Opioid Wars - Fault Lines

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Al Jazeera America

Al Jazeera America

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@livia1881 8 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else think that if American culture did not ingrain in us the belief that we have to work 12 hour days 5-6 days per week, to be considered not lazy, that we wouldn't have as many people in truly physical pain? What if we lived like they do in some places in Europe where the day ends at 2pm and they enjoy living, spending leisure time with friends and family being outdoors relaxing or whatever! I want to move there and take everyone with me.
@deanstrathras3315 8 жыл бұрын
ya even worse many workers are still poor
@livia1881 8 жыл бұрын
dean Strathras yep I sure am! and I am sure you are, too. Most people in my family are working poor as well, friends too. Whats going on here!?
@deanstrathras3315 8 жыл бұрын
+livia1881 yes sir... make only about 32k a year
@deanstrathras3315 8 жыл бұрын
+livia1881 and I bust my ass for it
@TheBoxingCannabyte 8 жыл бұрын
oh big time mate, here in the U.S we have a huge issue of guilt-tripping, and this idea that everything comes down to personal choice, we severely stigmatize mental illness and we put too much empathses on punishment and jailing. This leads to lots of people dealing with unnecessary bullshit in a 1st world, making existential crises much more common. Just my opinion, I could be way off base but I think I got a few factors right, y'know?
@supernova44 7 жыл бұрын
At first I thought AJazeera was going to show a balanced viewpoint until the chronic pain patient admitted to abusing Oxycontin before going on to Morphine. Their portrayal is unfair by not showing patients who responsibly take prescribed opioids on a long term basis to ease their suffering. Addiction is slim in this subgroup when under the care of a reputable physician. More people die from car accidents, etc. than overdoses, but this is just another example of how the media is biased.
@johnsandherr1814 7 жыл бұрын
they never tell our side - how OPIATES allow us to life a life with dignity and less pain and suffering. Where is the opposite view ? We will never see or hear it because it isn't believable. What a shame when alcohol is legal and kills hundreds of thousands a year but they have a great WINE Lobby in DC don't they.
@LuisSantos-yb9es 7 жыл бұрын
Raven Fox Because it not newsworthy.
@juanmartiniglesias6008 7 жыл бұрын
opiates are the most secure painkillers that exist ive taking during decades and sabe my life from the hell of pain and depression never cause me a problemm all the contrary make me love the life again im saying my real truth with opiates-
@linda5ft 7 жыл бұрын
this drug saved my life.
@SocraticIAM 6 жыл бұрын
we will have to go after auto epidemic
@quantika72 8 жыл бұрын
@Patrock17 8 жыл бұрын
Legalize marijuana at federal level but I might sound crazy.
@jeannineowenbrown492 7 жыл бұрын
Patrock609 That's what my son says. I agree.
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
Patrock609 weed won't relieve cancer pain.
@leelearnsya8619 7 жыл бұрын
rochelle123ist there's overwhelming evidence that says that opiates are ineffective in treating chronic pain.
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
RoleModelTV so should they never be used? You are a fucking idiot! If you needed emergency surgery you would be screaming for morphine and Vicodin after surgery.
@Cuinn837 8 жыл бұрын
Do you know what is worse than death? Severe chronic pain that you can't get relief from. I will not be able to live if they take my pain med away. I am not addicted. I still have some pain, but not nearly as much. Before I got the pain med, I was getting suicidal--only because I could not keep tolerating the pain. This is a very slanted video. Why can't we hear from the other side?
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
Hang in there. Do what you can to reassure your doc. This hyper response from government is causing collateral damage to people who suffer in chronic pain. We need to make our voices heard. Perhaps the U.S Pain Foundation?
@Cuinn837 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I will look into the U.S. Pain Foundation.
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
+cuinn837 Ultimately we will all be smoking pot and the State will tax the heck out of it. Our insurance companies won't pay for pot so our monthly cost out of pocket for meds now goes up by $200.00 and no meds for the opiate receptors. The bad guys will still get their hands on the good stuff and sell it on the street. No one wins in this battle, we all die. I will not let pain kill me though, you can bet on that. Aww shit. The old trailer is leakin' gotta go.
@ange2662 8 жыл бұрын
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
I am open to emailing if you want. We need to keep you with us.
@hellnightmare3260 7 жыл бұрын
Isn't it crazy that vicodin is for MODERATE to severe pain yet doctors only prescribe it for extreme pain. That's wrong. We as patients should have the right to take opioids if we want to. Life is short & I'm not spending it in pain. Stop the prohibition & start giving people pain relief you evil monsters.
@oliviawronski6387 7 жыл бұрын
Hell Nightmare Sure. And we need an ever worse epidemic.
@t.perkins209 7 жыл бұрын
Hell Nightmare I agree. One person dies every 90 minutes in Australia from alcohol addiction. Our hospitals see tens of thousands of cases of paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning a year. Yet more effort and more politicised moralism goes into making OTC codeine containing medications less available, as if codeine addiction were a major health issue. Prescriptions for opioid painkillers, well, the most severe pain sufferers have a hard time getting relief because of this mentality.
@leonakita 7 жыл бұрын
Hell Nightmare: AMEN ! I soo agree with you!
@1234567mrbob 7 жыл бұрын
I was in the UK and walking much more than normal for my nearly 60-year old body. Stopped at a pharmacy expecting to find maybe a good dose of Naproxin (somewhat okay for pain relief, better than Tylenol). To my surprise I saw Ibprofin+Codeine (200mg / 12.5mg). OMG!!! I walked up to the counter and they sold it to me no questions asked! I got home and read an article that they're going to stop OTC codeine in Australia in Feb 2018. I feel sorry for you folks! That is a real shame.
