Aleviliğin Kökleri (The Traceable Roots of Alevism)

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Alevi Archive

Alevi Archive

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@sezinulukan5852 3 сағат бұрын
Gadir Hum da Hz Muhammed bize iki şeyi emanet etti .Biri Kuran biri Ehlibeyt . Bakara suresi 131.ayet ile 112.ayetlere bakın. (İsterseniz sonra "Kendimi Allah a teslim ettim." diye söyleyin. Bakara 112. ayette kendini Allah a teslim edenlere ecir var,korku ,üzüntü yok diyor.(hatırladığımı yazıyorum) Tüm Alevi dedeleri ve Aleviler sevdiklerinize tavsiye edin. Ben de size tavsiye ederim. O ayetleri hatırlayın. Sonra isteyen " Kendimi Allah a teslim ettim." desin.Tavsiye ederim (Hızır olan hızır bulsun Ya Hızır!)
@69dogu 2 ай бұрын
Luvi ışık demek, Alev ışık demek, yani farklı ve farkındalık yaratan bir felsefe. Böyle birbirine benzemek ve asla islam dini ile alakası yok. Çok güzel tarihi izah ediyor 👏🙏
@mavideniz4365 2 күн бұрын
@sezinulukan5852 3 сағат бұрын
❤Alevilik : Ehlibeyt yoludur. Muhammed,Ali soyuna ve Muhammed ,Ali taraftarlarına denir. Alevilik GADİR HUM da Hz.Muhammed in(s.a.v) in emri ,duası olarak orada başlamıştır. ❤❤❤ Gadir Hum da Hz Muhammed (s.a.v) demiştir ki :Ben kimin efendisiysem Ali de onun efendisidir. (Kıyamete kadar velayet hakkı Ali nindir.) Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resullullah Ali VELİYYULLAH ❤❤❤ Alevilerin yolu Gadir Hum da vasiyet edilen Kuran ve ehlibeyt tir. Aleviler hadislerle ilgilenmez. ❤❤❤ Yolu ehlibeyt yoludur. ❤❤❤ Alevilikte dört kapı kırk makam,yüzaltmış menzil vardır. Dört kapı : Şeriat,tarikat(dervişlik ,ezilme),marifet ve hakikattir. ❤❤❤ Sunnilikte bir kapı vardır : Şeriat(Şeriati öğreten tarikat) ❤❤❤ ALEVİLİKTE SON KAPI HAKİKAT KAPISIDIR. ❤❤❤ SEMAH HAKİKAT KAPISIDIR. ❤❤❤ ALLAH TAN GELDİK ,ALLAH A DÖNECEĞİZ. (Kabe cemi yapılınca da kadın ,erkek ,çocuklar,yaşlı birdir. Ayrım yapılmaz. Düşünün) ❤❤❤ (Annesi alevi ,babası sunni Müslüman bir ailenin Müslüman bir evladıyım.) ❤❤❤ Erenler, aslanlar,canımız Aleviler❤Ehlibeytin gözbebekleri Seyyid Hz.Hüseyin ve Şerif Hz. Hasan şehit olunca yezid emeviye biat edilmedi. Cem evleri kuruldu. Cami ve Cem aynı kökten türemiş sözcüklerdir . İkisi de ❤Allah için kurulmuş mescidlerdir. Kuran ı Kerim de sadece mescid terimi vardır. İkisini de ❤ Allah kabul etsin. Kıyam ,ruku ve secde Cem Ocaklarında da yapılır . Kimi namaz kılan toprak üstünde yürür ; kimi namaz kılan su üstünde yürür. Allah için makbul olanı Allah bilir. En iyisini HAKK ALLAH bilir.
@melikeozen6966 2 жыл бұрын
Alevilerle ilgili birçok kitap okudum ve aynı sonuca vardım. Tüm bu bilgilendirici videolar için teşekkür ederiz. Gerçekleri konuştugunuz icin teşekkür ederiz. Aynı fikirde olmayanlar, Aleviliği anlamıyor, anlamak istemiyorlar....Alevilik kalpten gelir. Ulaşılması zor olduğunu anladığım harika, gizemli bir inanç.
@sergul8230 Жыл бұрын
hangi kitaplari okudun.
