Anyone else feel like this dlc has some of the most convoluted/confusing items or weapons and how to obtain them? I enjoy secrets but my god the hoops to jump thru
@maidoxd23062 ай бұрын
Brother, this items are tame compared to previous dlc/base game, do I need to remind you that it took SEVERAL weeks to DATA MINERS to figure out how to unlock archon? I think the hardest item to unlock this dlc is the bow, which is easily the best to bypass.
@noobeternal97182 ай бұрын
Yeah but previous DLCs were way worse.
@dirtymnk92692 ай бұрын
Standing hours in the wrong place for invoker 😂
@kevinerickson842 ай бұрын
I didn't think they were any worse than the other dlc's😅
@DexiduousRose2 ай бұрын
@@dirtymnk9269 5mins max lol tf you mean?
@RandomZeroGravity2 ай бұрын
00:00 - Intro 01:30 - Prism of Voracity (Defeat a World Boss) 01:47 - Prism of Lethargy (Buy from Dwell 1k Relic Dust) 02:23 - Prism of Greed (Buy from Cass 250k Scraps, 5% chance) 02:55 - Prism of Hatred (50 Boss Rush Kills) 03:08 - Prism of Passion (200 Boss Rush Kills) 03:15 - Prism of Pride (500 Boss Rush Kills) 03:25 - Prism of Jealousy (Combine the three Prismatic Stones with a Simulacrum from Wallace)
@kristatum66882 ай бұрын
What's the difference between them
@BilliamBungerr2 ай бұрын
@@kristatum6688None. They are effectively loadout slots for your fragments
@RezDK2 ай бұрын
@@kristatum6688 there's none it's just to give us more prisms for more build variety
@spiritravelermdk85082 ай бұрын
Got 5 prisms thanks to you. That astronomical amount of boss fights for the last 2 are like padding. I might hit 200 in 2028.
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 im sayin. 👴 hands will be all crippled w arthritis lmao
@swector_unit42572 ай бұрын
Yeah, you can use your old campaign it works
@chaddrusso88502 ай бұрын
Can also confirm this for the labyrinth drop!
@calebcentek95832 ай бұрын
200 to 500 boss kills. Well fuck me, maybe one day!
@TheShadowBoi2 ай бұрын
Just farm the boss rush, it helps out a lot.
@kevinerickson842 ай бұрын
Boss rush!
@Noggintoggin2 ай бұрын
i love this new system but they gotta tone down the xp a bit
@spiritravelermdk85082 ай бұрын
I did 19 twice, 7 three times and 3 once. I have a couple rings out if it, but the second 19 gave me 2 sacrilecrum (spelling). I doubt that I will ever get the 200 boss fights. Unless they count Multiplayer.
@sPaCe_NiNjA1872 ай бұрын
Farm boss rush on survivor. 95k xp in an hour.
@envoyofrot70462 ай бұрын
Thanks for the guide. I gotta say this Prism system is quite overcomplicated and confusing
@JDRonin2 ай бұрын
Did not know I could buy back my fragments from dwell, or even that prismatic stones were a thing, so huge thanks. Great guide 👍
@sPaCe_NiNjA1872 ай бұрын
Because it’s new. The stones have only been in game less than a week. 😂
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
You could still roll for relic fragments at dwell before this system
@sPaCe_NiNjA1872 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHour I was talking about the stones, thank you. My comment was clear.
@spiritravelermdk85082 ай бұрын
Wait , Dwell cost $1k scrap and Cass $250k for the Prisms? They are thinking of ways to keep you playing... that's a chore not fun at all.
@DexiduousRose2 ай бұрын
1k Relix dust not scrap
@rekrn12345Ай бұрын
1k relic dust is nothing. Also 250k scrap isn't much either.
@dhopjr57Ай бұрын
They waited to late in the life of this game to implement this system. Love the game but I am bored stupid by now to actually level up these stones.
@rekrn12345Ай бұрын
@@dhopjr57 Then don't. XP was essentially useless for most people. This is just something that passively happens as you play.
@monhi6419 күн бұрын
I don’t entirely understand their incentive to make people grind a game like this just to keep people playing. There’s not any other purchases and if anything it costs them money on servers. But idk it does seem to be a thing to keep people playing games no matter what like I guess it maybe builds interest in potential future releases
@maverickjg1Ай бұрын
Helped me out a ton. Thanks!
@Lainlegend2 ай бұрын
can confirm! already excising (cleared out) campaigns will work to dig up the crystals!!