@corporalclegg9640 7 жыл бұрын
Many countries are way more civilized and decent about drugs. In France you can purchase Cogesic(Codeine Phosphate)over the counter without a blink. Its like that in several European countries. America is all messed up on Calvinism(Jesus is the biggest drug used here)...and has an inherent backwardness about many things
@ericcartman3610 7 жыл бұрын
People against pain killers will burn in eternal hellfire. Hell is pain & karma is a bitch.
@DetroitLives313 7 жыл бұрын
I have been waiting 5 weeks to have my pain killer, muscle relaxer medication filled. I keep being told by the pharmacy that my doctor has to do a "pre authorization" . My doctor called the pharmacy to have them fill it and they refuse.
@paininmydroid4526 7 жыл бұрын
After reading the comments, I feel reminded that the first stage of addiction is denial.
@robertelder5770 6 жыл бұрын
Teri Beckham if you lived with chronic pain daily that is so severe you can hardly move you would rethink your comment. What they need to do is have better screening like MRI and other things to be sure an individual had an medical condition. I have SI joint dysfunction, neuropathy, degentitve disc at L4-L5. I could barley move they did physical therapy, radio frequency surgery and after this I was out of work for 3 weeks on short term disability because I felt like I was beat with a base ball bat, I had injections nothing helped. Finally my family spoke up and I was referred to another pain clinic and put on opioid pain killers. Guess what I have been on same dose for over three years and my pill count has always been fine. Separate the drug addict from the individual who truly has a medical condition who suffers from chronic pain. This is bull shit. I have my life back and I can perform my business that I have. Do you want to see everyone on disability? Another way to deal with this is put a pain pump in us hey then there is no way of abuse. It is impossible for me to function with the pain I had, and they tried all other things before they used opioids.
@alohaspirit4dub837 8 жыл бұрын
so tired of this always being demonized, there are millions of people that this drug gives life for. im a pain patient with a laundry list of spinal problems. these drugs give me a life..
@truthkittie5607 8 жыл бұрын
Me too..I have been on pain meds, since I BROKE my spine in 3 parts, I broke my neck, arms and legs, feet, in Auto accident. I was not driving a friend of mine was. We got hit by a drunk driver and was thrown into a ditch. I have had numerous 'failed' back surgeries...Now, I am in horrible pain for 6 hours, because my pain medication has been reduced by half.. I am so afraid, that eventually, The DR will take me off of them altogether. What will you do then?
@ukeelady 7 жыл бұрын
I've been on opiate pain meds for 8 years now. With my regular GP (who originally prescribed them when none of the other pain meds worked) and his partners in his clinic, were supportive, non judgemental and when I finally was forced to give up my business of 32 years, they worked with me to find the best pain relief programme for me. It was after my last GP died, that I was forced to go to emergency...and had to deal with the dirty paint brush syndrome - until I gave them enough information and attitude (about cleaning off their dirty paint brush) before talking with me. I was careful to take my latest cat scan/MRI results, letters from both of my specialists, and my medication bottles. Now Drs can check via computer as to how much/who from etc. There is no cure for what happened to my lower back ... an injury that no one !!! for over 40 years ever diagnosed and not until I yelled at my GP demanding an MRI did he see what had been causing me so much trouble for much of my life. After a lifetime of both conservative and alternative remedies /massage (which only made my back worse ) I had used most otc meds which only worked for an hour or so because I'd become used to them, and really didn't touch the pain. Finally after a year after being refused by 24 GPs in the local area because they refuse narcotic patients (lovely label from a doctor) one dr agreed to take me on as long as I signed a contract. Which I did. I have never broken it - he however, hA caused me problems over & over again - wrong amt, too little, no refill on one and too much of another. He's an anethesiologist ... who may know numbers to weight but not about about actual pain. I have maintained my dose despite offers to increase ... no thank you. Until they have a surgery or cure I will be on pain meds for my lifetime. I don't mess about, stay to the appropriate dosage, never leave them where others can see them (theft or judgement I do not invite!). Like any other medical issue requiring drugs ... insulin, heart medication ... my pain meds are no different. The medical system needs to start monitoring their own (how about no Dr can own pharmacies or own stock in any pharmaceutical companiea etc). How about a cap on what they'll pay for instead of being led by the nose by Big Pharma. How about going after the suppliers like they do addicts?? I, for one am tired of gutless drs. who put their own butt before that of appropriate pain management for authentic pain patients. I could go on ... It's time we stand together against all of the nonsense and lies spewed out and get the right attention for doing the right thing. I feel badly for those suffering who are not actually in pain but now need the meds to stop the withdrawal or who just get high who more than likely were not born with the receptors to help with pain. However the attention paid to them is costing us dearly. ox
@leelearnsya8619 7 жыл бұрын
rationalizations, rationalizations. SMH
@keeranimal8 7 жыл бұрын
RoleModelTV Judgmental douche
@magical8013 4 жыл бұрын
Of course, it helps a lot of people. But they were over prescribing them. And prescribing them to people that did not have serious issues. Then they decide to start cutting back on it. The Mexican cartels caught wind of it and flooded the streets with Heroin.
