift for 2 months, even 3. Don't try it, you will end up i hospital. Trust me. 8) I cannot stress enough on this one, this is the most important one - ASK FOR HELP! Many mums feel the pressure to endure more they can handle out of fear of shame. I felt I need to look aftee my little one day ans night and neglect my depression. It ended up bad. Thanks to a fast and responsive mental health team I am ok now, but don't do my mistake. Share a night feed with your parnet to get a extra sleep. Ask mother in law to take over for an afternoon. If you need to go swimming and leave dad and baby once or twice a week - just so it. He is not a child and can take after your baby alone for a bit. If your mental and physical health deteriorates...well..not good for the entire family, I'll tell you that. If you need a nap, gym, swimming on your own to stay healthy and sane - DO NOT BE ASHAMED TO ASK, IT IS AN ABSOLUTE PRIORITY FOR YOUR FAMILIES SAKE TO DO SO. Last but not least - f**k the extra kilograms. No weight loss unless you are dangerously obesse, should bother you in the first year. Summary: Prioritise rest, mental health, joint health, gentle cardio like swimming and lifts that will help you lift your kid. Good luck to all mums and dads, lot's of love, be strong ❤
@rakeimtanner4449 Жыл бұрын
I'm not even a parent, and I love this video. Exercise should be inclusive to all ages. And it doesn't have to be intense every time. Just enjoy using the body we're given.
@alex88754 Жыл бұрын
Me neither and I may try this program.
@Ricky-vz8mb Жыл бұрын
@Shroete Жыл бұрын
I love how rooted in real life your channel is. It's really difficult sometimes to watch bodybuilders and fitness influencers who seem to work out all day everyday. Makes you feel like you don't stand a chance to live a fit and healthy life because you have a desk job, a dog, a kid, a famliy to take care of. Thank you for your content. You keep me motivated.
@ashtonhunter4727 Жыл бұрын
Unrelated but major respect for wrestling a diaper/nappy on a kettlebell in public and walking around with it Bioneer doing the most in the weirdest ways
@TheBioneer Жыл бұрын
😂😂 My work is certainly varied…
@brick245-x9 Жыл бұрын
Man this is the exact issue I’m in, medical schools been hitting me hard. Hitting the gym from 5 days a week to 2 days usually or 3 days on a good day the last couple months is still something I’m getting used to
@ElBoyoElectronico Жыл бұрын
Other additional factors are: Lots of infections, the occasional visits at the ER and hormonal problems due to the accumulated lack of sleep. I personally have no problem with a bad night of sleep but 3 days of bad nights in a row are brutal.
@TheBioneer Жыл бұрын
1000% to the infections!! We barely go a few weeks without one of them bringing something exotic home…
@archervine8064 Жыл бұрын
@@TheBioneer we need to study the immune systems of parents and teachers who rarely get sick.
@Dr.RCJr. Жыл бұрын
Get your immune system game on point. I have 7 year old twins who bring home a boatload of infections from school. I religiously take magnesium, Vitamin C & D and zinc. Also eat a boatload of leafy green vegetables everyday. This has helped me a bunch and really cut back on my sick time
@andrewpurrington5775 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Parents gotta stick together! For me as a parent, I had a recent shift in training goals focusing more on health and longevity, which is very aligned with functional fitness, in my opinion. As a result, it’s been easier to focus on what’s really important and streamline workouts. It’s easy to fill time when not focusing on efficiency.
@Northstar2000 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much 🙏 as a parent of three young kids under 5, home workouts and a pair of gym rings have been a life saver. Appreciate you making content targetted at us 😊
@elizajames477 Жыл бұрын
You're fantastic man. Always simple, authoritative and practical. I think useful if you train when you're young, so you have a few great exercises that can be done quickly everywhere. I tell people you only need 5 minutes a day to keep fit. Get up, short warm up, 25 pressups with claps, warm down briefly, shower. Next day? Handstands against wall (some kids will do this with you). Next day? Pullups. Intensity more important than duration, so the trick is to be able to do they shortest warmup/warmdown you can without risking injury. Walk, run and cycle when you can rather than drive. Excellent advice about using workouts throughout the day, as well as doing it even when you are tired (5 minues better than 0 minutes). Alot of it is just state of mind. To be honest, Capoeira is great for families because men, women and kids can all train together.