@dansloan42422 ай бұрын
I have the first 5 prisms, and there's still all at zero, I haven't done anything with them out of fear of screwing something up! So I'm sitting on a ton of scrap, and about 7,000 relic dust! Now just waiting for the perfect guide, to start upgrading! I will wait for your guide and review on this, since you have the most detailed videos on this game so far! In other words I'm putting all my trust in you, lol!
@SmileBe4Death2 ай бұрын
I've got one perfect 51 lvl prism with sharpshooter legendary bonus stat. Just feed relic fragments to prism to get stats you want, get to 51 lvl and you are gonna be offered 3 random leg.bonuses , choose one of them and that's it
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
Yesssss I totally agree Abby’s videos are so on point. But man I can’t agree more this new system is fkn confusing I don’t even know how to begin it! 🤦
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
@@SmileBe4Deathso just what feed the prisms relic fragments? Can I just buy them from dwell?
@dansloan42422 ай бұрын
@@jasonotero5033 absolutely there was nothing wrong with the old way!
@SmileBe4Death2 ай бұрын
@@jasonotero5033 , yup, feed relic fragments to prism, you can buy them back from Dwell
@spiritravelermdk85082 ай бұрын
I have 3 of them. One I brought from the vender next to Whispers. The other ones, I have no clue how, until now. I have 8.4M in scrap. Thanks for the digging help.
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
wtf did you say 8.4M as in million?!?! If so holy fk good shit you been farming HARD!!!
@Richard_Rz2 ай бұрын
"Loadouts for your fragments" this is why I subbed your channel. This is a channel for the rest of us. ❤
@ryandemedeiros80002 ай бұрын
Can confirm that you DO NOT need to reroll your campaign after the update to dig up the prism of jealousy shards. It doesn't work like the polygun where you needed to reset your campaign post update back in DLC 2. Hope this helps anyone who was wondering
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
Yes can also confirm.
@byrdnxtlevelgaming2 ай бұрын
Love your videos so detailed and helpful
@PhilippeCharvet2 ай бұрын
For every AbbyHour, 60 AbbyMinutes passes.
@CatsHaveEars2 ай бұрын
Definitely looking forward to the guide on this once you've figured it out! And yes.. I threw some of the dumbest stuff in to my first prism before understanding what roll chances were 🤡
@blackbullet062 ай бұрын
No I did the same thing, it's a ridiculous system. No explanation and your gamer instincts say, oh it needs to level up lemme throw trash in it and ill save the good ones once I unlock the slots. NOPE, little did we know it's a pool of chances you threw crap into lol
@dhopjr57Ай бұрын
Thank you Abby ! 👍👍
@ryanthunder32472 ай бұрын
Resetting at 10 is a godsend 👌. Been grinding and I finally have gotten a good tank build. Almost done making it but man, it's a grind
@urazz77392 ай бұрын
Yeah, the big problem is going to be the legendary affix at level 51. It's not all that hard to get the stats you want, but the big problem is getting a garbage legendary affix at level 51. I.E. getting a tank legendary affix for a ranged gun build.
@ryanthunder32472 ай бұрын
@@urazz7739 holding my breath, probably gonna die 😬
@kizmo23172 ай бұрын
You can definitely use an old campaign to get the prismatic stones.
@Donokyothelast2 ай бұрын
Thanks big Abby💪🏾
@docholiday132 ай бұрын
Glad they are letting us reset these soon. Because honestly I don't think anybody understands this mess 😅
@nicklewis40682 ай бұрын
do we know when the update that will allow us to reset at level 10 will come out?
@denith9692 ай бұрын
I don’t think it’s working on an old campaign anymore the shovel just hits the ground and using the explorer ability it just pops fountains after 12 digs 😢
@Baradiele2 ай бұрын
If I understanded correctly, "fusion" perks appear after level 30 of the prism if you have at least 2 perks that can make a fusion
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
@@Baradiele they have a chance to appear when both fragments are +5
@Baradiele2 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHour Oh, touchè. Good to know
@ToliG1232 ай бұрын
Wait so what’s with the whole digging thing? Equipping explorer required? Maybe a dumb question haha. But I haven’t played in 9 months.
@DexiduousRose2 ай бұрын
No, you need to shovel specially. It's sold by Brabus once you've beaten the game at least once
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
sorry I should have explained that part! Yes, you need the Shovel from Explorer archetype which you get from beating the campaign once.