@alibor5126 Ай бұрын
@salvatoreguiliano2429 2 жыл бұрын
Alawites don't need the hypocritical worship of wild arabien tribes, that has no value in life, does not create any love or beauty in daily life, in your trade, in your neighborhood, in your friendship. After the death of Prophet Muhammad the administration passed into the hands of the insidious merchant tribes of Mekka, who had been hypocritical Muslims until that day. The killings of prophet,s family is the reason for the separation of Alawites from Sunnis, which began with the brutal murder of grandsons Hussein and Hasan, continuing through the history against their descendants from generation to generation. The spiritual leaders of the Turks, who nationalized Alevism in Anatolia, who live, live and teach love, compassion, knowledge, sharing, tolerance and justice, saw in Mecca, Medina, Iraq, and Syria that oppression could come to power by praying, fasting and going on Hajj. Its therefore, why the first Turks in Anatolien werent obsessed to the arabic hypocratic worship. In other words, those blind and deaf Sunni scholars, who are never missing from the screen, cannot comprehend the belief, saying, " IF YOU BROKE A HEART ONCE, YOUR PRAYER, YOUR FASTING HAS NO VALUE IN THE EYES OF GOD!" Anatolian Islamic Philosophy, with its living name Alevism, transformed the Ottoman state into an Empire after the Seljuks. After Yavuz Sultan Selim took Egypt and became the Caliph of the Muslims, rulers of Sunni Islam came to power with the enmity of the Prophet Muhammad,s descendents. Alawites have been struggling to survive until now. The Alevism teaching, whose madrasas, Dervish lodges were closed ,its light was turned off, wanted to be erased and made forgotten. Alevis, whose Dervishs, Sayyids and Serifs were hanged, burned, skinned and exiled, have been living under oppression in their own homeland, in the state they founded, for 500 years. A philosophy, belief, and teaching of life without a school and a teacher naturally has no equivalent in life. Alevis, who were left without a religious leader, school and without teaching, whose books, instruments and even themselves were burned, have lost their identity today, cannot explain or describe their beliefs, and have been made without an orbit. At the end of all that has happened, those who say they are Serif or Sayyid today, who are Dervish, are unfortunately not competent to describe Alevism or to convey it to those who want to learn it. (Descendants of Hz. Hasan are called Serif, and descendants of Hz. Hüseyin are called Sayyids.) Although it is a historical crime that they should be ashamed of, this situation has become the fun of Sunni rulers and clergy today. Accusing them with contempting statements like "your confession, your religion, what you believe to, is not clear", they make fun of the contemptible expressions. However, Alevism is the leaven for the Seljuks to be the state and the Ottomans to be the empire. When the Ottoman became hostile to the Justice, it has perished, just as every state that is hostile to justice is doomed to perish. The most important military power of the Ottoman Empire, the Janissaries, are the soldiers trained by Alevi families, dervish lodges in Anatolia. All Janissaries are attached to a Dervish lodge. At the head of the Turkish raiders, who grew up by taking Anatolia and the Balkans under their rule, were their spiritual leaders called Dervish Baba. Today, there are the tombs of these Dervishs, who were martyred during the wars and conquests in Anatolia and the Balkans.Evliyas, who have mausoleums and pilgrimage sites in Dersim, such as Baba Mansur, Sari Saltuk, Duzgun Baba, Seyit Hidir, are among these pioneers. The Ottoman Empire, which continues as a Republic today, has been destroying Alevism intellectually and physically for centuries. Because Sunni Islam is the enemy of God, Justice, Reason and Conscience, they live in exclusion.Ever since the massacres of Yavuz Sultan Selim, the Alevis, especially the people of Dersim, who have always tasted the enmity of the Sultans, the Fatwaists of the Devil, the Shaykh al-Islams, live today as crushed, scattered, shattered and excluded. Alawites may have been left without a memory, without a trace, without a direction, but this is still a thousand times better than the hypocritical piety that obeys all kinds of oppression, keeps silent, shares in interest, and breathes interest. First, Sunnis should define their beliefs honestly by looking at the life they live, "What are we?" If you want to know, "What is Alawism?, let me give you a short answer, "Alevism is to live with the voice of conscience." They do not pray, do not attend Ramadan, do not go on pilgrimage, but they never remain silent in the face of injustice, do not become partners in persecution, do not step over the weak of the poor, do not applaud the tyrants, That's why they have to suffer under thousands of years of hostility. Endless love to the Alevis, whose words are beautiful, whose heart is beautiful, whose mind is beautiful, whose essence is beautiful, and to everyone who spreads and keeps this belief alive through music, writing and cinema. Live obeying your conscience dear friends.