@D_Jilla Жыл бұрын
"And anyone who's busy and tired." I'm not a parent, aside from my dogs, but this felt very relatable.
@tanizaki Жыл бұрын
You aren’t a parent to your dogs.
@stancoleman8239 Жыл бұрын
​@@tanizaki So true
@D_Jilla Жыл бұрын
@@tanizaki please explain
@tanizaki Жыл бұрын
@@D_Jilla Your dogs are property. You may as well say that slave masters were parents. Say that now.
@D_Jilla Жыл бұрын
@tanizaki that is a horrible mindset, my friend. That is also a terrible comparison. You may think of pets that way, but that doesn't mean everyone thinks of it that way.
@walt8899 Жыл бұрын
Man!!! Thank you for this video! I'm a husband and a dad, and it's hard to schedule a workout, while taking care of the house, working a job, spending time with my family.
@Jesoteric Жыл бұрын
🙏Bless you for this , father of 3 here with two under 3 years old, it almost broke me and caused me to throw in the towel on training
@codywalper22 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe I'm 2 months behind on this. With a 7 month old this is just completely spot on. Thank you for this video for real.
@cristoferurlaub7499 Жыл бұрын
I have a membership at a 24 hour gym. On all my days off, when I dont work the next day, Ill spend time with my kids and do family things, in the evening Ill spend time with my wife, then later once everyone is asleep, Ill sneak out and hit the gym at like midnight or 1am. Not only do I get my "me time", but also the gym is usually empty at the time. I havent had to wait for someone to finish a set on a machine in months.
@joshuascott5814 Жыл бұрын
A while ago my wife started working out with me more and I was trying to find a way to make things more efficient and interesting. What I came up with was a weird hybrid of a PPL routine with one day being upper body push and lower body posterior chain, another day upper body pull and lower body anterior chain, and then another day focusing on shoulders, lats, and abs. I’m planning to modify that last day to be just straight full body, but the idea is that you do an upper body exercise and immediately follow it with a lower body exercise like a superset, and that way you can work basically the whole body in two days in a relatively short workout session because your upper body is resting while in the lower body exercise and vice versa.
@CMVBrielman Ай бұрын
3:53 Not preaching to the choir, more like just giving us flashbacks… including for those of us who are still in the thick of it.
@shanomac Жыл бұрын
The breakdown example of parenthood is so spot on.
@TheBoredVP Жыл бұрын
Love this video. Today I was absolutely exhausted from work, my commute, and personal obligations. I went to the gym hit my main movement with less volume and finished with high rep body weight for a pump. Just happy i actually did something!
@ZenDragonYoutubeChannel Жыл бұрын
One thing I like to implement as a parent, is I have my go to routines (pull ups one day, pushups the other and a third day where I work on shoulders, side rear sometimes front. Often I get in other stuff which doesn't tax the muscles while resting between sets, either stretching, shadowboxing, or cartwheels or something while I rest between sets)... then I have a third training where I work on something I rarely work on such as biceps (which get secondary work from the pull ups anyways), or situps, sometimes L Sit chin ups to hit both at once, but could also be lower back or something.... that one I only do once in a while so it requires less volume and can be done in 10-15 minutes, so whenever I'm extra tired or something I can go for that...as long as I havent the day before. :)
@dlkira8340 Жыл бұрын
Hello Adam. I want you to do a video on: How to not live in your head, and live reality. Thank you in advance😊
@BiomechanicalGorilla Жыл бұрын
Bioneer's grown up! A video that will benefit the majority of people out there, parents or not. No need for the weird, risky and esoteric stuff unless it truly helps with you're chosen sport or pass time - if that's how you make your living or it's really important to you (think risk/reward). Be careful about the rotational kettlebell swings though, really think twice about those, you don't really need those. Some people can get away with loaded spinal rotation for a while, but if you're not one of them then you'll wreck your back like never before and curse the day you thought you couldn't live without them in your routine. There's way safer ways to work the obliques. Also, the Bioneer is looking much better on his new regimen. Congrats on becoming a parent. Wishing you and the family a healthy life and prosperity.
