Advertising video of some 3DCoat 2023 features.

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@ratchclank1 Жыл бұрын
Please make a full video tutorial on this software. Its very powerful but difficult to find any workflow examples. This would probably sell more if users could actually learn how to use it.
@shikhermyv Жыл бұрын
There are plenty of tutorials
@peterrondelez Жыл бұрын
Ahh yes, the "I know how to use it so nothing more is needed" guy. There has got to be 100X more tutorials for similar 3D programs, yet more are made every day and people keep watching and learning from them. Maybe you should tell THEM they have enough?@@shikhermyv
@ratchclank1 Жыл бұрын
@@shikhermyv Yeah but a lot of them are fragmented and outdated. The playlist need to be severely cleaned up. :/
@christophed4579 Жыл бұрын
@@shikhermyv no. Where are the "from start to finish" 3DCoat tutorials ? Nowhere to be found.
@shikhermyv Жыл бұрын
​@@christophed4579 what do you mean by start to finish? If start to finish means sculpting, retopo, UV and texturing then you won't find any good production quality tutorials even for zbrush. The whole process may take several days. Are you expecting these types of tutorials from the 3dcoat team? They have very limited resources, not to mention dealing with war in their country. Besides people need to struggle to learn, try things out themselves rather than hoping to be spoonfed.
@peterrondelez Жыл бұрын
Too bad there are so few tutorials for 3DCoat compared to other software. Makes it hard to pick this for absolute beginners. Every day you should be releasing a 5-10 minute video focusing on a single small tool, feature or setting and explain it thoroughly. They should be made in the same order that someone with no experience would need to learn the software. Start with files and preferences, then the UI and each of its features then methodically one tool or feature at a time. Fully explain its abilities and features. Keep going until you've covered every tool and significant feature in 3DCoat. Do NOT create long videos sculpting an object with multiple tools as this rarely allows for all features of the tools used to be explained. Only after creating a dedicated tutorial for each tool and significant feature should you then proceed to make tutorials on how to combine them. If your user base isn't big/active enough that these videos are created naturally, it's up to you to make them or else your user base will never grow quickly. Just the opinion of a beginner trying to pick a program to learn basic 3D and 3D relief sculpting to add to my Rhino CAD skills.
@TheHighFlys Жыл бұрын
Can't be said enough and I think it sadly falls on deaf ears
@dnashj33 Жыл бұрын
Much of what you stated is already available on their KZbin Channel. You just have to look at the playlists to see relevant tutorials on a specific subject.
@peterrondelez Жыл бұрын
Great, then it should be no problem for Pilgway to assemble them in a singular playlist in the logical order I mentioned in my post and build a "3DCoat Beginner to Expert" course like you'd find on Udemy for any of the other pieces of software, right? Imagine someone wanting to learn math the first time and when they went to class the teacher said "Great. On the shelf over there are books on Algebra, Division, Fractions, Addition, Calculus and Subtraction. Go learn!". If you're new, you have no idea what those are or which one to learn first. What if the person chose to start with Algebra?... Do you think they'd be successful at learning math or do you think they'd find it too confusing and hard and give up? Having a bunch of random videos here and there that covers "much" isn't nearly as helpful as a structured course that covers ALL.
@peterrondelez Жыл бұрын
Or of course, 3DCoat can continue to be "That great program nobody talks about."
@bp3d106 Жыл бұрын
I think it is surprisingly intuitive for the complexity but does throw a few curve balls.
@tobycat7 10 ай бұрын
Very cool, guys! Glad to see a pricing model for premium software that isn't terrible (Subscriptions, blech!). Keep up the good work- I hope to see more tutorials from the community.
@psclip3309 9 ай бұрын
Please make SDF modeling
@lucaspacheco618 Жыл бұрын
Great software but lacks great documentation
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
Actually, the Documentation has undergone a significant amount of work and recently updated. Have you visited the Documentation page of the website, lately?
