AI Art Bros are F***ing BRAINDEAD

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@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
So... What is the best Arnold movie?
@_WAZHA 10 ай бұрын
jingle all the way
@CollegeDroputPowerpoints 10 ай бұрын
kindergarten cop
@taynannataly686 10 ай бұрын
the one he gets pregnant
@ObsceneSuperMatt 10 ай бұрын
Last Action Hero!
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
That's definitely in my top 3!
@bruoche 10 ай бұрын
"Jazza's brother" is the best passive aggressive burn I could possibly think of against this man
@ivancabrera3289 10 ай бұрын
bruh if I was jazza I would be ashamed as an artist for shad's behavior
@MistyLose 10 ай бұрын
​@ivancabrera3289 I think he is? Didn't jazza make a video making a small comment how he won't talk about his brother I don't remember but I think jazza looked dissapointed
@hyschara 10 ай бұрын
You don't get it. I think he became like this BECAUSE he's jazza brother. From what I saw, he has a need to proof he's just as good as jazza and this might've stemmed from a childhood of being compared to your talented younger brother.
@hyschara 10 ай бұрын
It's super sad though because he had a talent of his own, his medieval info videos were good, people looked to him for them
@ivancabrera3289 10 ай бұрын
@@hyschara growing up my brother was way better at almost everything than me singing sports you name it and I didn't end up like shad
@susurakocy_art 10 ай бұрын
I started drawing, because I was jealous of a girl in my class (mind you I was 7) and I grinded till I made it into an art high school and then animation school. I do not remember the girl anymore, but I am grateful to her for being my drive for the first year, after a year or two I just came to enjoy art for the fun of it and I am grateful I was taught to be persistent and analytical through it. My fear is, you see, the child like me who was jealous and wanted to touple over someone in their group will nowadays... probably use AI, and grow up to be a tiny version of Jazza's brother.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
I actually have a pretty similar origin story. Your fear is not unwarranted. I, however, don't necessarily think typing prompts gives the same results as being able to draw what you envision exactly, nor do I think it's as valuable a skill as actually creating artwork by your own hands. This feels more like a philosophical question that AI's brought up. Will be interesting to see how it evolves in the next few years, whether that be in legality or technologically. Thanks for watching!
@Cheezus 10 ай бұрын
@@johnbrockiii I'm not great at drawing and I think the only time still I ever dabbled with AI art was when it was coming out and everyone was messing with making weird meme pictures out of it. I do music so my focus lies elsewhere and even then I can already tell the "creative" process in making an AI art piece is not fulfilling at all. it just doesn't scratch that creative itch, it's just that instant gradification and even then it's not like the results were usable, just novelty.
@warriorcatkitty 10 ай бұрын
This is also one of my fears, that young artists will be drawn by the "easy" appeal of AI art... and will end up missing out on becoming an actual artist and learning art. Back when I was little, I always got frustrated becuase my art never looked how I wanted it to. Becuase I was still learning. But I was impatient, and wanted to become good QUICK. If AI art had existed back then, I might have just given up on trying entirely, in favor of this much quicker method... It's horrible to think about, becuase being able to make art is such an important part of me now.
@OFraternaMori 8 ай бұрын
I started drawing because I watch an anime where there's an AI bros programmer being jerk and roasting some? artist and telling that feeling is useless, I'm kinda hurtful from his word so I pick up pencil and start to draw and now I'm majoring in animation. That character really predicts AI bros before AI boom
@devotae 5 ай бұрын
God thats funny =D I was that girl! ^.~ and I hope that jealousy of yours continues to helps you drive you into a good paying career one day. You like anime, try making V-tubers! Its getting HUGE and i have so many reqs and i dont wanna do it >.
@Anansi1701 10 ай бұрын
Heard a great debunk of these AI "Art" Bros; If you take away an artist's preferred tool, they can just pick up any of the other tools and still make art. Take away the AI prompting, what do these people have?
@kevinandorsusie 10 ай бұрын
Screenshotting this comment, cause that's an excellent way of explaining it
@taragnor 10 ай бұрын
If that's the best "debunk" you've got, then you're really reaching. You can be good at one type of art and not the others. A great novelist isn't guaranteed to be great at painting or sculpting. Hell, a great novelist isn't even guaranteed to be good script writer. A great singer won't necessarily be an amazing photographer.
@arneblonski2688 10 ай бұрын
@@taragnor I disagree with this. Never in the original comment did they say that an artist would be "great" at another medium, or even that they would be using another medium. In the context of digital art, if you take away photoshop, an artist might take up using GIMP. If you take away GIMP, an artist might take up using MS Paint. If you take away their computer, they might take up drawing traditionally on paper. These people may not be great or even good at first, but they have an artistic knowledge, as well as the true desire to make art, that could mean that they not only become great with their new tools, but might even excel what they were previously. Even if they were to switch mediums entirely, if a singer were to become a photographer, if a great novelist were to become a scriptwriter (which, by the way, isn't a great example as the process of outlining and building a novel is very similar to scriptwriting lol), they would still have that artistic soul that would make them want to learn the new methods so they can express themselves on an equivalent or superior level. Those who rely on and lean too heavily into AI art never seem to better themselves artistically, only being interested in quick results. If you take away AI from them, I think a great deal would just give up on art and move on to new interests.
@paksupport 10 ай бұрын
That really not what the og commenter meant. Yes, different artists may not be able to do what another can do. But if you were to take a traditional artist's preferred material, (pencils, for example) they would still try to make art with something else, pens, markers, anything. If you take away a painters favorite paint (oil paint) or paint brush (flat brush), they would still try to make art, they would try to paint with acrylics, tempura, watercolor, even with a thin brush, a wall brush, hell even seen people make brushes out of their own hair. The point is, even when do not have direct access to their preferred material to make the art, they still find a way to make it, sometimes to the point where they branch into a new medium. If you were to take the AI from these AI art bros, what would they do?
@taragnor 10 ай бұрын
@@paksupport That's an unfair analogy. If you're comparing taking away a painter's favorite paint, the correct analogy would be if you took away a given AI artist's favorite AI model they're using. And in that case, like the painter, they'd use a different one. So if you took away Midjourney, they'd use DALL-E or whatever other AI art platforms are out there (I'm not too familiar with all the AI art platforms, but there are many different ones). Taking away all AI generators for the AI artist is equivalent to taking away the entire art form. It's like not letting a photographer use any kind of camera or not letting a painter draw something on a canvas-like surface. You've fundamentally made their art form invalid and force them to find an entirely different one. Of course they're not necessarily going to be good at other stuff.
@overpope3510 10 ай бұрын
I have minor issues with AI art and its sourcing but jesus goddamn christ, AI artists are the biggest source of terrible content and annoyances. Like NFT bros on crack
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Wha-?! NFT Bro is evolving! NFT Bro evolved into AI Art Bro. AI Art Bro learned Mental Gymnastics!
@pyerack 10 ай бұрын
I got a whole schizo conspiracy theory that the AI generators are funded by the same people who benefited from the NFT nonsense to create a demand for minting images in the future so as to prove that you own an illustration you made and people can't just take it for their prompts. Create the problem, sell the cure. I say this while literally having nothing to prove it though, all I'm saying is I would not be surprised lol
@akeelyaqub2538 10 ай бұрын
They're the same people. Just chasing new trends. Once they realise this whole ai art thing is as much a dud as nfts were and dropshipping before that, they'll move on to the next thing and line up to get scammed by grindset bros with a smile. Its a cycle of idiocy.
@twotruckslyrics 10 ай бұрын
ai art and nfts went hand in hand 😰
@Tainira94 5 ай бұрын
I highly doubt that AI will turn out a dud. Unlike NFTs, generative AI can be used to replace human labour, thus cut corners and save money, which corporations are always looking for new ways to do. Anything that serves capitalism will prevail. It sucks ass, but them the rules.
@zerobotico2382 10 ай бұрын
You know when there's a hobby you like, but it goes trending and the normies basically ruin it? that's how I feel about AI art, as someone who loves drawing (even if not skilled at it)
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Yeah that's a pretty good analogy. But I'm not trying to gatekeep. Some of the AI bros in the comments think that's what I said. I believe the phenomenon you're talking about is the Dunning-Kruger Effect: they haven't started their second bell curve.
