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Adoお誕生日おめでとうございます🎁🎊🎉 本影片深入探討在日本廣受歡迎的音樂藝術家 Ado,是如何突破日本社會文化「同調壓力」的限制。特別著重於她的音樂和信息如何帶來給日本社會正面的影響。
請追蹤我的頻道~ @mrkiwikiwi
Ado様 @Ado1024
Cloud Nine webpage: cloud9pro.co.j...
行動の背景がわかればもっと面白い!心理学の教科書 - 申 紅仙 (著)
The copyright and portrait rights of all images and videos used or displayed in the videos on this channel belong to their respective owners. We quote content from anime to support our arguments based on our own interpretation and knowledge. We make sure to edit the content in a way that does not violate any guidelines, and we are committed to producing videos with this in mind.
Email➡︎ orangescratch.kiwi7@gmail.com
#ado #歌い手 #心理學 #日本文化 #日本 #business #日本社會 #anime #動漫 #二次元
#vocaloid #ボカロ