@blazex2242 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHourSuper interesting, I don’t remember shoveling ever being a feature, is this new for Prisms or does this have other uses?
@shadowkhan4222 ай бұрын
@@blazex224You can get ammo and random Mudtooth tonic effects by digging (If I remember right)
@swector_unit42572 ай бұрын
@blazex224 Before the update, you can use it to get ammo, and I think buffs I might be wrong for the last one but mostly ammo
@lewistownsend78082 ай бұрын
How does one accumulate 250k scrap
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
farm enemy-dense areas
@konkurer7752 ай бұрын
Haha, suffer. Seriously though, it's just going on a grind mostly. There's one item that comes to mind that gives like a 50% scrap boost but otherwise it's find a preferred way to farm and just use that. My preferred way when I needed scrap was replaying stories because bosses drop a bunch of repeat items for tons of scrap
@xspaniki2 ай бұрын
just dont sleep 😂
@ryanthunder32472 ай бұрын
There is an amulet that boosts scrap pickups. Scavengers bauble I believe. Picking up repeat items as well to get 250 or more. Boss rush has been pretty helpful
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
Not to hard I think losom is the best smash everything you can and then reroll and do it again plus sell whatever you don’t need honestly you should make 250k in no time. ✌️🎮🫶🏼🫡
@DianeCampion2 ай бұрын
Thanks for great and usefull video❤
@fairplayer9162 ай бұрын
is there any intrinsic differences? like prism A is likely to offer a certain set of Legendary bonuses, and Prism B will likely offer options from a different pool?
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
No difference
@ReaperEOD2 ай бұрын
Fusions only come up when both power boosts are level 5.
@skip_a_beat35692 ай бұрын
False, they have a chance to combine once at lvl 5 I have 2 at +7 and havnt fused, my first fusion happened at both being at +10 😂, its all about luck 😭
@Abhorrent-Tom2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@soodback1904Ай бұрын
I’ve got the prism of prise by clearing the boss apocalypse with 3 players in 2h
@SmileBe4Death2 ай бұрын
I've got 6 prisms, didn't kill nowhere near 200 bosses. I got the 6th prism after beating campaign and killing Annihilation on apocalypse difficulty
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
Interesting, I wonder if there are multiple ways to get it then!
@JoseCAMC2 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHour I just solo'd a campaign in apocalypse (2 days prior to this reply) and even killed Annihilation... I didn't get any prisms the entire time... so there's more to it than just that.
@SmileBe4Death2 ай бұрын
@@JoseCAMC , had you started your campaign before the last DLC came out?
@Rune_tide2 ай бұрын
What about the slot on the bottom?
@darkdeamon3869Ай бұрын
does anyone know how to get/unlock slots in your Relic? like the 3 sloths in the relic?
@supernateplays9622 ай бұрын
Really thought I had plenty of simulacrum and now I can't get this prism
@KageSama192 ай бұрын
Also, yes you 100% can find the Prismatic stones in an old campaign, I did it earlier today.
@alchimiepsy2 ай бұрын
Okayyyy… thx for the video Abby 👌🏼 This game is incedible 😅🤪 Well, i’wondering if i reset my prism (lvl 26 actualy) i lost all stat on it… But is it possible to get the lvl 26 on an other prism (hoping with different stat) THX 🙏🏼
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
you level up each Prism separately when you have it equipped. So yes, you can get a different one to level 26 with different stats
@alchimiepsy2 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHour ok thank you so much 🙏🏼💪🏼
@sterbangrim12132 ай бұрын
how do you access boss rush?
@calmyoshiz2 ай бұрын
If you hadn't figured it out yet go to reroll
@justaguyful2 ай бұрын
Def used my existing labyrinth for the stone
@calmyoshiz2 ай бұрын
I assume it had to of been rolled sometime at least after dlc 2 tho
@Neyreyan2 ай бұрын
But why do we need all 7? I doubt people will complete more than 2 prisms
@shadowkhan4222 ай бұрын
For build variety? If it wasnt so grindy , I can see at least 4 been usefull . Mod spam, weapon spam, tank/self heal , skill spam and a few combos for different builds. Unfortunately, it will take 20 years...
@shadowkhan4222 ай бұрын
Add one for running to bosses now that I think about it .
@MadaraLUchiha2 ай бұрын
Good thing I'm sitting at 398k dust and 89 million scraps
@andyngdz2 ай бұрын
Bro may you share how did you farm that much?
