Поздравляем македонских братьев с Днем Македонской национальной борьбы Из книги Евграфа Савельева (Евгра́ф Петро́вич Саве́льев (22 декабря 1860, станица Константиновская - 22 февраля 1930, Новочеркасск) - историк. До переселения на южное побережье Прибалтики Бодричи назывались Македоняне (Македонцы) и их племя составляло костяк Македонского царства Александра Великого. Переселились Македоняне в район Кимврского полуострова в 320 г до Р.Х. После распада Македонского царства, унаследовав от Александра воинское искусство, его герб и неосязаемую, но уже в то время сформулированную и проверенную на практике Русскую Идею. Вот что пишет о них выдающийся исследователь славянской древности Егор Классен: "После падения Македонского царства часть македонцев, около 320 года до Р.Х., переселилась к Балтийскому морю и основала свои новые жилища под названием Бодричей, сохранивших, до самого падения своего, герб Александра Македонского, изображавший Буцефала и грифа. А вскоре после того одна часть их снова переселилась на Ильмень и Ловать. Из книги Евграфа Савельева "После падения Македонского царства часть македонцев около 320 г. до Р. X. переселилась к Балтийскому морю; народ этот там стал известен под именем Бодричей, сохранивших до самого падения свой герб Александра Македонского, изображавший буцефала и грифа. Бодричи говорили на славянском языке и от натиска германцев переселились на Ильмень и Ловать, где и основали Новгород и Псков около 216 г. до Р. X. (Птолемей). Славяне во все века с гордостью называли себя этим именем. Мы славяне, т. е. любящие славу, говорили они. Родовое же название этого народа, как сказано выше, было Руссы или Россы, т. е. поклонники росы, воды. Что же тогда делали эти племена? Вендская держава, раннефеодальное государство полабских славян - бодричей, лютичей и поморян, с 40-х гг. 11 в. до 1-ой трети 12 в. на побережье Балтийского моря, между устьями рр. Лаба и Одра.
@milan16463 ай бұрын
Cuo sam i citao dosta lazi i neistine i gluposti, a ova je jedna od vecih za taj narod sto ti pricas i govoris su pozbati kao luzicki srbi i da danas ima ih u Nemackoj i pisu cirilicom sVABE IH NAZIVAJU VENIDI I I MUZEJ poseti ga i lazi ako nisi znao poljski izstoricar i ukrajinski istoricari 1500 godine su govorili da narod potice sa posavine i pomoravlja na srbskoj teritoriji se to nalazi i danas neznas ti nista
@m.n20183 ай бұрын
❤ Передайте большой привет России от имени всех македонцев!! Где можно заказать эти книги? на амазоне это возможно?! 🇲🇰❤️🇷🇺❤🇲🇰❤️🇷🇺🇲🇰❤️🇷🇺
@MondiDoda3 ай бұрын
MAQEDONIA LAND'S BELONGS BELONG'S TO THE PELASGO = DARDANIAN'S EMPIRE LAND'S FOREVER AND EVER TILL IN THE AND OF THE WORLDE HISTORY,,,,,,,THE OLD MAQEDONIAN WITH THE PERANDOR OF TITO THE GRATE CREATIT IN THE YEAR OF 1941 ARE LABORATORIC FAKE NEW CAUNTRY'S CREATIT FROM THE slavic rusian empire THE all slavic cauntry's in awer PELASGO- DARDANIAN'S ILLYRIAN'S OLD LAND'S ( ballcan is persian = jeniqer osman's mongols NAME) BUT THE TRUE NAME IS PELASGO DARDANIAN'S ILLYRIAN'S EMPIRE LAND'S FOREVER AND EVER TILL IN THE AND OF THE WORLDE HISTORY,,,,,,,YOU slavic cauntry's the slavic rusian creacion ther bastard's and ther biches and ther SATELITES in ( ballkan- persian- jeniqer osman's name) IN PELASGO - DARDANIAN'S ILLYRIAN'S EMPIRE LAND'S FOREVER AND EVER TILL IN THE AND OF THE WORLDE HISTORY,,,,,,,,,,AND THE slavic LABORATORIC FAKE NEW CAUNTRY'S CREATIT FROM THE PERANDOR TITO THE GRATE OF yugoslavia in the year of 1941 ,,, SUDE ,,,,,,DARDANIAN'S KOSOVAR AEBERORE ALBANIAN'S LANDS - AND and to bullgarian ,,,,THE fake name north ,,,,Maqedonia of perandor TITO the grate creacion in the year of 1941 ,,,,,you slavic cauntry's are jockes and good juste for strip clube's
@TumblrNazang2 ай бұрын
weren't macedanians? members from the tribe of dan? and Manasseh ?
@GregPeterson1232 ай бұрын
lol Alexander was a Slav? :D ok bro
@marias.96133 ай бұрын
Благодариме за Вашиот труд, за убавиот документарен филм. Добро да ја знае ВИСТИНАТА цел свет, добро што можат да разбират за наша Македонија и оние, кои не зборуваат македонски и кои не се Македонци.
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Ви благодариме за гледаноста. Споделете за да стигне до повеќе луѓе 🌞
@milan16463 ай бұрын
Ponovi laz dovno puno puta da postane lazna istina
@sasahonda12 ай бұрын
Mnogu dobro ja znae cel svet istorijata za Alexander the great, no na nikoj ne mu odgovara toa da se priznae. Makedonija e bibliska zemja.
@AlexandraMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Vistinata Makedonija vechna!❤🇲🇰
@zagorthegreat3 ай бұрын
Македонија една и единствена, античка, библиска, средновековна и современа. Ќе даде Господ да се издигне од пепелта. Трпение спасение. Ако ние не дочекаме, нашите деца и внуци нека дочекаат. Поздрав Македонијо, не се давај !
