Thanks Alex,. Made the mistake of running through wet cut grass and the cut grass built up so bad it popped the front CV out of the diff. Go figure... lol
@LayneSteighlee4 жыл бұрын
curious---why does this diff case have the ring gear on the left side, but the infraction has the ring gear on the right side?
@alexperea204 жыл бұрын
That can depend on a lot of things like gear ratio the way the death teeth are cut it's hard to say really
@LayneSteighlee4 жыл бұрын
@@alexperea20 thanks for the response...I am rebuilding the front diff on my limitless due to the outdrive cup breaking and the pinion burning up....can you tell me if this diff noise is okay? i know it is metal on metal and it will make some noise, but does this sound like just a little too much noise?
@alexperea204 жыл бұрын
@@LayneSteighlee yes that is way too tight on the ranger against the pinion I would strongly recommend loosening the screws the four screws that hold the ring gear on the diff cup an evenly titanium down even it sounds like they weren't even lie time down or they're too tight which will cause the Gap to be too tight also you really need to put grease on the ring and pinion when you go to reinstall it
@LayneSteighlee4 жыл бұрын
@@alexperea20 interesting, I never even thought I could "over tighten" the ring gear on the cup...I did basically tighten them down as much as I could...i also did put quite a bit of grease on the ring and pinion...i need even more you think?
@alexperea204 жыл бұрын
@@LayneSteighlee from the video in my opinion you didn't look like you hardly had any grease on it or maybe I just didn't see it but yes you can overtime the ring gear to the differential cup try backing off the screws just a little bit evenly and then go from there and make sure they're not to Loose
@timmytfpv73164 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video i needed this lol what wt oil do you recommend ?
@alexperea204 жыл бұрын
I personally recommend using 100,000 weight Team Associated differential oil in the front and rear differential and then using Traxxas 20 million weight for the center differential and then 42.5 wait for the shocks that is a good set-up I do apologize have not put an assembly video up on this vehicle I've been really struggling to get work and stuff like that I just recently got a job I start Monday so once I get kind of paychecks rolling where I can get some upgrades before I put it back together I'll definitely be doing an assembly video
@timmytfpv73164 жыл бұрын
Alex rc freak thanks for the fast reply im going to check it my back seems smooth but the front when i move one wheel at a certain point it kinda gets a little stuck then goes around but it doesn’t sound real bad
@alexperea204 жыл бұрын
@@timmytfpv7316 I would very strongly recommend taking apart the front differential and very closely inspecting the ring gear and pinion gear for any defects really look at it spin it and see if you can see a wobble on the ring gear side that could be why The Binding up or if the ring gear is screwed down too tight on the differential Cup on one side of the closet to be tighter on that one side causing the gears to bind at a certain position
@timmytfpv73164 жыл бұрын
Alex rc freak thats what im going to do thats how i found your video not sure what im doing i mostly fly fpv but im sure i can figure this out lol
@alexperea204 жыл бұрын
@@timmytfpv7316 please feel free to message me if you have any questions at all
@justincase9484 жыл бұрын
Cool vid 👍👍 but all arrmas are the same don’t u think so ??
@alien4x4873 жыл бұрын
Hope you're doing good Alex! Missing your posts.
@alexperea203 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment I am recovering from a motorcycle accident I broke my back in 5 places fractured my left ankle hurt my shoulder pretty badly on the right side and severely bruised my lungs and rib cage some pice of shit ran a stop sign and went out In front of me I flew 13 feet over his dodge 2500 truck and then flat lined he didn't even get out of the truck so see if I was OK he just drove off
@alien4x4873 жыл бұрын
@@alexperea20 Damnn. Sorry to hear. . Same thing happened to a friend of mine about 10 years ago. Stop sign ran (uninsured driver) he locked up and flew through the drivers window of a 4 dr sedan. Caught the pillar with his shoulder. Broke too many to list but I'm sure you're in the same boat. They pulled his intestines out, sifted through, picked out all the glass, sewed up the tears and loaded it all back in. He didn't crap right for over a year. He's doing GREAT!! and I'm sure you'll do the same. Time to contemplate builds? Hahaaa!! Hope you get better quick man!!
@alien4x4873 жыл бұрын
@@alexperea20 Time heals bud.
@alexperea203 жыл бұрын
@@alien4x487 thanks so much ya it's pretty hard for me to walk right now or move around