@LittleJohnnyBrown 8 ай бұрын
@@johnbrockiii I think gatekeeping is a correct response. These people are not artists. They don't care about art, so why should I care about them being gatekept from it?
@gsch1818 2 ай бұрын
If you like doing it who cares what the rest do ?
@fooxylol 10 ай бұрын
When it comes to the "all ai art looks the same", my personal game theory is that it always has that hyper realistic smooth shading because ai image bros think THATS what makes art good or not. Not anatomy, color, brushwork, line art, perspective or most often composition (like thats the biggest giveaway that something is ai generated for me, either the composition is really flat and boring or its something ive definitely seen before). Like, jet set radio came out almost 24 years ago and still looks incredible where as anything made to be realistic first without any other art direction looks dated after like 4 years.
@popstel2286 10 ай бұрын
@Dice-Z 10 ай бұрын
It's not even realistic most of the time, more so "highly detailed". There's a difference.
@Shinesart 10 ай бұрын
​@@Dice-ZHighly detailed like a pro but always do mistakes something that human beginners do. Having wrong light source. Basic anatomy mistakes, too many folds in clothes where it should not have. Wonky hairs or eyes etc.
@johnvermintide 10 ай бұрын
stylistic art directions last longer
@kevinandorsusie 10 ай бұрын
​​@@Shinesart the other big tells are that hair tips a lot of the times will morph into the shadows of the face instead of having a clear end point, or the way the hair strands flow makes no sense. As well as smaller details on clothes, mainly outfits with layers, especially suits. Jacket collar morps into dress shirt, lapels morph into regular clothing fold, I've also seen buttons from the vest going up onto the tie. Details like that. Highly detailed anime character with an excessively blurry background is also a red flag. They probably choose really blurry backgrounds to cover up for the inconsistent perspective
@awesomesauce-kg9xn 5 ай бұрын
Saw one reddit tech bro say, "If you love doing art, why not just do it for free and not as a job?" 😐 typical redditor
@G.A.C_Preserve 5 ай бұрын
@dumbvillage9253 2 ай бұрын
I can tell he is the same fucking guy to try and make profit off the AI art stuff. Besides, what is this argument? I've never seen anyone complain about games. And how they actually cost money. Indie developers love making games and they love to get money from it. So how come it's suddenly different for Artists?
@dougdoug9223 5 күн бұрын
Those people are brain dead and you later see them crying about how they can't copyright their prompt and AI art
@TheVisualDigitalArts 10 ай бұрын
a two year old with a crayon is an artist, these AI bros are not. I got to say though AI art has really made me appretiate all art more im even drawing more because of it.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Hey - I'm glad more people started drawing because of all this! Hope this video gets you to draw even more. Thanks for watching!
@mandolorian9893 10 ай бұрын
I've learned to appreciate art too. Well AI art. I'm constantly amazed by what DallE 3 and Midjourney can do. I don't need your or anyone elses permission to be an artist and if it looks like art to me, its art.
@joshhornio49 10 ай бұрын
​@mandolorian9893 but that is other people's art, real people's work is being stolen to feed a machine.
@chaoticcow4357 10 ай бұрын
​​@@mandolorian9893 Art is uniquely human, that is what makes art.. art. Ai "art" isnt art, its a generated image. You are looking at the generation of an image based on a prompt you gave, it is not art.
@excier6074 10 ай бұрын
@chaoticcow how did you come to learn this? What major institutions support this view, what sources do you have to back up this claim? It sounds like you're just making shit up to try and put down ai generated art.
@This-is-a-commentt 6 ай бұрын
“Bro ai art takes so much work” *meanwhile how you make ai art* “Alright just gotta type a prompt and wait a few seconds”
@heyrakorzlar 4 ай бұрын
Pixel artists: Spinnin their mouse around for a few seconds. Here, I made animu p*rn
@cartermon_ 3 ай бұрын
@@heyrakorzlarwhat are you on about
@Thirdlittlemariobrother 5 ай бұрын
i describe ai artists as " Calling the guy who orders the food the chef, and the food is artificially processed and he says it has 'fresh ingredients'. "
@Joyscp999 4 ай бұрын
the cheft is a person
@JewelWildmoon 10 ай бұрын
These AI bros tempt me to force myself into getting the motivation to draw again. On the plus side, they'll keep going on and on about how AI Art is the superior method of making masterpieces, only to eventually become sour af when their irl jobs start being taken over by AI that performs 50 times more effectively than them. It'll be a huge slap in the face to them and we'll have the chance to use their same arguments against them (even if it sucks for us if we have the same jobs).
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Go for it! I love that it's having the opposite affect on people. They will not replace us!
@akeelyaqub2538 10 ай бұрын
They also fail to realise everybody can use ai art tools. They're really so deluded that they seem to think that they're the only guys who this software is for. Like a five year old can click "generate" and a "masterpiece" comes out. If a skill is able to be performed by 8 billion people, its not a skill.
@jayIG 10 ай бұрын
​​​@@PalaGovi dont even feel like overanalyzing like i do to everything else i hyperfixate on, all i can say is, from your last paragraph, you can't draw and cant even commission to hide that
@WokioWolfy 10 ай бұрын
​@PalaGov someone seems cranky today.
@jayIG 10 ай бұрын
@@PalaGov i dont think you know what a black pill is
@Tamaki742 10 ай бұрын
I'm at a point where my feelings towards AI bros is pity. They don't care about art, they don't want to even try understanding the market, they're just desperate for money that they'll legitimize every method to make money even if it's unethical and frankly, won't even benefit them in the end. It's just like NFTs all over again. You guys remembered when they said NFTs will benefit artists? Look at where it's all now.
@Orson_Welp 6 ай бұрын
Seriously. Like, imagine achieving the statistical MIRACLE of having been born, to have the wonderful opportunity of getting to exist on Earth... and you live your life actively denying the value of basic human experiences
@gsch1818 2 ай бұрын
Understanding the market is understanding art insofar as understand human nature
@abfg616 10 ай бұрын
I don’t care if it’s mean spirited, AI art bros deserve a mean spirited video or two
@defaulted9485 4 ай бұрын
They deserve one for every mean spirited insults they hurl at honest down to earth illustrators. There are many artist that don't deserve their "MoDeRn ArT" but most artist that got flak are the small and humbled ones.
@Dave102693 10 ай бұрын
Ai “writers” and Ai “filmmakers “ are also hot garbage. I’m just waiting for ai “animators” next 🙃😒
@3up3rn0va 10 ай бұрын
Ai art bros are worse than NFT bros. They spend 30 seconds typing something when Artists that draw take years if not decades mastering their craft. They're not even on the same level. Sometimes I just look at AI art and I'm just like... What? it just looks like generic Instagram art and that would be insulting to Instagram artists. Also when I saw that he was Jazza's brother made that whole situation even funnier. This is why I love Twitter. Er X.
@clblowe 10 ай бұрын
I hate calling it “AI Art” because frankly, it’s not art. I feel like a better term is “AI image generation.” With that in mind, passing AI generated images off as your own artwork is so absurd to me. It’s like calling yourself a character designer because you made a character in the Baldur’s Gate 3 character creation menu.
@SillyContentArt 10 ай бұрын
"Im a very talented artist" (shows an AI Image) "ok, paint it traditionally then."
@AwesomeJedi182 10 ай бұрын
Or even digitally. Or even using typography since they like words so much lol
@nonyabusiness3619 10 ай бұрын
As someone who's never used an AI art generator, I had no idea that they eventually start charging the users. Isn't the goal for these AI bros to make money? They'll never get rich if they keep putting money into an AI slot machine.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Not all of them. But the more popular ones do. I may also add a section about the selling of AI generated art in the inevitable follow-up to this. Thanks for watching!
@AzraelIbliz 10 ай бұрын
You basically pay the servers/ram so if you have a really buff computer (which is a huge upfront investment) you can do it local. I am pretty splitt on the AI stuff. I think if you are really serious about it and learn and train your own libary with legit art you either did yourself or own you can create something that can eitehr speed up your workflow or is something unique. Kinda like using filters to you benefit or other tools to speed up the process. Which does however not remove the factor that you need to know what you are doing, to adapt it, build up on it, fix it or create something that initself coherrent to make something unique.
@Kaileighblue 10 ай бұрын
I think a lot of them are so into pushing it because they've invested in it. They're just extensions of Crypto- NFT bros.
