Dear Abhi, please bring the video with subtitles, so that I can recommend this song to my non-Assamese friends. Such a lovely song, that showcase our love and pride for the GAMUSA, must be heard and watched throughout the nation. ❤❤❤❤
@xarvis65383 ай бұрын
Xundor ❤
@H-y90810 ай бұрын
I am from kolkata. Even tho not an assamese but i feel the emotions of togetherness in this mv ❤
@nayanjyotikumar487911 ай бұрын
Gamusa khon Axom r abeg❤️ Dhuniya lagise Abhi da Gaan tu✨
@JagdeepSingh-pe8gq8 ай бұрын
Gamusa has even reached Africa, i exhibit it with pride
@প্ৰাঞ্জলতালুকদাৰ11 ай бұрын
প্ৰতিটো গীতেই প্ৰিয়। এগাল শুভকামনাৰে___💗🌻
@JuryKonwar11 ай бұрын
❤ Bohut dhunia Abhi... Great work.. another masterpiece.... And thanks for the appearance... Glad to be a part❤
@playerx742911 ай бұрын
নতুন বছৰৰ নতুন কিৰণ। এই কিৰণৰ প্ৰতিটো স্পৰ্শই জী তোলক আপোনাৰ জীৱন। তাৰেই কামনাৰে ইংৰাজী নৱবৰ্ষৰ শুভেচ্ছা যাচিলো
@murchonaa999111 ай бұрын
Really really happy to see those চিৰ-পৰিচিত faces again...❤ May be again some masterpieces are making a queue... 🎉🎉
@foridahmed425711 ай бұрын
Abhi Saikia Never Disappoint us❤❤
@mriduphoenix543711 ай бұрын
Loving this vibe, Uniting all the Assamese around the world. Gives Comfort to ones who stay away from home just like me, knowing that we all share the same feelings as Assamese. Kudos to the team. Maybe my Fav Rainforest Video till date. Also good job Mr sameucliff ! 😍😘😍
@rohan3411 ай бұрын
very beautiful .... gamusar logot jorito aabeg tu e beleg
@BhargavOjapali11 ай бұрын
So earthy 🌍
@apriumz11 ай бұрын
big fan dada ❤
@Priyanku_Gogoi11 ай бұрын
As usual awesome brother, No words! Keep shining, keep growing❤🔥
@nipuslife28165 ай бұрын
Nice song Abhi saikia❤😊
@RuliKhataniar-sy9qx7 ай бұрын
Amar abegg❤
@Ishankur_Borkotoky11 ай бұрын
Awesome! Loved the vibe! ❤ Kudos to everyone
@surajit928311 ай бұрын
Such a wonderful song abhi bro ✨♾️❤️ you just build some more AXOM in blood ✨
@mrigankashekharkashyap25253 ай бұрын
Truely a beautiful song Abhi da😌❤❤
@kaushikearth11 ай бұрын
Masterpiece Abhi Da
@bikashbora260311 ай бұрын
It's Exceptional. Always wait for your new compositions.
@sens3i_music11 ай бұрын
Awesome work brother...proud to be a part of it!🔥
@Rolex-tr6xt11 ай бұрын
Awesome ❣️.... abhi daa !
@ankitadowarah768111 ай бұрын
Great work Abhi 👏🏻🧡 Congratulations to the whole team 🎉
@abhigyansarmahgogoi10 ай бұрын
bohut dhunia lagil gaan tu
@pranitadeka396911 ай бұрын
Abhi da I hope you get the rewards of your hard work congratulations to you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😅 Gamusa.
@Gtashorts888011 ай бұрын
Mojjaaaa abhi da 🙌🏻❤️🔥
@joashsurin11 ай бұрын
I hear this song almost 50 times❤
@siddharthmoran280111 ай бұрын
Liked the song at starting itself...know that abhi da never disappoints...❤❤his works always 💎
@JatinBhuyan11 ай бұрын
Whoa man! Way to go ahead man! Super ballistic bow! 🔥 🔥 🔥
@nilabhnayan.borthakur11 ай бұрын
Aitu he gaan!! Oti hundor... Repeat t di huni asu!!
@akashgogoi548511 ай бұрын
2:33 mur kub priyo DIPALI BAIDEOW ❤
@RuliKhataniar-sy9qx8 ай бұрын
@fineman271211 ай бұрын
the music composition is simply fire
@darshanaboruah486211 ай бұрын
So many known faces ... Such a sweet , simply awesome song ❣️💌
@siddharthsiam676610 ай бұрын
Kela anekua gaan nobonaba dei... Soku pani aru kiman uliayaba protitu gaanote... Nuarisu aru... Bilin hoi jaam❤❤❤
@vishaluploads940111 ай бұрын
Abhi daa music never disappoints ❤️
@assamesevahwna846511 ай бұрын
@reodutta839611 ай бұрын
What a song 1000 times till now … need more like this
@roopdas322811 ай бұрын
Always therefor support you bro keep it up🔥
@ganeshxbasu11 ай бұрын
Awesome Kangkan Da !
@unknown1975511 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful song✨
@samiranborgohain-vl8wk11 ай бұрын
Good job Team!
@Voldemort2611 ай бұрын
Peaceful and proud❤
@Channdrimaa11 ай бұрын
❤❤❤hey Abhi .... wow gan tule roy asilu janane ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@pranjalsarkar11 ай бұрын
May it be the best release 3:21
@mgnstatus825011 ай бұрын
Another masterpiece Abhi Da ❤❤❤
@musicindustry92598 ай бұрын
Joi aai Axom ❤
@plpbhai767710 ай бұрын
Mozaa ❤
@smitabaishya812211 ай бұрын
Bht Dhunia lagise gaan tu❤️😍
@oceanta173511 ай бұрын
দুগালতে যেন সোণৰ চেকুৰা চকুত জিলিকি ৰয় same vibes ✨