@slobpig7417 8 жыл бұрын
no its not sugar the worst drug on the market
@OzzieOzzieOzzieOyOyOy 7 жыл бұрын
As other people have posted, it makes me really angry that these reports completely forgo talking about people with chronic pain. Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen, etc don't work for chronic pain. If they did work, chronic pain sufferers would take them. No one wants to be an addict. No one chooses to be an addict. People shouldn't have to suffer from life-altering, debilitating pain that can make them want to die because others abuse meds. I live in a country where you can only get morphine if you are hospitalized with a terminal disease. They won't prescribe it for you to take home with you either. You don't get any opiates after you've had a surgery. OxyContin, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, etc are unobtainable here. I know I suffer greatly, and I know of others who do too. I understand the government does not want an addiction epidemic happening, I get that. Instead though, people suffer.
@mpiercy89 8 жыл бұрын
Great documentary on Prescription Opioids! One critique- news agencies warn their viewers that something might be difficult to view when it comes to violence etc., but when it comes to someone injecting drugs, they show the whole thing. It can be incredibly triggering to people (such as myself) who are in recovery from addiction. BUT- thank you for speaking up about this IMPORTANT topic! Matt- Vancouver, BC
@sousaechao7431 8 жыл бұрын
yes I agre all these people only want to hear the bad things of this pill. But turn around and look at those people who live with pain. Is not easy to live with pain
@cilginkosucu 8 жыл бұрын
I actually agree with approving zohydro. The FDA has a responsibility to treat all the companies equally, without bias or external influence. It must be judged based on its own merits, not those that oxy lacks.
@sandramcbee1413 8 жыл бұрын
Zohydro only goes up to 50mgs anyway.....if abused it won't do much anyway ....hysinga goes to100n something! Also a hydrocodone ER
@mrchubbyfella9421 7 жыл бұрын
That doctor at 14:30 is right when it comes to a 25 year old but what about a 60 year old woman who isn't able to function because of the pain. She should get what she wants/needs
@colinconaty763 8 жыл бұрын
The woman at 15:05 should be completely ashamed of herself because once a loved one, family member or friend develops a problem with powerful addictive drug like that, they should be HELPED, and this woman divorced or left him when he needed help the most. If she had of helped him beat the drug addiction that man may be still around today. But I suppose it was easier for her to wash her hands with him and not help him. What a great wife she turned out to be!
@tintinsupz1864 4 жыл бұрын
I agree bro.
@alissa2170 2 жыл бұрын
that shouldn't be HER problem. he should be in rehab.
@eddieharman3650 7 жыл бұрын
Most of the time when someone overdoses on opiates its because they used other substance's such as xanax in combination with the opiates.
@JohnnyTromboner 4 жыл бұрын
Or they tried to get clean and relapse, taking the same dose as when they quit. The reduced tolerance gets em on the first shot.
@Cnightz 4 жыл бұрын
@@JohnnyTromboner both comments hold valuable merit. Good Deal 👍
@peterseager6145 7 жыл бұрын
It's not that these drugs are dangerous it's when you're doctor cuts you off when the problem begins.if one has a constant supply of these pills there's no problem
@leelearnsya8619 7 жыл бұрын
Peter Seager that is called an addiction
@4chukwuebuka 7 жыл бұрын
RoleModelTV I like how you troll these people. During the crack epidemic you don't see the same sympathy from them.
@leelearnsya8619 5 жыл бұрын
@@4chukwuebuka or just look at all the comments that Advocate for the legalization of marijuana. Now look at the replies. If you see a hateful reply to such a suggestion at the same time justifying the use of a narcotic that has killed thousands then you can bet your sweet ass you're looking at a genuine pill head!
@Cnightz 4 жыл бұрын
@@leelearnsya8619 That's not an addiction, his comment is along pain management. There is a big difference. When you're in pain and you are taking the drugs to relieve it despite trying everything else, then its neccessary as long as you take other measures. Now if you take the medication and you enjoy and liking the way it makes you feels, when you rely on the medication, take it sooner and sooner, becoming aggressive when coming down or "Not working as well" that's the beginning of addiction. Two different types. Physical dependence is not the same as mental addiction.
@magical8013 4 жыл бұрын
Tell that to the thousands of people that lose their life to prescription drugs every year.
@JJ-xo3er 8 жыл бұрын
Opiates is the best class of drugs out there, make you feel content in the worst situations.
@mercurialmagictrees 7 жыл бұрын
psychedelics are better non lethal the tolerance mechanism is good plus the best of all VISUALS art, spirits , outer space
@mercurialmagictrees 7 жыл бұрын
plus enhancement of audio too.
@TheOldKid 7 жыл бұрын
mercurialmagictrees I agree
@t.perkins209 7 жыл бұрын
Babiii Jeffery Thuugie Sr. I used to think that before my tolerance got so high that I couldn't get stoned lol. Still, I'm gonna cultivate poppies in my old age & smoke O for the aches & pains :)
@craig265 7 жыл бұрын
Dallas Page and the safest, they don't tell people about how things like ibuprofen increase the risk of a heart attack by 50% and death related cases with Ibuprofen ,,, they sure ignore a lot of other s*** they try to shove down our throat,, America consumes 80% of the opioids out there well they're not considering the fact that Americans work hard labor wise and the population is growing,,,,, antibiotics kill more people than opioids that's a fact
@chrism6904 7 жыл бұрын
I work for Fire/Rescue. Its been over a YEAR since I have responded to a opiate overdose. I don't know if these videos are used as a scare tactic or what?
@johnconnelly3066 8 жыл бұрын
If only there were a cheaper, more effective and harmless alternative with no side effect that could be legalized....POT!