@kirillstp Жыл бұрын
As a parent I've found that there's several pieces of the puzzle that i could put together for optimal fitness: 1. No alcohol. It hurts my sleep and makes me useless. The buzz isn't worth it even in moderation 2. Intermittent fasting saves time and boosts energy 3. Full body workouts make you feel less guilty if you had a busy day and need to skip a workout. Kettlebells are great for that 4. Antiglycolytic workouts have tremendous effectiveness but leave lots of energy in the tank to do parenting. These use the talk test. The last two points make StrongFirst programs ideal for parents. A half hour clean+jerk a day, or their swing+getup programs have been magical for me.
@Hibrnaldo Жыл бұрын
“Jefferson curling out of the crib…” hahaha I can relate 😃
@VenomVsTRex Жыл бұрын
I have two young kids and I'm just now starting to intentionally improve my fitness level, and most days I just plain don't fing want to work out for all the reasons you listed. The baby sometimes helps me with some light shoulder work and loves it, but I still can't keep up the pace nearly as long as she would like. It took me a while to realize that taking the older kid to park is a great opportunity to utilize the monkey bars when it's not occupied by other kids or my own kids don't immediately need me hovering over them. Funny enough I think the point on jumping rope might be the most significant suggestion for me as it's quick and easy, and can introduce some much needed cardio in my routine. Great video, and didn't come a moment too soon for me!
@Kajika8117 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! For Parents yes. dead on brother. As a international travel family / working Abroad it is tough. We eat clean healthy walk often, but that umff Dads need. again thank you.
@tatimondragon Жыл бұрын
You forgot the mention the Sonic messenger bag is a must for any workout. 6:50
@deanchalmers8239 Жыл бұрын
Can also include the kids in the workout depending on their age and the exercise. Bench press your child. As they get older and heavier there's built in progression. Squat while giving your kid a piggyback.
@sapinva Жыл бұрын
And your kids will think it was the coolest experience ever.
@Verårtu Жыл бұрын
They're more likely to do the same thing! Inspire them on health at younger age 👍
@dyj321 10 ай бұрын
About to have my first child in a few days. My wife and I really appreciate this video (and me all your videos) as we both really want to jump back into training after the baby is born! I've taken a break due to an injury and refinishing some furniture for the nursery. I'll be incorporating this and rucking during walks! Completely forgot about rucking until I saw your video on it the other day! I keep joking with my friends that I've just been bulking for a while, I'm hoping to surprise them when I get back from paternity leave!
@dilffred5464 Жыл бұрын
You're the patron Saint of for parents. Great information, I will certainly use the concept of modular workouts. and glad you mentioned using a sandbag.
@dartanyin Жыл бұрын
I couldn't read the word parents on the thumbnail, I read "PAKENIS" on the thumbnail. Reading the title helped me realise it was parents
@Xune2000 Жыл бұрын
I thought it said DARENIS.
@dartanyin Жыл бұрын
@@Xune2000 I can see it xD
@2012ams1 Ай бұрын
My girlfriend is 7 months pregnant and, among many other problems that happened during this period, i alreay gained 12 pounds due to the stress of the situation, it is so hard that everyone is congratulating us but we feel completely devastated....
@ambrosiatea Жыл бұрын
This is such a great video, thank you❤ I'm pregnant with our third in four years, which has been a big blessing, but we're both struggling with fitness and are currently trying to get back into it, so these are really helpful tips. The kettlebell baby is adorbs 😂
@kenaddoh4693 Жыл бұрын
Great points!
@ChubiPanda Жыл бұрын
Great insight in to making your workout’s benefit your day to day life. Good struggled to exercise regularly when my children came along.
@xr8rick Жыл бұрын
I was in a job that demanded that I was strong and fit. I’ve always had an extensive home gym so i could use that rather than train elsewhere. My kids would be in the gym with me often, or close by. My eldest child took their first steps in between me doing a set of deadlifts.
@dylanredmore6769 Жыл бұрын
As a parent with day/ night shift work and living on the 4th floor, an adjustable pair of dumbbells and adjustable bench covers most boxes. In my opinion, they’re safer and more useful than kettlebells too.
@DavidTremblay Жыл бұрын
One of the tip for keeping training was managing the agenda for my wife and I. Basically training means "me time" for her and me. So we have fixed period of the week for that and cover any parental duties for the spouse. Also going to bed earlier is helping our mood and energy. For the parents of young kids out there, know that they grow up and become more autonomous and maybe we should strive to help them thus helping us.
