Alicia Online VS Wildshade (New Horse Game) | Pinehaven

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Abigail Pinehaven

Abigail Pinehaven

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@AbigailPinehaven 2 жыл бұрын
Just an FYI, I ran Alicias download in a Sandbox programme. It pretty much restricts the files into a "copy" of your desktop. If you are paranoid but still want AO, that's the way I recommend doing it!
@Melisande777 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't trust wildshade... I been playing Alicia online for years with no issue what so ever. Wildshade on the other hand... I have been playing for two to three days, and found out they have a secret limit to their moon coins. Why? So you feel the need to buy more coins to breed. You only get 800 daily coins in races. Does not matter if you wanna keep racing. Pay to play. You don't get anymore coins, and they don't tell you why in game. That means you only get like 5 to 7 free breeds a day if you sell horses. I thought it was a bug, until I finally found a staff member coming forward saying there is "INDEED A HIDDEN LIMIT". Needless to say I uninstalled the game. You should never trust a game with micro tranactions anyway tbh. :/
@Themoonstitanic 2 жыл бұрын
I have a h p so I can’t play the other game
@rottenmalice Жыл бұрын
How do you do that?
@Alteori 2 жыл бұрын
I really love wild shade and I love Alicia online but wild shade definitely needs a lot more work
@luvr. 2 жыл бұрын
itll never beat ao
@sandpitturtle3577 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, to be fair WildShade was only released from testing like what, a week ago? And they've already started working on fixing things, adding stuff that the players request, changing things around.. it's still fairly new and even though it won't ever quite compare to Alicia it still has a rather promising future thanks to the devs
@Melisande777 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandpitturtle3577 Wildshade secretly limits on what you earn in races so you will buy coins. It was confirmed by staff in the app reviews.
@sandpitturtle3577 2 жыл бұрын
@@Melisande777 i mean.. obviously they'd need money to help fund the game moving forward, just like most other free games have the possibility to buy in game currency. However i don't quite see how that's related to the game continuously moving forward since its release
@Melisande777 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandpitturtle3577 Doing what starstable does might be a better way to go. Paying to play a game/loot box is not ok. Like most of these micro transaction games, they prey on people with mental illness. I am happy to buy cool clothes/tack and horses/skins, if the game is being worked on. I love supporting games. But I am not about that preying on people stuff. Some people crave that feel good sensation when you get a good horse in breeding and that's why they took the alicia idea. This is the reason there is a limit. So you feel the need to spend just to play.
@LWolf94 2 жыл бұрын
The breeding in AO is an RNG system. What this means is that it IS random by a great degree, the whole point of combining horses with the same coat and higher lineage is simply so as to tip the scale a bit more in favor of a specific coat. It's not meant to be realistic. It's meant to be a lottery. RNG is a standard feature of pretty much all Korean games. As for the AO devs, they are a fan group of people who were allowed by the original devs to start up a private server as long as they don't make any money from it. The dev is keeping the server up and running from his own pocket. And the game can survive because the assets are already in the files. They don't have to obtain any assets other than what's available to them. The brand assets were provided by volunteer artists who work with the team. It's all a volunteer project. So on the bright side, they don't have to spend additional funds, but the bad thing is that also means the game is very unlikely to get new models, race tracks and similar, since the original model artists are no longer working on the game. And finally, as many players and team members have said over the past few years, as long as you download the installer files from their website, and not some other source, you won't have to worry about any viruses, and the like.
@bangtanxtogether6896 2 жыл бұрын
thanks so much for putting this out there! i've played alicia online for 4 years and im not enjoying the fact that it's suddenly in the line of fire for the graphics, breeding or having some apparent safety issue. in my opinion, i love the breeding system. sure - it can be a pain at times, but it's always so exciting to see what you're going to get, whether it be the horse of your dreams, a horse you didn't expect, one with potential or one you just didn't necessarily want. like you stated - its a gamble, and it's fun. as for the graphics, ive never really had an issue with them. i actually find them to be quite nice and it's different from the cutesy-looking games that are available now. along with the money and safety issue, my computer never had an issue downloading it and never had issues afterwards. sure, i couldn't read what the tos said, but it's been a very safe game to play. the money has always been such an awesome part of the game (to me). i love how you really have to work for what you're getting. you can't just buy stuff. at times i wouldn't mind paying for a few carrots/gems here and there, but both are pretty easy to get. you can get carrots from racing, gift boxes, breeding, popping balloons at your ranch or at a town, hitting your sheep, dailies, training, quests and more. as for gems, you can get them from daily quests, normal quests, gift boxes, the carnival, etc. i find it to be an exciting feature to have to collect the money all by yourself with hard work and dedication (same goes with your achievements, horses, character, etc.). i don't see much wrong with it and it shocks me that ao is suddenly in flames when i didn't hear many complaints from it before. it could just be me not looking into stuff, but im not sure. regardless, i love ao. its a great game to get your adrenaline going and it keeps you interested. but, ofc, thats my opinion on it.
@LWolf94 2 жыл бұрын
@@bangtanxtogether6896 I've been playing AO since the private server opened back in 2014. Since then I've been in the loop rather closely with everything going on, and I know very well how passionate the lead dev was about bringing the game back and keeping it alive. He was the game's original number one fan who knew how much people missed it and how great it was, so much so that he went out of his way to try and make it available for everyone, new players included. And he and his team went through a lot of difficulties to make the private server not just operational, but to also get the permission for it to exist without risk of lawsuits. Nobody with shady intentions will go through all the trouble for a horse game, nobody. Especially knowing they won't be able to get any profit from it. As for the game itself, people keep misunderstanding that the way it works is the same for all Korean games. It's the same recipe. So it won't appeal to every western gamer out there, but yeah, if you modify your expectations and just enjoy it for what it is, it's great fun. So yeah, I won't tolerate unnecessary criticism that's based on inaccurate or rumored information. Especially not regarding the devs. They have had to deal with enough c*** for the past few years, but endured regardless.