@tatjanastojanovska1523 ай бұрын
Браво за Аристон продукција што се заложила ова да биде забележано во документарен филм. Овде нема лаги,се‘ е кажано како што е забележано во народните преданија и во книгите. Голема работа е направена, сега филмот ќе биде пратен до многу позиции кои, се надевам, со задоволство ќе го проследат. Поздрав!
@rv97853 ай бұрын
ARISTON то је грчка реч. значи апсолутно најбоље
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@ellinmakedon1216Ай бұрын
@@tatjanavelkova5814Do you mean South Slavic?
@acecvetkov24673 ай бұрын
Blagodarnost za ubaviot film. ❤❤❤🥰
@macedonianlion48723 ай бұрын
*Ironically, until 1988, Greece's well-documented policy was that Macedonia did not exist, and it violently tried to eradicate its very existence. Then, for fear that it would lose the part of Macedonia that it annexed in 1913, Greece's propaganda machine changed course to claiming that Macedonia's land belongs to them, while the people still do not exist* *Greece did not call Macedonia but “The New Territory” in 1913. They was renamed the Governorate-General of Northern Greece in 1955 because it was combined with the Governorate-General of Thrace. It was renamed to the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace in 1988*
@NoelKoutlis3 ай бұрын
maybe if you write this in Greek, the Macedonians would understand it....
@stevelozevski81513 ай бұрын
@@NoelKoutlisnot really Noel. 🤦
@filip_trajanov53403 ай бұрын
Or in turkish than your people will understand it hahaha@@NoelKoutlis
@qaidikramuddin3 ай бұрын
@@NoelKoutlis Let him write it in Ancient Greek so that modern day Greeks don't understand it either. The Ancient Macedonians would have understood it.
@qaidikramuddin3 ай бұрын
@@filip_trajanov5340 Not even that; modern Greeks won't understand ancient Greek but the ancient Macedonians did. At the same time ancient Greeks could not understand the Macedonian language and this has been recorded by ancient historians like Arrian and Diodorus Siculus who wrote their histories of Alexander from primary source material i.e., Ptolemy the son of Lagus and Aristobulus the son of Aristobulus, who were Alexander's generals.
@Unitedmakedonija3 ай бұрын
The forbidden truth of Alexander, the best leader that ever existed with huge culture and antique 🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰❤️
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@Unitedmakedonija - "forbidden truth"? And, how is this video "truth"? We Greeks have always known that Macedonia was Greek. The statue of Alexander the Great in Thessaloniki was erected in 1973, before all this commie ex-Yugoslav propaganda claiming that "Macedonia was not Greek" started by you Bulgarian-speaking Slavs. And, most (over 90%) of ancient Macedonia is back with Mother Hellas. And, she ain't going anywhere! You lost the 2nd Balkan War in 1913 - as Bulgarians. Now get over it! Everyone knows that you are brainwashed Bulgarians.
@the.macedonian40213 ай бұрын
If the Macedonians and the Greeks were the same people, then there was no need for Alexander the Great to call himself King of the Macedonians and the Greeks, but just King of the Greeks. In his five-century old book Mauro Orbini says that because the Macedonians have their own language, which didn’t just fall from the sky, it is clear that they have always spoken the same language. If that was true in 1525, when the book was written, then it is very probable that Alexander and Samoil spoke the same language. According to Orbini, Alexander, Samoil and Saint Clement would have no problem understanding each other in their mother tongue in 1525.
@milan16463 ай бұрын
Poznato je bilo da je Aleksandar pogubio svoga generala sto je davao naredjenja na grckom govorio je srbskim jezikom grci nisu mekedonski narod nikad bili za to ima i genetskih i istorijskih dokaza kad su turci zauzeli danasnju Grcku i pravili popis dve trecine naroda su bili srbi posle oslobodjenja grcke gde su im i srbske vojske pomogle su grci u znak zahvalnosti proterali 250.000 srba i streljali izmedju 80-120.000 a ostali su morali da se asimulisu grci su se kao trgovci polako naseljvali u danasnju Grcku vi ste arapi po poreklu pogledaj genetiku grcka je prepuna srbskih toponima a u jeziku imada jako puno sinonima
@konstantinosgkritzalas89663 ай бұрын
and Leonidas king of Sparta was not Greeck and Athenians were not Greecks were \ Athenans and Beozian were Thebans not Greecks..man you so idiot..really..what means MAKedonia..tell me the Etymology of Filippos ..tell me what they mean..bulgarofski
@bobanthemighty79013 ай бұрын
@@konstantinosgkritzalas8966 Said Arvanites who think is Hellen kzbin.info/www/bejne/poipYaGjgLF8f7Msi=EI17nAGVP92_XM-e
@BobanEstond3 ай бұрын
@@tomasrazelo3271 One NATION One KINGDOM - Macedonians always have royal line of Kings
@tatjanavelkova58143 ай бұрын
@MacedonianGrace2 ай бұрын
MACEDONIA one and only glorious Greatest MACEDONIAN heroes ❤❤❤❤
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@MacedonianGrace - Yes, and ALL 100% Greeks, not Bulgarian-speaking Slavs like you! 🤣
@Viktorija74243 күн бұрын
Честитки и голема благодарност до Аристон продукција за нејзиното залагање за подигање на свеста на македонскиот народ за неговото потекло и историја. 🙏 Само така продолжете и Господ да е со вас.!!! ❤
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 күн бұрын
@Македонство3 ай бұрын
Macedonia - Cradle of culture, Land of nature, Apostle from the Bible, Source of civilization! * Eternal and United ❤️🇲🇰👌
@milan16463 ай бұрын
Ne seri tada ime makedonije nije ni postojalo doslo je kasnije vestacki nametnuto
@m.n20183 ай бұрын
@@milan1646тоа важи за Србија или за Босна или за некојаси Хрватска..?! "Македонија" и "Македонци" можеш да сретнеш најмалку 30 пати и во библијата... А вас библијата ве има спомнато, знаеш колку пати?? Никогаш! Провери.
