I've just used a 50C thermal switch. So it's always quiet as the fan doesn't spinning at all at low voltages and amps, which is usual for low power electronics.
@rozwell694 жыл бұрын
Add a capacitor to get rid of unfiltered PWM which powers that fan. 47uF or 68uF should suffice and it will get quiet instantly. Even with the original fan. Funny, how you totally ignored the fact that new fan on it's own is quiet... that should ring a bell or two ;p
@bwack7 жыл бұрын
8:40 Yeah, flat up against the fan, turbulence and noise. I find it odd, for many times I use this PSU I only pull 1-100mA at 5V, and why all the noise when there is low power dissipation in the regulators anyway at those low current levels. Its like they have all this space in there but use an under-dimensioned heatsink. I wonder how they sandwiched the board and sink together with the transistors (or regulators). Also if you disconnect the fan and run it off your own regulator, will it upset the psu microcontroller? Thanks for the video :)
@leohobbleohobb37813 жыл бұрын
i have 2 30-32 volt 5 amp KA320.3005D dc supplies.In 1 of them i turned the fan so the blow direction suck air in from the back.Different cooling fins on mine.It got more quiet with the fan turned that way.Temp on cooling element and at the current shunt at the front was a little cooler the noise lower.I placed 2 temp probes 1 on the cooling fins and 1 at the front to compare the 2 supplies temp.
@teejmiller4 жыл бұрын
Hey Adrian, I may have found the source of your frustration with the sound levels. I have read in a few reviews that the fan voltage is actually 24v in older ones! It may be worth pulling the cover to check yours.
@ElectronFunCom7 жыл бұрын
That's a very useful video. I've been thinking about replacing the fan, since I first turned on the supply. Now I know it won't help much :|
@rozwell696 жыл бұрын
Well, you could add small spacers between fan and the heatsink to reduce the noise
@steffenadamski27866 жыл бұрын
Hi, the blue resistor R3 is blown on my device (mounted on the upper edge of the board shown @sec 20, close to the fan connector) could you tell me it's value, so i could replace it. TIA
@1951split8 жыл бұрын
12:11 Why didn't I watch this video before swapping the fan... :(
@jackyeh75122 жыл бұрын
Good conclusion!
@Shoikan712 жыл бұрын
Want silent fans? Noctua is the way to go.
@JustinAlexanderBell9 жыл бұрын
The fan they used is one of the worst I've seen. Mine currently sounds like a jet engine from all of the horrible vibrations. I took the case off and undid the screws to remove the fan enough to get access to oil it, now it's much quieter, not sure how long this fix will last. I used some Super Lube synthetic oil it works great, and there's no odor.
@gornistvo-88217 жыл бұрын
Looking for Win7 USB drivers for this PS. Anyone got it operational under Win7?
@benjaminvanderjagt Жыл бұрын
I bought three KD3005D's, which are essentially the same thing, and all three fans died after just a few months of light use. The fan is definitely the weak point of these power supplies.
@hectorpascale10139 ай бұрын
Are your Power Outlets "extruding ones" (where you can connect a stripped wire) like here in the video or are they of the "flush type", like on Voltmeters (the touch protected ones). Here in Germany at reichelt they sell the version with the "protected" outlets (except for KWR103). Are you dutch? Where did you buy yours ($), and did you buy them when commenting this? Thanks
@DRYFIT557 жыл бұрын
I may change my fan anyway, because mine is noisy like a rattle , like a bad bearing or something even at no load
@Mordaur7 жыл бұрын
DRYFIT55 its the power supply for the fan. Adding a capacitor helps it a lot. Check out my video how i fixed it. kzbin.info/www/bejne/iHvFkpqXft1rpNE
@FriendlyWire5 жыл бұрын
@@Mordaur Thanks for adding this comment! I found your video this way and it helped enormously!
@JustinAlexanderBell9 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, the wiring inside was garbage, they cut out metal for the wires to pass through but they're covered in sharp burrs, they could have at least sleeved those sections of wire.
@mojtabacazi46476 жыл бұрын
The fan power is noisy causing the fan to rattle at low RPM, needs a better fan controller.