@jonnycosta8304Ай бұрын
i found red stone laying in the middle of a bridge in yaesha
@rayrizzi71652 ай бұрын
It does work on old campaign. I did it. And I have yet to reply my campaign. Have only played it once.
@3ptiic2 ай бұрын
Iwonder if it lets you combine them if you have all 7
@error_stara_kavana2 ай бұрын
Nice vid as always. Keep it up. But I want to know how the f.... someone figure it out where to dig for those stones.
@shadowkhan4222 ай бұрын
Probably a combo of luck and data mining (for the general area)
@thora86242 ай бұрын
That was my exact thoughts too like okay were we supposed to just run around like tweakers digging everywhere possible or what? I suppose they just count on dataminers as a guarantee at this point huh. Otherwise this would be absolutely sheer madness expecting people to find those organically
@error_stara_kavana2 ай бұрын
@@thora8624 I agree and I dont like it at all. What is the point of those "quests"? To be part of datamining community (300 people are part of that community, only 300)? I want to play a game without this kind of nonsense.
@llii7506Ай бұрын
@athrunfadzil5302 ай бұрын
i got all 3 item using my old campaign
@Punisher_the_bot2 ай бұрын
This prism the developers created is extremely confusing. They should have left the old system.
@robertomacetti70692 ай бұрын
so umh i'm digging in the magic spot in root earth but nothing
@laterreality73112 ай бұрын
Hatred is not 50 boss rush kills I have 73 and still no hatred it’s probably a random drop
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
some people are reporting it at 30 kills
@xspaniki2 ай бұрын
how to reset points in prism?
@3ptiic2 ай бұрын
it has to be max level first which is 51
@StupidAnon-gn8ih2 ай бұрын
Has anyone found a fusion that involves skill damage at all?
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
I don't believe there is, at least from the list I saw on reddit. Health Regen + Skill Cooldown Mod Duration + Skill Duration Mod Crit + Skill Crit Mod Damage + Mod Generation
@StupidAnon-gn8ih2 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHour I saw that list too. I've heard from other people that they found fusions that weren't on that list, but got no response when I asked them what they found.
@smarkies2 ай бұрын
Good that you're unlike other Ytubers in remnant that cheat the leveling up of prism to lvl 51, pretending that they are grinding, like the ytuber name after a hint Mr."snack"
@jungillestt022 ай бұрын
Fusions appear after lvl 30
@shadowkhan4222 ай бұрын
Do they drop the level ? AI, you can have 4 fusions and 5th skill all maxed?
@jungillestt022 ай бұрын
@shadowkhan422 yeah every time you fuse two it drops the level
@DJPickee2 ай бұрын
not true got my fusion under 30
@jungillestt022 ай бұрын
@@DJPickee well lucky you then, I haven't seen one before that.
@kamjarpourhang0792 ай бұрын
@black52542 ай бұрын
How the hell did you find out about all these? How many spots you had to dig to discover that?
@lordbrody80392 ай бұрын
Bro thats only 4 prism and for 1 of them u need 3 prismatic stones. currently only 5 are discovered nice clickbait thumbnail
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
I go over all 7 in the video, including the prismatic stones and where to get them. please watch the video before you comment. 1. defeat a world boss 2. 1000 relic dust from dwell 3. combine the 3 prismatic stones 4. 250,000 scrap bought from Cass 5. 50 boss rush kills 6. 200 boss rush kills 7. 500 boss rush kills
@envoyofrot70462 ай бұрын
Learn to watch the video and pay attention maybe? There are 7 Prisms
@blackbullet062 ай бұрын
Counting not your fort'e huh? And that's (for-tay) not (forty-ee)
@KageSama192 ай бұрын
This Prism from Cass isn't a chance to show up, it will show up once you have purchased every ring that can show up in her shop.
@AbbyHour2 ай бұрын
it wasn't available for me for 2 days. I have every ring.
@KageSama192 ай бұрын
@@AbbyHour Ohh weird. I wonder if it was bugged for you. Or maybe bugged for others and some of us got it 100%. You are the only one I've seen that has had it not show up immediately after reloading with all rings purchased.
@jasonotero50332 ай бұрын
Hey Abby again another well done video you are the shit there always so perfect. My comment is you asked if anyone cld just go back to the campaign and go to the labyrinth and see if we cld dig up the I believe was the blue relic fragment and yes you. An I tried it and boom was able to dig it up. Great video Abby your the shit. 🫶🏼✌️🫡🎮