@m.n20183 ай бұрын
@@milan1646бадијала си поминал преку 60 години, освен Мирко и Славко друго во животот што си прочитал?
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
MAKEDONIJA vo BIBLIJA SPOMNATA 33 PATI. pred 20 veka avtori na BIBLIJA -- ISUSOVI Apostoli. Apostol Pavle ima Poslanie kade toj zboruva za Lidija Makedonka ! !
@thedong3047Ай бұрын
@@tatjanavelkova5814 A za Grcite kako za divo pleme.
@michaelcomeback3 ай бұрын
Modern Macedonians are ancient natives of the Balkans. They exist here as a separate Slavic group as a result of isolation from other Slavic groups and in a long historical period preserved the oldest forms of the ancient Slavic language used by the Pelasgians, Veneti, Goths, Thracians, Trybals..." (Johann Georg von Hahn: "Albanesisch 1854
@gradimirstefanovic16403 ай бұрын
This is BIIIG lie.Macedonian people didnt exist.This is Serbs tribe.Aleksandar macodenian is fake name.His name is Lesandar Karanović,Serbs king.Karan means king.Shut up with this fake idiots imaginery.
@milan16463 ай бұрын
@@gradimirstefanovic1640 bravo brate
@GreatMK.Forever3 ай бұрын
@@gradimirstefanovic1640Watch your language Servian jedino moze da je Karan Vucich
@МиланПотић-б9х3 ай бұрын
The problem of modern Macedonians is that they try to present themselves as an isolated case separated from other so-called Slavs. Of course, that is neither correct nor sustainable, because then a big gap in history arises that cannot be bridged in any other way than the fact that today's Macedonians have close ties with other Slavic peoples, and mostly with the closest ones. It only means that other so-called Slavic tribes and peoples lived next to the ancient Macedonians, just as they do today.
@МиланПотић-б9х3 ай бұрын
@@gradimirstefanovic1640 Каран не значи краљ већ наредник или заповедник. Презимена у тадашње време нису постојала већ име рода или неког братства у ширем смислу. Не пишите популарне глупости које се шире друштвеним мрежама.
@selaminbelica7773 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! 😇
@dblaze47453 ай бұрын
We have to bring Macedonia back to originality. Nothing better than Macedonian people.
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Absolutely. This is the first documentary about King Alexander that is narrated in English, but is made in MACEDONIA :) Please share
@tatjanavelkova58143 ай бұрын
@milancerovic26743 ай бұрын
Нино Белов,Сербо... Макеридов,Александар Карановић-Велики све Срби
@voskreglavincevska70803 ай бұрын
@@tomasrazelo3271 Was !
@voskreglavincevska70803 ай бұрын
@@milancerovic2674 Doro !
@parrhasiusАй бұрын
Alexander , is a Greek name ,he spoke Greek he identified as a Greek and worshipped the Greek Gods ,don't know why a modern s.avif people who speak a s.avic language wish to misappropriate Greek culture..
@naumsimonovski2953 ай бұрын
@ElonMust-z7j2 ай бұрын
Kingdom of Macedon is not Javan ( the indigenous population of thr region Macedonia ) ,son of Zeus ( Ba'al Hadad ,Semitic entity) gets named after the region Macedonia after attacking the indigenous people Javan . Greek history is fake !
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@ElonMust-z7j - No, your history is fake.
@Lyncestian3 ай бұрын
Ако некој го интересира како звучел јазикот на нашите претци нека го погледне следното видео: *Ancient Macedonian Language (Pelasgian / Pelasgic)*
@BrankoAngelovski-x7f3 ай бұрын
Вистина е. Голема благодарност❤
@isthegex45853 ай бұрын
I have a question.... If the great slav immigratuion happened or started around 6th 7th century, and alexander died 363BC how is he a slav ?
@isthegex45853 ай бұрын
I am a macedonian slav im jst curious how we can call him a slav if we got there 6k years later....??? I need a historian for this no dumb shit alright ?!
@dkth-e1t3 ай бұрын
@@isthegex4585 OK let me help you with that. You won't find serious scientists proving that the theory of slav Alexander is not dumb, because the theory is dumb. Alexander was greek. you should know that in greece we have many weird theories too, like "aztecs were greek", "Einstein was greek", "there are greek ruinsn on the moon" etc. (I am not kidding, there are people who believe these things).
@the.macedonian40213 ай бұрын
@@isthegex4585 The Invention of the "Slavic" This migration fairy tale was invented by the West, especially the Germans. The Slavs were in the Balkans at the same time (but they was known under different names as Veneti), if not before Helen (with whom the new so-called Greeks have nothing to do) This migration fairytale pertains that: "a tribe," which was unrecorded before the 6th century, "appeared from behind the Carpathian Mountains" to become the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe "replacing all the previous recorded populations." Slavic ethnic identity and its terminology were heavily politicized as they were used to support outdated 19th century territorial ambitions. Migration was from the south to north and not north to south.
@ΔημοςΛιακος3 ай бұрын
@@the.macedonian4021 well you can call yourselves Veneti then 😂😂😂
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@@dkth-e1t TSAR ALEXANDER IS M A C E D O N I A N ! !
@stellankechagia76903 ай бұрын
the macedonians participate in the olympic games and only Greeks was aloud to partisapate in the games they speak Greek and belived in the gods of olympos In the tomb of FILIP ALEXANDERS father all the inscriptions is in GREEK
@maajde3 ай бұрын
Haha. Not in Greek, but in Koine. You lelearn language in 19 century under King Otto. Koine was language for all, as today English.