@Adamant_Adam 10 ай бұрын
@@AzraelIbliz As an artist myself, that's pretty much how I view it as well. The main problem I have with AI art is stealing artist's work without permissions, but majority of the immorality stops there, imo. I think it's interesting tech, and I would argue that getting a computer to do that is an artform itself. (To say that programming it to function is an artform, not simply using the program to generate an image.) I think there's a lot of merit in these techs, and I want other artists to embrace them so they are less likely to be misused in the future. I see a genuine future use for I guess this tech to review human art, and provide constructive criticism in the sense of "This arm isn't quite to scale" or "There is too much clutter, there is no clear focal point," etc. etc. This could be the basis of a very useful learning tool for artists who do not have access to human peer review. But as is- well plainly put, we need to do something about it.
@Mrhellslayerz 9 ай бұрын
​@@AzraelIblizThe sad part is that AI art actually could be made from a very ethical process. There ARE artists out there that use it, and if they were the main contributors to the AI, there wouldn't be a problem. They could be paid alongside the people running the AI, and keeping public interactions to JUST prompting would actually make it monetarily sustainable. There would still be room for traditional artists because different AI would be restricted to certain styles, forcing consumers to commit to paying for a certain style.
@1805movie 10 ай бұрын
In the immortal words of Dr. Ian Malcolm from _Jurassic Park_ : *"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they 'could', that they didn't stop to think if they 'should'."*
@imaajfpstnfo 10 ай бұрын
Outsourcing the art part of making art means you are not an artist. They are just cosplaying as artists, like Shad.
@imaajfpstnfo 10 ай бұрын
Not the adult artist, the swords guy. ;)
@imaajfpstnfo 10 ай бұрын
Even though your art might not be good, your picture is at least worth something. Shad's picture is worthless. No matter how good ai art is, it'll always be worthless. If you can replicate something for free in no time, no strings attached, then it has no value. Simple as that. Anyone could replicate Shad's picture in minutes or even seconds using ai (because you can just feed the image in to ai to get a new version of it) and have copyright over that 'new' image. It's worthless. Or at least it SHOULD be worthless, logically speaking.
@SodaPopBot 10 ай бұрын
not a bad analogy, though it does kind of do a disservice to al ot of cosplayers' craftsmanship
@imaajfpstnfo 10 ай бұрын
@@SodaPopBot I have no idea what cosplaying entails or why it would or wouldn't be seen as an artform. Instinctually I'd say that dressing up as a character isn't art. If it's serious acting, not just wearing some out-there clothes, of course that can be art and making the costume can certainly be art. I don't even know what you'd be referring to that is outsourced in cosplay, though, so I really can't comment on that entire ... genre?
@mandolorian9893 10 ай бұрын
Who are you to gatekeep what it means to be an artist?
@EldritchHorrorEnthusiast 10 ай бұрын
As someone who has put effort in my art since i was very young i find the concept of AI art very weird. Actual art contains a human element, artist's put in years upon years perfecting their craft and a computer just can't replace that skill. Typing words into a generator for a couple minutes to get a half decent product with a stolen art style will usually never compare to years of sweat, tears and hand cramping to eventually create good art. With all that aside great video!
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Now that I think about - I really don't understand why AI Art was invented in the first place. 🤔
@astrocosmicalDude 10 ай бұрын
​@@johnbrockiiiThe closest thing I can think mass production of "art"
@mrmaxwell346 10 ай бұрын
​@@johnbrockiiisimply to see if we can. Its being pushed so damn hard is so people can cut corners.
@gusty7153 10 ай бұрын
@@astrocosmicalDude basically this. corporations love it and journalists talk about it like it's some thing we have to live with now even though independent artists of every kind have been doing better than ever while corporate made content stagnates with "remasters" "remakes" or some form of recycled IP. and if anything original does come from a corpo that wasn't simply from an indie they swallowed up, it's gonna be the most generic trash that nobody will remember in the next week. and it's not just drawings, this is also about games and film making too, which the corpos want to "AI assist" with as well. was the most hilarious thing ever when they tried to get an AI to make a game and it spat out an angry birds clone leading to all new kinds of fun copywrite issues for the AI bros to deal with
@mandolorian9893 10 ай бұрын
Sorry but it already has. You overestimate the value of the "human" element. When I ask for a picture of a futuristic car, I don't care how much emotion or passion went into it, I just want a picture of a futuristic car. AI can do in seconds for free what would take you years of sweat, tears and hand cramping. So its really human artists that can't compare to AI. I think you people are just angry that you're discovering that something you believed made you special can actually be replicated by a unthinking, unfeeling machine and that machine can do it better and faster than you ever could. Make no mistake, in less than 5 years, you will not be able to compete with an AI.
@kenzorman 10 ай бұрын
the output of Ai art generators is literally random ( it uses noise functions ) . you can't control random you just keep rolling until you get a double six . Ai art bros can't distinguish random from skill , because for beginner traditional artists their quality of their creations is also random. Its hard for young artists to invest in the process over the product because 9 out of 10 drawings will be bad, and they don't understand why. BUT in time, with practice we reach a tipping point. We develop enough skill to know for sure that the next one will be better. Ai art will always be random Visual arts require visual thought , we learn to see proportions at a glance , we train our minds think in line and form, to visualise the result before we place our pen. We cannot learn this skill using words, Ai prompts are a massive distraction from learning core skills. Ai art bros are screaming about things they don't understand and never will.
@dianheart2243 10 ай бұрын
I wouldnt say visual art REQUIRES visual thought, as I have aphantasia and can create some neat things. (Not masterpieces by any stretch, but neat ideas.)
@somename86 10 ай бұрын
Tell you me you know nothing about AI without telling me.
@kenzorman 10 ай бұрын
I don't know enough to comment on your condition. I do know that the people I admire most talk about the significance of developing a mental library of objects and my career has changed as I focused on this as a skill. It may be that this could be 'felt' rather than 'seen' (in my case its a mixture of both ) but certainly words are a poor substitute for drawing@@dianheart2243
@kenzorman 10 ай бұрын
you see what you want to see@@somename86
@lautaroalday7225 23 күн бұрын
@@somename86 cry more bro
@millnstory 10 ай бұрын
AI art bros be like: You wouldn't steal a car You wouldn't steal a handbag You wouldn't steal a television You wouldn't steal a painting But ☝️ stealing legitimate artwork is okay. Everyone, piracy isn't a crime after all.
@ellusivegman 10 ай бұрын
not stealing
@somename86 10 ай бұрын
Maybe learn the defintion of stealing first before you post that incoherent piece of nonesense you just wrote. (Also hint piracy is matter of fact not stealing because there is nothing taken away just a copy is being made the same way photographing a painting is not stealing)
@ellusivegman 10 ай бұрын
@@somename86 it's not copying either
@danika9411 10 ай бұрын
​@@ellusivegman Ok, then start anew with the ai art programs at a point before they were trained with copyrighted art they had no right to use. Let's see how good they are without stealing artwork to learn. They wouldn't work. Because without the work of artists they are useless.
@ellusivegman 10 ай бұрын
@@danika9411 okay, start your art career from the time before you copied (and learned from as a result) other people's art and incorporated it into your own style. see how retarded you sound?
@elfrou20 10 ай бұрын
The whole Shad debacle isn't really about Ai art but more about this man's insecurities as an artist. I hope he finds peace, art is supposed to be a passion and a way to express yourself.
@Brenilla 10 ай бұрын
Saddest part is he’s gone through a lot, with chronic condition(s), and having KZbin over and over decimate his channel (witch mind you he has excellent videos, excusing any recent AI related videos) I didn’t watch his AI video cause I didn’t want to get upset at it cause I knew others would be able to share the wrongs put out but man I didn’t know how hard he was sticking to his guns on this :/
@defaulted9485 4 ай бұрын
@@Brenilla I can symphatize with Shad's unlucky start in life, raised Mormon, overshadowed by their sibling, his excellence is in a very niche part of a job their parents frowned upon, and forced to follow religion to the letter instead of seeking the Kingdom as Jesus puts it. But that doesn't excuse what he did to the Swordfighting community and pursue of art. Rather Art revealed what Shad chosen he wants to be.
@Brenilla 4 ай бұрын
@defaulted9485 definitely dosnt excuse it still sad situation.