@spandandaswrestlecompariso9877 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video ❤❤❤❤
@parradox83 Жыл бұрын
Damn bioooneeer when you said them crossropes were a bit on the pricey side I wasn't expecting them sort of prices 🤯
@tomoehawk Жыл бұрын
I became a parent two days ago, so this video could not come at a better time. Cheers Adam! p.s. Kel is a lovely child, you should be very proud.
@charleswomack2166 Жыл бұрын
As a parent, I can attest to what he has said regarding raising children. My advice to everyone who is having a kid is to not expect to get a full night's sleep for about 3 years. Once you've accepted this, you will be fine. When my kids were younger(about ages 4 and 6 until about age 10-12, I used to have my kids sit on my back while I did push-ups(press-ups for those of you in UK). It was a great way to keep in shape whilst also keeping your kids entertained at the same time. I also purchased a double stroller to take them to the park. They used to love it when I tried to run! Having kids are challenging but so very rewarding.
@scarcesense6449 Жыл бұрын
I'd always thought this to be the opposite problem. Having kids seems like an incidental workout in itself.
@SUPER19aNDy Жыл бұрын
Heyheyhey! I love your videos & especially nerding out on the Batman, Kratos, Superhero etc workouts. I’ve been having this interesting idea, but I suck at producing videos. I think this will be a fun one, if you were gonna attempt it. Its a Rock Lee Workout There are multiple like these on youtube already, but most are focused on performance, martial arts or even aesthetics… however in the Naruto series multiple characters say that Rock Lee’s special skill is not even his Taijiutsu (Martial Arts) which most assume, BUT his WILLPOWER :) How about a Training -> Willpower video :) i bet there’s tons of interesting research stuff to explore on this as well There’s also a ton of unique training approaches, he does in the series e.g. his character would impose extra exercises on himself, whenever he did not reach his certain goal for an exercise ❤ Much love & thanks for all the content❤ now i gotta go back to my thesis… :)
@SFRB1187 Жыл бұрын
You understand…thank you 👍
@ironfrogpress1526 Жыл бұрын
Hahaha, My daughter is 19... Wait 'til you can go to the playground with them... All sorts of fitness features abound. it's a literal playground😂
@PaulWheeler-ul3xe Жыл бұрын
Adam's had a bad day at work, have you seen the way he drags Kell out of the car by her hair!!
@firejoe283 Жыл бұрын
I'm lucky my job has a gym. So I can workout every 2 out of 3 days. Accessibility is key
@violetsystems8566 Жыл бұрын
3:47 MOOD.
@percillo Жыл бұрын
Man, I have a 3 months old son and I'm tired every day 😂 Thanks for the video.
@mbogucki1 Жыл бұрын
I would like to request a training program for First Responders like Police, Fire and Ambulance. Your approach to fitness would be most interesting with regards to the above professions me thinks.
@alex88754 Жыл бұрын
I like the 3 set/week idea as I'm dropping to baseline. I'm drinking half the amount of water I did to stop all the lengthy brisk walking at work. ( which makes 1 oz. per half my body weight in lb.'s ) I'm also watching calories as they've been upward of 7000 per day, as I ride a bike to a manual labour job. I made an app for this in excel so it's pretty user friendly stuff.
@alex88754 Жыл бұрын
I'm just tracking sleep now and will do a lengthier work out if things are pretty smooth. Otherwise, I like your trip p.p.l. idea, thanks!
@anzamanto4407 Жыл бұрын
I want to see Bioneer, the real life Batman, be a part of the new Self Defence championship series they're doing in Australia
@isaacbridge5707 Жыл бұрын
Just getting back into fitness. I have been very consistent with my (almost daily) walking and some dumbbell/Body weight training 3x a week. I have really drawn an interest in your training style of functionality and it is definitely what I am aiming towards in my own life. Having never owned or used a kettlebell before, I notice how adaptable them seem to be. What weight ranges of kettlebells would you say are the crucial ones to have if I want to buy and start using these? As most of these movements will be foreign to me, I don't want to assume I can start heavier and have any injuries.
@GACXVI Жыл бұрын
I was tired... but of the stupidity and falsehood of the world of fitness. Thanks to the pandemic I learned to train in the comfort of my space: I adjust the desire, the intensity, the frequency, the volume, everything is under control. No more gym for me, resistance bands are my way.