@kosmasgvl16153 ай бұрын
@maajde koine =κοινη it's greek word.. you didn't know about it?? Fascinating how low educated you are..
@mickeymouse16973 ай бұрын
@@maajde koine is common greek , its a greek word , wake up . just like the christian new testament in written in greek koine , thats bible , wake up , the truth shall set you free
@billgets35583 ай бұрын
@cafmail12073 ай бұрын
@@maajdeKOINE in Hellenic Greek mean "Common". The common language of the people. What does Koine mean in your language?? Nothing !! you are saying Alexander the Great was too stupid to write words in his language , so he only spread Hellenistic culture & language everywhere? Where are the inscriptions with Slavic stones & coins he left across his empire ?? Not one word ever found!! Only Hellenic words. Name , which other conquerers spread someone else's language & culture??
@Kajvlado3 ай бұрын
Благодарам за видеото и за трудот!
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Ви благодариме за гледањето. Споделувајте за да стигне до повеќе луѓе. Поздрав
@OvcePoleTV2 ай бұрын
Fantastic documentary 👏
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@OvcePoleTV - Yes, fantastic documentary - on GREEK History! 🤣
@danaanceski5503 ай бұрын
Always is remeberd and it was great Aleksander the great of Makedon. 🇲🇰 🇲🇰 🇲🇰 Macedonia is forever an it will bi, thank you for the video.( Macedonia vecna i vecno ke zivee Amin.)🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏❤️🩹❤️🩷💥💥💥
@jackiec.barnes95673 ай бұрын
Awesome documentary!
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Dimi-h6x3 ай бұрын
Greetings from UK, great video. Both accurate and historically correct. I will show it to my children, what they learn this days is historical garbage. Thanks.
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Greetings from Macedonia
@Dimi-h6x3 ай бұрын
We all know it's Macedonian peninsula, "Balkan " is Turkish word for mountain ⛰️ 😉
@Unitedmakedonija3 ай бұрын
I wish everybody shall know the truth. We are living in world full of lies! Spread the truth of Macedonian people, greetings to UK ❤️🇲🇰🇬🇧
@stathispap82913 ай бұрын
Do you really believe a Slavic nation speaking changed Bulgarian(Macedonians spoke Greek), writing in Cyrillic (they Wrote Greek) and Macedonians created Hellenistic age meaning (Greek ages) to be descendants of ancient Macedonians? Or i better say Μακεδόνες as an ancient Macedonian would write and say it correctly. Greetings from a true Macedonian living in PELLA Macedonia Greece ,the Capital of the Macedonian empire and the birthplace of Alexander the Great ,also home to great philosopher Aristotle school of Alexander, and close too Phillip's tomb visited him endless times at Vergina. I can't believe these fakedonians really try to stole our identity like this when they have NOTHING common Macedonia is Greek 🇬🇷 🏛
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@dszombieqx7152 ай бұрын
i have great admiration for Alexander The Great and i watched many youtube videos about the historical events and his accomplishments; this being said, i totally understand that there is a lot of patriotism and pride at the base of this video; i will just add a small comment: the background music is hindering the quality of the viewing; i definitely like it and i understand the reason for the use of it, but the intensive use of it becomes difficult for the ear while trying to focus on the narration, i am saying this with the best intentions, please take it as a friendly feedback. I did give the video a thumb up because ... how could i not :) Thank you for sharing.
@danielm36702 ай бұрын
Just a little dramatised for purposes of presentation but the information is good.
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@dszombieqx715 - Really? Then all you have been watching is anti-Greek propaganda because if you ACTUALLY learnt "something", you would know by now and without question - as most of the world does - that Alexander the Great and the Macedonians were - and still are - Greeks!
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@@danielm3670 - Of course, what would propaganda be without dramatic effects?!
@gorangorevskiАй бұрын
Bravo!!!! Long Live Macedonia
@MrZokitwin2 ай бұрын
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
Ви благодариме!
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
@manevvinica3 ай бұрын
Најубаво видео ❤
@valentinamalinova7373 ай бұрын
Благодаря , добре е за начало...
@GregPeterson1232 ай бұрын
fake "history" :D
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
@@GregPeterson123get off our page
@elinikolovska14052 ай бұрын
Пред фактите и боговите молчат 😊❤
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
@makcleaning7702 ай бұрын
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
Поздрав, нашите
@TumblrNazang3 ай бұрын
glad this came to my algorithm .. appreciate ya.. Megas Alexandros
@yorgos196813 ай бұрын
How do you say mega in your slavic language idiot
@kosmasgvl16153 ай бұрын
Megas alexandros μέγας Αλέξανδρος greek language greek culture macedonian greek kingdom not Slavic one..
@stevelozevski81513 ай бұрын
@@kosmasgvl1615Greek kingdom and culture. The Greeks got schooled by barbarians and now want to take the credit🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@TumblrNazang3 ай бұрын
@@stevelozevski8151 Δόξα στην Ελλάδα , Dóxa stin Elláda
@tatjanavelkova58143 ай бұрын
before 25 centuries PHILIP MACEDONIAN KINGDOM ! ! !
@BobanEstond3 ай бұрын
my Macedonian blood trembles with pride and cries for the forbidden truth. MACEDONIA ETERNAL🔥🔥🔥
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
@profdrmednikosmakrides34163 ай бұрын
Slavobulgarian blood !!! Keep dreaming idiot slavic boy
@GregPeterson1232 ай бұрын
Is there are any inscription from Alexander's time in your language? :D He founded cities...any name in you language, like say "Aleksandrovgrad"? Any coin? We can find such artifacts in Greek, but where are the ones in your language (which suspiciously looks like Bulgarian)? :D :D :D
@OnlineRadioBalkanikamk-fm7hh2 ай бұрын
You Greeks are pretending to be smart... you are immigrants from Armenia, Egypt, etc... you were not even Greeks then, let alone ancient Macedonians, etc... you came to help the Romans defeat the empire of Alexander the Great, then the Romans called you "greekoy" Greeks... etc... etc... You Greeks are acting smart... dream up your own Greek stories etc... live with your stories
Actually they are mostly Arvanites who speak broken Koine by accident Big mistake of their creator Johan Gustav Droysen
@TosheGurushev2 ай бұрын
Прекрасен документарец
@DraganPande3 ай бұрын
@Brittany-Outlaw3 ай бұрын
Why the music though. The whole doc?