@mystrallsnowlight 10 ай бұрын
After Pewdiepie post his art progress video this hit JAZZA'S BROTHER harder than inhaling way too much Scheele's Green
@trachinusdraco 10 ай бұрын
Only kind of Ai art I think is okay is Ai art trained on artists own work used by the artist itself and the images are used for inspiration or to be drawn over. Not as end product
@dragottaOWO 10 ай бұрын
This or ai that gives compensation to the owners of the drawings/pictures
@chilljelloton2089 10 ай бұрын
​@@dragottaOWOthe issue wouldn't exist if they made sure to ask for a license to use specific works. Then again the whole point of ai generators is to cut costs in the most unethical ways possible.
@forgotmylinetwice3010 9 ай бұрын
@@dragottaOWO Exactly.. Source-artists should get a % of the $ generated for every single piece of monetized AI art that they contribute to
@LondonMoneyCashEnterprise 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@forgotmylinetwice3010I don’t think u understand how the ai training works
@brkli1485 10 ай бұрын
when i saw that ugly ass image that jazza's brother apparently "made"... i just realized that none of these ai "art" people have an actual eye for art and can't detect mistakes and overall bad design choices. wow.
@giovannidalpozzolo3363 10 ай бұрын
My honest opinion about your artwork in the end: - the lighting is soooo much better than before, and it actually looks very cohesive, like the characters are actually IN the space and not just kinda stamped there like the AI girl. -I also really like the bloodtrail , although I think it would be cooler if it was moving more laterally near the neck. I understand It's spilling, but it was just cut in this moment so it would add a bit of dyinamism. -I also like the creative touches with the dragon, like the three eyes. Kinda has a kaiju vibe going on. -the girl's body is way more dyinamic and looks anatomically more correct than the AI one. The cons: I could see you were struggling with the sword positioning. It looks a bit off, but it's not that bad. It should probably be less flat, but it's hard to position it realistically without it looking goofy.The arm also maybe look a bit stiff, but it probably makes sense that way - I don't know if it's your artstyle or what, but the face looks REALLY masculine, like a female bodybuilder or a parody jojo character. Also I think the head is way too big in comparison to the body.
@MamaTrixxieAsmr 10 ай бұрын
Holy fuck, a minute and a half was all it took to make me laugh Just the end of that sentence: “…and specific AI art requires artistic ability” I bet these deranaged fools who think telling a robot what to draw while they…I dunno pick their nose or something…makes them an artist couldn’t pick up a pencil and draw a simple 3 point perspective Edit: I nearly threw up laughing so hard at the image it generated, holy fuck that’s terrible
@mandolorian9893 10 ай бұрын
I bet you couldn't do better you "artist"
@danika9411 10 ай бұрын
Me too 😂😂😂 I thought it would be something good, but then it was that 😂
@andrewmoorehead9681 10 ай бұрын
AI artists explaining why they're real artists reminds me of "nice guys" explaining why they're the superior men.
@coyoteclockworkstudios3140 10 ай бұрын
I don't even want to get involved in this, but Shad's argument are like warmed over fanartist cope. "Heyyyy, guys! My art's amazing because AI is superior to human creation!" "What's going on with the hips in this?" 'YOU'RE UNFAIRLY HOLDING ME TO A HIGHER STANDARD!" Yeah, you can't draw, and you proved not only that YOU can't draw, but that AI can't either.
@et118 10 ай бұрын
I didn't even know these "AI Art Bros" were a thing lol. As a wannabe programmer I just made my own discord art bot based on Stable Diffusion and it was quite a technical challenge. The images are never good but perfect for generating a quick meme, profile pic or some concept art for a DnD character/item. Me and my friends have had a lot of fun using it, but I would never post it as "real art", like these AI art bros are doing. I don't really get why people are defending AI art or why people are against it. It is just a different and inferior way of making images, except maybe for speed. Maybe it's just my bot being wonky, but if you really want a perfect image it would probably be easier to just draw it yourself instead of trying to prompt for hours straight. I think the big problem with AI art will be when companies stop hiring artists, but hopefully companies will be shamed for using those uncanny valley AI generated images instead of paying someone to do an actually good job.
@SuperMaster000X 10 ай бұрын
I would not have a problem if it really was used as a tool. Like generating really specific references, but you at the end make the final thing yourself. But no, they use it as the final product.
@anordinaryfellow2832 10 ай бұрын
@5507qt 10 ай бұрын
"AI art requires skill!" *proceedes to type words for their poor computer to generate something*
@boxxidraws7690 10 ай бұрын
I think the proportion of the head is too large with the body personally, but you still got skill no doubt about that! I wish ya the best for your artistic journey. These AI bros mentality about art makes me wanna start my own channel
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Oh yeah - this piece isn't even gonna make it into my annual year-end slideshow. But, hey, if this video encourages you to share your art more, I'm happy with that. Best of luck!
@boxxidraws7690 10 ай бұрын
@@johnbrockiii Tyvm still a great video tho keep em up! I love Shad but he chose a very odd hill to die on didn’t he? Lol
@scarletsletter4466 8 ай бұрын
As a New Yorker you’re so New York it’s hilarious keep it up 👍 ❤ This AI art topic gets dark, most illustrators are losing business except for big studio work which is safe due to the US copyright office basically saying you can’t copyright generated images without otherwise making sufficient contribution to qualify as an original work of authorship. I started a mural biz & there’s a lot of demand in our area, even just to paint fan art in peoples basements & kids rooms. You’d be shocked what clients in NY will pay 😆
@DeetotheDubs 8 ай бұрын
"I don't want to take the time to learn the skills of creating art with my own ability, but I will take the time to learn this other supposed skill that is not actually a skill." -AI art bros I'm still disgusted Jazza's brother had the nerve to say, "My skills are improving.". What skills? Your typing speed and accuracy? I really liked your re imagining of that computer-generated content. Also, I thought his original art was certainly more stylized and had personality. As for the Arnie movie question, it's mood-dependent, I'd say. Predator and T2 are top-tier, but I'm a bit partial to Total Recall, as well.
@SerohYoon 10 ай бұрын
Just like how people who cheat at videogames get bored due to no actual challenge or competition, AI """artists""" who don't actually enjoy the creative process will get bored as well.
@Shiralkian 10 ай бұрын
"It democratizes art" I'm sorry, are the thousands of free tutorials made by artist for aspiring artists NOT DEMOCRATIC ENOUGH!?
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Oh yeah - forgot to mention that. That's a fantastic point. Thanks, dude.
@Kaileighblue 10 ай бұрын
It's exhausting when these guys cherry pick art from comics that are years old, are artists that were being tested, or drawing under horrendous deadlines and many of them never did comics again. Oh wow you got them. Surely these artists outweigh the numerous other amazing artists, many of which have models trained to copy their work by your brethren.
@excier6074 10 ай бұрын
I don't think the point is that all ai art is better than all human art, it's just that the minimum standards for acceptable professional human art have been surpassed by AI, and it's only going to get better.
@excier6074 10 ай бұрын
@morgan2338 I think I agree with all the points you're making. And I think it really sucks that people who spent their whole lives learning to draw might soon be replaced by AI (me being one of those people who will be replaced)
@excier6074 10 ай бұрын
@morgan2338 I appreciate the positive message, best of luck to you too. The only thing we can do for now is learn how to make our skills future proof by becoming compatible with ai art instead of fighting it.
@faerie5926 10 ай бұрын
​​@@excier6074No it doesn't my dude, one of the tell tale signs of ai art is the shitty composition and strange lighting. It's still very much making beginner mistakes that human professionals won't do. That and it'd be hard to make a working comic or anything because it has no sense of consistency either. (Sorry if this is really passive aggressive, I didn't get to see your other comments)
@Kaileighblue 10 ай бұрын
I don't know why it feels like a bunch of robots are in my replies.
@anordinaryfellow2832 10 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter how much i try to convince myself that maybe ai art is a "TOOL". It just doesn't make sense to me. How can something be a tool if it literally does the whole job for you? I just cant wrap my head around it. Its like saying " i made this dish" that i just ordered from a restaurant. No bro. You didn't. Maybe not the best example here tho 💀 Also, i think that from an objective point of view, human art is just superior, not in terms of quality, but value-wise. Yes Ai makes art 100x faster, its good ( i honestly like some of it and I'm an artist myself) but in terms of value, I believe human art is just superior. It takes much more time for an human artist to do it, the techniques, the actual fucking tools, the experience, the knowledge... Cause, why the fuck should I say an ai prompter is superior to an human artist if the image he made the computer generate takes 2 secs to make, and all the while is generating i can scratch my balls and take a piss? Nah, I dont buy that shit
@gondoravalon7540 9 ай бұрын
> *How can something be a tool if it literally does the whole job for you? I just cant wrap my head around it. * If I could crack a bad guess, one could argue it'd be like how if your task is cleaning your house, or apartment, vaccuming does a lot of the work for you in one aspect, but it isn't the whole of cleaning.