@Philo0525 6 ай бұрын
Skip to 4:15 time, to get to the point.
@Darkness09ization Жыл бұрын
A good shout out for the parents. They need all the help they can get. Especially in the motivation department😅
@coyotelife9732 Жыл бұрын
Very relevant info for alot of us I'm sure. I have two kids. I have a weider power tower, tons of resistance and flat bands, dumbbells, flat bench, incline/decline and a squat rack at home because I have zero time for gyms. Oh and I also have an excercise bike because I already do like 10k steps a day and my feet hurt too much for a run. This works for me but i have exercise crap in the house, porch and garage. I want to build a huge shop and make like half of it into a little gym.
@Vadv3939 Жыл бұрын
Ever tried barefoot shoes? Or strengthening your feet? I mean they shouldn't be hurting from walking 10k steps
@coyotelife9732 Жыл бұрын
@@Vadv3939 always on concrete with steel toe boots. Sometimes carrying heavy pipe, hoses, or whatever else. I have Vibrams I occasionally wear around the house. I didn't want to bring it up but I also have gout, even when it's not fully flared up I can feel it coming. Me eating a hell of alot cleaner, exercising and abstaining from alcohol is helping me mitigate it though.
@PlayfulTraining Жыл бұрын
"Aw, Here it Goes"
@eliasbram3710 Жыл бұрын
You can clearly see that he's a good dad
@in2deep41 Жыл бұрын
I was today years old when I learned 'bath-ing' is a pronunciation. Sincerely, a 'bathe-ing' American
@notjustforme Жыл бұрын
Most Fitness KZbinrs expect that one has an hour worth of time, every day. On a reliable Basis. After a ten hour workday. I'm curious what you have come up with. I have full equipment at home, but have to trade Training for sleep, every time. I have less than six hours sleep already. It seems impossible 🤔🤣
@johnwoods7526 Жыл бұрын
Ok, swing baby around like kettle bell. Got it.
@vancegatlin9977 Жыл бұрын
I also train before the kids were up, until they started getting up the same time as me...
@dannyboy8067 Жыл бұрын
kids constantly bickering for the entire day, until 15 minutes before bed time when they start playing perfectly = tired angry parents
@GoldenFava Жыл бұрын
@STIXAHOY Жыл бұрын
Spending time with your partner was the reason how these annoying kids came about in the first place !!!!
@fasmallville Жыл бұрын
I'm still struggling to convince my friends that life isn't over when you become a parent, just f0cking adapt yourself and don't blame the kids for your jelly belly!
@ethangriffiths7802 Жыл бұрын
Gonna show this video to my girlfriend next time she says she wants a baby 😂😂
@TubularMonk Жыл бұрын
If you want to skip and don't have any space or have low ceilings Google 'Ropeless skipping rope'. Seriously. They're not as tough on cardio as a real skipping rope but better than nothing.
@aperezdeal Жыл бұрын
7 or 8 pm and your kids are asleep?! I wish 😫
@SirShooty Жыл бұрын
The likeness of kell is uncanny, you sure they’re adopted?
@prdddac8606 Жыл бұрын
Grab child. Do walking lunges whit the child until your formi starts to break. This has been my legs workout for some time when I get a chance to do it. Kid loves it. WARNING: Do not do this if your child has just finished eating!
@NI-pi2ne Жыл бұрын
a weight vest, children's playground, children - set the timer and play tag. Let the kids chase you and you chase them over obstacles. one of the best workouts ever
@fwoggangidk Жыл бұрын
Somewhat genius 😮
@andrewknight6244 4 ай бұрын
Please ensure that they are your own children, and not strangers.
@grentreem3096 4 ай бұрын
Just a thought, but being able to still control yourself when fatigued or not get fatigued at all might be recommended to those who want to try that. Don't wanna accidentally trip and crush a child. Whether they be your own child or a stranger's child...
@SteveNoverini 3 ай бұрын
I love the hyperwear weight vest because it’s form fitting. I use it for walking, playing, burpees, and heavy bag training.
@Seth-xh8qs 2 күн бұрын
@StrongandConditioned Жыл бұрын
I discovered 6 count burpees when I had my 2nd kid and gym time became a fantasy. That was the day that everything changed…
@jeannazario2996 Жыл бұрын
Them Burpees may be almost all one needs. Thank you Lee
@TheGeckoNinja Жыл бұрын
was it cause the fire nation attacked?