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
It's traditional Macedonian folklore music :)
@ΔημοςΛιακος3 ай бұрын
@@AristonProductionMacedoniafrom the times of Alexander the Great 😂😂
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@@ΔημοςΛιακος ALEXANDER -- TSAR ON MAKEDONIJA ! ! you.... who ?
@AndrejNikolov-xw2gi3 ай бұрын
Нашиот Александар 🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
@gregntavlis65212 ай бұрын
You have nothing to do with the ancient Macedonians , you are just confused Bulgarians with identity crisis.
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@gregntavlis6521 - They sure are! As Bulgarians, these clowns still can't get over losing the 2nd Balkan War in 1913, where over 90% of ancient Macedonia was returned to Mother Hellas. That fact ALWAYS makes me smile!
@nastenastevski85653 ай бұрын
Подобро раскажувачот да збори на македонски,а преводот на англиски!
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
@Kajvlado3 ай бұрын
Пријателе, му благодарам на авторот. А ти, со секоја почит, ако знаеш, седни и направи како мислиш дека е подобро.
@ledenvolk2 ай бұрын
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
@nadkadimoska77512 ай бұрын
👏👏👏 ❤🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰❤
@globalprecisionteam95112 ай бұрын
@dimekafe37153 ай бұрын
I deneska nekoj mislam deka se spremni da go prezemat mestoto na Aleksandar,ana ne se.
@gordanav.45293 ай бұрын
@billyblioumis3 ай бұрын
Ariston Production , Do you want to make a TV debate in an international Broadcaster? We gather all our evidences, you gather your evidences and let’s make a debate. Are you in?
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
@billyblioumis3 ай бұрын
@@AristonProductionMacedonia as a production company you did research for a documentary right? We could debate the sources of research and see evidential who is closer to the actual documented history. We can film this debate in a podcast way - either in Athens or even in Skopje. Then we can broadcast it.
@billyblioumis3 ай бұрын
@@tomasrazelo3271 if they have no doubt about the sources then I don't see why not. They really believe the narrative so... Nothing to be afraid of .
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
Show us your documentary about King Alexander, feel free to post a link here in comments :)
@billyblioumis3 ай бұрын
@@AristonProductionMacedonia I am talking about a filmed debate . Not just in KZbin . Something more serious and essential. Something with cited sources and something that shows all 3 sides documented evidence (Yours, Greek and International)
@Sophie-x8b2d2 ай бұрын
❤ Macedonia as a country does not exist in any historical source from 148 BC to 1944. Samuil's father was a Bulgarian boyar - Nikolay and his mother was an Armenian Rypsimia. In Europe, all the rulers were from mixed marriages, while in Bulgaria it was mandatory to have part of the royal blood and Nicholas was from the family of Tsar Simeon. During the Middle Ages, the region of Macedonia was for the most part part of the Bulgarian state. Even in the Ottoman archives it was not written that there were Macedonians in these lands and everyone decided for himself what to be God Save Bulgaria …
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
@markoatanasovik44033 ай бұрын
@GreekCentaursGreece2 ай бұрын
As a Greek, I fully understand the strong desire of the inhabitants of Skopje to acquire History and I appreciate unimaginably that they choose Greek History to make it ...their own! This, in my opinion, honors Greece and shows an initial good taste for the inhabitants of Skopje. However, this particular film repeats a very low historical accuracy and an even lower aesthetic starting with one inaccuracy and continuing with many more inaccuracies that insult Alexander who was not the "greatest" since the Mongol Genghis Khan and his Empire were much greater! You see, regardless of race, we should recognize the historical truth and not try to present ourselves ridiculously "superior". In general, this film refers to Soviet propaganda films of the KGB of the 60s and the friendly residents of Skopje should reflect that Art and especially the Art of Cinema has progressed a lot since then. We Greeks love our neighbors and we believe that they would also benefit from a cooperation without false "firsts" and petty egoism. So, I would like to see a joint production about Alexander the Great that would bring the two neighboring communities closer together!
@John-t5f3d2 ай бұрын
Long live Hellenism. Long live Truth.
@naidetutureski94082 ай бұрын
Greece: (OTTO THE FIRST AND THE ONLY ONE KING OF GREECE. German Bavarian: Otto Fredrich Ludwig von Bayern, 1 June 1815 AD - 26 July 1867 AD) was a first Bavarian Prince as a King who Ruled Greece from the establishment of the monarchy on 27 May 1832 AD, under the Convention of London, until he was deposed on 23 October 1862 AD. Prove me if I’m wrong.
@zoranjordano8822 ай бұрын
Ти како увезен азијат можеш само гомна да јадеш со двете раце..
@thedong3047Ай бұрын
@@naidetutureski9408 And the little Otto couldnt find two villages to speak same language. His first mission was to make them to understand each other. So they made them the Greek language based on Coine.
@AristonProductionMacedonia3 ай бұрын
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
@Goran_Spasov3 ай бұрын
@popqvn3 ай бұрын
greetings from the REAL Makedonia :-)
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@popqvn - Yes, greetings also from the REAL Macedonia, which WAS, IS and ALWAYS will be in Greece!
