Adyashanti - Spiritual Awakening

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@frontpixel 6 жыл бұрын
What a great time to be on earth now in a body, where awakenings are happening with the hundreds and hopefuly soon thousand and millions. It is so nice to have a guiding light like you, Adyashanti. Your light is also a true inspiration for everyone who is on another path at the moment. Namasté
@jonnyplat8117 8 жыл бұрын
That 'love' feels like all is radiant and harmonious, people shine and their nuisances become your need to help heal their need of love.
@DPatelart 5 жыл бұрын
"A spiritual sovereinty that is based in your humanity is really what love is all about" This is so perfectly clear and helpful, thank you
@dakinikiss 9 ай бұрын
I like the sound of it. I wish it was clear to me :)
@lunitee 7 жыл бұрын
Adyashanti is really a great source of inspiration inmy life. So many times I freed myself of the illusion of a toxic situation listening to these videos. I am deeply grateful of the fierce grace that exude from your talks... Love to everybody and have a great day...
@mikexirou 9 жыл бұрын
Great to see more teachings, it has been a while. Thank you so much Adyashanti, you have a really special way of transferring information through your words.
@AutumnleafMind 9 жыл бұрын
sovereignty... how few teachers speak on this. And what powerful understanding.
@francisdolarhyde1866 8 жыл бұрын
Adya... Are you a jedi master?
@pranaprana9375 8 жыл бұрын
+Francis Dolarhyde Adya has more skills then Neo yo!!! Yoda aint near Adya!!
@visine83 5 жыл бұрын
I am sure he is, or whatever you wanna call him 😀 🙏💖
@uwearschloch4218 3 жыл бұрын
Omg she is so hot
@gavinduggan199 2 жыл бұрын
He’d make a great Jedi
@moonstrukk126 9 жыл бұрын
I am connected to awareness. I know but am open to learn. I have nothing to defend. The truth does not belong to me, though just like everyone and everything, I have been given access to it. With humility, I allow for serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. .... A Mantra as a state of being....:-)
@moonstrukk126 9 жыл бұрын
+Moreofthesamez They would...:-D
@jairdanmeir9341 8 жыл бұрын
+Me Mine Your surrender will carry you far. It's beautiful. I feel the grace in it.
@Gyandeva-57 9 жыл бұрын
Very nice words of truth and love with deep spiritual insight. Thank You!
@Sowingthewinds 9 жыл бұрын
Blessings, inner castle experience Thank You, loving way reflected to us. Namaste
@malabuha 8 жыл бұрын
should i? or not? hmm... few years ago i was at work. i just went to fetch something for a customer between the rows of shelfs. as i lifted my eyes up, because i had my eyes gazing on the ground, i saw a woman. in that split second i had an overwhealming feeling that i am looking at myself. i looked at another person and also felt the same thing. i mean it felt like i was looking at myself. there is a sense, dormant, of being everyone and everything. not a feeling but a sense much like that of the self. for a brief time it was fueled and alive until my mind started franticly screeming omg omg its all me, i must be nice to everyone because its all me meeeeeee. the sense of omnipresence or whatever the term is, is real. and possible. if that sense was active, alive, one would rest in complete love effortlessly. if you look at another and recognize yourself could you be anything less than kind and loving? then all notions of compassion or forgivness would suddenly become meaningless. and many more notions would become useless. what trigered it, dunno. perhaps it was a memory of the time before i got born (haha)
@jonsmith4669 8 жыл бұрын
+željka strbat You had Grace,a glimpse of SELF,nothing triggered it except maybe you were in a quiet place inside,The sense of a separate "me" disappeared. Now you have to find the teacher to point you in the right direction. I find Mooji one of the easiest to understand. Adya is too intelluctual for me,too many words.
