Africa Matters: Slavery Reparations

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@alitheonekhatarnak5163 11 ай бұрын
How about compensating Europeans enslaved by Ottoman Empire?
@tombuddy100 11 ай бұрын
As if TRT would even suggest that.
@hashfors 11 ай бұрын
😂 yeah man.. pay up Osman family
@didnthavetobehererunningwi4113 11 ай бұрын
… it’s OK… keep your dying dollar…. This is my reparations… PSALMS 7 : 11 - 17 ‼️‼️‼️‼️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ judgment time is here‼️… time of the heathens ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😆🤣😁😂😄😅😃😀🥸😃😀😜😝🤣😂🤪🥳🤩🥸😎🤓🤪😜😝👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀… yes, he is coming for you Whitey ‼️‼️🤣😂😅🤪😜😝🥰😍😌😉♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😛😋😁😄🤩🤓🤣
@adembasou 11 ай бұрын
The Roma People are still waiting, so do other Minorities.....your Comment is a Case of some Truth mixed with Lies and Manipulation. The Citizens who now live in European Countries where Homelessnes and Old Age Poverty is Rampant should not be held responsible for what they did not do Plus some Payments you have mentioned have ended Years about grown up young Men and Women taking the Responsibility for their Life in their own Hands instead of crying a River and blaming some ominous "white men" last i checked obama who bombed half of the World was not white. Humans all fail in the Eyes of God a trully peacefull Person can live anywhere, of course self defence if attacked directly is permitted, but never conquering wars, or attacks on fellow Humans, no matter the Past!!, especially one who accepts the only Saviour who Exists Yeshua Messiah, not church or Re Lie gion but HIM and His finished Work of unddeserved Mercy for us. Know yourself. @@rj42074
@totwallybaba 11 ай бұрын
African American people owe their ancestors. They owe their slave ancestors for surviving and begetting them. How should that debt be paid to the ancestors? By being successfully educated, integrated and civilized. To lead lives of peace and harmony. By all metrics, we are years away from this debt being paid.
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
Youre so stingy.
@FlowaMan 9 ай бұрын
Using the word African American is crazy 😂
@1236612 11 ай бұрын
Didn't slavery end in the UK in 1833? Didn't slavery end in the USA in 1863? This must be a joke.
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
My family had to pay all the war cost 30 years in advance in 1831 in a 30 year fixed term loan. It wasnt pretty but it was 1865. Thanks for pitching in on the bill.
@sivonni 11 ай бұрын
Considering every African slave was kidnapped and enslaved by other African tribes, how much is each African nation going to contribute toward reparations?
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
Stop being a cheap skate. Pay your bill ya deadbeat!
@kerrylowe-xi6df 11 ай бұрын
African sold African
@FlowaMan 9 ай бұрын
Would you rather get killed/enslaved or be a middle man?
@donbabilio8298 11 ай бұрын
Turkey also must pay reparations for Ottoman slavery lasting over 500 years.
@KeithWickliffe79 11 ай бұрын
Its an impossible task. You have to repay ALL peoples who have been enslaved. How do you quantify it? Its an impossible task and another platform for unnecessary conflict in an already drowning world. And if any reparation was made then how would it be distributed? And to whom? NO.
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
Ill bet you 500 this doesnt happen in the next 5 years. 1000 it doesnt happen in the next 10 either.
@africaine4889 5 ай бұрын
Reparations isn't only about money. They can for example annulled all debts in africa. Give back our artifacts etc...
@IamMichelle88 11 ай бұрын
I would say they probably would get what they want if they didn't already retaliate and harm people, especially go after my siblings, have nick vujicic have his arms and legs cut off and hold him kidnapped and hostage, like my entire family and still threaten me and my families lives indirectly, they get acknowledgment when they do things legally and use their real names and stop silencing people for generations. They totally silenced my sister from speaking out against her foster brother rapist when she was twelve years old and blackmailed her to harm my brother and silence my family, to eventually constantly blackmail her further into silence. They are self serving and as bad as whoever they judge, these people. How do you go as far as punish people because you can't wait for justice or go through the legal system the right way? They are innocent? They don't harm? You cannot seek justice and harm others, by stealing their eggs while pregnant because you are predjudice in all defintion of the word. I give respect to everyone, there is no reason i shouldn't, unless they abuse me and act like i dont respect them. While typing this, someone said sell, what my stolen eggs? I thought you meant my children, that you stole. No one is entitled to harm anyone, but silencing someone from defending themselves shows the fact that you need to control people, who do not control you. Don't start anything, won't be anything. I haven't done anything to these people and they organizedly terrorized me and silenced me for their own benefit, clearly not only me but i have to speak for myself, since my siblings are forced to live differently from me, how do you use my identity to silence me?? Then claim you are a law abiding citizen?? You don't care about law or what's right and not to blame innocent people, you only care about yourself
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
Pay your reps and stop being such a whiny cheapskate.