@DaiKozui 8 жыл бұрын
Say it louder for the people in the back.
@TehGabrillo 8 жыл бұрын
+John Connelly You have to be fucking dumb to think that THC has the same pain-killing effects as any opiate.
@johnconnelly3066 8 жыл бұрын
+TehGabrillo Perhaps I should have specified. My intention was not to imply that medicinal Marijuana is a universal cure for all pain but rather that a significant number of those who suffer from chronic pain would benefit from first trying a cheaper, non-deadly alternative. Better?
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
+John Connelly Well you can put money on that. The States are legalizing cannabinoids and taxing this cash cow. At the same time they are regulating opioids out of existence. The more people smoking pot the more tax revenue. This works for the docs as now they can drop all of their pain patient liability. Without saying it they are saying, "GO SMOKE POT" !! Sad sad sad. Of course now you have people smoking pot for pain and related anxiety and they cant pass a drug screen for employment. Now the feds and the States have to take care of these unemployed suffering people, which they do a terrible job of. Insanity.
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
+John Connelly ....and the insurance companies don't cover the cost of cannabinoids......
@margermcdonld5712 7 жыл бұрын
Would you rather have people suffer in so much pain they would rather end their precious lives?
@jeffreydixon9538 7 жыл бұрын
80% because we are one of the only countries to actually treat pain , we are adults and have a human right to pain relief if needed. why should we suffer because of 1-5% OF PEOPLE THAT ARE ADDICTS.
@killerdemo 7 жыл бұрын
oxy should be available over the counter in America
@t.perkins209 7 жыл бұрын
killerdemo I reckon opium cigarettes instead; harder to OD on and pretty cruisy. Excellent for severe/chronic pain too, of course...
@craig265 7 жыл бұрын
killerdemo you're damn right because if people don't get what they need they will through somebody else in ways that this country would never look towards including their death if they can't get it.
@t.perkins209 7 жыл бұрын
YEAR OF THE ROOSTER So true. It ain't like people can't get what they want in a ruthless & fucked up black market... without knowing the dose. I have known people with chronic post physical trauma &/or post operative pain who would seek heroin/illicit opioids if they ran out. I certainly did things I consider mad years ago, as an addict. Anyway, I like O better than pharmaceuticals & tho it's a no-no to me as a reformed addict when I'm 80 bugger it, I'll smoke O.
@craig265 7 жыл бұрын
Tim Perkins​ Your better of than the rest of us, I rather with tea ,,, but when you're on the go ? It's faster and more control able. What confuses me is how often it's mixed with Tylenol when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors I rather have a more natural approach it just goes to show you that's what happens when you remove man from nature. Because let's be honest if we had to take our own long time to grow what we need that would be enough control right there
@t.perkins209 7 жыл бұрын
YEAR OF THE ROOSTER Me, I'm simply another person who managed to mess up a potentially fruitful life cos I thought opiates solved my adolescent problems. I support regulated legalisation & agree growing your own is ideal! Pot is my pleasure now :)
@rickjames9477 8 жыл бұрын
it's funny listening to doctors talk about prescribing drugs, sure doesn't sound very scientific. After all doctors do "practice medicine" imagine if the guy that fixes vehicle braking systems "practiced auto mechanics" would you go to him?
@Tink-wo4yy 6 жыл бұрын
People that are in chronic pain should not be punished for the kids that buy it and don't use it as directed and die. Or even the adults that don't use it as directed and die! Using opiates saved my life, it's made me be able to do things that I couldn't do when I was in so much pain.
@sousaechao7431 8 жыл бұрын
wait until you have that pains.....and you know why we need this pills
@ooocrowooo 7 жыл бұрын
Cannabis could be of a great help in the fight against pain and opioidss.
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
JamesCrowonline not if you are needing emergency surgery to save your life. Weed won't do shit for life threatening injuries
@widg3tswidgets416 8 жыл бұрын
If you don't like the drugs don't start a campaign to force millions of people to suffer!! Get off your lazy butt and design or formulate a drug that reads pain as well as opiates but isn't addictive!
@widg3tswidgets416 8 жыл бұрын
that *treats*...not reads.
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
Aaaaarrrgghhh!! These docs give you 10 minutes per month. Then they are shocked when a patient dies from respiratory depression. They did a terrible job of patient care then they blame the opioids. This is insanity. The vast majority of patients in pain are responsible and grateful for an average of 40% pain relief. If the medical providers did a proper job in the initial months of treatment; education on risks, reasonable expectations, calming patient anxiety, screening for sleep apnea and mental health concerns, social work and PT consults, we wouldn't have this problem, besides most of the deaths are not legit patients, most are drug abusers. Collateral casualties in the war on drugs.
@facelessbeing6209 8 жыл бұрын
Not all pain medicine users get high or overdose. There ARE people who use them directed for severe pain. If you really don't need them, don't take them. We cannot punish those who use as prescribed for legitimate reasons because of those looking for an escape from reality. Tobacco kills 400,000 people per year in the U.S alone. Where's the outrage for that? Yes, we have a big problem. We need to be careful so that we can get those who are addicted help, and get those who truly need it to get it.