@bangtanxtogether6896 2 жыл бұрын
@@LWolf94 exactly!!!! im so glad to see someone sticking up for ao for once
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
It is possible from the 3D artist point of you to make racetracks and everything, the only issue is that Alicia is old and there is no access to the tools or source code, so you have to find a way around to be able to implement new features into the game that did not exist yet. It is not completely impossible but surely a huge challenge to deal with :) And our current 3D artist is totally able to do the artist part, it is only the programming part blocking the developement :) The breeding is typically known to be RNG in asian related games. However there is % chances and rarities that can work, such as the lineage. Surely it is not 50/50 as in Wildshade as this is way too simple, as you have to consider the balance and economy of the game as it does not matter much in Wildshade than it does for Alicia it being more complex and having more variety overall. But even this can totally be improved by time, means there is a point where you can have better controls of your breedings and lowering the RNG. The installer is original one, and obviously the reason why it is left in korean (it might be complicated to translate the installer text, but that does not mean it is dangerous). If it complains about any viruses, this can be ignored as it is completely harmless since these files are original and not modified. So your antivirus is just overreacting for something it cannot know and therefore puts it as a "threat" when it isnt. This is very common for the worse as Avast, Mcafee, AVG and Norton (I had them all tested and they all appear to complain about valid functions for no reason since the programmer is taking a safe check on it). Result: alicia is completely safe to download and install.
@bangtanxtogether6896 2 жыл бұрын
@@xWhiteKuri thanks so much for putting this out there for people to know!
@mochiprincess9680 2 жыл бұрын
the thing about Alicia is it’s made by fans which is great! Servers can actually be really cheap like £5 a month cheap and many fan organised games like Alicia, ToonTown Rewritten and Club Penguin Rewritten aren’t actually allowed to take money even if it’s donations to avoid getting in trouble that they’re making monetary gain from somebody else’s intellectual property whether the OG source is shut down or not! I know Alicia seems a bit dodgy but it just seems like it’s a small, niche game with a small, niche fan base with plenty of step by step tutorials online which is probably why some stuff isn’t translated still 😅😅
@odeTARIfan15 2 жыл бұрын
Dang it, alright. I'm having very mixed feelings about this situation. Wildshade seems as a copycat of Alicia online, just a newer version. Now I don't mind a newer version of Alicia Online, it is indeed old and it well deserves a new version. But Tivola... they are taking advantage of Alicia. They know that Alicia is a volunteer-owned game, and the orginal developers are long gone, they know this, and they can easily slip-away from any lawsuits or copyright claims. Unless Netreev decides to copyright strike them, (which would make me smile a lot) they can go on their merry-way. They know what they're doing, they know that they won't be having any problems. I think this is really sly, and just Sneaky overall. Taking advantage of a volunteer-developed game, that the volunteers have no control over what-so ever, it really makes me angry, and as well as Netreev's own hard work, and their own effort, and what they had created that now is Legacy. It really just shakes me up in the end... But at the end of the day, there is not much you can do about it, besides be happy, and be glad that we have Alicia online... Merry Christmas everyone, please, have a happy holiday, and I hope you have a splendid holiday. If you don't celebrate it? I wish you a Happy New Year.
@SkyXEquine Жыл бұрын
Yes, but Alicia online is a copy/ripoff of Mario kart
@vampicify 2 жыл бұрын
reminder that alicia online hasnt had any actual updates for over ten years, their team is filled with volunteers and still has more detail and mechanics than wildshade
@ina7084 2 жыл бұрын
Alicia Online was an already done game by a company for 5 years before the current devs got it. Most the volunteer team needed to do was to fill in code here and there, but they mostly implemented already done content such as all models (horses, rider, stato, the pig, the cat, the whole ranch the racing maps, the racing rooms, the inside of the barn), all of the animations which were already done and the whole game layout which was already made before such as where what stands on your desktop ("buttons", horse pages, breeding layout) and the mechanisms such as how the waiting in races operates, breeding etc. Basically everything that makes that game. And they've been doing this for 7 years already.. All those "new" hairs and armours and clothes are already done imports from AO 2.0. Basically recycled.. With an exception of them being coloured over.
@koniczka2000 2 жыл бұрын
"actual updates" Lmfao yeah cause what the team does isn't "actual"... Don't ridicule yourself
@koniczka2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@ina7084 Why is it called "2.0" anyway?
@beelzemobabbity 2 жыл бұрын
@@koniczka2000 it had different mechanics in it, like horse models and I think you were supposed to be able to walk around? Not sure.
@jazmineszlari414 Жыл бұрын
@@beelzemobabbity I looked through some old footages of the older game and you were actually able to walk around even run
@MusicComet 2 жыл бұрын
I genuinely hate that so many people are willingly falling for Tivola's plan. They know what they're doing by making a mobile version of AO and are using the advantages to make easy money and gain traction because "AO is not easily accessible". Say what you want but their twitter replies admit to this crap.
@Roseplaz 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@OxOx_XoXo1 2 жыл бұрын
@XxSkullxPawzxX 2 жыл бұрын
I Agree because WildShade Is copying AO
@ShiggysBae 2 жыл бұрын
I agree but wildshade is one of my favorite games rn I'm glad they made it
@geministrial950 Жыл бұрын
Theres not much to be done, besides there is some truth to the fact that AO is very behind on some things. I struggled for three days straight trying to install it and i only managed to do it because another player shared their files with me. AO needs to step up their game because its literally so good and its sad that more people dont know about it.
@murder1shewrote. 2 жыл бұрын
To me it's a whole copy, I've spoken with the devs/"owner" of Alicia on Facebook and they know about this but because the game is run by volunteers only and not an actual owner, they can't do anything about it. If the owner wanted to they could but yeah.. so Wildshade gets to slip under the bar with this. An an alicia online player it does make me a little upset but nothing I'd ruin my day over. I hope those who play Wildshade have fun and remember to just be nice.