@williammarsh4321 9 ай бұрын
Africa is only poor because it was colonized by Britain and other European countries and because of the transatlantic slave trade which African leaders didn't participate in at all. I appreciate that Africa was a garden of Eden where social justice and equality prevailed, without wars slavery or poverty, prior to European colonization I realize that white people in Britain should be punished for impoverishing Africa, despite the fact that Britain was one of the first countries, if not the first, to abolish this transatlantic slave trade. I completely understand that the poverty of Africa has nothing to do with the incompetence, rapacity and dishonesty of African leaders since African countries became independent in the 1950's,1960's and 1970's. I realize that there have been many wars and genocides in African countries since they became independent, but I know this is the fault of western countries like Britain because they sold arms to Africa, not the African leaders who bought them. Obviously, we cannot expect African leaders to be responsible enough not to start wars one they have been sold weapons by western countries. Poor African countries have to make massive debt repayments to western banks which impoverish them; this is obviously the fault of western banks, not the fault of African leaders who have secreted billions of dollars in banks in Switzerland instead of using the money to help their countries. Because of Britain's historic role in creating poverty in Africa, I fully support calls for Western European countries and the USA to pay reparations to African countries now. I further think that everyone from Africa should be allowed to come and live in Britain and bankrupt Britain's benefit and national health system in order to punish white people in Britain for what their ancestors did to African people hundreds of years ago. Where Britain will get money to pay further reparations to African countries once it has been bankrupted in this way is anybody's guess; maybe Britain will be able to borrow money from banks in Africa to meet future obligations of this nature
@williammarsh4321 9 ай бұрын
Oh yes, and I would also like fifty from the French government in compensation for the Norman conquest, which traumatized my Anglo-Saxon ancestors, and 10 pounds compensation from Italy for the Roman conquest of Britain in the first century C.E.
@onsenfou6542 11 ай бұрын
I'm not trying to advocate, or justify, or even diminish the role or the cruelty of the slave traders, whether they are europeans or muslims. But it seems they were using a pre-existing slave trade in Africa. Traditional african slavery was often tied to social, economic, and political structures within African societies. Individuals could become slaves through various means, such as warfare, debt, or as punishment for crimes. Some African societies had a hierarchy that included nobles or elites who owned slaves. And the first to abolish slavery in the world was europeans, the british to name them. Where were the African abolitionists? They couldn't speak, they were already on the ships sailing through the Atlantic ocean. There is also a fact which deserve to be highlighted. According to the eminent historian Nigel Biggar, prior to the american civil war in 1860, there were around 30.000 freed african american slave in North Carolina and some of whom owned slaves of their own. We, with our eyes from the 2nd millennium, find it easy to draw a line between what is right or wrong. But in our complex world, there are no black or white, rather a mosaic of shades of gray.
@SirJayDubya 9 ай бұрын
These politicians are moral cowards.
@kp6215 11 ай бұрын
Illegal to raise prices in California but once a year then must be approved by California Public Utility Commission
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
Just send your paychecks to Africa. Whats the big deal on it?
@MikeeB28 11 ай бұрын
Reparations are owed to the African descendants of the formerly enslaved.
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
do the white slaves and others eligible for reparations have an exemption?
@MikeeB28 11 ай бұрын
@calebmckean3546 What White slaves were there in what is now known as the U.S.?
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
I just paid the war cost in the 1739-1991 New Jersey Wills and Probate Records for Thomas McKean 1831 in a 30 year fixed term loan that still hasnt been paid back by the way it was around 31 million pounds of gold. The loan is matured@@MikeeB28
@shaunwhitehead1485 3 ай бұрын
3:30 400 hundred years…… That’s the problem it goes back thousands of years for every culture/colour/creed, go cry me a river, all cultures have been a victim of slavery at some point
@SCAZ444 11 ай бұрын
Give Africa their full sovereignty. Give back gold , artifacts and other countries need to start paying up all the resources taken. French president needs to get out.
@EduardoCharters 2 ай бұрын
It is too complex having reparations. From whom to whom exactly? Most african kingdoms and their elits had their own share of saying and profit in the slave trade. Besides are really statehood apologies healing? Is really the wealth of western countries related to the slave trade? Brasil got the most enslaved, is it wealthier than the USA, which had many times less enslaved? India which is the fastest growing DC is not asking for compensations. It is probable that slavery even contributed negatively to GDP and delayed industrialization in some european countries. The matter is indeed complex. Are compensations really solving african problems or is the money going to the same pockets as usual? Do you know how to solve your own problems? As to the suffering raise your heads, make good plans, organize yourselves and stay sharp! The victimhood discourse is the discourse of the weak, who is really interested for africa to stay weak?
@williammarsh4321 9 ай бұрын
Can I have some reparations, please? I am white and English, but one of my grandmothers was Irish, and one of my grandfathers was Jewish, and these are both historically oppressed groups. I would like 400000 pounds for my grandmother and 500000 for my grandfather. I will try and investigate if I have any black ancestors from Africa who were enslaved by Europeans in the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries. I f I can find any, I think I should get an extra 100 pounds per ancestor. Seems fair to me.