@Alex-dj1os 2 жыл бұрын
As an alevi who has little knowledge about my background, are there any sources that you can recommend for me to research this further?
@salvatoreguiliano2429 2 жыл бұрын
@@Alex-dj1os The knowledge i have is based upon different books i had read as i was young. ( i have spent half of my youth as a bookworm) I mean that what i have written is the destiled knowledge from history of Alawites. The reason we cant find fundamental information about Alawitism is the infinite enmity through the centuries. The Alawites in the Turkey are whether among Sunnis, nor among Shiits accepted as they dont keep the five pillars of Islam, so they never allowed their belief to survive in a written, documented way. Their culture is opressed, distorted, destroyed, made almost meaningless. Therefore even the spirituel leaders of Alawites are not able to describe what exactly the main substance of their belief is. There is really not a single book i know to recommend you. I am really sorry Alex.
@bettermetal8306 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to write that. I genuinely appreciate it
@salvatoreguiliano2429 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your interest and for your time that you had spent to read it. @@bettermetal8306
@elise5140 5 ай бұрын
​@@Alex-dj1osErdoğan Çınar'ın kitaplarını öneririm.
@Awan-ld5zq 8 ай бұрын
In Pakistan and India, the descendants of Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law Ali Ibn Abi Talib are called Sunni Shia Salafi (Awan) and Alavi. The Alevi race is a community, not a religion
@edboss36 5 ай бұрын
Yes I’m Alevi from Turkey and we are still Muslim, Alevi has become more of an ethno-religion but we differ to Sunnis in our traditions and morals. For example we accept everyone for who they are, not killing people unlike extremists
@DaisyandGabriela 2 жыл бұрын
I am so disappointed that they trying create Alevi without Imam Ali. But what they don't say is Alevi's believe Ali was existed since the day Adam. Not just 1400 years ago.
@SKZhayatimmm8 7 ай бұрын
Ceme ayin denmesi sadece benimi rahatsiz etti
@redabeja9592 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this!! Many more people need to know about this! This was so needed. Please, keep sharing more information because there are loads of pages and people spreading wrong information!
@Subutay1881 2 ай бұрын
Hacı Bektaş Veli - Türk Pir Sultan Abdal - Türk Nesimi - Türk Yunus Emre -Türk Şah İsmail Hatayi -Türk Fuzuli -Türk Kul Himmet -Türk Yemini -Türk Virani -Türk Kaygusuz Abdal -Türk Abdal Musa -Türk Karacaoğlan -Türk Köroğlu -Türk Dadaloğlu -Türk Baba İlyas -Türk Geyikli Baba -Türk Mahzuni Şerif -Türk Aşık Veysel -Türk Neşet Ertaş -Türk Türk olmayan Alevi Ereni, Ozanı yoktur!
@alibor5126 Ай бұрын
Güncel tarih doğru deyil, türklerde çıkacak olan yukarda yazdıkların deyil, nemi çıkar türklerden? Eşkiya, barbar, yağmacı vs..
@Subutay1881 Ай бұрын
@@alibor5126 bin yıldır Türkün altında yatana bak hele Efendisini beğenmiyor! Sektir git lan ozman Türk yurdundan
@bayramtopal2374 5 ай бұрын
Güzel bir çalışma olmuş. Ellerinize sağlık. Konuşan kişilerin isimleri neler?
@duckontable 3 жыл бұрын
It has come to the attention of the Luwian Studies foundation that some social media posts have expressed a belief that the Alevi religious community may be descendants of the ancient Luwians. Although we have great respect for the Alevis, it is not possible that they are related to Luwians. The term Luwian refers to the city states and petty kingdoms that existed during the Middle and Late Bronze Age in western Asia Minor. These were multi-ethnic and multi-lingual with speakers of Luwian, which is of Indo-European origin, making up the largest language group. The Luwian hieroglyphic script was no longer in use after about 600 BC, although use of the Luwian language persisted until Roman times. Alevism has its origin in Turkic culture. The religion spread after the arrival of Oghusian-Turkmen tribes from Central Asia (Khorasan) into Anatolia in the 13th and 14th centuries, more than a millennium after the disappearance of the Luwian language. Archaeological research provides no evidence of a connection between Luwians and the peoples who immigrated into today’s Turkey - and certainly no direct connections exist between Luwians and today’s religious communities. Luwian Studies aims to help illuminating the period between 2000 and 1000 BC in western Turkey, which has so far received too little archaeological attention. - This statement of the foundation board aims to clarify the argument to prevent any misunderstandings.
