finishing EVERY BOOK SERIES i’m in the middle of 📖🍁✨getting through my physical TBR!

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alexa raye

alexa raye

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Пікірлер: 155
@alexaraye Ай бұрын
how many book series are you currently in the middle of? 📚 (this is a judge free zone!! 💗💫)
@Ry-yh8wj Ай бұрын
@SugarFroggyFredrick Ай бұрын
4 I think
@delphinegeoffrion8998 Ай бұрын
15 😅
@lexustaylor1278 Ай бұрын
So far one because I read Once upon a broken heart and I’m about to start Caraval, so that would be two :)
@kels.v Ай бұрын
6 right now, but I’m just getting started lol 😭
@cdotcdot780 Ай бұрын
That haircut looks amazing on you!!! so pretty!
@biancalouisseperez6910 Ай бұрын
We need more 1hr videos. It is so therapeutic
@145Lizzard Ай бұрын
GIRL. A reading sprint in the middle of a reading vlog I’m watching when *I* should also actually be reading??? You’re. A. GENIUS. Chefs kiss. Love it. You’re doing amazing ty🥰🥰🥰 you’ve revolutionized long form content and I’m here for it.
@alexaraye Ай бұрын
Omg thank you so much!! 😭💖
@_midnight_library_ Ай бұрын
one hour video from alexa? i just got blessed✨
@BonjourDomi Ай бұрын
the short hair is SOOOO good
@SwirlsReads Ай бұрын
girl you are GLOWINGG!!! The hair suits you so well ❤
@babyyBoT Ай бұрын
Oh Alexa you don’t even know how much I needed this video right now 😭🤍
@sowzzx Ай бұрын
I just woke up and guess what I laid my eyes on first???? Yesssss, I laid my eyes on Alexa’s reading vlog 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️ and it’s 1+ hour long??? What else can I ask for ???? 😭❤️ best day ever 🎀
@ikramsdigitaldiary Ай бұрын
The quality is so cozy and chefs kiss omg and I’m so down for this 1 hour video omg thank youuu so much alexa
@marlene.readingbooks Ай бұрын
Alexa I love the hair 🫶🏼 I really enjoy the reading sprints in the normal vlog style content. ❤️ What a comfort video ⭐️🫶🏼
@avaisstrange Ай бұрын
@emerkinsella470 Ай бұрын
I love love your hair it is so adorable it really suits you 😍💜
@NailsByKatieDutra Ай бұрын
First video I’ve watched from your channel yet I stayed and watched the entire thing! Subscribed ✅
@Chloe_Brush Ай бұрын
@aliorvi15_ Ай бұрын
am i the only one who loves long format videos?? like they’re the best
@mariequenneville Ай бұрын
i am TOTALLY HERE for the 1hr+ reading vlog🫶🏻🫶🏻 you always bring me so much comfort and happiness❤️‍🩹 this week was pretty rough for me but your video gave me so much motivation and courage
@Chloe_Brush Ай бұрын
Love the little hauls during the video!!
@DaughterOfTheKingdom16 Ай бұрын
Honestly your voice is so soothing Alexa and I love the short hair on you so pretty !
@brittanyrosereads Ай бұрын
I didn't love Wild Love at all (Ford did not feel like a real person), but I'm currently reading Wild Eyes and West has my entire HEART
@alexaraye Ай бұрын
@Daniela-sj1ex Ай бұрын
I didn't like Wild Love too that's why i didn't read Wild Eyes, but now i will give it a try, hearing her saying it's giving Heartless vibe, i love that one ❤
@annabell1928 10 күн бұрын
I just went to queue up some more of your videos and then saw this was a one hour video 🥹 never been so happy to see a long video to have on in the background 🤎🤎
@Mariahcoomer Ай бұрын
Yesss I am so excited to watch an hour of this amazing video you should do more of these more often this is going to be amazing 🍂
@mariamaremu3915 Ай бұрын
It’s like with every video I watch the content just gets better and better!!❤️‍🔥I love your videos and should definitely continue this series especially this longer version
@chanelalexandra Ай бұрын
I'm OBSESSED with your haircut!!