@kingsandqueenskingsandquee8616 11 ай бұрын
Come save us from America we will like to go back home
@vvwalker7261 10 ай бұрын
Jump up on a flight, everyone wins
@mahasham4759 11 ай бұрын
What about the 10 million Africans killed by Belgian king. Belgium should be penalized and the familiiif those killed should be compensated
@onsenfou6542 11 ай бұрын
As a belgian, I must say I'm terribly sorry about what our government has done during Congo's colonial adminstration. That "king", supposedly raised in the christian faith, was a disgrace with a concerning lack of humanity trouble. And even more, statues of him are still standing and on one of them, there is this sentence, translated from french saying: "I initiated the work in Congo for the sake of civilization's progress and Belgium's welfare." which represents quite accurately the delusion and the spirit of high aristocracy at that era. But, how do you want Belgium to be penalized as you said. And what are the value of the compensation? 1000€? 100.000€? blood for blood? Tell me how could we settle this in a realistic manner.
@mahasham4759 11 ай бұрын
@@onsenfou6542 Brother, you are not to blame. The King, you said, was a Christian, totally spoilt by all the money and power around him. It's like when God told all the angles to bow to Adam and the Satan refused to comply saying he is better than him. Satan attacks from all sides and especially our weak or evil side and at times amplifying our weaknesses/wickedness out of proportion. That's what's happened. And there was no one to control or reprimand him. And in Christianity Paul's teachings focus of living by the grace and not by the law, while Jesus was a Muslim and he preached upholding the Laws of Moses, that is Islam (the Commandments of Allah). If we view the actions of all the arrogant leaders like the Belgian king, in this world we can understand their rebellion against common good of the people because the Church teaches that if you take Jesus as your personal savior you go to heaven without being questioned, irrespective of what you have done in the world. Secondly, if you go to the Church for confession (a thing invented by the Church to forgive the Roman emperor Constantine). You drive through a carwash where as no one on this earth has the power to forgive the sins of a human being. It is a lesson for us Muslims to, first of all LEARN and then TEACH others. 1. We are all here in this world for a very brief time to live as God has instructed us to live through His Book, Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W.) 2. Invite others to join us in Islam which means total submission to the Will of Allah SUBHANAHU WA TAALA. We ALL have to do our little bit. And if we all do our little bit, as you know the oceans are all those little bits, LITTLE DROPS THAT HAVE COME TOGETHER LET'S PERFORM OUR RESPONSIBILITY ASSIGNED TO US BY THE PROPHET (S.A.W.) As Salaamu Aleikum
@jamesjenkins7884 11 ай бұрын
Reparations now we deserve 5 million dollars per person
@vvwalker7261 10 ай бұрын
No you don't
@calebmckean3546 9 ай бұрын
@@vvwalker7261 I saved every penny of the heirs from when Thomas McKean 1776-1831 and Thomas McKean 1799-1831 died. It should be in the federal reserve bank. Help yourself to your share. There are no friends at the buffet table.
@kp6215 11 ай бұрын
Professors in my nation should be required to move teach in Africa . Pay reparations to Africa as I would have taught in Africa but 🇺🇸has always not valued women because we couldn't get classes in 1972 in California that prevented me a top student unable to teach History my entire life had to women's work because men still have patriarchy.
@cchristine3974 11 ай бұрын
@kennymorris6459 11 ай бұрын
Weakness to keep asking. I’m of those who will take my reparations myself.
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
I watch you sleep at night.
@punchd4317 5 ай бұрын
From Africa...cause they sold them
@punchd4317 5 ай бұрын
Blood Daimonds
@keithsims628 11 ай бұрын
I admit to a lack of knowledge related to this specific Reparations discourse. With that said, I do believe that reparations are not systemically supported by the global north's economic power structure. Simply put, the European/American global north economic system, which is some (degenerated “free market”) form of capitalism, requires scarcity. Whether it is commodities or business monopolies, the means of attainment is some form of scarcity. In support of that end, their means has been suppression of the richest and oldest proven resource of human thought, development, and minerals… The African Continent and her people. In support of their global hegemony, they’ve created and perpetuated a narrative about us. It is in some ways similar to the one created to oppress the Jewish people; only with us, for whatever reason, they have accomplished their goal far more successfully. It would not support the balance of their system to provide us on The Continent or within the Diaspora reparations. It is a clear strategy historically evidenced 16:46 that any report, commission, or public apology fashioned by the global north is lip service intended only to further discussions, not action toward a tangible result. Their intended outcome is delay and division.
@calebmckean3546 11 ай бұрын
The problem with Philosophy is that its abstract and by virtue of its methods it excludes metaphysics.
@mrkjsmooth16 11 ай бұрын
What about this, what about that mofos in the comment section
@comosediceesoo681 11 ай бұрын
Too late
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