@pinkuu614 2 жыл бұрын
I personally think Alicia (ao) has far better mechanics and I actually like the breeding system as it’s more challenging and you have to work harder to get the coat/ mane and tail styles that you want, plus it gives more verity in the mane and tail aspect, even though the graphics do need some work. However I like that Wildshade is a very accessible game that, so when you’re maybe going to a family members that’s far away you can still play, but Wildshade is pretty much just a copy of ao which kind of unsettles me as an ao player and I’m not a huge fan of its aesthetic. All that being said this is just my opinion, and I know I don’t have to say it but I will anyway, you’re free to have your own, so just play the game you enjoy and have fun! 🎉
@Tina99999 2 жыл бұрын
work harder = earn a lot of carrots and prey luck be on your side as work hard ahs nothing to do with breeding outcome. You can do everything perfect and still not even get a base coat you want. Breeding ambers has been a total nightmare for me, two +9 lineage horses, max beauty , grade 11 and 50 foals in row no amber coat. Explain that logic and work to me! Refund my carrots take all those random foals
@takeaiim 2 жыл бұрын
i agree. it gives people so much more excitement when you finally get that full black horse with a curly mane rather than just getting it straight away
@oldwaterranch 2 жыл бұрын
I loved AO, but I continuously get firewall alerts while trying to open it, and that doesn’t sit right with me. I actually used to never have an issue, and suddenly it became one. I didn’t switch my antivirus or anything that could’ve set it off. With AO being a bit shady (even though I love the gameplay) WildShade is much more accessible and doesn’t give me the same issues. Plus it’s updated graphics while still fitting a specific style.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
The files are safe to own. Your firewall is alarming you for a false positive, so you can turn it off when launching Alicia. At some point they started to complain about valid ingame functions which is regularly checked, so you have nothing to worry and can play Alicia safely, basically your antivirus is not very good. I can assure you that there are no viruses or threats coming from the Installer
@beelzemobabbity 2 жыл бұрын
Firewalls will pop up with pretty much anything that isn’t google verified. So a game like Alicia whose download isn’t even translated fully, will set it off. It’s not dangerous. It was likely just an update on your computer. The team has no reason to creep on you or something. Honestly I’m more skeptical of wildshade. Since they’re copycats idk what else they’re willing to steal
@GlaciaGalaxy 2 жыл бұрын
I was really skeptical of wildshade when i first heard about it, all i seen was a blatent copy, down to the animations. However as I saw more progress I started to actually like it, and after playing it, i can say I do like wildshade, I do wish it was on pc for better controls, maybe in the future!
@munchia- 2 жыл бұрын
You could try an emulator.
@GlaciaGalaxy 2 жыл бұрын
@@munchia- it isnt on bluestacks and i have samsung dex but it was delayed with button inputs
@ina7084 2 жыл бұрын
Alicia Online horses can actually differ drastically and visibly in weight and height from one another. It's not just a little difference. And it affects who will be able to push who on the track. But breeding the size of the horses isn't that random, the size usually passes on pretty reliably. (I never observed weight so I'm not sure) You could see just how big the difference in size and weight between horses 7 years ago was when you could customize it on your starter on the website and it'd appear that way in game. I even remember having the option to customise certain body parts of the horse regarding their shape. But it was pretty spread out. Not that specific. Horses could look like tall twigs though, or like bulldozers. 🤷‍♀️
@greaninn 2 жыл бұрын
not gonna lie, i had no idea height and weight had that big of an affect!
@vally.x 2 жыл бұрын
honestly when i played wildshade for the first time i was like "MoBiLe AlIcIa"
@AbigailPinehaven 2 жыл бұрын
They are very similar in many ways!
@HgAaRlRlYi1690 2 жыл бұрын
Alicia online is best
@woke3564 2 жыл бұрын
wildshade cant compare to ao. ive said it.
@kristinaquapp8159 2 жыл бұрын
@sandpitturtle3577 2 жыл бұрын
For the sake of playing on the road or when I go visit my parents for example, I appreciate a game like WildShade because it's fairly quick and simple, there's no waiting time between races because of players refusing to ready up or chatting for ages. It's also insanely cute over all and I love the coats and stuff. As for being at home and wanting that real competitive rush, Alicia is absolutely better. Just hit the part about trustworthiness.. and it says a lot about Alicia that you can't really find anything about the devs and how they keep things running, the fact that the installer is still in a language most players don't know, and the game constantly encounters issues with the firewalls and antivirus software on whatever computer it's being run on. It is dodgy, and for that fact alone I don't think I'd recommend the game no matter how good it is when it comes to the gameplay itself.
@Flickersss 2 жыл бұрын
I mean the tos is not really valid anymore since the devs shut down the game, Alicia online has a discord server that has some info about the fans that ar keeping it up but not much since anonymous BUT it is 100% safe.
@sandpitturtle3577 2 жыл бұрын
@@Flickersss sure it might be safe, but it's still gonna give me sketchy vibes when i have to fight with my security programs for actual hours in order to get the game to work at all
@Flickersss 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandpitturtle3577 some security programs don't recognize some games, it's legit. and since the game was never released outside of korea
@ladycoyote992 2 жыл бұрын
The server up for AO now is owned by a Russian guy named Alex. He's keeping it alive. I'm not sure what part of the game he worked on or what his role was when the game was official, but after it shut down, he was allowed to keep it running under the condition that it be for free.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
the installer is original and the game was originally from korea, so thats why it is in korean language and was not translated yet (probably is quite of a hard task to do that) but we have afterall tutorials how to simply install it, so that is not a big deal or anything to feel shady about. Firewalls and viruses is the fault by a poorly used antivirus system which complains about valid functions of the game and are in no way any threat. It was used to fix it everytime but at some point it became ridiculous as it would complain about deep functions that the game needs to even run and no way to fix it without breaking things, not worth it for an antivirus that is terrible to use on your computer such as Norton. If you are interested in more information, devs are now known in some discord servers or just contact their facebook page. The game is completely safe to install and run, I can assure you this
@user-xk1cl5bw3y 2 жыл бұрын
Ao dev's have stated that they cant receive any money for the game since they don't own it
@bqualitysnake6549 2 жыл бұрын
SOmeone has already mentioned this, but I remember the team stating that the reason AO can't recieve donations, use real-life currencies in the game ec is because theydon't have legal ownership of the original game, it's still shady that very little is known about the devs and we don't have any idea how the servers are kept afloat, but it clears it up a little bit. The old terms and conditions don't apply, so whatever was on them (and is still the installer) doesn't matter much when compared to gameplay features, updates ect which I think is why it's still there and not translated, since the volunteer devs only have so much time working on the game and everything else in their life; it just stuck around.