@anordinaryfellow2832 9 ай бұрын
@@gondoravalon7540 a vacuum cleaner does the job, but it actively needs to be used, you just don't ask it to do the task and it magically starts cleaning for you. After some thinking, I guess you could call AI a tool, but it really depends on the context in which it's being defined.
@AmberyTear 10 ай бұрын
Since you asked: musicians who don't like music sadly exist in masses. It's either people who's family forced them into music school or people who don't give a shit about music at large, they just want to make money. So having no skill, they just pay others to fix all their talentless, effortless garbage in post or autotune the hell out of their voice. It's insane how much technology allowed complete hacks appear as legit musicians. Or any level of musicians at all.
@JaredQueiroz 10 ай бұрын
thats absolute true, perspective and anatomy are A TOPIC...... I really want to start a chanel of art, with the goal of teaching for the most part....... But my mic is just trash, maybe I'll only post some speeds I have here......... Know what???? I'm gonna fucking do this RIGHT NOW...... I can definetelly say that your content inspired me so..... Thats nice
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Glad to be of service. Best of luck.
@kukuruyo5994 10 ай бұрын
Shad also claims that he owns the copyright of any drawing that people made to mock him because they're based on his character, so according to him this video belongs to him because of the drawing at the end XD
@Crashgen 7 ай бұрын
"Who cares about the fate of Labor, as long as you can get your instant gratification " Squidward Tentacles
@chilljelloton2089 10 ай бұрын
iirc that style of japanese uniform is for middleschoolers.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Not surprised. I personally haven't read Jazza's brother's book, but some of the details of critical reviews are... concerning. But please don't quote me on that as I haven't read it.
@aaronlaughter6471 7 ай бұрын
My biggest issue with AI art is that its just plain theft. I am not an artist in the slightest, unless where talking stick figures. But AI art is literally just copying what it sees. There is no Intelligence to it. Its just a smoke and mirrors, I would dare say "AI" as we use it today is not real AI but AA, Artificial Algorithms (or some stupid fucking smart name, I dont know, im just an asshole with a computer)
@Crudely-Drawn-Cupcake 7 ай бұрын
1:57 The large sword is like the “comically large spoon” Vine meme.
@weirdestduck3650 10 ай бұрын
To be fair, my actual school gym did have cathedral windows
@Ok_Scallion4221 10 ай бұрын
I think the only times I’ve ever used AI (as an artist) Was to get reference for Clothes to aggressively shove my characters into.
@JaredQueiroz 10 ай бұрын
Well.... I'm an artist myself, (an actual artist). I've used AI to test it and see how it goes........ Bro, I'll tell you this, is easier to just sit down and draw something..... I know is weird when you say this outloud, but is one thing is to generate an image within the seeds of the system in 2 minutes, and another thing is to actually convey your vision...... I spend 15 hours combining generated elements, never really geting what I wanned, having to work with what it was being provided. I would get similar results in less than 4 hours if I grab my intuos and oppened Krita........ Is better to actually plan, sketch and render myself..... But the "AI-photobash" I did got prety neat. I hope not to offend saying its "easier", this may not be the right choice of words.... I mean is more efficient to use your own brain.
@miau7594 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, any time I see people glorifying AI art (and by doing so devaluing human art) I feel so down. It’s like all art in our history was for nothing, all the feelings and passions and actual work that more than thousands of artists have been putting into their pieces since the begging of our species is just being replaced by robots. Is these people keep thinking and spreading the idea that ‘AI art is much better than handmade art’ all the things that makes us human such as art or music will be taken from us. I want to think that people still appreciate art made by human beings, but i find it harder each time. Damn long paragraph sorry
@udippatel6147 10 ай бұрын
all good AI art is made and refined by a person. if art is about the emotional connection between the viewer and the artist to you, nothing about that has changed. The 'strawman AI art bro' will continue to make trash, but the 'real artists' have so much to gain from AI tools. Instead of text to image (if you think this is 'stealing'), using image to image capabilities allow one to take your own original work and make good finalized art in any style without spending 10-100s of hours on one image. I find it great to explore your own creativity quickly, instead of being tied down to tedious linework or painting 10 layers of colors/shades lol. you do you, but the world will come to terms with this stuff. Much like how digital artists were looked down on by traditional painters, but over time, it became normal to just do it digitally because of speed. Just because something is 'glorified', doesn't mean something else is being 'devalued', that is just a perspective, so dw about 'art' going away.
@JaredQueiroz 10 ай бұрын
BRO..... KIM JUNG GI DIED, DON'T REMEMBER ME OOF THIS OK????PLEASE ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; I swear that I cryed my ass off when he died, I know is weird to say, but I felt his death more than I felt my father's..... And when I heard that they trained an AI to mimic his work, I genuilly felt the will to wipe out humanity. Good that I'm not god
@SWGMurcielago 10 ай бұрын
"just because a tool lets yu do things doesnt mean its good" thats a very gooood point wow liked and subbed
@Tremadog102 10 ай бұрын
I generated a poster using an AI art website a while back so that I could have a backdrop for my miniature painting dioramas. I spent many hours playing with different prompts to get the right sort of dilapidated wasteland landscape I was looking for. Just because it took a long time and I had to persist to get the result I was happy with doesn't mean what I generated required any skill. Knowing what I know now about how AI art is generated I might create a inspiration piece and then commission someone better at art than me to paint a final image. That way I would have more control over the end result, since my final backdrop really needed to be larger than the AI picture I ordered. I was not aware that people out there actually considered using AI art as a skill. That's laughable to me. The only reason I used AI art generation in the first place was because while I can paint models my drawing, specifically my understanding of perspective is atrocious. Your video has certainly been interesting and hopefully I'll be able to find a fair commission for a background. While not a good artist I'm considering becoming a commission miniature painter in the future and I understand that artists should be compensated adequetely for their work. Also, knowing my photographs are taken in front of a 100% human painted background will be something that people may actively look for in the future.
@lauchaso47 10 ай бұрын
But an AI can't die with overdose like a real artist! No, but seriously. There's no love put into AI art. The people that call themselves "AI Artist" aren't real artist. It doesn't matter if you created the most original text for a robot to do your job. AI Artists do not exist. It's like if someone commisioned me for a drawing of something very specific. Yeah, the original idea came from the client, but who's the artist? IA may look beautiful, but there's lack of expression, the most important part about art. IF THERE IS NO EXPRESSION, THERE'S NO ART. A real artist always grows and grows, becomes better at drawing for one purpose. It's not because you want you art "more beautiful", instead you want your expressions to be more CLEAR. I hope everyone stands up to this: Don't use AI. Use your own imagination, put your love into what you create with your own hands and stop treating art only as a business. I'm not saying you can't make business with your creations. If you do, REMEMBER HOW YOU GOT THERE AT THE FIRST PLACE.
@resistancepublishing 10 ай бұрын
AI art has that uncanny valley and the brain always picks up on the weirdness in it. That AI artwork of the girl slaying the dragon is definitely ugly looking and doesn’t make sense.
@jutsu_art 10 ай бұрын
i know this man im in too deep way too deep nah he has a youtube channel called shadiversity where he dresses up as a knight and wields a sword and he has a prop castle in his garden
@VictorEstivadorebarbudo 10 ай бұрын
I was always lazy, never got good in rendering stuff and getting old lost the patience to spend rendering my works, +10 years ago I start using Sketchup when it was free to make background and draw/paint over it, moved to Blender in 2012. Learned 3D, got into Krita, now you don't even need to pay or crack a software to do your art. have great opensource tools laying around, never hav a better moment to learn and do art and this trash AI bros come with all this crying baby excuses to be such a loosers.
@AndyMush 10 ай бұрын
Some of the anantomy was a lil wonky in your drawing but it had so much more character and personality which makes it a far better piece than waht Jazza's less talented brother made.