@artofvittor Жыл бұрын
is there a way to make the navigation like it is in zbrush?
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
Yes, there is. If you look in the upper right portion of the viewport, you will see a camera icon. Clicking that will reveal a list menu. At the very top of that menu is CUSTOM SCHEME. Hover your cursor over that option and you will see a secondary list menu, which includes a ZBRUSH-LIKE option. If you need more control for what keys or mouse buttons be more ZBrush like, as an example...there is an option (after clicking the Camera icon) to CUSTOMIZE NAVIGATION. Clicking that will bring up a large panel will many common commands. You can sort through the list and customize the actions the way you prefer it to be, and then save that navigation preset if you like.
@artofvittor Жыл бұрын
@@PILGWAY3DCoat found it! thank you so much
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
You are very welcome.
@phillipduffy9489 Жыл бұрын
@anubis8370 3 ай бұрын
I'm hoping on the road map therre's going to be SDF Modeling tool kit.
@jaaferelsadig Жыл бұрын
Would love a bridge for 3ds max, modo, cinema 4d or maya, even if its just voxel to mesh.
@DenysAlmaral Жыл бұрын
FBX works fine from 3dCoat to 3ds Max
@CannibalKats Жыл бұрын
its biggest flaw is its intuitiveness. It's like a good video game that no one understands. I consider its biggest flaw to be its user interface, which contains many things that a beginner does not understand. Any good software should be designed with feeling. Kind of like a video game. First you have a small pistol and you go through the first two levels, then he gets a shotgun and tougher enemies. The 3D coat makes me feel like I quit the game and start the last level in an RPG with 5 characters and 100 enemies facing me. I know from the field of video games that when the UX is poorly designed, many people leave the game. It results in extinction. Zbrush was on a different path. It was a first and it had fantastic results. people sacrificed time to get into it.
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
3DCoat's UI was completely redesigned (during the V3 beta period) to be similar to Photoshop's so that new users would be relatively familiar with the layout and structure, thus shortening the learning curve. We have no plans to deviate from this overall structure, however we have taken many steps since the release of 3DCoat 2021 to improve the UI and will continue to do so; especially in this current 2023 cycle. You can customize the UI to fit your preferences significantly, and even change the font type or size (via the Preferences panel > Theme tab).
@CannibalKats Жыл бұрын
Of course 3D coat is a great software, I am your fan. I'll play with the settings.
@GARCIIIAmonster Жыл бұрын
having much fun with it in university. my favourite software at the moment :)
@johnw65uk Жыл бұрын
I wish theyd improve smart materials, editing/layers/etc and also a search for finding your presets. All these are done so much better in substance painter.
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
We will focus a lot of effort on the UI, including such features, during this 2023 cycle (and beyond) so feel free to join the discussion on the forum, during these changes.
@darkcult99 Жыл бұрын
More tutorials please 🙏
@mrnomore 7 ай бұрын
can't really see anything new or better
@PILGWAY3DCoat 7 ай бұрын
It is just a general promo video showing some of 3DCoat's capabilities, including some of the tools added in 3DCoat 2023.
@sketchupSWBF2 Жыл бұрын
I love 3D Coat but until it supports multiple UV sets on the same mesh I'm not shelling out money for the upgrade.
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
It always has supported multiple UV sets on a single mesh. They are not visually arrayed as UDIMs/Tiles, but you can assign and use as many UV maps as you wish. For example, you could assign UV map/set to the Head, another for the torso, another for the arms, and another for the legs, etc.
@sketchupSWBF2 Жыл бұрын
@@PILGWAY3DCoat I'm referring to multiple UV sets for the same geometry. In the game industry, we will often have one UV set for textures and another for lightmaps. 3D-Coat does not support this, so any FBX with multiple UV sets breaks when imported in.
