I am happy to see Pandas are happy in China but I saw a video in America at the Smithsonian Zoo where Mei Xiang had to keep rescuing her baby Panda Bei Bei who fell like 18 feet off the rocks. The place was very confined and dark and the Mother Panda had to keep rescuing the baby from falling from the rocks one person who did a comment was crying because the baby Panda fell a very high feet off the rocks. The Pandas had no grass or trees like in China sanctuaries and I saw and felt Mei Xiang was very unhappy and wanted to return to China back home where the Pandas are treated like family. The baby Panda climbed high enough to see a window just to look outside where it wished they were outside like in China. Please bring them home to China as I sensed those two Pandas were not happy in a Confined cell that looked like jail with that big rock and I saw no Nanny not once to help the Pandas as they do in China videos.I feel very sad for the baby Panda falling from so high a rock that it was crying and the mother came to rescue.
@luciaterrizzi18813 жыл бұрын
I was not referring to video in Japan. I was giving a comment about what I saw in another video in the USA. I put my comment in the wrong place but meant to send comment to China. Japan you are good I am sure. The video I saw in the USA was distressing to me and others who commented. It happened in the USA not in Japan or China. Thank you for your concern! Lucia.....