@ar1456 10 ай бұрын
You deserve more subs bro. I hope the algorithm blesses you.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate that! It's been blessing me since I posted this vid. About to hit 1k!
@bluedotdinosaur 10 ай бұрын
I think at this point everyone can see that a significant number of the most visible and vocal machine-generated image promoters are only interested in the technology as a vehicle for clout chasing and "stealing valor". Leaving aside all discussion over the technology itself, these folks are so petty and tiresome because they're only interested in the label "artist" as a commodity to be bought and displayed like a trophy. Is it any wonder they think artists are "arrogant"? It's projection. They're insecure as hell, like Shad.
@flavioalbatrozz2557 10 ай бұрын
using A.i to make art is the same as describe for a painter what you want in the canvas.
@Dice-Z 10 ай бұрын
It's... not?
@softfuzzymanyippee 10 ай бұрын
human made art and art made by ai are completely different.
@mandolorian9893 10 ай бұрын
@@Dice-Z It literally is. I told the AI "I want a picture of batman as a medieval knight" and a few seconds it delivered a picture of batman as a medieval knight and its awesome. For comparison I googled the same thing to see if those pictures already existed. They did but NONE of them came close the quality of the AI. It has details that I hadn't even considered.
@lauramaue 10 ай бұрын
@@mandolorian9893 The "quality" you're describing is just randomness. The reason it has details you hadn't considered is that those details probably don't make any logical sense. When human beings make art, everything is planned and purposeful; every design element has a reason for its presence in the piece. AI simply blends all the previous art of the subject you requested into a slurry and spits out what it thinks you want, without editing out the parts that keep the image squarely in the uncanny valley.
@mandolorian9893 10 ай бұрын
​@@lauramaue You think you're criticizing AI and showing its flaws but to me it looks like you've just described how amazing this technology actually is. You're wrong about it not making logical sense. I'll give you an example. I asked DallE3 to create an armored dragon and rider. It created it except the dragon the knight was riding wasn't the dragon most people think of. It had all the details you would expect of a dragon except for wings and it was shaped like a velociraptor. The detail that I hadn't considered was that it was running on the ground like a mount instead of flying. After seeing this I scrapped my original idea and changed it so that there were two dragon types. Flightless dragons and Archdragons that can fly. So I then asked it to make the flying type. Do you know what it did? It put a wizard staff into the hands of the rider. I hadn't even thought about what kind of weapon a dragon rider would actually use. A sword wouldn't make sense since they are flying so it replaced the swords from the ground variant with staffs. I didn't even consider it, but the AI did. A human artist will give me what I ask for if I give them enough time and money but AI software will give me what I asked for sprinkled with things I didn't even know I wanted or thought of and all it asks for is about a minute and if I don't like it I can generate again and again until I run out of credits. Every time I've used Dalle3 to create something and I didn't like it, the reason was because I wasn't descriptive enough.
@Myserieden 10 ай бұрын
Shad is an odd one to figure out. I’m pretty certain I’ve seen drawing from him that were decent enough. Not as good as Jazzas art but it still got the point across that he was trying to make. I’m not sure what he’s doing or why he thinks AI art is real art. I’m a mimic of real art. Also Arnold’s best movie is the first a terminator. I don’t have a problem with people using AI art for private use but calling it your art, taking credit for it is wrong. It’s a great tool for creating inspiration. If you got an idea in your head but you can’t quite figure it out, it’s a great way to picture your idea. That’s where it should end though.
@AmberCommentsThings 6 ай бұрын
217 AI art bros got their feefees hurt
@jeremiahsacks2868 10 ай бұрын
I personally think the ai's face on the person is more expressive, but the entire not ai art looks significantly more like an actual art and not a computer that has no hecking clue what its actually doing.
@SpookySkeleton738 10 ай бұрын
you mentioned stable diffusion, that model in particular is actually fully open source and you can run it on your own hardware. doesn't help that the output sucks about as much as every other image generating model but at least it's not a profit-driven enterprise.
@hannesherbert 10 ай бұрын
22:23 "AI art is here to stay! It is the future!" What if we just say no? Their "advancements" in ai media don’t need to be made. Nobody will gain anything from them
@steviegilliam5685 10 ай бұрын
man after hearing that dramatic tweet then actually seeing the pic got me dying
@NoName-ym5zj 10 ай бұрын
1:47 - I feel like everything mentioned here can be applied to human art as well, you actually say yourself that a lot of human art looks generic af on artstation, because people try to conform to some industry standards. I just think this is not a valid criticism, truth is to casual observer this looks appealing, definitly more appealing than some of your work and so it's not really a convincing argument. I am not saying this to be mean or anything, I myself don't consider "AI art" to be art, but I think for the sake of conversation it's better to focus on the real problem of copyright infringement and exploitation of artists by these AI companies than focusing on defects in the software that will eventually be fixed, it's especially bizzare when those same defects like bad anatomy or bad proportions are present in your own work and in art in general. I can already here AI bros screeching "See? It requires dedication and skill to get proportions correct! Just like a real artist!"
@nok4799 10 ай бұрын
@ormedare7615 10 ай бұрын
Even if you get in the details, and talk with them about what ai generated images are, what is inspiration, etc, etc. they will always just omit the simple fact that without artists' labour and desire to show (not share, but show) their art to the world, AI art would not exist. At all. A real artist however, if given enough time and physical ability to do, so does not need a clutch like that. Our ability to feel and observe the world around us, to think abstractively, is a result of milliard years of evolution (or God's creation, if you believe), it is inalienable and does not depend on any hardware. If an artist is given enough time to evolve, they will inevitably perfect their most authentic art without any 'inspiration' from other artists' work. That's why it is stealing. If more than 90% of the thing you do is absolutely dependent on others' labour, it is stealing. It's like a CEO of a company saying that they themselves produce the thing hundreds of their workers work on. But only neither AI bros nor AI companies pay the artists. The audacity edging on disgusting.
@Teaboodoesart 10 ай бұрын
Oh how difficult it is to think of words that describe an image and type them into a computer that creates the art for me is 😢😢😢😢
@stumby1073 10 ай бұрын
Diffusion models do not mash images together. They remove noise from images that consist of only noise.