@StrongandConditioned Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeckoNinja no, I was infected by devils
@byrospyro4432 Жыл бұрын
I do 25 burpees with 1 push up, then 25 with 2 pushups then 25 with 3 pushups... then i add different excercises in place of the pushups.. its great cardio and you build muscle and tone it all at the same time lol.
@stephenformhals3253 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheGeckoNinja I think this might be the funniest comment I've come across on KZbin 😂
@g0fum Жыл бұрын
I applaud you for this video. I work 12 hours shifts with overtime because man power is short at my work at the moment and I look after my kids when I come off a night shift because my Mrs goes to work. I have a 9 month old and 4 year old daughters so time to train is work of art. I rollerblade a lot taking my 4 year old to school and 11 mile jolts on the rollerblades with my baby daughter in her buggy for cardio. Weights at the moment is using my baby daughter for lots of reps of an exercise and then going to failure using my 4 year old daughter. I get to work out a bit and spend time with my kids. It works at the moment but it's still difficult.
@limo-swine6537 Жыл бұрын
You get progressive overload also as your children grow up. Smart programming.
@g0fum Жыл бұрын
@@limo-swine6537 that's the hope 🤣
@_wetwillyinc Жыл бұрын
Lifting your kids for reps. Wow. 😂😅 I cannot wait to become a dad
@g0fum Жыл бұрын
@@_wetwillyinc despite the lack of sleep and stress at times it's the best thing ever.
@MrGatya2 Жыл бұрын
The point where I could tell my daughter to "sit tight in daddy's neck while he does squats/pushups" is the point I could start double booking the time as "parenting" and also "training". I am also thinking up new ways to do training while also parenting. Good examples are: playing tag, spider tag, lizard tag (any animal basically that jumps or crawls), any kind of lifting (my daughter). My previous coach even did kettlebell turkish getups with his daughter, where the daughter balled up and she was the bell. It's also good when neighbor kids are over, because you can vary the weight based on which kid you put in your neck. Added bonus is, that you can babysit them and their parents will offer in return to babysit yours, thus you get a free afternoon in the future all while parenting and working out 😊
@LatimusChadimus Жыл бұрын
Exercise Snacks is another interesting idea, doing little mini workouts throughout the day has its perks, too
@markerwin2110 Жыл бұрын
Not a parent but 12 hours shifts and 45 min travel each way to work. Limited time and always tired. Thanks Bioneer for this one keep them coming
@Seid108 Жыл бұрын
Same here brother. Working from 07.00 thill 19.00. 45Min to 1h drive each way to work, come home, play with kid, put him to sleep, help to cook for tomorow, put wife to sleep 😂😂 and when I finish everything I am very tired. Still manage to hit the gym 3x week, or do some 20min HIT at home. Anyway beeing good husband and good parent, provider, is not easy.
@TheBella1423 Жыл бұрын
Using the jungle gym with kids…..you’re at the park anyways
@TheBioneer Жыл бұрын
Yes! I do this loads :-D
@surrealistidealist Жыл бұрын
A great piece of equipment for a busy parent is a "Power Tower", which has a chin-up bar and dip bars. A power rack is great, too, if you have more space. Plus, the kids can use these when they're old enough!
@YasmineAndHenrik Жыл бұрын
Soon to be parent (again 😄) 🙋🏽‍♂
@TheBioneer Жыл бұрын
@YasmineAndHenrik Жыл бұрын
@@TheBioneer thanks man! And thanks for the awesome content also 🙏🏽
@bashcrash13 Жыл бұрын
Surprised Kel is adopted,they have your eyes!
@TheBioneer Жыл бұрын
Haha! Not sure that is a compliment…
@freefireshorts5075 Жыл бұрын
Love your video sir you are such a nice energetic and carsmatic guy 😁❤️
@8-bite393 Жыл бұрын
3 Kids! I know what you mean. But I set my training in the early morning. Standing up at 6 o clock , doing a run 5 km or a calisthenics-Workout with Vest. Or both. Running to calipark vested and doing a 20min workout. Otherwise I do a 20-30 min Workout with Trx , pull-ups etc. at home… There are always 20 min per day… no mercy. Cold shower and go on with your kids. 5-6 times per week. That’s my schedule. My kids are 9,7 and 1 1/2 years old btw…
@starsgears9200 Жыл бұрын
Works for grad students, too!