@LWolf94 2 жыл бұрын
It's simple. Netrev (the original developer of AO) gave the current devs permission to create the private server as long as they don't get any profit from it. The current dev supports the server with his own money from his own pocket.
@munchia- 2 жыл бұрын
People that have private servers of games they don't own accept donations from people to keep the servers running all the time. They certainly could do it if they wanted too. As long as they do not look to profit from the game they can ask for donations.
@LWolf94 2 жыл бұрын
@@munchia- They simply don't want to risk it. It's not worth losing the permission to use the game files.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
The current programmer pays the private Server from his own pocket by having a main job beside Alicia, just as Lunar stated :)
@munchia- 2 жыл бұрын
@@LWolf94 well if that is the case, if I were them I'd modify the RNG of the nightmare breeding to be more reasonable. There is no good reason for the RNG to be so abysmal of an unmonetized game. Not saying if it were monetized it would be a good reason either, but definitely not considering it isn't now.
@arbyz_arrrrra Жыл бұрын
I think the graphics in Alicia Online are very atmospheric and beautiful. I don't think it needs updating
@corviidmoss 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like wildshade is the crappy modernized netflix adaptation of a beloved and cherished memorable and enjoyable game with genuine physics and crunchy mechanics
@kxtulapsi 2 жыл бұрын
I feel as if wildshade is a copy of alicia. It’s great to have something like wildshade on mobile, but Alicia feels more.. complete, if you understand. I feel as if wildshade is dodgy, the horses look like cows and overall the camera is horrible. Alicia has it’s bad sides too of course but it still stands better. Oh! And Project alicia was extremely popular at first, but as time passed and the game didn’t get any bigger updates, the fans started leaving.
@falcolf 2 жыл бұрын
Some views from a top Wildshade rider (not going to say my username but I have placed in the podium multiple times already.) - Your place in the race absolutely does affect what magic attacks you get to use, just like in Mario Kart. For example the pegasus wings do not spawn if you are in or close to the lead and it is clear that it is designed to be much like Mario Kart's bullet which takes failing players back close to the lead. Additionally, if you are in the lead (and I have spent a lot of time there, so speaking from experience,) you never get the snow attack which targets the first place rider. (Which makes sense; it's kinda hard to target yourself.) - Breed two horses with good stats together and you get a horse with good stats. The colours available also seem to be primarily based on the parents' coats because it takes a great deal of effort to get a foal out of a breeding which has a completely different coat from its parents. I have bred most of my horses myself and only once have I achieved this feat; boy was I happy to get something new! Most of my horses tend to look very much like their parents. I thoroughly recommend maxing out your horses before breeding them so that your new racer will have the best stats possible, but keep in mind that the game may offer you a mate for your existing horse which has better stats than anything else in your stable. Breed with the best stats that you can. - I have never played Alicia so I have no idea if it is the same but Wildshade's horses are genderless. They're basically sea slugs, which I find weird, but I guess it is convenient? - The three race tracks available change every tournement; tournements seem to last three days. - This should be obvious, but the game is easier and much nicer to look at on an iPad or tablet than a phone. 😜
@ax3247 2 жыл бұрын
"Some views from a top Wildshade rider (not going to say my username but I have placed in the podium multiple times already.)" I think you might not know how the leaderboards work? :) You're only ranked with nine other people each time. Winning a tournament means you won against those 9 people, it doesn't make you a "top rider". "I thoroughly recommend maxing out your horses before breeding them so that your new racer will have the best stats possible" Maxing your horse makes absolutely NO difference! When breeding, only the base stats of your horse matter. "tournements seem to last three days." Tournaments last four days. "This should be obvious, but the game is easier and much nicer to look at on an iPad or tablet than a phone." I 100% disagree. I don't know if the OS makes a difference, but I play on both my iPhone (6.7 inch screen) and my iPad (12.9 inch screen), and it's definitely uglier on the tablet.
@laylam.ingram-alger6091 2 жыл бұрын
I like Wildshade's breeding system a lot better than Alicia Online's. Like You will actually get a white horse after breeding it with a white horse. In AO you can have the longest white horse lineage and somehow get the most random coat-
@NarcoticRemedy 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but I cannot stand by wildshade, I tried giving them a fair chance but when you have blatant plagiarism I won't support it regardless of the legal standing whether they can do anything about it or not. The only thing wildshade is different from Alicia in MY opinion is the art style. Everything is either the same or similar. I'm disappointed wildshade didn't have the originality to make something unique and not copy and paste Alicia and only change a few things. Its sad.
@Luna-il2wv 2 жыл бұрын
The graphics, when you mentions the tails, that was only one design. The second one looks better. But also, I do prefer Alicia. I have played WildShade a lot, breeding in WildShade is kinda fun? The horse ends up with markings from either horse, and colors from either horse. It doesn’t start as a foal, also, the stats matter on the parents stats too. Your horse can also, sometimes end up with two eye colors. I also like WildShade because Alicia won’t lemme download it.
@jalencramer1988 2 жыл бұрын
Does Alicia Online still work for you? I’ve been having trouble for over a month now and I can’t get it to work anymore…I’ve even deleted the game and reinstalled it.
