Acerola Cherry Tree Keeps Giving

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Fruitful Trees

Fruitful Trees

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@enickasmith4223 Жыл бұрын
I hope I get to meet you one day. I live in Texas. When I watch your videos, they really take me back to growing in the carribean. Thank you for sharing. ❤🎉
@GardenHood 10 ай бұрын
Same ! I'm in Tampa and starting to grow a fruit tree farm in a special way and csnt wait to meet Paul n chance at an interview
@nicolepilgrim3142 3 жыл бұрын
We here in Barbados pick a bunch add sweetener, vanilla, ice, angostura bitters, water blend and enjoy
@katkinslow Жыл бұрын
Cool Cat! Nice thanks for the information!
@cutieko1901 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this information ❤Great video.
@CubanMofo Жыл бұрын
The tree I have has bitter fruit. And I've heard there's different varieties. Some alot sweeter. But I haven't found any place that sell them
@Gyrae Жыл бұрын
give your tree some compost
@Gyrae Жыл бұрын
also might not be getting enough sun
@drrodz4968 3 жыл бұрын
In the Dominican Republic, we call it Cereza 🍒 that means Cherry 🍒 in English.
@OrlandoBackyardGardening 3 жыл бұрын
wow nice size fruit.. mines are never that big
@judah8811 Жыл бұрын
I just bought some this spring and have a had a few flowers on last years growth but none on this years . Does it only flower and fruit in old wood or is my tree just being difficult?
@FruitfulTrees Жыл бұрын
how old is your tree? It takes time
@MelDormoy Жыл бұрын
To have a tree instead of a shrub do I just keep pruning the side branches and focus on the leader?
@FruitfulTrees Жыл бұрын
Just let it all grow to the size you want
@MelDormoy Жыл бұрын
@@FruitfulTrees thank you! :)
@ginmil3436 3 жыл бұрын
My parents used to have one when i was young i really did enjoy that fruit. And it was really productive. Unfortunately it has been long gone now. And i found out that my dad had save a lil one and plant it on an other spot in the same yard. But its bean years now and the three has never give fruit. Why !? one knows..
@chaselex 10 ай бұрын
My trees leaves get brown and withered and bugs get in my room. How do I stop this from happening. I am organic.
@Mrbfgray 3 жыл бұрын
I grow all sorts of things successfully but killed a few Barbados *twice*...two attempts...going for take 3. :D
@lynnex17 Жыл бұрын
What zone are you in?
@Mrbfgray Жыл бұрын
@@lynnex17 9a
@lynnex17 Жыл бұрын
@@Mrbfgray ahh...I'm 9b and have only had mine for 2 years...have been putting lights on it at night during the chilly months..gotta do better, lost half a tree. They're sensitive below freezing
@Mrbfgray Жыл бұрын
@@lynnex17 Thanks for any insights. Mine seemed to start dying at 50F, way before frost. Done my homework on avocadoes (dozen in the ground mostly thriving, more in pots), some other things, but not enough on Barbados Cherry growing. Want those! :D Use Phoenix, AZ as a rough proxy for what's possible for me inland lowland farther N. Commifornia. TOTALLY failed at mangos, bridge too far. Citrus the biggest no-brainer, easy, drought tolerant, consistently productive with many months of ripe fruit "tree hang time", plus privacy green wall. Zero pests so far. (pardon tangents) Just learned that my 'most exotic' plants, Jabotacabs want acidic soils, mine were at best just growing slightly. Been working on that, they don't take much direct summer sun at all. Refocussing on acidifying blue berries with good results.
@lynnex17 Жыл бұрын
@@Mrbfgray thanks for accounts of your adventures, including tangents 😉. I'm in the san Fernando valley of Los Angeles county where it seldom gets close to 30 and then only for a few of the coldest wee hours. I have one Barbados cherry acquired at 4inches 18months ago over the first winter I kept it inside at night to give it time to grow and establish itself a bit. I got two babies about 6months ago and got them thru the chilly months in similar fashion. The first tree on its second winter was outside in a large pot and I did put a few Christmas lights around the base but they didn't provide much warmth...and half the tree..(two branches at base of trunk) didn't make it..the other half quickly is greening up these past few weeks with the warmer weather . I pruned back the dead half winter I'm going to get a string of incandescents (if I can find them) and wrap the tree with the lights all over and at the base to sustain it and the roots. I got my first few cherries last year and they were fabulous! I'm determined to make a go of it. I may construct a temporary greenhouse type covering to make sure 🤔. Another tree I'm excited about is the everbearing dwarf mulberry acquired 2 1/2 years ago finally showing signs of fruiting this summer! They're cold hardy and supposed to be quite productive and could be great for your area. Blueberries are tricky here .. wishing you success.
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