@fwoggangidk Жыл бұрын
Should we tell him he's adopted? 😢😔 He's going to find out eventually.
@thevalueman8760 Жыл бұрын
This video could single handedly destroy teenage pregnancy 😂
@zoranagavrilovic9403 Жыл бұрын
Just don't have children 😎
@PomboPierre Жыл бұрын
A Mandalorian training? Would be right in time ❤🎉😂 Or a Eric Bugenhagen one😂 A new one for healing or recovery.😊
@jonnyw7335 Жыл бұрын
Phenomenal content and a long overdue focus for parents. Your summary at the beginning about how little time you have was spot on and should be heard by anyone about to have kids. In terms of aches and pains that come with having kids just carrying them in one arm for 10-15 mins can be tiring, basically like cradling an 8kg kettlebell for 15mins. Also my back is knackered from bending over the cot to pat the little one to sleep, but I have found it a great time to do some elephant walks and work on my hamstring flexisbility!
@WildWest357 Жыл бұрын
Kids know how to naturally exercise, and it's them just playing. Playing with them, the way that they play can be a great way to stay active. Run, climb, jump around with them.
@gladiatorscoops4907 Жыл бұрын
YESTERDAY: - Sunday I spent the day at the Zoo, I walked about 14,000 steps. - Roughly about 20 percent of these steps were either pushing around a 2 child buggy fully loaded with stuff and 1 baby. 70 percent was carrying a 3 year old around on my shoulder/hip because she was scared of the seagulls swooping down and stealing food or couldn't be bothered to walk - I lost count of the times I have to pick her up from the floor and hoist her onto my shoulder. - I drive an hour home, - Unload the car while Wife tends to baby, - Bath both kids, - Put the 3 year old to bed - Unload bags - Unload dishwasher, reload dishwasher. Its now nearly 9pm - time for a workout b4 sitting down for an hour with the Wife b4 going to bed at 11 - hoping the 3 year old doesn't wake up in that time. - Next day woken up at 6:45 am by 3 year old, get her ready for Nursery, walk her to Nursery - get home go work. Can we understand why working out for a parent is hard yet? Im 40 in good shape and work out regularly but holy hell having kids makes working out harder. It takes a tremendous amount of willpower not to just crash on the sofa as soon as the kids are asleep. Finally - does this mean don't have kids? absolutely not, it is a mindblowing fantastic experience being a parent and I wouldn't change it for anything.
@bizzothagreat 7 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm having these issues, I really wanna workout but I work a lot! I'm trying to do something I'm struggling bad and put on a lot of weight.
@Smallsguitarshop 11 ай бұрын
The video I’ve been searching for. We had our first one last December by month 5 I could hardly make it to the gym twice a week, not to mention it’s 20min away. By month 7 I gave up the gym to body weight training at home and never felt better and getting stronger. Looking at the comments reassured me I’m not alone in the struggle ha.
@seanscheng Жыл бұрын
Busy father of 3 and busy full-time physician. Life couldn't be more hectic. Gotta get it in when you can. Appreciate this video, mate!
@RyanHamiltonBaker Жыл бұрын
Bless you for this. I've been beating myself up for not exercising like I used to, but we have our 5th baby on the way and it just can't happen. I've really enjoyed using my kids as weights, doing games that involve squats and pushups with the kids, racing with them, etc. It makes a big difference in my energy levels and they love it too.
@TheBioneer Жыл бұрын
5th! Congratulations!! 🥳 But yeah, absolutely don’t beat yourself up! If you are training at all that is some next level stuff!
@jamescanjuggle Жыл бұрын
i think its amazing you spend quality time with your kids if anything else
@Davlavi Жыл бұрын
Very good ideas.
@filipcesnjak2944 Жыл бұрын
Most necessary topic ... thank you
@ATasteOfLife Жыл бұрын
I made a workout today, full body circuit type of workout, and I nearly passed out at how intense it was😂 Thanks for the tips btw. I have 2 kids(1 is 2 years old and the other is 5months old) and van confirm that it can be difficult to be consistent in training, but not impossible 😊
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