@JohnMarstonIsBabygirl 2 жыл бұрын
i wish i could play alicia again but it wont let me download it :/
@maetrae1770 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnMarstonIsBabygirl yeah I heard about that problem- I do think WildShade is better although they need to add free riding around, quests, different horse models and more! But I love the game as it is rn
@XxCloudyx 2 жыл бұрын
Your making very good points Abigail
@sadrainynights 2 жыл бұрын
Most of yall don't even play app games. But for someone like me who is resorted to playing only app games. Wildshade is one of THE best if not THE BEST app horse game ever made. The point of an app game is right at your fingertips. So obviously no keyboard 🙄. None the less WS can't take AO's ideas so no the games won't be similar., but the blue print of the game, "fantasy horse racing" is an all open idea. WS JUST fully came out. Give it a break and wait a few months THEN compare things. WS im sure has alot for the future its just the beginning. AO tho, its boring tbh, there isn't anything ever new. Or fun. And if you don't have friends the game is just boring. Don't get me wrong still love AO to pieces but WS is winning my heart for many other reasons as AO needs new tracks-an things to do id say, if we get to have quests and go into towns then there should be things to do not just stand around like your home ranch. AO been out a LONG time and NOTHING new had come to it.
@sadrainynights 2 жыл бұрын
The game has simple controls if you know how to play app games well enough. Most of them are quite the same honestly in control wise. Because there isn't many ways to changes controls on an app. WS is fluent once you've raced and mastered the tracks, though 3 days later 6 NEW tracks pop up. Which I loved and thought was nice and refreshing. And over 40 million different customization to the horse coats. AO be lacking in horse coats, smh voting on 8 coats to only bring one out. Thats stupid. Only thing I really like about AO is you don't have to buy with real money. WS doesn't force you either. Gives you the option but not forcing it. Like SSO 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ that game is a damn ripoff
@johanna7096 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry but AO is currently run by VOLUNTEERS who do this in their free time! The code is very old and it’s extremely difficult to implement new features. Those ppl may not even have the best knowledge to do sth. Don’t get pissed over ppl who just try to safe the game!
@Luna-eo2rd 2 жыл бұрын
Wildshade still can't compare to AO
@AlexTurnerIsHusband 2 жыл бұрын
I have literally been OBSESSED with Wildshade since it was realised and i enjoy playing much more that sso because there is just so much more to do!!!! 🥰❤️
@odeTARIfan15 2 жыл бұрын
Wildshade is a rip-off version of alicia online, I highly suggest playing alicia online, or taking footage of both Alicia, and Wildshade, you will be able to see the copycat.
@Steph_710 2 жыл бұрын
@@odeTARIfan15 I know it seams like a copy of AO but think about the people who can’t play AO because they don’t have a pc with windows it’s nice to know that there’s another horse racing game like AO to play quick and easy I understand that you might not like Wildshade since it’s like it’s copied but just keep it in mind that the people who have always wanted to try AO but can’t now have a mini game like it to play easily, And I play both games and I must say AO is way more fun and exciting but Wildshade is also pretty fun
@candiebeez 2 жыл бұрын
@@odeTARIfan15 I tried to install and play alicia on my laptop, but it took me 3/4 hours to realise it wouldn't work, wildshade is just an easy alternative to alicia for people who struggle like me
@apsaraanimates491 2 жыл бұрын
@@Steph_710 TY- someone who understands and i like AO but i dont play it. I like seeing videos of it and playing wild shade is all :P
@fabienne9225 2 жыл бұрын
Why compare a Mobile Game that is still in development to a PC Game that has been around for Years? Of course the PC Game is better in Graphics, Design, Gameplay, etc...
@ulisesmarvels 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah I do believe where you are effects the power up bc if your at the back you commonly get things that’s strike everyone, the person in front, speed boosts, and the Wing power up Vs when your in first you get the fireball and Ice power up the most I’ve noticed
@takeaiim 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I prefer AO’s graphics over Wildshade and surprisingly SSO
@toasterunit-g4q 2 жыл бұрын
I love Wildshade a lot and I have played it for only a few days but I still really enjoy it. anytime i bring my phone places Wildshade is the top game I like to play, I have never played Alicia Online but you get a pretty good idea from Wildshade. Overall it's a great game and it's really fun and entertaining.
@catrinaandreifernando1616 2 жыл бұрын
In wildshade it actually depends on position abt magic, for exemple 1st usually gets crystals or speed, and 6 th or less usually get the storm lightning or wings even fire.
@expression9375 2 жыл бұрын
exactly the same how alicias mechanics also work.
@ina7084 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely. I tried it today and I kept getting ice after ice while first and those pegasus wings while last. It's actually quite rare for someone first to get a booster. But we do get the fire (but that's fine because the fire can target both people behind and in front).
@jazmineszlari414 Жыл бұрын
​@@expression9375 Yup 1st place-Ice and shield is the most common but there are low chances to get bolt and dragon 2nd---7th-Ice,bolt,dragon,lightning,booster,almost every spell expect for the phoenix feather 8th-Phoenix feather,booster,Lightning,Bolt VERY rarely ice
@beelzemobabbity 2 жыл бұрын
I mean.. you can just google translate the downloader it’s fine. I think they haven’t translated it because it’s not that big of a hurdle, all you have to do is watch a guide. Personally I find wildshade sketchier since they’ve clearly taken advantage of a game that literally cannot defend itself due to not being the original developers.
@isabellalugo1464 2 жыл бұрын
I have wildshade but I have been dying to play AO for years but I haven’t been able too bc my computer won’t let me run it even after I download it, I keep getting stuck on the create your character part giving me error every time I try to continue
@ioanadimitrescu4196 Ай бұрын
@blossom1450 2 жыл бұрын
I love wildshade and it is really fun with the combinations of horses you can get. Alicia online I can't play because it is only for pc so I don't get that option. Wildshade can always add new stuff in so I am waiting to see what other stuff they do with this game and I don't get bored of it either.