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding on our part, but you can indeed import a mesh (obj or fbx, doesn't matter) that has multiple UV's applied to the same mesh/geometry. 3DCoat will recognize those UV's and keep them in separate sets if that is how they were imported, and you can modify those UV's in 3DCoat before exporting the model back to your 3D app or game engine. Did you watch the video that we linked to in our previous response? It shows that you can separate a portion of polygons (such as the Head region) to a different UV map/set. If you still find that 3DCoat is not capable of doing this, would you please download the trial and screen record the issue you are experiencing and share that on the 3DCoat forum and/or support email (, so it can get the proper attention? KZbin is an inadequate support platform.
@sketchupSWBF2 Жыл бұрын
@@PILGWAY3DCoat In fact my feature request was the single most upvoted feature request in the entire 2023 Feature Wishlist thread. Which means people must be Googling it and finding my post. I would be happy to send support an email with a recorded video if it would help them understand exactly what I'm requesting. Would that help?
@AlexandrUkraine Жыл бұрын
Yes, that's probably best, write to the developers, provide a detailed description of your problem, I'm sure you'll get a comprehensive answer.
@charlytutors Жыл бұрын
Nice video!
@damianrix7861 Жыл бұрын
good, very good!)
@zhenikosha 11 ай бұрын
I still don't understand why once you cross over next room for editing, your object disapears forever?
@PILGWAY3DCoat 11 ай бұрын
Please watch these video tutorials to get a better understanding of the different Mesh types in 3DCoat. They are designed to work specifically for a certain stage or task in a typical studio pipeline. For example, the UV workspace is specifically for Paint objects (models imported directly into the Paint workspace). You cannot just import a model into the Paint room and jump over into the Sculpt Room to start sculpting on it. There is logic behind it, even if it may not make sense initially. Hopefully, these videos will help explain this with a bit more clarity.
@cwtjones 11 ай бұрын
The camera rotation is disable when the stroke type is lasso or all stroke types on the right section of E Menu. I know i can rotate camera from outside the white line, but is there a way to go around it, i mean, rotate the camera without going outside the whote box?
@PILGWAY3DCoat 11 ай бұрын
Yes, you can. Just hold down the ALT key (plus the LMB, RMB or MMB) to navigate, even when a shape stroke mode is chosen. Because LMB click + dragging, in a shape draw mode, begins the shape selection, 3DCoat assumes that is what you are trying to do, rather than navigate. But, when you hold the ALT key in combination with the LMB, it instructs 3DCoat to Navigate only.
@cwtjones 11 ай бұрын
@@PILGWAY3DCoat thanks, i shall try that later. I use a drawing tablet where the button on the pen is very hard to press.
@cwtjones 10 ай бұрын
@@PILGWAY3DCoat i have try the Alt + drag, it does not work. Maybe it is because i set the navigation to be like Zbrush
@vi8799 Жыл бұрын
Погоджуюсь з коментарями, що інтерфейс треба покращувати. Наразі на екрані ну дуже багато тексту, і він постійно знаходиться поряд з іконками, який в тому сенс? Залиште іконки, а текст помістить у вспливаючу підказку при наведенні курсора - це зробить інтерфейс значно компактнішим. Більшість кнопок інструментів одного кольору, тому їх важко відрізняти один від одного. Мені було б значно легше асоціювати інструменти з кольорами, ніж з текстом. Я також не бачу сенсу постійно дивитись на всі існуючі пензлі/інструменти, хоча користуюсь лише кількома з них. Такі інструменти можна розміщати в окремі панелі або кругові пайменю. До того ж працюючи на планшеті правші не дуже зручно тягнутись до лівого края екрану. Знаю вам набридли порівняння з Блендером, але там це реалізовано краще, або наприклад Модо, де одна клавіша викликає кругове меню, де можна одним рухом вказати потрібний інструмент. М'язова пам'ять працює ліпше за все! ПС ви часто показуєте круті роботи, зроблені з вашим софтом, але як досягти схожого результату - невідомо. Виходить замкнуте коло, де ніхто не моделить в коаті, бо не знає як, а не знає як, бо ніхто не моделить і не публікує туторів!
