Of course I saw it when it came out. It was a must see for a fan of Michael Crichton, Sci-Fi, Susan Day, Albert Finney, and anything that tries something different. It's goofy and wild and prescient, and completely bonkers. The concepts far outweigh the stumbles in execution. Crichton is one of my favorite authors, but ironically my favorite novel of his is Airframe even though I'm a massive scifi fan. Speaking of his movies and digital effects, Westworld features the first 2D digital visual effect (Robot vision), and Futureworld features the first 3D digital effect (the hand model). Of course the very first computer effect was the opening of Vertigo in 1958.
@trevorschaffer917318 күн бұрын
I watched this movie a million times on HBO as a kid. Loved it.
@jeffhahne271420 күн бұрын
Great AI forecast before they knew the AI technology. But they knew the concept.