@emerygraf1323 Ай бұрын
I absolutely loved doing the reading sprints with you, it was so fun!!❤
@viir.lfc94 Ай бұрын
This video was FANTASTIC! I loved the longer video and THE READING SPRINTS WERE THE BEST. Absolutely did not see that coming but I was already reading a book and the sprints were perfect! I would love to see more videos like this! ❤
@MarineLarroque-f7y Ай бұрын
this video is so great omg ! the little reading times are so great, please keep them ! love from France !! xx
@kaitlynmahone8849 Ай бұрын
YESSS! A long vlog! 🫶🫶😍😍
@evermoremystic17 Ай бұрын
Alexa truly does not miss when it comes to her videos. The passion and commitment shines through and her aesthetic is beautiful! New subbie here. Keep it up, girlie! 👍
@emmie.babyy7 Ай бұрын
this video is the best part of my night
@thefallybear Ай бұрын
I was so curious to hear your thoughts of wild eyes because I’m a huge Elsie fan and also did not like wild love! Def felt like I was the only one. I have not seen any other book content people say they didn’t like it. This gives me hope for book two❤
@bobasaurirl7700 Ай бұрын
I enjoy your long vlogs with the reading sprints
@HotDessExpress Ай бұрын
I am so glad someone else feels the same about the rose Hill series as me! Wild love was so forgettable for me but I have thought about wild eyes every single day since I finished it.
@Emmabaxter2206 Ай бұрын
One hour video! Yes please xx
@sherriewhite5348 Ай бұрын
I must say, the quality of this video is chef’s kiss! The clips are crystal clear…and don’t even get me started on how cute your new hairstyle is. Watching this video is a perfect way to spend a cozy fall afternoon🍂🍁🪴🍄🍄‍🟫
@birdyreader Ай бұрын
Love u Alexa! Your new hair is so perfect ❤
@chrisscushman8244 Ай бұрын
Your hair is absolutely adorable. Love the video
@amydwaah Ай бұрын
Your new hair is just so cute Alexa and suits you so well! Love these types of videos and I need to create one real soon to hold myself accountable of my physical tbr haha and the series I’ve not finished yet 😮😅❤
@-rhapsodypenprose Ай бұрын
This haircut on you looks sooo nice It brings out your features even more 🧡
@marccolomayt82094 Ай бұрын
This is so really nice and cozy! ❤❤
@nikbaby91 Ай бұрын
You are the kindest soul. Love your videos. Lots of love from Europe❤❤❤❤❤
@dakota7874 Ай бұрын
Looooove the long video ❤ & your hair looks so good!! Did something happen to your goodreads? 😢 I always love checking your reviews before or after I read a book to see your thoughts.
@MerelMakar Ай бұрын
yeah i also cant see her goodreads
@zoesudjati2839 Ай бұрын
@buunz8526 Ай бұрын
Love the long videos🥹🥹🥹
@101jhante Ай бұрын
1 hour video I’m here for it ❤️
@popsiclepunk2112 Ай бұрын
Loving your hair omg!!!💖💖💖
@nicollivaneli Ай бұрын
Absolutely loved the haircut 😍😍😍
@rosenhide Ай бұрын
omg an hour alexa raye video 💓💓 kicks and giggles!!!!!
@jessbaldwin Ай бұрын
Yay love a long reading vlog from Alexa raye. ❤xx
@MillisThings Ай бұрын
Alexa!! ❤❤❤ Thank you for this long video, I’m so excited to watch it! Ahhh your hair is so pretty 😍 it suits you so much! I love you bestie Alexa 💕
@ShaDailyBooks Ай бұрын
Your hair!!! I love 💕
@nicollivaneli Ай бұрын
Loved seeing you using Rhode ❤ 🫧
@terahtricia Ай бұрын
I love seeing other hard working girlies treat themselves to what they want 🎀
@anarita9863 Ай бұрын
great video !! 🧸✨
@aantarikasamanta5113 Ай бұрын
I loved this looong reading vlog! Perfect fall vibe
@poppycalliope Ай бұрын
Finishing book series is soo satisfying 🙈✨️ great vlog Alexa ❤
@KierstenCollier522 Ай бұрын
I need a reading dark romance reading vlog from you knowing that it isn't something you read a whole lot!