@Missamin1711 Ай бұрын
I honestly like Alicia for it’s old graphics. It’s just something about it that makes it quite enjoyable for me
@Glee_7 2 жыл бұрын
About the breeding aspect in Wildshade, they actually have an info tab explaining how the breeding works and percentages of getting new coats or traits from either parents! Overall, I like both games, despite Alicia’s downloader being SUPER sketchy. I think Wildshade seems to be more put together than Alicia though. Alicia definitely wins for mechanics though lol
@HgAaRlRlYi1690 2 жыл бұрын
Alicia onlineee
@noraedwardstudio9321 2 жыл бұрын
Never played AO but saw lot of people played, seemed fun but I wasn’t at all convinced cause of the graphics and dynamics. I kinda regret it now that I played wild shade! I had a lot of fun yesterday when it got out! But I wouldn’t spend money on it… I missed some good old fashion grooming mini games to bond with your horse And AO has that so I am really hopping that wild shade would have that feature too! It’s a pretty new game, I try to not kill it before it goes to its full potential 😅 but I liked your points on it! Really interesting to see the two compared in specific categories! Thank you for the video Abi! Have a nice weekend!
@t4hc1cc 2 жыл бұрын
About the breeding of Wildshade, it's almost exactly like Rival Stars Horse Racing. There is almost no difference between Wildshade and Rival Stars racing. To be honest, it's a fairly good breeding system compared to Alicia (imo)
@giulf3der957 2 жыл бұрын
Actually Rival Stars breeding is a bit more complex, since in Wildshade you most likely get a mix of the two parents while in Rival Stars you have a whole pedigree your horse can take traits from (the two family trees of the two parents mixed together), and i think Rival Stars has a deeper concept of rarity of coats, for example getting a black horse is super hard it took me months to get that horse, while wildshade you just need one of the parents to be black and you have almost 50/50 chance of getting a black horse from the breeding🤔
@ina7084 2 жыл бұрын
@@giulf3der957 Rival stars confirmed that the family tree doesn't play any role in the passing on of coat colours instead it's mostly on the hidden genetics.. Which doesn't make sense but yh
@runiedunie 2 жыл бұрын
Wildshade feels so SLOW. I feel like I’m not racing, I’m walking LOL
@es0516 Жыл бұрын
I like Wildshade but the steering still needs improvement and the NPC racers steal powerups. There can be one in front of them and one in front of me, they'll cross over and take mine! A console version is coming in November 2023, I hope they fix the controls and it's easier to get currency since it will be a paid game.
@Sksiwixiekasks 2 жыл бұрын
They are both good. for people that dont have a pc Wildshade is perfect for them. For people that have a pc it is much preferred Alicia and for people that aren't used to one of the devices the other option is good for you. They are both good and people have to understand that
@ladycoyote992 2 жыл бұрын
I heard a different story when it comes to AO. The game files were apparently stolen and used in an attempt to make another horse game. The devs of AO sued them, of course and got what they could back, but most of the data was lost. After that, a small group of the original devs decided to just put the game up for free. A passion project, if you will. Now Alex is the dev in charge and one of the few remaining (as far as I'm aware). No one knows how he keeps the game running, but there's a theory that he gives special treatment to Russia and/or Korean players in return for compensation. I can't confirm that, though. Someone on YT named WhiteKuri was or still is a member of his team and they were originally just a regular player.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
I think some of your parts in your story is incorrect, so I will correct them. The original korean developers dropped Alicia 2014 due to financial reasons and probably desinterest. The server was closed in February. Then in december Alex as you mentioned is the main programmer decided to bring back the game as a Hobby since players seemed to miss the game. He started to work on it alone and by time he gathered more volunteers, including me since 2016. I also have played the original game back there. Alex is paying the private server by his personal money he earns from his main private job and his team/helpers do not get any profit or gain. Everything is on a free basis to work and help with the developement. Therefore there is no special treatment to anyone. He also was not part of the original Team or anything similar. Also there was no one being sued. He reopened the server by using the Alicia existing files and by writing his own code to make this Server and the game functional, this is why the game is free as there is no game copyright and runs as a dedicated free project now. We as the current Team are coming from different countries as germany, russia or the UK and are not in relation to any of the korean developers.
@ladycoyote992 2 жыл бұрын
Like I said, it was just what I heard. Thanks for coming! It's still so hard to believe Alex is paying for everything himself. It must cost a small fortune. That's probably where the conspiracy theory came from, honestly.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
@@ladycoyote992 Yes its not unnatural for people to think where the money comes from since server can cost a lot. But programmers are also well paid if youre really good so we can call ourselves really lucky for this opportunity to have Alicia for now 7 years ;)
@ladycoyote992 2 жыл бұрын
@@xWhiteKuri Agreed! It's such an amazing game. I've never had security issues and I don't see why people are bothered about it not being translated. The game WAS originally in Korean, after all and we're not paying a dime to play. I can't imagine what a Korean ToS could be hiding in a 100% free game that's never had reports of security issues, aside from people freaking out over their firewall being overprotective. A lot of games cause it. 🤣
@aveeequestrian 2 жыл бұрын
Abi sounds like a news reporter in this HAHA
@maple_the_aussiedoodle3167 2 жыл бұрын
I love mobile games because i dont have a computer 😅 So i dont see the downside.
@AlexTurnerIsHusband 2 жыл бұрын
Why do I want to watch the 90 minute one tho like is it possible to make it a members only video or something? 💗
@AbigailPinehaven 2 жыл бұрын
I might if I have extra time!
@karenjohnson6133 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this very informative video. It helps me decide if I want to try either game. Have a wonderful day!
