從一個短短六分半鐘的MV 我不斷感受到蘇打綠和orchestra每個成員的熱情和對音樂質素的執著 從歌詞方面,每一字每一句在表面和深層意思上都能有不少分析和詮釋。青峰的詞總是這樣耐人尋味。我好喜歡“離開”和“攤開”,“隱埋”和“活埋”等詞彙運用。青峰在短片介紹和蘇打綠有心的英文字幕都讓我對歌詞了解有很大作用!! 配樂方面,真的太令人讚嘆了!從前奏首先交響樂團演奏,到蘇打綠演奏,再雙方一起合奏,感覺非常痛快,逼瘋對方的感覺。中間馨儀的solo 很好聽!! 我自己嘗試哼唱這首歌,真的很難唱!!!青峰放了很多情緒和技巧去表達這首歌,感情流露非常自然,加上各團員和指揮的互動和投入,我實在覺得要仔細聆聽各聲部和樂器的演奏(阿龔的音樂細胞太強了!),歌曲的後半部分每個人都好像被逼瘋了,感覺非常澎湃(青峰的飆高音轉假音再加上非常澎湃的配樂簡直令人起雞皮!我平常很少會這樣的)這首果然是violently sad and beautiful。原諒我中文不太好,但我真的很欣賞蘇打綠一直而來對音樂的追求和不斷創新。我對這首歌實在有太多感受不能用準確言語來形容!謝謝你們:)作為歌迷,我很幸運能有機會見證你們的努力得出的美麗成果 :)
What beautiful and soulful music. Sodagreen is a great band on their own. But when they blend their style and instruments with classical music, it's even better. I don't understand but a few words of Chinese language, but music is a language which transcends words and borders. And this group is uplifting no matter the language of the listener.
@kiyoriekobie8688 жыл бұрын
I agree with you Mate. Simply beautiful.
@Ming-gx5on8 жыл бұрын
Exactly, songs shouldn't just be spoken through lyrics but through the the music. That's what good music is.
@best1yiyi8 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you. Absolutely surprised while listening song at the first time--- the classical music elements can be blended into pop music so perfectly!! Music itself powers! By the way, if you can understand the lyrics of this song, you may feel even more touched.
@flowerfawn8 жыл бұрын
Their recent 2 music videos have english subtitles! and I believe for all their future videos as well :)
@LULU-hu7ig6 жыл бұрын
i think its hard to translate this song into english properly. the words are beautiful,sophisticated and sad. in my opinion, it talks about how weak humans are in the face of fate.