@stanislavchernyshuk6559 Жыл бұрын
дякую за коментар
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
Деякі користувачі вимагали опції мати текст або піктограми, або обидва. Існує багато можливостей налаштування інтерфейсу користувача, тож багато з того, що ви пропонуєте, зараз доступне. Можливо, ви захочете використати мінімалістичний макет інтерфейсу користувача, який можна швидко увімкнути або вимкнути, натиснувши клавішу TAB.
@MetalGearMk3 Жыл бұрын
3DCoat needs a new GUI/UI, the current one is getting dated.
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
Let's be fair and objective, please. What is the shelf life of an application's UI? When is a 3D Application required to scrap it's UI for a completely new one? Every 10 years? To answer that question, we only need to look around the industry at some of the biggest 3D/ Texturing applications; namely 3ds Max, Maya, C4D, ZBrush, etc. all have had the same UI essentially 2-3x as long as 3DCoat's. They made only minor cosmetic (icon) changes and virtually no restructuring. 3DCoat 2021 also introduced a lot of UI changes, to include completely new/refreshed icons throughout the application. That was no small undertaking, as there are hundreds of tools in the app. Let's add Photoshop in the mix as well, because around 2008 (V3 beta period) 3DCoat had a complete restructuring of the UI, and the userbase wanted Pilgway to make the UI layout very similar to Photoshop...because it started out as primarily a Texture Painting application. Photoshop's UI has been generally the same for over 25years! With all of that said, we have been working on the UI steadily (to improve rather than replace) and will continue to do so. If you have specific requests to improve the UI, please feel free to join the discussion in the forum community and/or by emailing Any visual aids you can add to your requests will help the developers understand your ideas more clearly.
@ZZWWYZ Жыл бұрын
@@PILGWAY3DCoat here's a simple new user journey : New users come in and see unfamiliar interface , they try to customize hotkey/navigation/layout but the customization are hidden inside multiple places ( preferences/panels/setup navigation) , and all of them look horrendous due to poor material design system ( no proper text padding/spacing between group/ using singular font style & opacity) so either they dive through forum posts/YT videos to find what features be where or they bounce. When I moved from photoshop to other painting programs I set the new program exactly how my photoshop was set up, then I forget about UI altogether. Yet when I moved from from Blender to 3Dcoat it's extremely painful to set up the program due to lack of presets, centralized shortcut menu, poor reading experience. And the layouts/preset part, you don't even have to change the code, have additional layout preset settings in the out-of-the-box 3DCoat , have a place for user to submit and download community presets like on your website/PBR library .
@saulthetaxidriver6100 Жыл бұрын
Blender is free and has everything i saw in this video
@PILGWAY3DCoat Жыл бұрын
@saulthetaxidriver6100: We beg to differ. Why? Because Blender doesn't possess a large number of features 3DCoat has, especially the breadth of texture painting tools and different painting platforms. Nobody else has Voxel (true Volumetric Depth) Painting, nor Vertex Painting on uber dense models with PBR Smart Materials. To come close to 3DCoat's Retopo/Auto-Retopo capabilities, a Blender artist would have to spend a lot of coin in separate Blender addons. Blender's sculpting toolset has improved, but still isn't even close to 3DCoat in terms of performance, number of tools/brushes and it definitely doesn't offer Voxel Sculpting/Modeling. No one else...not even ZBrush...allows an artist to apply Dynamic Subdivision (Subdivision or Reduction) on a model or apply a Boolean operation without breaking an existing Sculpt layer? Our Sculpt Layers even work with the new Multi-Resolution (SubD levels), on ALL levels; not just the highest level like ZBrush. They also work in tandem with texture painting tools, allowing an artist to sculpt with their favorite sculpting brushes and paint PBR Smart materials simultaneously? No one else offers this capability. This is why we have a Blender addon (our Applink), to augment the application, much the same way Blender Market offers tools to augment the default tools in Blender.
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