@jairdanmeir9341 8 жыл бұрын
+željka strbat Congratulations on the Awakening. That is a step across the threshold of the true dimension. There is much more to come. If it has subsided, which they usually do, you will be wondering how to get it back. All I can offer is what I have shared on my channel from the same experience 25 years ago. I am putting together some videos to help cover some of the confusion that took years to sift through. Not teachings as much as clarifications and I only make them because it has taken all this time to gather the information and I wish it had been there for me. All I would urge you to realize is that one Awakening does not Enlightenment make and Awakening in Consciousness, which your Awakening is part of, is only a piece of the puzzle. Head, Heart and Belly. Happy to hear you had the experience, they are wonderful.
@jorgeangelnicolini5435 9 жыл бұрын
Ayer investigando, como el buscador que siempre camina en el ánimo de la investigación. Encontré en la Web, a un joven que oficia como Monje en California USA, el mismo hablaba sobre la meditación “autentica”. Me llamo la atención y leyendo su biografía, me intereso dado que el cómo norteamericano, había transitado el Budismo Zen(origen Japon) y había tenido muchas dificultades en el aprendizaje, hasta ahí era sincero. Seguí estudiándolo y vi varios videos de él y lei un pequeño libro y el relataba que había dejado la disciplina Zen, dando a entender por reglas y su disciplinas y no encontraba lo que buscaba. Continuo aprendiendo en Estados Unidos con una maestra, que tenía algún conocimiento y más que todo era ama de casa. Nada de esto me pareció terrible, lo que si me llamo la atención que en uno de los videos habla sobre ciertas características del sufrimiento y las menciona, sin mencionar su autor y me refiero a las cuatro nobles verdades descubiertas por Buddha en el momento de su iluminación. Es decir cambiando el título y algunas frases, este joven es como que se alegaba un poco la autoría. Lo peor de todo es cuando quise entrar en contacto con él, manifestando de antemano, que vivía en otro país. La contestación (típica) el Maestro está ocupado si usted viene a la reunión, levante la mano, volví a insistir, pero la misma respuesta. Seguí viendo algunos videos y ahí comprendí el tono comercial de su propuesta. Yo no tengo duda del camino, pero ya lo dijo Buddha, ¡no se queden con lo que digo, no pongan una cabeza sobre la suya, investiguen. Suele suceder que a veces nos preguntamos el camino sincero que nos da Jorge, ¿es el caminó o sendero?. O el camino, o sendero de meditación o del conocimiento del Dharma (enseñanza) ¿es el correcto?, además no es tan malo dudar. En resumen me di cuenta que este señor quizás es un fabricante de paradojas que ya no tiene tiempo, me tiene sin cuidado, solo comento, no porque no me haya dado acuse de recibo, sino, porque, siempre se aprende que si un toma un camino, no debe posponer, más si el mismo es sincero, trae paz, tranquilidad siempre van aparecer fabricantes de paradojas, es nuestro deber descubrirlos y continuar nuestro viaje, sin mirar hacia atrás. Jorge Shadu
@enzokc105 5 жыл бұрын
El desafío de vivir sin creer, sin apostar ciegamente a que lo que dicen los demás es inofensivo o dado por hecho.
@sleepingwhale 8 жыл бұрын
I deeply appreciate this... thank you
@samsara4137 8 жыл бұрын
The illusion has everything to be said for it except that it is unreal. The truth has nothing to be said for it except that it is real.
@joen.8364 6 жыл бұрын
Just be a nice person, respect boundaries and limitations-it will all be over soon.