@setyseif Ай бұрын
@sandy68917250 Ай бұрын
Your hair looks so good!!!!❤
@anupamaangelsuren846 Ай бұрын
Loved the video as always Alexa and the hairstyle suits you !!! ❤🔥
@jazminespeight6539 Ай бұрын
Loving the hair!!! 💜💜💜
@lovetahsin Ай бұрын
alexa you're killing the short hair!!!
@landryreads Ай бұрын
i would LOVE more videos like this!!!
@taliem4186 Ай бұрын
I can’t wait to watch thissss 🎉❤
@veroniquehill9314 Ай бұрын
The new hair makes you look like the ideal FMC straight out of a cutesy romance novel 😭😭😭
@ReesesPuffsReesesPuff Ай бұрын
I love the long videosss ❤️
@blimeyifancyreading Ай бұрын
I am there with you! I probably have the same amount series to complete.
@shagunkhajuria4454 Ай бұрын
I love your videos and your hairstyle is soo cute ❤
@emmaskapetis7603 Ай бұрын
Great reading vlog 💖. I love longer videos.
@kyaranievesbaez4581 Ай бұрын
Over an hour video?! Im SATTTTT
@Kittyzero13426 Ай бұрын
I am in the middle of 19 book series at the moment.
@rebamenendez7627 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed Dawn of Onyx! The third book just came out!
@emanali1005 Ай бұрын
Love you bestie, you look so beautiful ❤❤❤
@AmberWilcox-k9h Ай бұрын
6 months ago I had never left a series midway through then I read caraval and hated the idea of picking up the next one so now here I am with 20 I haven’t finished….
@sadespringfield6447 Ай бұрын
lol I was just doing a halloweentown marathon with my man 😂
@Greeneggsnblam Ай бұрын
I’m in the middle of 6-7 series!
@dharsan618 Ай бұрын
I recommend you to try dark verse series by runyx..i think you'll love it ❤
@EmilyMurphy-k6e Ай бұрын
where are your jeans from with the green sweatshirt !! omg i need them!! ♡
@amberteterissa706 Ай бұрын
Love youre videoss
@crobichaud Ай бұрын
What did you use for you hair to look so gorgeously floppy during the nightbane read?! I have short hair and never know what to do with it
@pinkbunny3856 Ай бұрын
Hi Alexa I want to know how to purchase the magnolia fall pr box
@TulsiKapoor Ай бұрын
Hey did u read haunting n hunting Adeline I really want ur reaction video to that pls pls , also really love ur haircut ❤
@s.a536 Ай бұрын
Personnaly, when I start a book series, I am obligated to finish the whole series, unless if the books are not really connected as The Kings of Sin by Ana Huang.
@magaliarrieta4239 Ай бұрын
Long videos !!🎉
@Yashisan888 13 күн бұрын
You look so cute like a doll 🥰💐
@Summercopas 5 күн бұрын
Which vlog did you read lightlark
@jahairamartinez9771 Ай бұрын
Hi Alexa raye❤
@vansa14 Ай бұрын
I’m in the middle of 5 series but the next book isn’t out for each of them so I’m stuck waiting.
@magda.lena.0214 Ай бұрын
Your Hair 😍
@Solip_i Ай бұрын
Girllll, you make me want to cut my hair short 😢 but I’m so scared , idk if it’ll look good on me… help
@catherinehi2352 27 күн бұрын
@TheLucyannaVIP Ай бұрын
@nicollivaneli Ай бұрын
I’ve read only two fantasy books yet in my reading journey, they’re Assistant to the Villain 💜 and Apprentice to the Villan 🧡, absolutely loved them 😍. Does anyone have any recommendations of books like this ? Rom com, easy read, fast paced fantasy books ? Please 🫶🏻🤍 thx
Enceinte et en Bazard: Les Chroniques du Nettoyage ! 🚽✨
Two More French
Рет қаралды 42 МЛН
TBR prompt jar chooses my reads for December! 🎄❄️🫙💫