Рет қаралды 60,565
Speech delivered by Advocate Sumathi from Chennai during ART OF PARENTING held on 29 June.2019.
Torrents of Love!
Portents do behove!
Carry on . . . To rove!
Until the sheltered cove!
Olive from the Dove!
Wow Wow Wow!
Magical Stills, Dialogue !
For your armchair travelogue !!
In the sojourn of Life
The Art of Parenting
Spark Schools Reporting!
Watch K Sumathi advocate!
Dr Sivaraman administer ,
And Shyamala Ramesh Babu Evolve !!
And Truly Resolve!!
Heartening !!!
{Disclaimer: Copyrights of songs or tracks used in this video belong to original artists and recording companies. There is no intention of copyrights infringement in this video}