@ottomedic51texas75 8 жыл бұрын
I've been prescribed several different opioids over the last 16 yrs due to back surgeries (7 major) and now for severe arthritis pain through out my whole body. OxyContin (lowest mg), Vicodin (5 & 10mg), Methadone (lowest mg), Savella (?mg) and Fentanyl (25meq). The last hard opiate I was prescribed was OxyContin about 4 yrs ago from a Pain management Dr...After being on Oxy for about 9 months, I started weaning myself off of it b/c of the "label" u fall into if u take this drug. After 24 hrs w/o any pain meds, I went on Subutex. Only time I've had to change pain meds is due to health insur companies only covering certain ones. Now I have to pay $2600 deductible BEFORE insurance will cover ANY of my meds!! I can't afford $650 for Zubsolv (1.4mg/0.36), even if I skip a dose daily, so after withdrawing from it, I start on Vicodin 10mg/325. What else can I do?!
@facelessbeing6209 8 жыл бұрын
That's definitely a tough situation. So let me get this straight - you want to get off of these meds, but because of insurance issues, you're always having to be put between different meds which makes tapering difficult to say the least? I could suggest looking into Kratom? Anyone else know anything better?
@johnnyoneye2641 7 жыл бұрын
Sandy Otto Bryant get cannabis oil RSO
@elithepitbulldog2209 6 жыл бұрын
Sandy Otto Bryant Kratom. It works and it's legal in most states
@lawrencefure2102 8 жыл бұрын
I wonder if they will keep track of the suicides when people with chronic pain can't get the help they need to keep the pain under control?
@tangobango9653 8 жыл бұрын
Excruciating back & leg pain is worse then death!!! You simply CAN NOT function or live your life with intense chronic daily pain. Those of us that follow the rules should NOT be punished because of those who abuse pain killers!! Tell the whole story please, most patients do NOT abuse opioids or move up to Heroin!!
@ashamedofcanadiansastoundi2962 7 жыл бұрын
pulling the US troops out of the afghan poppy fields might help.
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
About 400,000 people in the United States undergo spine surgery each year. Of those who undergo open neck or back operations, recent surveys have discovered that 30-40 percent experience postoperative complications.
@jeffd6306 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with the pro-med people, these are here for people who need them. And to put suboxone in here aswell is atrocious, they are bashing meds that are changing lives. Just like the adhd med bash years prior, just give the people more treatment options and less prison time for recreational drug addiction. And please don't confuse physical dependance with psychological ABUSE.
@shirleybuck6918 8 жыл бұрын
AMEN!!! Now people with legitimate injuries and severe pain are being turned away. This is causing suicides among the chronic pain patients and only being told by media that it's a street drug overdose. media is LYING!! NO ONE IS HELPING THE CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS.. :(
@93_renegade 7 жыл бұрын
Not bullshit that's exactly what happened to me... I got 4 wisdom teeth pulled and was prescribed two scripts of 24-30 hydrocodone 7.5's. Which lasted about a month or so. Was physically dependent on them after that which started the downward spiral of opiate addiction that eventually led to heroin when cut off and wasn't able to find more pills and from being sick and tired of w/d'ing from the pain medication. All to similar beginning story to millions of addicts.
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
Cancer pain and life threatening injuries are valid reasons for opioids.
@SirMatthewz 8 жыл бұрын
JUST got this channel here, and NOW it's going away. My provider has even taken it off of its lineup. Like, seriously. Well, best of luck to the staff of AJAM in the future.
@annegroeneveld2491 7 жыл бұрын
It's not the medication that is at fault. It's the people using and abusing the medication. The regulation of medications should be based by per persons injury. I live with chronic horrific pain every day and all I can take is Panadine Fourte. No right hip joint and part paralyzed of the spine. Come on give me a break. From Lee-Lee❤️❤️❤️
@juanmartiniglesias6008 7 жыл бұрын
the worst thing in life is pain and depression my life was broken by both and opioids sabe my life im in the obligation to say it to all im 70 years alive and well thkx to painkillers
@jamiemorton1765 8 жыл бұрын
Obesity kills 250thousands a year
@charlescarter4608 8 жыл бұрын
Wtf does that have to do with opioid addiction or overdose?
@jamiemorton1765 8 жыл бұрын
+Charles Carter I think people should worry about other addictive stuff
@charlescarter4608 8 жыл бұрын
JAMIE MORTON​ Lol right. Good luck with your opiate addiction.
@jamiemorton1765 8 жыл бұрын
+Charles Carter Iv not got one but thanks anyway
@Janie_S 8 жыл бұрын
I believe Jamie's point is that there are alot of 'other' modalities that kill thousands of people a year, including obesity. Yet, those things are not OUTLAWED or BANNED! Take auto accidents, the National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that 38,300 people were killed in one in 2015 with 4.4 Million people being seriously injured. Wow, I bet that put a load on our healthcare system . . . maybe cars should be banned?! (that was sarcasm, people) And hey, while we are banning items that cause people to die . . . how about hospitals!? Medical mistakes kill about 400,,000 people per year. So maybe we'll just get rid of hospitals. And alcohol . . . oh my goodness . . . that kills a bunch of people, from liver disease to car accidents. Tobacco . . . can you say lung cancer? Ok, so the point is there are a number of processes that kill. Yet, the fed gvt doesn't ban them. Why all of a sudden are they banning medicines that when used appropriately do much good. Oh, I know . . . it's Dr. Andrew Kolodney. He's the leader of PROP (Physicians for Responsible Opiod Prescribing.) Sounds like a good thing, doesn't it. Until you start following the money. He owns a chain of drug rehab centers called Phoenix House. He is also connected to RB Pharmaceuticals who is the patent owner of a drug called Suboxone which is the "new" methadone - used to treat drug addicts and keep them straight. Sounds like a conflict of interest doesn't it? Not enough cash just in junkies - he has to include chronic pain patients too!