@YVZSTUDIOS 10 ай бұрын
I'm an artist who spent years to built his skills and also took time to learn how the AI tools work. The only reason I'm writing this is to point out to anyone watching this video every misinformation in the video to help people know the truth. 2:57 no, 90% AI does not look like that. With the current models it's actually difficult to get morphed bodies. 2 years ago, yes. today, no. So I let that slide as joke. Too simplified. It's not mashing up images. It's reconstructing images from random noise that were trained with pairs of an image and a text caption. You can train ethically, unethically, overtrain, or just train your own artworks. 3:25 it's not pirated conted if a regular artist downloads an image and uses it as reference. But it is when AI is used? nope. The laws for training AIs with copyrighted material just didn't exist at that time, because AI that advanced wasn't a thing yet. There are already a few countries like Japan that says it's legal to use copyrighted images for training models. Other contries are still defining the laws on it. In the end it comes down to the user. An artist totally could trace an image and say they made it (still happens to this day). It's the same as an AI tool user using overtrained results and claiming they made it. May I remind you of that one big yt artist who heavily referenced photos but did not credit the refs? Same thing. It really is a shame. Artists could have used this tech e.g. to create their own official loras to sell their "style" as a plugin. 3:35 Adobe Firefly does that for example. They use Adobe Stock images to train their models. 3:37 Using any tool requires skill. It's not as simple as pushing a button. 3:48 yes, some charge money, but Stable Diffusion is completely free to use. If you have a good GPU you can run it locally on your own PC. If not, you can use online services (there are a lot) which charge you for tho. A lot of businesses make use of free tech + something new to make money with it. 4:20 why skip that part? it's the most important part. Goes back to the "pirated" point I commented before. 4:58 sheen that only AI art has? Bro. You just said it yourself a second ago. It's based on real art that has that sheen. AI just carries that over. I think you were just exposed to too much AI art that was created with the same few popular models. 5:40 strong us vs. them mentality. not cool. There are shades of gray. it's not just black and white. 6:08 there are so many amazingly talended artists out there who don't become artists due to a lot of different reasons. One of which is that they don't enjoy doing art. Just because you're good at smth doesn't mean you enjoy doing it. And also I'm not a fan of tying the word Artist to ones profession. I'm a UX Designer, but also an artist, because I create works of art after work. 11:21 It's a tool. The one using the tool holds the responsibility. Before AI it was already possible to do illegal und unethical things with just Photoshop. And there are already absolutely unethical artists out there who draw and paint the worst things in existence. Don't blame AI for that. horrible stuff always existed. AI is just a new medium. 12:10 democratizes? I rather say it's a new method of generating images that look like good artworks for people with no or low artistic skills. But that doesn't mean peopel WITH art skills cannot benefit from it. I think it's artists who use AI in an ethical way will profit the most. 13:57 bs argument. it's just devaluing the skills that you personally don't think have any worth. If you would have watched his video you would understand that it takes quite some time to learn all the details of e.g. Stable Diffusion and the best extensions for the A1111 webui. He has absolutely the legit reason to repeat this point because so many people still believe AI art is as simple as clicking one button. 14:26 those two statements are not mutually exclusive. 14:55 you don't wanna devide ppl? Bro. You are literally spreading misinformation and cannot explain anything from an objective pov. your video is a clear hate agains AI users. 23:55 same non-proven argument. I actually really like the term AI assisted art. At least he has the balls to say that. I know many who don't want to admit they are using AI. I think his artwork is just very over the top and not a good representation of what you can create with AI. Just a bad example really. Searching online for 1 minute for good AI art will show the truth. The best ones are found on the community sites. 26:36 afaik, he said can you do it better by using JUST AI with only PROMPTS. It was a different image tho. The one with holding the sword. 31:46 he is just sharing something he is proud of. He is not actively flexing on someone with low art skills. I don't agree with all his arguments but some are good. 34:48 BRO. you made a redraw. After that whole build up I was expecting a breath taking artwork that fixed the issues in his AI work or directly editing his piece, but you changed the WHOLE vibe of the AI work with your own style and introduced new issues e.g. her head is way too big. I think your digital coloring skills are very much on a same level as him. But I appreachiate the efforts with the post processing effects. But please watch ANY digital (cell) shading tutorial. The tip no.1 everyone says is: Don't shade with black. I highly recomend learning direct and indirect light sources as well as material properties like solid vs. sub surface scattering. I think you're an artist with great potential, but making these type of videos ain't it chief. You're good at making videos and know how to use jokes. Reflect and reconsider the path you're taking. The best of luck.
@thedigitalodyssey1103 10 ай бұрын
This comment is a breath of fresh air. thanks chief
@Thesamurai1999 10 ай бұрын
I think it’s silly to compare AI skill to traditional art skill. Yes some methods of AI are more skill based than others, using control net with Stable Diffusion with A1111 is more skill based than prompt writing. But it pales in comparison to learning to draw realistically from imagination traditionally. You can get realistic results from AI in less than a day, do that from imagination traditionally and it’ll take years if not decades of practice and even then only 0.01% of those artist actually get good at it. Also, AI isn’t really meant to be difficult, the entire point of its’ existence is to make things as easy and accessible as possible. If it was just as hard, no one would be using it as they might as well just learn to draw then. My biggest problem with artist vs AI users is in the mindset. Artist tend to be inspired by those they look up to, but entire AI communities use AI for the sole purpose of mocking the artist. Many of them just despise artist as a whole and don’t really use AI because they themselves are inspired, they use it for the sole purpose of mocking artist. An example is Kim Jung Gi after he died. Or Samdoesart. When I follow subreddits for charcoal, graphite, oil, acrylic, watercolor or digital painting all I see is art and people who are i inspired to learn to draw. It’s all pretty positive. When I follow Ai subreddits half the posts that end up on my feed are people that just hate artists, mock them or are just plain viscous in their mentality. Basically, it’s so much negativity, specifically towards artists. Also, one reason a lot of people considered it illegal to train models on artworks by others is that the AI isn’t learning it by itself, it isn’t consciousness enough to get the images themselves, it’s a corporation taking the works from other artist and feeding it to the AI. And what makes it shady. A corpo taking works to train a model on to profit and make millions. Without those artist the corporation wouldn’t make a dime. Also how they purposefully went after small artists works while trying to avoid artworks owned by large corporations such as Disney. Because they knew it was shady. Take StabilityAI, creator of Dance diffusion (music AI) and Stable diffusion. They were more than willing to train their models on copyrighted artworks, but when it came to copyrighted music they didn’t want to train on that is it could lead to a lawsuit. It’s this hypocrisy which makes it seem shady as hell, “rules for thee, but not for me.” The corporations are actively trying to not step on copyrighted works owned by larger companies and specifically take from smaller independent creators to train their AI on. I disagree that AI is a tool for a few reasons. 1, it’s the only “tool” that’s capable of solving the fundamentals of art, no other tool is capable of that. A human has to learn and study the fundamentals regardless of wether they use traditional digital mediums such as Photoshop. AI solves, perspective, proportions, line efficiency, gesture, values, color and all those things for you. Of course, AI isn’t perfect so it’ll make some errors here and there, but it’s still the only tool that’s actively solving the fundamental principles of art. The main reason I don’t consider AI a tool is simply because the point of AI or robots is to be capable enough to do what a human does. It’s not like any other medium, because no other medium solves the fundamentals for you, they all require you learn them. The only reason it can be used as a “tool” now is because it has flaws, but the intention behind the existence of AI is to be able to mimic humans and do it without human input. If AI is a tool, it’s the only tool that allows people to not learn the fundamentals, or even know about them. Am I a mathematician if I don’t understand the fundamental principles of math but have an AI do everything for me? I agree more or less with everything else you wrote.
@koumorichinpo4326 10 ай бұрын
the models were made with stolen art and then used to harm artist's ability to make a living. period. there's no grey areas. it's as black and white as it gets.
@udippatel6147 10 ай бұрын
it's good someone said this lol. people conflating txt2img with AI art in general. As public knowledge of img2img, controlnet, loras, upscalers, and other sub-tools grows, hopefully this misconception goes away. I actually can't wait until 'real artists' start using AI tools and realize how much faster their workflows can be. They can actually create the best content with the help of these tools.
@somename86 10 ай бұрын
@@koumorichinpo4326 Said by someone who is not an artist unlike the comment above and also has no idea what stealing means. "If you steal something from someone, you take it away from them without their permission and without intending to return it." Can't steal something that is in fact not physicall and can be endlessly reproduced and even less can you steal inspiration otherwise every single artist would be a thieve, because guess what everyone learned by looking at the works of others and learning from it just like AI.
@подэмерон 10 ай бұрын
Not native. KZbin recommended your channel to me and it was one of the best things KZbin has recommended me ever. Subscribed
@Gamingpandacat 10 ай бұрын
yeah I'm a draw slave, cover me in eraser shavings and lemme huff that graphite as I pull a box made of printer and sketch paper
@fluffiedoom 7 ай бұрын
I liked your drawing because you drew it. At least there was a person with some kind of passion behind it. Even if the subject matter wasn't something you wanted to draw or would draw normally. I don't know what's going on with Shad, but his "AI love letter" crap got under my skin. I like to draw, but I don't know where I fit on the totem pole. I feel like I never stop learning. There is no end to the totem pole (until the INEVITABLE end of course), but it's fine. It's the journey and a simple pleasure. Maybe that's why I like it, I'm a simple woman.
@taynannataly686 10 ай бұрын
Hey at the end of the video you ask for our opinion so I hope you don't mind my comment, try to make the brush size way larger and lighter during the basic composition sketch and as you clean up and add detail you make it smaller and darker and play around with lineweight. Also use a doll or 3d model as a pose if you can't find a reference or make one (I usually use my brother as model). Her head came out a little big and manly (I'm new to your work so that might be your style) and you could have gone darker with the shading on the dragon monster thing on the foreground but still way better than Jazza's brother AI stolen art vomit
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Oh yeah for sure. This definitely isn't my best work. As a matter of fact, probably not even gonna end in my annual year-end slideshow. I'll admit the anatomy is definitely off in it, but part of the problem was the composition. A recreation can only go so far if the source material isn't what you want. (Which is why I think my resident evil/dogs playing poker piece was better received) Thank you. Appreciate the feedback.