@sasoivanov84423 ай бұрын
@Greek.history.enthusiast10 күн бұрын
Phillip and Olympia (Olympiada) were both of Greek origin 🇬🇷🤦
@greatalexander4043 ай бұрын
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@thedong3047Ай бұрын
So why Albanians not Ilirians? Probably you didnt like it?
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@greatalexander404 - Hahahahahaha! Now the Turk-Albanians are taking their turn to steal some Greek history. Go back to the caucuses, Turko!
@athanasioszampakikasalvare90573 ай бұрын
Thats so stupid... Makedonia is just a part of Greece, like Athens, Thiba, Thraki and Sparta at that time. What does the name "Alexander" means, wich is the origin of the name, his father is Philipp, what does the name "Philipp" means, where is the origine of the name, his mother is Olympia, again another GREEK name, his sister is Thessaloniki! Alexander himself believed that he is a direct descendant of Zeus through Hercules... Zeus is a Greek god, Hercules is Greek... The Teacher of Alexander is Aristoteles... yes another Greek...
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@GregPeterson1232 ай бұрын
@@tatjanavelkova5814 Саше Филиповски :D
@zoranjordano8822 ай бұрын
Ти како увезен азијат,побарај првин декларација од каде си увезен па потоа размислувај за Македонците
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 delusional 🇲🇰🇲🇰
@thedong3047Ай бұрын
Yessss everithyng is Greece and Greek. But where is it?
@harristheo3 ай бұрын
Macedonia and Alexander was Greek, dl not steal othefs history
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@vojdanzaprov46433 ай бұрын
Александар, син на Филип и Митра.
@kosmasgvl16153 ай бұрын
Question what means "helenistic era??
@chrisp.86383 ай бұрын
Alexander the Great, the greatest of the Greeks, gave the light of Greek civilization to the entire known ancient world.
@MarcoPolo-mp3 ай бұрын
😅 In your fake western written history, ( England and Bavarian tsar otto created hell -ass as country) that finally comes to an end, the same like the end of west in general, with God's will, -the empire was macedonian not helenic ( name greeks didn't even exist) King Philip II and his son Alexander the macedonian fought and butchered the helens, ( remember the battle of chaeroneya ) conquered them and took them to serve IN THE macedonian army, not helenic, old helenic people never ever took Phillip or Alexander as their own, they knew macedonians were the enemies, so called greeks today entered Aegean Macedonia in 1912 ,( with the people exchange between Ottoman Empire and the greeks) coz greeks never ever before lived there, that's why they changed the toponims of the villages/ cities, otherwise why changing if it was helenic?; logic boy!! , macedonians werent accepted in the first Olympic Games, because they spoke language not understandable for back then helens , and why, well because they were macedonians not helens - in the macedonian army there were translators, because 7000 helens were as mercenaries , didn't understand the king Alexander and his generals, before the fight with Persian king Darius, there are millions of examples, - Demosthenes the father of back then Athens hated king Philip and was happy when Philip was killed, for him macedonians were barbarians - macedonians and helens existed in the same time and they were different like sky and earth, - Herodotus the oldest historian/ writer, wrote very well who was King Philip II and his son Alexander the macedonian, -old helenic people had million times chances to take the sun as their flag ,but they didn't , because they knew very well who is who, they didn't even build a statue of Alexander in Athens again because he wasn't one of them, logic boy!! , -u brainwashed so called greeks are arabs, look at your DNA today, dark skin dark colour faces, u can't change that the way you trying to change the books, the same like tatars so called bulgarians, u r the same, truth hurts that's why u r together in propaganda against us macedonians, but God is big and watching everything!! God bless Macedonia and macedonians 👌🙏,,
@r.karanfiloska3 ай бұрын
koj ja sozdal Greek civilization?, mozebi vasiot Demosten koj sedel mrzelivo i drzel govori i filozofii pred atinskiot narod, i gi ogovaral makedoncite, ne dal nitu vijska za pohodot protiv Persija koja gi napagala i nivnite gradovi-drzavi , kako ova go narekuvate gospodine? Civilizacija… koja?
@r.karanfiloska3 ай бұрын
i uste nesto gospodine, koga vashite geadovi drzavi pocnale da go plackosuvaat Delfi koj bil svetiliste na site narodi na makedonskiot poluostrov, sto mislite koj go odbranil Delfi, mozebi vie so ,, Greek civilisation,, koja go plackala?
@BobanEstond3 ай бұрын
Македонското кралство ја покорил грција - град држави
@salvatoretotoriina95233 ай бұрын
Ha ha ha ha ha
@juanp773 ай бұрын
Macedonia its part of ancient and modern Greece...this propaganda its senseless. Northmacedonia and Macedonia its not the same...Northmacedonia are Slavic people and absolutley nothing in common with the ancient greek tribe of Macedon . Macedonia are Greek Doric tribe from the south of the greek Peninsula...The argeades dynasty of Amyntas and Perdiccas (family tree of Philipp & Alexander) are clear Doric Greeks. Just google every single Macedonians King name and ask for their origin and you will get your GREEK answer....all the Macedonian Kings have an Greek origin name doesnt matter which one.. Amyntas- Orestes-Archelaos-Alexander-Perdiccas-Philipp-Kassandros etc.. ALL everyone are Greek...and they use always the same Currency as the rest greek states : the drachma or tetra-drachma ..they spoke greek and write greek- they worshipped the ancient Greek Gods of Olympus and more...and now you wanna tell me they was part of Northmacedonian people (Slavic tribes) LOL you are rediculus Cmbbbbrooonnnes
@emmanouilachladiotis52723 ай бұрын
They try to steal history while those who make wars and divide and conquer pop up fake states all over the map😂😂 for their political power 😂😂🤡🤡
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
grci ukrali Egejska. bugari -- Pirinska. dogovor 1913 : Grcija na MAKEDONIJA vrak'a Egejska Makedonija. Bulgaria na MAKEDONIJA vrak'a Pirinska Makedonija ! !