@petarmikulic9843 7 жыл бұрын
Everything should be available everywhere because those who wish to use something will use it one way or another no matter what.
@markborkowski965 7 жыл бұрын
I have a baclofen/morphine pump, without the morphine inside the pump, I would have killed myself along time ago. I have chronic pain from spinal cord injury. Never once addicted
@laurieburgess5097 6 жыл бұрын
It could help chronic pain patients as well who take prescriptions. People want quality lives and the less to take the better. A potent painkiller can help a much more than taking 2 or 3 pain killers a day. Cripe, give the legitimate pain pill uses a break. I will not go to the street and take a herion or a pot or whatever, I will sit at my house and suffer needlessly quiet and crying. It is horrible but I am not going to go outside the law and make matters worse. Thanks for the help AMA, Dea, or whomever else wants to stop all painkillers. I will not use over the counter Tylenol, I will just suffer like 3/4 of painkiller or more users where the few have ruined it for all. I think there should be a review on people and re test what the root problem of abusers are doing these drugs for. Most are from childhood tragedies and that is a fact. There are many who have lost their jobs and are in pain and have no purpose. I know many of my childhood friends who started using street drugs at age FIFTY. Did you just read what I said?, Fifty and his wife starting them too. THey had great jobs for 20 years as guards at a prison in Michigan and they lost their jobs in their mid to late forties. Now at 52 they are strung out and lost everything they had. I see people who wouldn't touch a drink like them as an example and now they are in the drug world and hopefully with age, they can stop and get a job but the opportunities to live in the Detroit area is so expensive that you have to have a job that you make at least 15 to 20 and hour but the jobs are not there. How can we solve these problems? I have chronic pain and have had it all my life but finally had to give in at age 32. I am 51 and I take my medication responsibly. When I first got on them, they gave out so many different narcotics I was confused and had a weird use of them so I dropped two of the 3 that they gave them. I love to be pain free but if I live 30 more years, I am in trouble. Thanks for the quality lives. Addiction is less than they say and others are just dependent. They use the word interchangeably and I went to school and watched that happen in my psychology classes within 6 years they did this. I was so confused and angry that they use ignorance of people to actually believe these words and behavior's are the same. NOT TRUE! Alcohol is legal and not everyone in America are alcoholics so why is that legal but want to war on people in pain? The nurses and these N.P's and P.A's are like little Nazi's. THey have no idea what a person goes through with chronic pain. I don't drink, but very occasionally or do anything else just to be able to do some laundry, dishes, and cooking which I love. It is very difficult to get through the day without the little that I still have to take. I have not had high doses of pain killers to begin with so why am I criminalized. I am a safe taker and why the ones like me have to be involved with this? There must be a way out of this weird war on opioids.
@TheBoxingCannabyte 8 жыл бұрын
So many people don't get that addiction is NOT a choice. I boxed for 17 years and the last thing i ever wanted was for my childhood rheumatoid arthritis to get the best of me or the various other injuries. I Was put on methadone at a pain clinic, and vicodin (norco) and 2mg clonazepam, ask most people that is a recipe for fucking death, and 300mg of serequel, three HUGE downers, virtually no knowledge of this shit....Anyway I am really lucky to be here right now, 9 years into it. I was able to put on 25 more fights using pills to mask the pain at huge detriment to my body, eventually having my eye damaged, Now I wear an eyepatch to prevent severe headaches and possible seizures as well. Anyway...point is, put on mehtadone for pain, no idea how strong or powerful or dangerous it was. Eventually I was taking anything I could get my hands on, it all started with a friend giving me a full bottle of 80 mg oxycontin as long as I gave him my bottle of methadone, this was so long ago and within the first month or two of me being on them so I think "okay, I won't even be on these that long".....2 years later...... Now I'm still on methadone, vicodin, and clonazepam, still fighting dependency. Still practicing boxing, very slow, very low-impact boxing, Wing Chung and Tai Chi. My highest aspiration in martial arts and boxing now, as well as HEMA (fencing and other melee weapon combat, as well as archery clubs, Im into all this stuff, the eyepatch goes over big-time at the fencing place, and im really good if I may say so myself, at a local level)--This stuff all gives me purpose and makes me work out and ive gone from using a cane to walk to not. Being told I'd always use a cane to not, was using a walker before that. I think of guys like Bruce Lee and try to aspire as best I can and I hope anyone reading this can take something from this and do something useful and better with it than I have done. Fuck knows if I can overcoem my heroin and oxy addiction while still being prescribed opiate-based medications while not abusing them....ANYONE can. Because I AM A FUCK-UP DUMBASS MORON! :P But I mean well, I really do. Good luck to my fellow opiophiles out there
@kaspervestergaard2383 8 жыл бұрын
+Joe Cannabyte Well you can, it takes more than just a little willpower to do so. I could start cutting down, or stop completely right away.
@TheBoxingCannabyte 8 жыл бұрын
+Kasper Vestergaard very few people can just quit cold turkey and not have it utterly fuck up their life. if you're one of those people you should thank your lucky stars!
@kaspervestergaard2383 8 жыл бұрын
Joe Cannabyte No, i'm not dealing with any kind of addiction. my father started smoking when he was 14, he's now 60. He keeps saying he will stop, but i don't believe him. Cutting down, is probaly the best way to stop, or saving your health.