@jairdanmeir9341 8 жыл бұрын
I wish he had refined his teaching where he recognized Awakening at the Head, Heart and Gut like he started to 10 years ago. He still teaches it but he has chosen to allow it all to blend together into one vague conglomeration. People desperately need to be aware that transcendent wisdom (Awakened Consciousness) is not all their is. That Wholeness requires the redemptive love (Heart Awakening) that he speaks of. That Wholeness requires recognition of divine will (Awakened Being) which he has spoken of. I guess he thinks that is what this is. There are becoming more an more people who think they are Enlightened because they have had an Awakening in Consciousness, it's a stage I guess but I find it alarming. All these people think they can teach and all they have done is step across the threshold of the truth. There is a whole dimension to explore and learn and they think they are finished. Adya knows this is happening, he has talked about it but I guess his approach is to let it run it's course. Let the relative world slap us back into the truth through suffering. Yes it's the only sure cure, but there are those of us who are ready and would love to hear more about these other dimensions of Awakening. I had to go elsewhere to realize it and I would have been happy to stay with Adya. It's not all in the head. Rant over
@jairdanmeir9341 8 жыл бұрын
I agree that our perception of the entire being is unconditional awareness. I also agree that one can become Whole without dividing anything up. Unfortunately that is not what is happening at least in the short run. I experienced the whole package at once 25 years ago but it subsided because the momentum from my conditioned mind was too great. Over the last two decades I identified different dimensions of Awakening as I had them. Then I learned that they were commonly known of by the more evolved teachers like Adya. For the extreme minority who Awaken all at once and stay awake this is meaningless as you say. For the majority who Awaken and lose it, Awaken and lose it there is at least one dimension that is not able to maintain the Awakening. For this reason it is nice to know all this because one can focus their attention on the weakest link. I have made great progress in this manner and had to sift through 10s of thousands of hours of teachings to figure it out. I don't live where I can just go to a guru, there aren't any.So while I agree with your statement I don't experience it as the total solution. There are many more people walking around who think they are Enlightened than there are who are actually Enlightened. These people have fragmented awakenings and many of them teach this fragmentation to other which creates more of the problem. Anyway thanks for the comment.
@janegregory4637 6 жыл бұрын
I was just checking this out and wanted to share, an Australian master named Sri Avinash is transmitting the enlightened state, what he calls the satori transmission. You can see in video people are experiencing a what enlightenment feels like because of him within minutes. 💚 I didn't believe it until I saw it. See for yourself! #satoritransmission 🤲💛
@DJ343 2 жыл бұрын
Heavenly stuff adya
@daEVERTON82 7 жыл бұрын
Greetings, thank you Adyashanti... you are guided by spirit! Namaste
@callumdale5820 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any one who can help me with the awakening process I’ve accounted allot of complications and challenges due to lack of information. And no one knows about awakenings we’re I am from it’s been a scary ride I do need help
@wahresselbst5044 8 жыл бұрын
you can listen many years to those talks without any realisation happening. Without effort no result.
@ultracalicokittycat 8 жыл бұрын
"I need do nothing" (ACIM)
@wahresselbst5044 8 жыл бұрын
I am very grateful to james swartz, a teacher of real vedanta. Best wishes to you. The "I" can´t do anything, because it is not the doer. You, we are limitless awareness and have to reject the thoughts of identification to get free of them
@kolagrab 8 жыл бұрын
The "result" you are after is effortless, it is effortlessness itself in its core.
@kolagrab 8 жыл бұрын
I would say you have to "be" nothing rather than do, you don't have to go anywhere to find nothing, it is here right now, you are it. It is the ground zero of your experience.
@ultracalicokittycat 8 жыл бұрын
I think there IS "something to do".... I've been doing ACIM for a year now, but it wasn't til I found Dr. Michael Ryce's Aramaic Forgiveness work, that I feel like I understand what forgiveness is!! Someone like Eckhart Tolle, and perhaps Adyashanti (who I don't really know that much about) may have become Enlightened by a state of Grace... many more of us seem to have to do a lot of "footwork"....
@moonstrukk126 9 жыл бұрын
love=acceptance of what is.
@MariuszZaleski13 9 жыл бұрын
+LaurentiusPeregrinus Beautiful :-) When person decides to change, Love fills the mind and the body. Accepting world around and not trying to change it is a side effect of internal change. Seems it's possible to end up in some "non-dual" state when accepted everything as is without changing self also. It's not about accepting everything though. It's about changing self and waking up as a side effect. Acceptance comes naturally when understanding expands and understanding can expand only when morality is implemented in real life.