@ΔημοςΛιακος3 ай бұрын
I love Greek history. So fascinating 👏💪
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@mariatrajkova71072 ай бұрын
It doesn’t say Greece ha ha 😂ha. Macedonia one and only. North, South, West and East all Macedonia.
@OnlineRadioBalkanikamk-fm7hh2 ай бұрын
You Greeks are pretending to be smart... you are immigrants from Armenia, Egypt, etc... you were not even Greeks then, let alone ancient Macedonians, etc... you came to help the Romans defeat the empire of Alexander the Great, then the Romans called you "greekoy" Greeks... etc... etc... You Greeks are acting smart... dream up your own Greek stories etc... live with your stories
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@@tatjanavelkova5814 - Macedonian history - 40 centuries ONLY Greek!
@user-up1fy9sf9l3 ай бұрын
Another classic unhistorical propaganda........... Are you serious right now???? What a joke!!!!!!
@emmanouilachladiotis52723 ай бұрын
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@emmanouilachladiotis5272 - Yes, 100% But these losers need "something" to help them cope with their pathetic existence and absence of a history, as next to the Greeks, they are nothing!
@Galliver34713 ай бұрын
Please guys get a grip. These idiotic claims make you a joke among nations.
@georgimakedon57333 ай бұрын
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@georgimakedon5733 - Amen!
@ΑπόστολοςΚωνσταντίνου-δ2τ3 ай бұрын
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 no the jokes on you buddy 🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
@thedong3047Ай бұрын
Gerge sorros is our enemy
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@ΑπόστολοςΚωνσταντίνου-δ2τ - True! We know that Soros is behind all this.
@marthasinis20663 ай бұрын
Alexander was Greek. The Macedonians were Greek. Their language was GREEK. His teacher was Aristotle a Greek philosopher. He was teaching him in Greek. The Athenians, the Spartans, the Macedonians were Greek. They used the Greek language between them.. Even their names were Greek . Their names have a meaning. For example the name Philip Φίλιππος means lover of horses . The slaves came to this area , Skopia , seven centuries after Alexander’s death. Whoever did this supposedly documentary has to study history. He is uneducated and propagandist. Showing books in different languages as a proof.
@tatjanavelkova58143 ай бұрын
@goraniliev3 ай бұрын
@dragracechannel73973 ай бұрын
Alexandar of Macedon = ** Makedonia **. 🙂
@dragracechannel73973 ай бұрын
Greece founded "3 February 1830". Never before there was such country called Greece, all migrated from Africa/Trukey, etc.......known in Greek as Tourkokratia
@emmanouilachladiotis52723 ай бұрын
Macedonia with slavic letters? that didnt exist at that time? You re cook cook😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡@tatjanavelkova5814
@TheodoreIosifidis-gx4qb3 ай бұрын
Must have been hard to narrate this and not use the word Greek hahahaha you can try but you will never extinguish Hellas zhtooooooooo
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 Albanian Turk learn your roots 😂😂😂
@MT-ck8ke2 ай бұрын
That was Macedonian illyrian today Albanian empires Nothing to do with modern Greeks Smyrna Caucasian Asia blood line
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@MT-ck8ke - 🤣 Now we have the Turk-Albanians taking a bit of Greek history. This just gets funnier and funnier!
@Sophie-x8b2d2 ай бұрын
❤ ❤❤The mother of Macedonia is Bulgaria and it will be so... Whatever the mother is, she is still a mother... And the current population of Macedonia has nothing to do with Alexander the Great... Best Regards…God save Bulgaria…
@Sophie-x8b2d2 ай бұрын
Macedonia as a country does not exist in any historical source from 148 BC to 1944. Samuil's father was a Bulgarian boyar - Nikolay and his mother was an Armenian Rypsimia. In Europe, all the rulers were from mixed marriages, while in Bulgaria it was mandatory to have part of the royal blood and Nicholas was from the family of Tsar Simeon. During the Middle Ages, the region of Macedonia was for the most part part of the Bulgarian state. Even in the Ottoman archives it was not written that there were Macedonians in these lands and everyone decided for himself what to be God Save Bulgaria…
@AristonProductionMacedonia2 ай бұрын
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
Tatatarka 😂🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@Sophie-x8b2d - No, the mother of Macedonia is Greece. What you refer to as "Macedonia" is a fake country that most normal people know is West Bulgaria.
@δεληγιαννηςβασιλης3 ай бұрын
@OnlineRadioBalkanikamk-fm7hh2 ай бұрын
You Greeks are pretending to be smart... you are immigrants from Armenia, Egypt, etc... you were not even Greeks then, let alone ancient Macedonians, etc... you came to help the Romans defeat the empire of Alexander the Great, then the Romans called you "greekoy" Greeks... etc... etc... You Greeks are acting smart... dream up your own Greek stories etc... live with your stories Одговорете
@trifonasspaliaras22503 ай бұрын
This documentary is full BS This is supposed to be about Alexander the Great not Macedonia If what you say is true why did Alexander spread Hellenism to the known world True Macedonia was and is a Greek state What you preach is Slavic Macedonia As I said for such a great man and I’m not doubting that you would think he would spread his nationality to the known world and he did Hellenism
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 your an Albanian Turk mate 🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
@MT-ck8ke2 ай бұрын
The only thing I don't agree is when people say they build the city's What city's they built when they went to conquest the city's of the another country's 😂😂😂
@rv97853 ай бұрын
@tatjanavelkova58143 ай бұрын
@dkth-e1t3 ай бұрын
Why do you give so much importance to DNA? Yes, they are probably 50 per cent ancient Greek and 50 per cent Slavic, but they are culturally Slavs and speak Slavic. They have nothing in common with Alexander.