@mlwxs_ 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t have to put the joystick the horse moves by it self🥰
@RebeccaRavenbird 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, but to make tighter turns you do need to use the joystick
@Isabella_TimarieArabianHorses 2 жыл бұрын
I love Wildshade and also since I don’t have a pc, this is a great game
@koniczka2000 2 жыл бұрын
5:32-5:37 They've added two?! :o I remember that there were only three
@RebeccaRavenbird 2 жыл бұрын
Technically, you CAN play Wildshade on PC, however you would need a phone emulator like Bluestacks. So while the fundamental issue of computer vs mobile is valid, you could play Wildshade on PC if you really wanted to. I don't know if the reverse is true for Alicia, having never played AO.
@AbigailPinehaven 2 жыл бұрын
That is true!
@_Starzy_ 2 жыл бұрын
How do you always go first? (In Wildshade) because when I go to race I’m always last to start! Could you please tell me?
@AlexTurnerIsHusband 2 жыл бұрын
Oooooh I do like myself a bit of good old WASD 😩
@giulf3der957 2 жыл бұрын
I suggest you to avoid using the slide on Wildshade, i never use it and its much better, the turn rate of the horse is good enough to make the small curves, im always running in 1st place during the races!
@ina7084 2 жыл бұрын
The drift speeds you up. I tried the game today and it's a good way to win last second if you're closely behind someone. And it's actually fine to drift, people are just not used to it. You can make really tight turns with drifting and almost turn in place if you know how to. I got the skills from AO, but you do need to start the drift quite a bit some distance from the corner in Wildshade.
@savannahharris8793 2 жыл бұрын
I want to try these but can't seem to find them on my mobile
@lemonshobbies 2 жыл бұрын
How do you download wildshade?
@DerukaSSO 2 жыл бұрын
Even if Wildshade is superior in some terms, alicia will always be better than wildshade. Even the fact that wildshade is basically a cheap copy of ao is already making it loose
@fromtimewithin 2 жыл бұрын
There's one other thing you forgot. Not everyone with a phone can get Wild Shade. Some phones are too old to run the version, and new phones aren't cheap.
@DragonologyStudent Жыл бұрын
It's real sad the state of Wildshade is what it is now. I used to enjoy playing a lot on my phone, but since they made an update that makes horses dirty, with the only way to clean them is through premium currency, I felt a sour taste in my mouth. I don't mind monetisation, I'm okay with Tivola making money selling horses with rare coats, or using premium currency that you can still win in game to breed horses. But the brushes I have to say felt like a step too far. I'm sad I've stopped playing since, I would happily go back to it if only they would remove the brushes
@healgoth Жыл бұрын
When I first played AO 7+ years ago, I didn’t care for the racing or chatting with humans as much as I liked feeding, cleaning and training with my starter horse… I would spend forever picking an outfit for both of us (they really said go pay multiple times for horse armor, I don’t even want or use the benefits I just want the swag) and ride on maps and the INSTANT my horse got an injury I would take care of it with my medicine stockpile… I just *can’t* explain the indignant rage I feel at a game company exploiting that pure instinct with predatory microtransactions like, honestly, that’s a move that makes SSO look like a nonprofit in moral comparisons as far as ‘games marketed to kids with microtransactions’ go (sure they’re overpriced but they aren’t literally forcing your avatar to roleplay as an animal abuser for not paying up)
@DragonologyStudent Жыл бұрын
@@healgoth All of this exactly!! That's actually how I play AO too! That remains the best horse game I still play. Wildshade gets even more egregious when you realise that the brushes came after releasing a survey to players asking what they want, and the players responded with wanting to interact with the horses with care mechanics. I can guarantee the brush situation was 100% not what anyone asked for
@Bunnybooax 2 жыл бұрын
i feel like i raced agaisnt you in one race :P i was Ezra VikingCrystal :P
@emilycaudill4859 2 жыл бұрын
I do agree that Wildshade is very similar to AO, but I do like AO better. I like the competitive feel and controls so much better. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to play AO for a few years bc I have a mac now. So wildshade is a decent alternative.
@humbledkindness..4352 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve always been trying to get Ao for the longest but Wildshade we’re trying be Intense Matching up to Ao
@AlyArts 2 жыл бұрын
textures are much better in alicia cmon dont try to escape that...
@expression9375 2 жыл бұрын
true mate, u can see much more detail in alicias textures that went in
@Melisande777 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't trust wildshade... I been playing Alicia online for years with no issue what so ever. Wildshade on the other hand... I have been playing for two to three days, and found out they have a secret limit to their moon coins. Why? So you feel the need to buy more coins to breed. You only get 800 daily coins in races. Does not matter if you wanna keep racing. Pay to play. You don't get anymore coins, and they don't tell you why in game. That means you only get like 5 to 7 free breeds a day if you sell horses. I thought it was a bug, until I finally found a staff member coming forward saying there is "INDEED A HIDDEN LIMIT". Needless to say I uninstalled the game. YOU SHOULD NOT TRUST GAMES WITH MICRO TRANSACTIONS!! PERIOD!!
@izzz444 2 жыл бұрын
alicia > wildshade.
@SunsetRoyalz 2 жыл бұрын
I love wildshade, Anime & horses In Alicia? No way for me I don't like anime wildshade characters may be anime but not fully like Alicia. But for me I love wildshade it's safe for kids to enjoy at least. and before anyone tries to comment to reply to me and Judge me Just Understand not everyone need to like Alicia online and I'm one of them. So I'm not an anime person much. But no offence but This is how you get haters for new games well not haters but People saying `` This game needs to work more `` It's NOT a realistic game understand wildshade is not a realistic game. So that's my point anyone tries to make drama to reply to me I won't reply. Idk if people is saying wildshade is copying I can't believe them because I never played Alicia online. So idk What's true or false¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and if Alicia online is. A Computer game at least we have a mini Alicia online related which is wildshade to play on Mobile!
@vianca314 2 жыл бұрын
Someone Help! I forgot my password for AO and i can’t make a new one! It’s not sending me the new password to my Mail!