@mullet3000 9 жыл бұрын
+Me Mine I like Eckhart's way of defining love: Love is recognizing oneness in others.
@moonstrukk126 9 жыл бұрын
+LaurentiusPeregrinus Do you acknowledge your growth? Do you appreciate the emotional range of a spiritual being in a human experience? Do you acknowledge the Grace this brings to our experiences? Do you acknowledge the amazing gift this can bring to every moment of our experiences, even if we do not utter a word? Do you value the infinite opportunities of existing now, and that the love we give ourselves is the key to loving and accepting others, even if we do not agree with them? Hmmm..I try now...I do now...and with every moment I remember my being is more important than my saying, doing or having....and even if the EGO or pain body distracts me, it has no bearing on the truth..:-D
@moonstrukk126 9 жыл бұрын
+LaurentiusPeregrinus :-)...Peace be with you...
@moonstrukk126 9 жыл бұрын
+mullet3000 yes....:-)
@Sjaplap 9 жыл бұрын
like somebody says everybody sucks and in response you say everybody rules, and there is love and assertion to include the small self that is stuck in that small idea of "sucking" into the assertion and love of everybody rules. you don't overpower the small self, you include it or actually release it into the love of the bigger self. You might also say the big self insists the small self to recognize its love and power so it can release its bondage.
@yolandececileclo5524 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much
@AnaDLEON 8 жыл бұрын
@vishnudass371 8 жыл бұрын
a good clip thanks
@erin5061 Жыл бұрын well desribed. thank you so very kindly. deeply.
@michaeldelisieux5252 8 жыл бұрын
Many (many) thanks.
@skribblebumpkins 9 жыл бұрын
some ppl like the hard way. the scarier the nightmare the happier you'll be when its over
@skribblebumpkins 9 жыл бұрын
+Sky Lab yes! more to prove to ourselves--that we are capable of going from super ignorant to super awake b/c were just that cool
@pranaprana9375 8 жыл бұрын
+Christopher Emerson thats for real
@alchemicalhealing7677 Жыл бұрын
@vishnudass371 8 жыл бұрын
prajna includes both and are two apparent aspects of the same one love that is us
@malaselvarajah5398 11 ай бұрын
@Alexkiplivelight 9 жыл бұрын
Amazing vids! Keep killing it!!
@maninsligo 8 жыл бұрын
What is the point of educating people? The acquisition of beliefs, academic and empirical knowledge is not realisation. Your creating criterion and expectation that an individual's experiences may not match, so they may dismiss a 'real experience' because they have prejudiced their mind with your words. Teaching and preaching assumes there is a lack of what?
@jairdanmeir9341 8 жыл бұрын
+maninsligo If it were not for other peoples input and wisdom I certainly would not be where I am. I value guidance and direction and at the same time I don't just believe whatever I'm told. We are being influenced all the time whether we know it or not. Living in an imaginary bubble wouldn't help. While you are right that many are misled they would be misled anyway. Those who can investigate the truth will and that is all a teacher is for; the students who are hungry and curious and discerning. The sheep will always look for a shepherd. The more evolved souls will always dig deeper and hold on to a grain of doubt. You are right there is nothing lacking for us to learn the truth but the lessons can be faster with direction.
@SBCBears 8 жыл бұрын
+maninsligo "What is the point of educating people?" As long as we live in this world, we must adapt to life in this world while aiming for realization. After realization, we still must remain adapted to life in this world.
@trimatije 8 жыл бұрын
you've gone old my friend
@Simon0 8 жыл бұрын
+tri matije yeah man even awakened (if he is) peopel get old and die!
@eviltree6779 8 жыл бұрын
Is this just hocus-pocus delusion?
@shpawns 8 жыл бұрын
@ultracalicokittycat 8 жыл бұрын
@MiRaNdA78 5 жыл бұрын
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