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@thedong3047Ай бұрын
Noooo no no. The DNA is ok with our macedonian part. Greece have no single identity. We the Macedonians are only that. Something that Greece dont have it.
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@rv9785 - Nah, we don't want them, only a small part of their country that is ancient Hellenic Macedonia, the land that the Greek Army didn't have time to liberate in 1913. These include towns like Heraclea Lynkestis (Ohrid) and Monastiri (Bitola). They can keep the rest of their country as this land is OUTSIDE the boundaries of ancient Macedonia. And, it's just not enough for them "to feel Macedonian" - they need Macedonian (GREEK) DNA.
@John-t5f3d2 ай бұрын
"...a fragment written by the Greek poet Hesiod around 700 BC speaks of a Macedon, son of Zeus, a lover of horses who lived near Mount Olympus and Pieria. Such a mythical ancestor suggests inclusion within the broad family of Greek peoples. Two hundred years later...Darius campaigned in person in Thrace and Scythia. By about 500 BC he set up an inscription listing his subject peoples, ending with "countries which are across the sea." Another specified the "Scythians which are across the sea, Skudra, and the petesos-wearing Ionians." Skudra was probably Thrace...while the petasos was the distinctive Macedonian hat. Describing them as Ionians suggests that the Persians saw them as akin to the Greek cities of Asia and Greece itself." -- Adrian Goldsworthy, Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors (New York: Basic Books, 2020), 62-63.
@kenta1873Ай бұрын
Лесандар Каран Србљанин
@AristonProductionMacedoniaАй бұрын
Де бреее
@kenta1873Ай бұрын
и тај цвет је перуника бреее
@AristonProductionMacedoniaАй бұрын
сè вие знаете, ние ништо не знаеме, и така :)))
@kenta1873Ай бұрын
хвала бпгу да знамо оно што је наше, а ви дал знате да играте ТРОЈАНАС???
@AristonProductionMacedoniaАй бұрын
@excelcsllc3 ай бұрын
Back in the 90s when I was driving a yellow cab for a living two businessman in the back of my cab were talking about Aleksander the great, they both said he was of ALBANIAN origin.
@tatjanavelkova58143 ай бұрын
@veraplevnarovski-ripiloski4063Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 that's BS. He was and always will be Macedonian 🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
@aristotelisdiomidis93502 ай бұрын
@aristotelisdiomidis93502 ай бұрын
Did Alexander say dobro dobro?
@Kosta-kj9zm3 ай бұрын
Вие история незнаете
@salvatoretotoriina95233 ай бұрын
Tatar ti vrati se vo mongolija
@danaanceski5503 ай бұрын
Vie nemate nikakva istoria aramii kradete tugo. Stram ve bilo, Volga Bulgars.
@vesnam23563 ай бұрын
@TahoeMacedon3 ай бұрын
aziski tatar so zeleno zname. jazik so 1000 ruski zborovi.
@Georgi.Delchev.Reborn3 ай бұрын
@@TahoeMacedon Macedonian Tatar, go kiss the monument of the greatest Macedonian hero and ethnic Tatar Hristo TATARchev in Skopje.
@Bitola19703 ай бұрын
Are you serious we’re Macedonians not Slavics check your DNA… and see who we are 😮and who we are and were we come from….
@isthegex45853 ай бұрын
Ugh.....yea we are slavs....we are closer to russian ppl then greeks they jst built different form us. I guess at some point the tribes mixed and all that but we still more slavic than hellenic.
@dkth-e1t3 ай бұрын
@@isthegex4585 well this is historically correct... also greeks propably have some slavic blood because of the slavic invasions, but overall greeks and slavic macedonians are different and -the most important- have different language and culture...
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@@dkth-e1t MAKEDONSKI NAROD 25 VEKA ! ! ti u... bunar.
@adnannazifi45323 ай бұрын
Alexander the Greatest he was from ILIRIEN traib ok , his father Phillip , ILIRIENS and Greece in that time day lived together , day have on language he was not a slave , have locked Greece archives , Italian , Albania , and Turkesh archive ok , thanks
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@@tatjanavelkova5814 - There were NO "Tsars" in ancient times, Bugarska! This is a purely Slavic term that came into use when your Slavic ancestors arrived in the Balkans 1500 years ago.
@milancerovic26743 ай бұрын
Нино Белов,Сербо Макеридов,Александар Карановић -Велики све Срби...
Pelasgiens , ILIRIENS day are ALBANIAN people today , ok we ILIRIENS , we have ILIRIEN cindom ok , still today the name of Adriatic is from ILIRIENS ok , was not slave there ok ,
@tatjanavelkova58142 ай бұрын
@AdamStoltz-y4gАй бұрын
@@tatjanavelkova5814 - 100% Greeks!
@gl80143 ай бұрын
Денешните Македонци немаат никаква врска со античкото македонско кралство. Ги измислил Тито
@Aowek9552 ай бұрын
Пуши кур!
@Kosta-kj9zm3 ай бұрын
Macedonia is Bulgarian
@danaanceski5503 ай бұрын
Dosta zboruvas gluposti makedoncite nese tataromongolci.
@salvatoretotoriina95233 ай бұрын
@mvlkn10503 ай бұрын
Bulgarian is Tatar Mongol. No such thing as Bulgar Vulgar. Only Tatar Mongol
@vesnam23563 ай бұрын
Мислев да ти речам дека и ти си Македонец ама суратот кога ти го видов, фала богу, не си. Нема шанси ти да си Македонец 😂😂
@b.a55203 ай бұрын
@@vesnam2356циган бе , нели го гледаш .. Вакви чергари во бугарија има 2 млн , ама од коа влегоа у европска унија пола им отидоа у Германија да просат и никогаш нема ни да се вратат ... Од 8 ипол милиони бугарски граждани , сега се само 5 😂