Interesting discussion, and many good points, but one thing that struck me is that he said that his skills work more on skilled practitioners (presumably of his own art). That basically means it requires people who are conditioned in a particular way for it to work. In my experience, a more skilled practitioner should be able to more readily counter what you do. From there, the practice should elevate to the point that most people are unable to counter what you do.
@inmemoryofin10 ай бұрын
That’s true. I’ll propose another way to see this, in comparing aiki with improvisational musical forms like jazz or Indian classical music, where the performers work off each others’ feel, vibes and subtle cues. A master playing with a beginner probably won’t have the same nearly extra sensory musical connection as two masters playing together. The master is certainly going to be putting it out there but the beginner might not have the skills to pick up on it, or the knowledge of what to do with it if they did pick up on it. Does that make it fake when it does happen?
I love this Sensei..! This is true Aiki..! This is like 'hitting a taiko drum' and following the stretching sound...the lines of light linking us through the umbilical cord. ;)
@samuelreynaldotorresjimene751 Жыл бұрын
Excelente apreciación del maestro siempre las artes marciales han estado relacionadas con la filosofía en sus cimientos... pero hoy la brutalidad y la irracionalidad quieren imperar encerrando a luchadores en una jaula como animales.
Since the main topic in this discussion with sensei Aoki is apparently about the Ki and its effects in martial arts .There's no doubt that this phénomenom is not well known by science by know but with experiments and endeavour , the answer will come to us one day to prove also the existence of other possibilities in our world and arround it. I'm sure also and according to my advance search with my students that the ki can be a peaceful way to respond to any challenge in our life !
Con el mayor respeto, la teoría que plantea puede tener sentido; pero en lo práctico; que no venga a hacer esas cosas a Dojos donde si se practica Aikido real, Aikido en serio... honestamente me parece algo que no merece dedicarle un solo minuto de nuestro valioso tiempo.
Amigo Shioda. Hay algo que debes saber. ¡ Presta atención por favor !. El AIKI es la expresión de tu Pensamiento y de tu Sentimiento. Tu tienes que disiplinar tus Pensamientos para obtener unos resultados apropiados para poner fuera de ti el AIKI que es tu Poder Interior. Por ejemplo. Nosotros usamos en la meditación la Oración Científica que no es mas que expresarte como tu quieres que te salga la expresión AIKI-DO. Tienes que saber esta Ley que dice: "El Pensamiento y el Sentimiento conforman el Poder Creador mas Poderoso que ha existido jamás ". Medita esto y cuando vayas a la practica en solitario repite la frase y piensa en el AIKI-DO. Repitelo hasta que te salga. Hazme caso y no sueltes esa instrución nunca. Yo Soy el Maestro saint Germain.
@osho8982 Жыл бұрын
@jicliffgerman.1372 Жыл бұрын
@@osho8982 Si, así mismo es. Hágale caso al Maestro, el está en lo correcto
@sylvainkrummenacker1104 Жыл бұрын
後継者も確実です!青木先生は生徒たちを正しい方向に導く灯台のような存在です。 ki に関するこの調査とビデオに感謝します。