@جوزيهإلىالأبدحبيبي 2 жыл бұрын
Well on their FaceBook they talk about people having to earn their carrots and EXP by their hard work instead of buying it with money. No hate!
@flyloes9258 2 жыл бұрын
Alicia Online. I have beta tested wildshade and its rather boring and I hate the fact it isn’t multiplayer
@lajlach.5646 2 жыл бұрын
I can send you some "breeding" clips, I did many and I think it can be helpful to stats or something
@annachester4184 2 жыл бұрын
I prefer AO pc>mobile
@samuiyoru3166 2 жыл бұрын
Alicia Online, Gems can be get from Daily Quest as well, Alicia Online Breeding now kind of Sux and Sus.
@koniczka2000 2 жыл бұрын
7:56-8:01 What? What does that mean?
@elliesteeltower8000 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I prefer WildShade more just because I’m not a big fan of Alicia’s graphic style which looks like an anime a lot, but I kinda like its system and everything else. Good video tbh!😊❤️
@bruces_life2958 2 жыл бұрын
No offence but at the start when you were talking about Wildshade you were talking about it like your trying to get hate on it or something!
@StinkyWorm 2 жыл бұрын
Wildshade is a goddamn copy of ao, they know that people ARE going to fall for it since ao isn't avaible on mobile, seriously people have to stop playing this piece of crap because it's not worth.
@tingsolis9106 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question is wildshade have real players you know like real player
@MIC_FACE 2 жыл бұрын
My name is Skyler I wanna play Alicia online but it won't install in play store it doasnt have wildshade
@thbr1 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, AO is surely trustable because i mean,if it wasn't why would there still be that many people playing?About the donating thing,lets be honest here no one'd like to donate to the game and waste money on it.
@Psyvel1 2 жыл бұрын
this is like a fusion of star stable+alicia online, i really like more alicia online horse concepts not saying that the game is bad just saying needs more originality
@carinadeitz6051 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like wildshide copied Alicia online
@islaslane7411 2 жыл бұрын
I like wildshade, but I wish it wasn't just racing
@vianca314 2 жыл бұрын
I would download Alicia Online But, The problem i have is, When i try to download the Setup EXE it says that it’s not safe and someone might be Getting info, I haven’t downloaded it since I’m paranoid about this stuff, Please let me know what Laptop/Computer you have if you can, it would be SUPER appreciated ❤️ Thank you for reading, And if Abigail is, Thank you!! ❤️❤️
@LWolf94 2 жыл бұрын
The files are safe. It's just that due to the game being very old, antivirus programs and browsers like Chrome will detect it as a false positive. Been playing AO for years on all kinds of computers, Windows and Linux and have never had any issues.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
Dont worry, I can assure you it is safe to download and your antivirus is simply overreacting as it does not know what it is scanning so they immediately take it as a threat when it isnt :)
@vianca314 2 жыл бұрын
@@xWhiteKuri Oh thank you!
@vianca314 2 жыл бұрын
@@LWolf94 Thank you!!
@appleheadzz9217 2 жыл бұрын
@올라프-x3v 2 жыл бұрын
Ao is korean formally ended in 2014 but many foreign users had wanted to play AO again and A user restored the server which is illegal.although sysop of Ao witnessed it,He let it to.
@despairanddread6197 2 жыл бұрын
I'm worried that my computer will acquire a virus if I download AO, but I really want to play it.
@xWhiteKuri 2 жыл бұрын
There is no virus on the game files, only false alarm
@geministrial950 Жыл бұрын
It wont, dw
@expression9375 2 жыл бұрын
bro comparing an android/ios game to a pc game is a whole different story, wildshade will obv have less better graphics since i believe they wanna stabilize the whole system so u dont lag as much if u have a bad phone, tablet and so on, tho, if u ppl rlly wanna compare those 2, alicia online obviously has and will have more options and better gameplay since u can do whole lot with a keyboard/mouse combined, plus, the game hasnt had much or better updates since the game officially got shut down and reopened by a small team of like, 3 people? and the game still looks well designed for nowadays games and its great, wildshade on the other hand.. it just doesnt look great? its supposed to be a game for small devices so i dont see how would someone genuinely compare these, on the other hand,, im not willing to try out wildshade as im pissed about the fact that its fairly similar to alicia so like, id have 2 alicias? i dont need that. id rather play an og original game on a pc that has been around for years and hasnt died yet due to ppl that actually loves this game. plus, the devs r looking to add some cool and more things that r from alicia 2.0 which i believe wildshade doesnt have at the moment, the races r fairly hecking similar except on the other aspects its completely different, hopefully tho, HOPEFULLY they wont make everything similar to it since it looks like a damn copy of star stable with its graphics and alicia online with its racing style, its ridiculous then again this is my opinion and i hope somebody reads this paragraph cuz like, lol, im level 60+ in alicia and i asure u, from experience that alicia is more of a complex well made game that took koreans well deserved time and money to actually make it with love that deserves a lot more then it is now.
@hiyatrin Жыл бұрын
Hey! I rlly want to download AO but im scared it is a virus... does anyone know if its safe to download?
@corleavanstaden8238 2 жыл бұрын
you can rear by taping the screen😊👍
@thetwinlets9020 2 жыл бұрын
Who else can't get into Alicia?
@sirinsama7500 2 жыл бұрын
Basically AO ripoff
@AngelzPlayz3 2 жыл бұрын
I love wild shade but I was wondering how to download Alicia online I think it's on PC or computer
@koniczka2000 2 жыл бұрын
7:27-7:33 *AND* dailies
@mossthemudwing2282 2 жыл бұрын
Tried to get Alicia but my pc just MMM
@jenniferpilotzi3633 2 жыл бұрын
I just think they are both games just to enjoy not to compare :/
@jinheekim9729 2 ай бұрын
Ok not a hate or just stuff but like I don’t know like I like wild shade but also feel bad but like still idk 😢 PLS DONT HATE 😅 I BEG YOU😢
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