@TheBoxingCannabyte 8 жыл бұрын
+Kasper Vestergaard so your previous opinion is based on zero experience with being an addict or treating opiate addiction....do you realize how arrogant you sound when you say that even though you've never been an addict you could quit any opiate in the world on your own and all it is, is a matter of willpwer? you're clueless as to the power of addiction let alone the neuroscience explaining why impulse control goes way down
@kaspervestergaard2383 8 жыл бұрын
Joe Cannabyte Damn, you became snappy really fast. Everyone can stop up and change their lives around. You can lose weight, you can stop drinking and so on. Nothing stops you. Of course it's hard, but you can, if you really want it bad enough. No, i have not experienced it, but facts are, that you can stop. There are people out there that can help you.
@mikestone8939 7 жыл бұрын
As a disabled veteran, I wish the government would get the hell out of my medicine cabinet. I resent being lumped into the same category as the junkie who shoots smack in his mom's basement.
@jasonneal 8 жыл бұрын
There rely isn't good patients and bad patients. Once you get on these meds for more than 2 months and taking them as prescribed, you are now addicted. Your body and mind needs more. If you are not mentally strong and able to take the pain, you will never get off of them. I was on percs 10/325 for 13 years. I managed to only limit myself to no more than 3-4 a day. There were a lot of days that I wanted more and I had to just suffer until my next dose. After 13 years I finally had enough and weened myself down over a course of a month and then quit. I went through withdrawals for about 3 weeks. It's been a month now and I'm feeling better but still having problems sleeping. Do yourself a favor, don't get on this shit and if you do, only take them for 3-4 days and quit. It is a roller coaster from HELL
@markborkowski965 7 жыл бұрын
jasonneal you know what's worse than being addicted to a drug that you honestly do not need to live? Having severe chronic nerve pain
@jasonneal 7 жыл бұрын
Mark Borkowski that's how I got on these. I had 2 back surgeries. I have 4 rods in my back. I know chronic pain
@gregrr1147 8 жыл бұрын
Very good reporting, as always. This quality of media is missing from so much of the TV world. I hope you guys dont close AJAM!
@cupidme5965 7 жыл бұрын
You don't need drugs. All you need is love & you'll be a ray of sunshine :D tee hee hee. "But I have cancer." No you donnn't.
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
Cupid Me you would be singing a different tune if you were dying of cancer or suffering from traumatic life threatening injuries. Opioids have a valid purpose in medicine.
@cupidme5965 7 жыл бұрын
Nuh uh. I'd be the best doctor ever. I'd prescribe everybody baby aspirin because they're soooooo cute. Everyone would say: "Bless You Doctor, You Have Cured Me!" Opioids like marijuana causes death. Over like um 100 Trillion people have died. Would you care for a heart shaped piece of chalk to suck on with your baby aspirin?
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
Cupid Me you are a fucking idiot! If you need emergency surgery to save your life, you would let a surgeon operate on you without any anesthesia?
@cupidme5965 7 жыл бұрын
Those are definitely the words of a drug seeker. Help is available: 1-800-FUCKYOUBITCH
@fcllc4217 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know how in the world you were able to post this it's FULL of inaccurate information and distortions. First of all, it is NOT prescription drugs that are at the heart of the problem. It's street drugs. Unfortunately, our govt does not differentiate between illicit opioids and prescription opioids when stating cause of death. So anyone who uses non-prescription fentanyl, from China or Mexico, and dies is listed as opioid overdose. Also, iin research done by the pain foundation and Dr Michael Schatman, after studying overdose death info posted by coroners, found that of 19,000 overdose deaths, only 1,900 were due to only a prescribed opioid. The rest were due to street drugs and the avg number of substances they had in their system at the time of death was 6. Including heroin (also reported as opioid death), illicit fentanyl from China or Mexico, alcohol, meth, muscle relaxers, etc... More than half of all addicts start by stealing someone else's prescription medication. Addiction medicine is A HUGE money maker, pain medicine is not. It's all about the money... Follow the money.
@sousaechao7431 8 жыл бұрын
But think about those who in pains and very need this drug who live with every single seconds minutes who can't go have activities with family and friends. I can get up everyday go shopping playing with my wife and my son because of this pills thank you.
@ange2662 8 жыл бұрын
@elithepitbulldog2209 6 жыл бұрын
Sou Saechao which means the pills are doing their job. And you are doing yours by participating in life. good job!
@ronwilliams1094 7 жыл бұрын
What they don't mention is that in 99% of most prescription opioid related deaths, there is another catalyst involved such as a benzo (xanax, valium, etc.) or muscle relaxer such as SOMA.
@KirksCORNER-1983 8 жыл бұрын
i need to find some zohydro
@nathanscott6085 7 жыл бұрын
k Fletch Get some Kratom instead.
@KirksCORNER-1983 7 жыл бұрын
Nathan Scott tried it doesnt do nething for me im currently on methadone
@KirksCORNER-1983 7 жыл бұрын
Renee P head shops
@KirksCORNER-1983 7 жыл бұрын
or order online
@alacroix2010 7 жыл бұрын
you know what's worse than chronic pain? Imaginary chronic pain from taking opiates for longer than a month. People are upset that they cant go to doctors office, say "I'm in pain" and get opiates. If you have a real debilitating illness you won't have a problem getting them. Unless of course you go to the doctors and tell them how to do their jobs. everybody and their brother could live life better on opiates. They make you feel good, can't lie. But for every good day on opiates you'll have two bad days, 5 times worse, if you ever decide to come off them. Of course you're in pain when you get off of them, you couldn't feel a damn thing while on them. You think you can't handle the physical downfall...but you have no idea how strong you are until you beat the mental part following the physical pain. Good luck to any current, past, and future opioid user. (no sarcasm)
@markborkowski965 7 жыл бұрын
andrew lacroix You are 100% incorrect. Chronic pain is worse than this "imaginary pain"
@rochelle123ist 7 жыл бұрын
andrew lacroix cancer pain usually lasts longer than a month. If you don't believe me I hope you never find out. I had stage 3 uterine cancer and my surgery couldn't be done with a laparoscope. I took Morphine and oxycodone for three months and stopped on my own when I was feeling better.
