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ALICE BARBERINI - Illustratrice Multitasking
Progettare e realizzare un albo illustrato è come produrre un film o mettere in scena uno spettacolo teatrale.
L’illustratore ne è il regista perché coordina il set, le riprese e le inquadrature, sceglie la scenografia, i costumi, definisce fisicamente i protagonisti dando loro un’identità.
Si occupa insomma di tutti i dettagli.
Normalmente ad un albo illustrato lavorano un autore ed un illustratore.
Per saperne di più ho deciso di intervistare un’ illustratrice anomala perché lei scrive le sue storie e le disegna.
Si chiama Alice Barberini classe ‘77, vive e lavora a Rimini. Nella vita è una donna multitasking: moglie, mamma, artista visionaria che spesso va a lavorare con “la testa su Marte”.
E’ curiosa, timida, si mette sempre in discussione e sa ascoltare le critiche che sono la ricetta indispensabile per crescere.
Ci racconterà come nasce un albo illustrato.
L’ultima sua creazione artistica che ha illustrato per la prestigiosa casa editrice Orecchio Acerbo è il volume “Ernest e Biancaneve” di Luca Tortolini.
Sembra un film in bianco e nero. Bellissimo.
Questa è la sua pagina Facebook se volete seguirla.
/ alice-barberini-illust... - - - ALICE BARBERINI - Multitasking Illustrator
Designing and producing an illustrated book is like producing a film or staging a play.
The illustrator is the director because he or she coordinates the set, the shooting and framing, chooses the scenery, the costumes, physically defines the protagonists and gives them an identity.
In short, he takes care of all the details.
Normally an author and an illustrator work on an illustrated book.
To find out more, I decided to interview an anomalous illustrator because she writes her stories and draws them.
Her name is Alice Barberini born in '77, she lives and works in Rimini. In life she is a multitasking woman: wife, mother, visionary artist who often goes to work with 'her head on Mars'.
She is curious, shy, always questioning herself and knows how to listen to criticism, which is an indispensable recipe for growth.
She will tell us how an illustrated book is born.
Her latest artistic creation that she illustrated for the prestigious Orecchio Acerbo publishing house is the volume 'Ernest and Snow White' by Luca Tortolini.
It looks like a black and white film. Beautiful.
This is her Facebook page if you want to follow her.
/ alice-barberini-illust... - ALICE BARBERINI - Multitasking Illustrator
Designing and producing an illustrated book is like producing a film or staging a play. The illustrator is the director because he or she coordinates the set, the shooting and framing, chooses the scenery, the costumes, physically defines the protagonists and gives them an identity.
In short, he takes care of all the details.
Normally an author and an illustrator work on an illustrated book.
To find out more, I decided to interview an anomalous illustrator because she writes her stories and draws them.
Her name is Alice Barberini born in '77, she lives and works in Rimini. In life she is a multitasking woman: wife, mother, visionary artist who often goes to work with 'her head on Mars'.
She is curious, shy, always questioning herself and knows how to listen to criticism, which is an indispensable recipe for growth.
She will tell us how an illustrated book is born.
Her latest artistic creation that she illustrated for the prestigious Orecchio Acerbo publishing house is the volume 'Ernest and Snow White' by Luca Tortolini. It looks like a black and white film. Beautiful.
This is her Facebook page if you want to follow her.
/ alice-barberini-illust... - - - ALICE BARBERINI - Multitasking-Illustratorin
Die Gestaltung und Herstellung eines Bildbandes ist wie die Produktion eines Films oder die Inszenierung eines Theaterstücks.
Der Illustrator ist der Regisseur, denn er koordiniert den Schauplatz, die Dreharbeiten und den Rahmen, wählt die Kulissen und die Kostüme aus, definiert die Protagonisten physisch und gibt ihnen eine Identität.
Kurzum, er kümmert sich um alle Details. Normalerweise arbeiten ein Autor und ein Illustrator an einem illustrierten Buch. Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, habe ich mich entschlossen, eine anomale Illustratorin zu interviewen, denn sie schreibt ihre Geschichten und zeichnet sie. Ihr Name ist Alice Barberini, geboren '77, sie lebt und arbeitet in Rimini. Im Leben ist sie eine Multitasking-Frau: Ehefrau, Mutter, visionäre Künstlerin, die oft "mit dem Kopf auf dem Mars" zur Arbeit geht.
Sie ist neugierig, schüchtern, stellt sich selbst immer wieder in Frage und weiß, wie man sich Kritik anhört, was ein unverzichtbares Rezept für Wachstum ist. Sie wird uns erzählen, wie ein Bildband entsteht.
Ihr neuestes Werk, das sie für den renommierten Verlag Orecchio Acerbo illustriert hat, ist der Band "Ernest und Schneewittchen" von Luca Tortolini.

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