Aansplaining by Karthik Kumar - Full Show | Karthik Kumar

  Рет қаралды 206,386

Karthik Kumar

Karthik Kumar

Күн бұрын

Welcome to Aansplaining. This show comes free of cost to you, but it hasn't been free for me to produce as an independent artist. I believe, affordability should not be a criterion for this show to reach you (access & language, maybe, but not affordability). If you believe you want to support me, here's what you can do:
This link has all the links: linktr.ee/Kart...
1. Like, subscribe & share
2. Stay in touch with me: shorturl.at/INQUW
3. Buy Souvenir & Sticker sheet: evam2024.mojo....
4. Pay as you wish (India): imjo.in/MvECNB
5. Pay as you wish (International): www.paypal.com...
Follow me on Instagram :
Karthik Kumar - / evamkarthik
Music Credit - Oleg Kyrylkovv from Pixabay
#karthikkumar #patriarchy #toxicrelationships #powerstructures #power #gender #fluid #mansplaining #standupcomedy #comedy #aansplaining #fullshow
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Website - web.divo.in/
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