【ワンマン開催決定!!🎉】 2024/10/13(日) 渋谷duo MUSIC EXCHANGE Absolute area One Man Live 2024"Beyond" OPEN 17:15 / START 18:00 🎫¥4,000-(税込/整理番号付きスタンディング/1Drink別) ◎オフィシャル最速先行:(抽選) 7月26日(金)21:00 ~ 7月31日(水) 23:59 eplus.jp/absolutearea/
Hello, Bruno! Nice to meet you! My name is Michael and I am from Peru. I love Japanese music and have recently become a fan from "Absolute area". I love these boys!!! I would love to build a friendship with you! Another abso-fan!