I'm just a Singaporean Chinese, but your actions makes me so proud to my soul. You guys are helping Chinese all over the world with your kindness, the world are viewing us in a great light thanks to your actions. Thank you
@punmaya267611 ай бұрын
@顧炬丹11 ай бұрын
大家一起來支持行善積德的好事情,中國古語說: 行善最樂 2023年的世界局勢是[愛與和平 VS 仇恨與戰爭] ,[大家一起做生意賺大錢 VS 相互制裁與貿易赤字 ] ,[ 認真工作供應物資 VS 玩弄金融割韭菜讓別人破產 ] , [ 互相幫助共同富裕 VS 互相顛覆過苦日子 ] 。
Thank you Kevin for the hard work you did for Afghanistan people. Glad to know the government has supported the students in school. Hope Afghanistan’s future will be bright and peaceful