@aleviarchive 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this information, but the message here doesn’t suggest that Alevi’s are the descendants of Luwians, it only suggests that both Alevi’s and Luwians had similar belief, and both Alevi’s and Luwians were referred to as people who worshipped light/sun. The Sumerians also have similar belief practices to Alevi’s, according to one of the Sumerian cuneiform tablet. So although these two civilisations were geographically distant, there are hints of similarity in belief. You can see traces of this similar belief in distant lands, just like you can find Christianity in South America as well as Europe, and Islam in the Middle East and Africa. Your statement says that Luwians were multi-ethnic and multi-lingual. Same can be said for Alevi’s, and any other religion. Ultimately, we are not suggesting that Alevi’s are descendants of the Luwian people, first of all Alevism is not an ethnicity. We are only highlighting the possibility that there is some connection, more than the ones mentioned in this interview. And this suggested connection is not through blood or race, but through geography, the stories left behind, that were later picked up by the new inhabitants of that land.
@maticgov5606 3 жыл бұрын
@@aleviarchive I agree with you wholeheartedly. Alevism has nothing to do with Islam. Furthermore my grandmother always pronounced it Aluvi and now I understand why. I feel the connections between Alevi and Great Plains Indians is greater than anyone thinks. I believe Alevi was the first religion to have a mass following in the world from when we evolved as Neanderthals. Alevism was how we evolved from being Neanderthals.
@heavenlymilano Жыл бұрын
To add to your side of the story, there is no mention of any belief similar to Alevi belief in pre-Turkic Era in Anatolia. If what he claims were true there would be some clues in Byzantine/Roman history regarding the continuation of Luvi like beliefs during their eras.Alevism starts with the Turks.
@bettermetal8306 9 ай бұрын
@@maticgov5606 We did not evolve from being Neanderthals. Neanderthals are a completely different species. We are Homo Sapiens. Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens lived at the same time at one point, but Neanderthals went extinct so now Homo Sapiens are the only ones left
@elise5140 5 ай бұрын
​@@heavenlymilanoErdoğan Çınar'ın kitaplarına bir bakın derim.
@dersimsimko 2 жыл бұрын
this video is full of nonsense full of wrong info about alevism
@tm1rt2vv8i 2 жыл бұрын
who are you to question someone who has researched about this. Ignorance.
@alibor5126 Ай бұрын
Sisce doğrüsü Arap Ali'mi. Akıl işi deyil
@aleviehlibeytasklar 7 ай бұрын
eeee eeeee, basına silah mı dayadılar kaynakçan ne ? kanıtlarını sun
@oghuzdynasty777 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry but this is nonsense, Alevism is rooted in Islam, and he he also mentions esoteric as if this is unique idea. Ismaili Shia is also esoteric, many other sects of Islam were.
@kurtk7521 2 жыл бұрын
Man they took it back the Sumerians and shit. What kind of fucking academic research is this?
@sergul8230 Жыл бұрын
alevis don’t fast, pray or read quran. How could they be muslim if they don’t even take part in the five pillars?
@greenlight2323 3 ай бұрын
Yeah. It's rooted in Islam, that's why we have 0 connection to Islam. We don't go to the mosque, we drink alcohol, we don't do Ramadan, we have No fasting days, we have an Instrument playing, we dance During the Ritual. Now Tell me again that WE are Islam.
@azmhyr 3 ай бұрын
@@greenlight2323 If you are not Islam, why do you appropriate Islamic figures? Stop using the names of the Prophet, his Son in Law Ali. They were Muslims, and if you are not, stop using their names. Use something else for your atheistic philosophy.
@greenlight2323 3 ай бұрын
@@azmhyr that's called assimilation you fucking moron. I have nothing to do with a murderer like Ali or Mohammed.
@serdarakkaya8407 Ай бұрын
şimdi iki olasılık var. videoyu yapan ekip bu saçmalıklara kendileri inanıyor mu? yoksa yav kardeşim bırakın bizde yolumuzu bulalım mı diyolardır, bence ikincisi. 10 dk da 100 yalan/yanlış laf. acınası ve komik insanların uydurdukları zırva hikayeler
@mehmethalis6055 3 жыл бұрын
Sizde soylediklerinize inanmiyorsunuz ama sahipleriniz size oyle emir.vermis Yaziklar olsun size.
