Thanks for sharing. I haven't looked at any guides before, and was just figuring out skill combinations and talent combinations myself. The reason I was failing this run as a healer was just the timing. Knowing when to use which skills is key, and not be wasteful. I was just doing too much too quickly, trying to keep my team alive. Waiting for the boss and his summon to do their specific moves is key. Again, thanks for sharing.
@GatormanEsquire4 күн бұрын
This proved to be super helpful. Will you be posting rift 7 as well?
@milkyykittyy4 күн бұрын
@@GatormanEsquire hopefully today haha. I just moved across the country so i been busy
@GatormanEsquireКүн бұрын
@@milkyykittyy I hope the move went well 👍
@m2idii6 күн бұрын
please make a video guide to build acolyte focus status, skills and melomon as a reference for beginners. thank you
@desmondloh68567 күн бұрын
my blue restoration is only doing 800+ hp per tick, while your legendary is 1.5k+ hp per tick, followed your build and similar cp
@paopaochaz7 күн бұрын
for the waves of horror do you use this build as well
@yellowduck5886 күн бұрын
why main pet demon hound? i thought aco use snow leopard for faster cd?
@WahyuSaputra7 күн бұрын
Wondering why don't you use all the talent seeds? in the video you still have 12 unused?
@milkyykittyy7 күн бұрын
@@WahyuSaputra because i just logged on and immediately hit record LOL