@lemonmeat 10 ай бұрын
@@johnbrockiii this person has good advice so i only have a couple things to say, try shading with a different color that fits the general lighting, like instead of black, for this piece, maybe shade with a reddish/pink for the skin or do warmer tones for it all in general, and maybe shade with a little bit more of a blue color for the dragon. in my drawings i also like to use alphalock on the lineart just to color some parts of the line art into the shading colors (but slightly darker), hope any of that made sense, anytime i get the "teach me how to draw!! how did you do it?!?" question for example i never really know what to say or how to word things lol
@koralfartz36 10 ай бұрын
I think the hard R is ok in this context, they deserve your rage.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Thanks, I appreciate the pass lol
@salahworx6963 10 ай бұрын
I don`t know who you are. What you do. Your video got recommended to me. I want to say, the way you talk so angrily and insulting people without any hesitance... keep doing it.😎 I am with you.
@kickskii 10 ай бұрын
Another thing they like to argue is the time paradigm They think that a loose diarrhea of images in 30 minutes that aren't reusable at all and don't even have consistency between each other is peak productivity
@CyberDagger003 10 ай бұрын
This is the main issue with AI as a medium, consistency. Try making an AI-generated comic. Your characters will have changing hairstyles between panels. All those designs fit the prompt, but they are not the same design. The random element of the algorithm makes it unsuitable for any work with continuity.
@themightyflog 10 ай бұрын
Consistency is coming really fast. After that the comic can be made in days with 0 budget.
@kickskii 10 ай бұрын
@@themightyflog I know and it will be built upon the stolen work of tens of thousands of artists that spent many a millenia collectively perfecting their craft
@excier6074 10 ай бұрын
@kickski how do you think ai art is generated? I hope you know that this video did get it completely wrong, it doesn't just slap elements of different pieces together to make a new piece.
@juliocesarfabianosaboia7330 3 ай бұрын
@@themightyflog It will have no value though.
@razvan7355 10 ай бұрын
People with no backbone are actually selling and advertising courses for making AI art,which is the highest form of disrespect to any legit artist there is out there. However AI art is something,in my opinion,100% easily identifiable and you can clearly see which is which just by looking at the pictures. AI art should be indefinitely banned for commercial,or any public use of any kind,as its bullshit.
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
I will be addressing those courses in an inevitable follow up, as I only found out about them after the fact (which I agree are insane ) Personally - I don't think that AI art should be banned outright, but people should have to disclose if something's ai generated. But that's just my thoughts on the matter. Thanks for watching.
@somename86 10 ай бұрын
People will also sell you a course on how to become an "alpha male", they are pretty smart to be honest if people are dumb enough to buy those courses they deserve the money.
@Super_Goalfish 10 ай бұрын
i got this video in my recommended, and it was pretty funny and a pleasure to watch. I also like the drawing at the end!
@jayIG 10 ай бұрын
i remember seeing the when they cry ryukishi sprites, smoothed over to the point of losing all identity, and called "better", BOY you somehow made it look _blander_ than the ps3 umineko sprites theres no way you can call it "better"
@MistyLose 10 ай бұрын
I feel like if you use AI Genersted imagery to See at the very least see what youre invisioning then using thst kind of imagery to use as a bases for what YOU WANT TO draw and draw on the paper or Krita or whstever drawing program and tool to make thst idea to life in your own style and care thats fine. Cause youre not posting ai images and sayjng OH THIS IS MY ART no its not art its bunch of stolen crestions mashed to one Idk if i make sense basicaly Ai image posting as art is bad Using it to figure out the general idea what your actual art you want to make and use it as a general blue print for the idea. Idk if i make sense
@contaminatedquarantine3802 10 ай бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks ai artists aren't real artists
@David-Obermiller 10 ай бұрын
What about using AI for strictly private use? I have been using AI art for my D&D campaign, because I don't have time to do it myself and can't afford to source it to someone else. Definitely takes no skill, and I would be way more satisfied with the images if I did them myself, but I couldn't possibly produce the number of OC's I need in order to run a biweekly ttrpg campaign. I think that your arguments are good, but I don't really think they apply in my case. I don't even share the images online. Just in my game.
@5507qt 10 ай бұрын
I think for the majority of people this is completely okay! Youre not claiming it as yours or anything, sometimes messing with AI stuff is just for the funsies 😊
@ninjireal 10 ай бұрын
I like how you left that “hard r” in xD
@TheAnxiousOwl 10 ай бұрын
Ok saying that someone can't dislike art and be an artist that's iffy. I love drawing but I sometimes dislike it and DO need inspiration. That inspiration comes in packages of random thoughts. I unpack them and piece them together both in form and function, I then choose the colors after choosing what I want it to be. Inspiration comes to me both at random and through dreams. I wouldn't call myself a piece of shit cuz I need time and patience to realize another cool thing to add to my world. My philosophy: Humans: Artists and Owners Robots: Artists and Owners Humans using AI to replicate art and call it their own...: Irrelevant
@darkwraithcovenantindustries 10 ай бұрын
For anatomy, I use Pose-it mannequins as reference to get the proportions and perspective correct. Saves a lot of time, and a lot of pro artists also use references for characters to get things perfect.
@SmartBatto 10 ай бұрын
I had someone try telling me that "AI is great because I can generate images to make references!" I kept going back to the original topic and they kept harping on references. I finally told them that using AI "Art" references is bad because if game devs ask for your art references it would lead you to getting fired because of copyright violations.
@DeraPlays 10 ай бұрын
i do wonder what jazza thinks about his... his brother probably started doing art because his brother got so famous and stuff, and instead of learning to make art himself the choose the easy way
@Femboy_Jophiel 10 ай бұрын
Lawyers dont like studying law 💀💀💀💀
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Ok, well - you get the point, though.
@Creighty 10 ай бұрын
True, lawyers are still clueless of this situation for now, plus you can easily bypass a lot words like illegal generated images, making more troubles in society. People really discovered a lot of stuff about this machine and that’s the truth. Why didn’t they just take a lot of actions against it? There’s not enough restrictions.
@guilhermerafaelzimermann4196 10 ай бұрын
Damn, y'know i used to like Jazza's brother when he just talked about cool castle shit because those were pretty fuckin' cool, but damn he's fallen off
@johnbrockiii 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, I am also a fan of cool castle shit. It's a shame.
@JustAPersonalUseBarb 10 ай бұрын
This is silly: 1) Ai art is hard to make look good. I suggest trying it out and seeing what steps you need to take to get your vision down. Photoshop is often used too. Making the cursed image would probably have taken around 3-6 hours if done by an experienced person 2) Ai art does not need to be bought from the larger companies, you can do it at home on your own computer. Your image database can also be whatever you want it to be, from copyrighted to your own personal creations. This means that the generated styles can be anything, even your own style 3) There's a real argument to be made that copyrighted art being used is theft, but that is in regards to replacing the previous art and less so of the transformative nature. Ai art is undeniably transformative, but since it basically acts as a replacement to the transformed medium it could still be considered as copyright infringement 4) Even if you don't like this use case, please don't say that the technology is bad. There are an infinite amount of ways to apply neural networks and this is only one of them. It's best to educate yourself instead of push away the oncoming technological advancements. You will find some way that the technology appeals to you if you put some effort into looking at what it can do
@Ithoughthewasnigh 10 ай бұрын
Wassup bbg
@iyambaeprieto3703 9 ай бұрын
3 to 6 hours in AI? You have to be insane spending that much time for an image and after all of that for it to be shit yet think you've actually done something useful in your life Like, I don't know, SPENDING 3 TO 6 HOURS ACTUALLY DRAWING
@Big_Dip1 10 ай бұрын
There are some actual artists working with ai to create great pieces of art...but that said, they are a minority amongst a sea of people who think theyre really doing something by typing prompts.
@elcatrinc1996 10 ай бұрын
I am an artists not because i draw particulary good, im an artist because i enjoy creating stuff and i also enjoy sharing my works with the rest of the world. Also,even Shad's dialogues sound AI generated
@glyveozone7303 10 ай бұрын
I hope he doesnt give up, its really funny.
@Shlooomth 10 ай бұрын
I enjoy drawing but I’m horrible at it because I’m legally blind. Should I be allowed to use AI to make my ideas real better than I could’ve done with a pen? Eh nevermind it doesn’t matter I’m probably not even really legally blind,I mean what even is that right? How can you be illegally blind? No it means I’m blind in the eyes of the law. But who’s ever really heard of a person like that? How can you have original visual ir]deals if you’re not even fully sighted? Do I even really exist? Probably not because everyone else is the same person