@heavenlymilano Жыл бұрын
Aynen. Masal anlatıyor. Eğer Alevilik hititlerden gelen bir inanca dayalı olsa Bizans döneminde buna dair hiçbir kayıt olmaz mıydı? mümkün değil.
@elise5140 5 ай бұрын
​@@heavenlymilano Bu kayıtlarda yaķılmış cahil kadeşim.
@arifserhatgocer3273 4 жыл бұрын
Yillara ve cesitli sebeplere dayanan kopukluklari detayli inceleyip büyük emeklerle o büyük Puzzle´i dogru bir sekilde biraraya getirip tamamlama misyonuyla yanan tüm insanlari, özelliklede emeklerinden ve cesaretlerinden dolayi tebrik ediyor, bu ceraganin sinir tanimadan alevlenmesini cani gönülden destekliyorum
@duckontable 3 жыл бұрын
@scg4201 2 жыл бұрын
Alisiz alevilik yoktur
@naymanalifikircioglu5919 Жыл бұрын
Sen Orta Asya bozkırlarında gezerken Arabın Ali'si ile ne alakan vardı?
@serkanklc9498 3 ай бұрын
Aliden rahatsizsan kendine başka bir tanimlama yap
@Melike.76 3 жыл бұрын
this is propaganda alevis are real turks and muslims
@kazan2081 3 жыл бұрын
@warriorsprit772 3 жыл бұрын
We are have anatolian blood and we was , is and always will be in this land
@Melike.76 3 жыл бұрын
@@warriorsprit772 We are turks
@warriorsprit772 3 жыл бұрын
@@Melike.76 Yes you çepnis are real Turks but we anatolian Alevis are native of anatolia dont talk about all alevis blacksean Alevis , Anatolian Alevis and kurdish Alevis are so diffrent
@Melike.76 3 жыл бұрын
@@warriorsprit772 I am alevi and alevis are turk
@baranpolat2366 4 жыл бұрын
Tesekkür ederiz. Süper bir calisma.
@Sariso9 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this
@tulay7775 3 жыл бұрын
@pirographicdesign3108 4 жыл бұрын
@epldiodtamir8002 3 жыл бұрын
eeee eeee
@baranpolat2366 4 жыл бұрын
Bence "luvi" nin "alevi" kelimesine dönüstügünü kanitlamak gerek.
@aleviarchive 3 жыл бұрын
Merhaba, bu kanıtı belgeselimizde göstereceğiz tabi ki. Ask ile.
@baranpolat2366 3 жыл бұрын
@@aleviarchive Dört gözle bekliyorum :D Baya bi şüpheliyim açıkçası cünkü "alevi" kelimesi benim bildigime göre, gayet "yeni" bir kelime. yani son 150-200 yildir kullaniliyor. Saygilar
@duckontable 3 жыл бұрын
@@baranpolat2366 Şarlatan bunlar. Alevi yani ingilizce Alawis/Alawites alinin soyundan gelen demek. Türkmen Kızılbaşlar ise Alevi terimini dediğiniz gibi son 200 yıldır kullanıyor. Alevi terimi o yüzden karışıklığa sebep oluyor. Türkmen-12 imam şiası, Kızılbaşlık başka Arap aleviliği başka Luvilik bambaşka.
@duckontable 3 жыл бұрын
@@baranpolat2366 Alternatif tarih(!) tezlerini hiçbir akademik makale olarak yayınlayamıyorlar. Tarih dünyası ciddiye almıyor bunları. Erdoğan Çınar'da zaten belgeleri tahrip eden sahtekârın birisi.
@rzajitem4858 6 ай бұрын
Arkadas, Alman istihbaratı ve fetönün fonlarıyla yayilmak istenen Alisiz alevilik tutmaz. Alevilik 1800 yillardan sonra tüm ali taraftarlarına verilen isim. Ondan oncesi Türkmenler'e kizilbaş deniyor. Kizilbaslik ise Erdebil Tekkesi'nin siyasi ideolojik tavrıdır. Luviler nere 1450 nere?
@QwertyUiop-qr3kb 4 жыл бұрын
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