@par.boe619 8 жыл бұрын
just smoke weed
@par.boe619 8 жыл бұрын
+videodesignerz or maybe you've never had good weed?
@Kyle-dj2gv 7 жыл бұрын
I suffer from chronic pancreatitis and the main symptom is chronic pain. I 've been taking 10mg percocet for five years and having my pain meds is the difference between me eating food or not. I see three different Dr. and none of them will prescribe pain medication. I'm truly reaching the end of my rope. Maybe we should start a pain matters movement.
@kp68hc11a1 8 жыл бұрын
Hydrocodone is not even close to Heroin. Where does your information come from? Hydrocodone is good for Dental pain but nothing else.
@xcofcd 7 жыл бұрын
Kurt P I've seen hydrocodon used in substitution for diamorphine addicts, and they couldn't tell a difference
@naightz1 7 жыл бұрын
hydro is way weaker for real
@ChloeVilar 6 жыл бұрын
Right. It's cherry picking 'reporting' like this that cause patients in legitimate pain to have doctors suddenly too scared to treat their pain.
@seanm7553 4 жыл бұрын
I had a blood clot and I couldn't imagine dealing with the pain without these pain meds.
@facelessbeing6209 8 жыл бұрын
The Zohydro ER is for Hydrocodone tolerant patients who need around the clock treatment, without the risking of ingesting liver destroying amounts of APAP.
@BeeHash 7 жыл бұрын
I'm calling balderdash on the tattooed heroin user at the start. He's 32 years old, has been using pills and heroin more than half his life and he has zero track marks?
@Prow91 8 жыл бұрын
There's a reason zohydro was approved by the FDA despite warnings. The government wants these drugs on the market even though they say otherwise. Drug addiction generates to much money for big pharma and the government for them to stop it. There's a reason you can walk into any pain clinic and get these drugs easily but if you try to find a suboxone doctor it's super hard and if you do find one they make it hard for you to stay on it, they want you to go back to dope!
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
So.... if you were to think this problem of unresolvable pain through......what would you suggest.
@ange2662 8 жыл бұрын
You're way wrong about anyone going into any pain clinic to get these meds. smdh
@irenemoran6137 8 жыл бұрын
All of this demonizing of opioid painkillers is ridiculous because the legitimate use of them by chronic pain patients literally saves lives (if you have never had chronic pain you won't understand ). There are many people who are prescribed powerful pain medication and don't abuse it but use it for their pain. Addiction is a problem for certain types of people but to say that every prescription is an instant heroin addiction is terrible. What should people do when they get injured suffer? The people who abuse the pills are the problem and it has come back to a state of absolute doctor fear of addiction. There needs to be more monitoring of the patient to make sure that he or she doesn't begin to abuse the medication or use illegal drugs in combination with them. Blame the addict not the pill, you people do this with guns too and always use the same method, emotional stories and biased results from biased studies. Here's an idea, don't abuse your pills by doing the exact opposite of the instructions and then blame the doctor or pills because you can't control yourself. There are many legitimate pain patients who have been on the same dose of opioid medication for years and don't abuse it, quite the opposite but you won't show that side. Don't punish people who take their pain medicine responsibly because of the people who abuse it and use it illegally.
@LuisaD93 7 жыл бұрын
I believe that there needs to be control over these meds but find it sickening that people like myself who are truly in pain 24/7 aren't being heard from or even considered. People are turning to street drugs and heroin as a result of not being able to get the meds they need daily. Unless they find some other alternative or a way to decipher between a person who is in pain and uses responsibly to those that use to become high they will continue to see more and more deaths. People in pain need to be considered and we need to be heard .
@greyline1012 7 жыл бұрын
I just spent a month withdrawing myself of fentanyl, dehydrocodeine and diazepam. Cold turkey is the toughest thing I've done in my life. I'm left with chronic pain in my spine. I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis at the age of 28. I tell ya folks for 15 years I was unable to function without meds, now I see what they've done to me. I'm certainly not firing on all cylinders and the pain is the worst, but I was going to die on that poison. I never thought I'd be addicted because I never allowed myself to be free from pain. That didn't matter! If you take painkillers 2x4 times daily then within 10 days that's all it takes to get you. For the people that don't think they rely on these, i ask you to skip them for 28 hours to see what happens. Better still skip your next dose. To all people with back pain, ask yourself are you taking the meds for your pain or because withdrawals maybe kicking in. I say this because the back is the first place to get sore from w/d We all have two huge muscles that run the length of our spine and these start to give off a spasm type of pain. Our first response is to reach for our meds because we think it's our pain kicking in, but if you hold off you'll see in a few hours that your whole body will experience this. This is the beginning of w/d. It's just the back tends to get it first. Anyway I just thought I'd share this. To all who are affected either directly or indirectly by any drug I wish you all the best in kicking them. Peace and blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪
@MrRobertFarr 3 жыл бұрын
Turns out, trying to quit. Is the most dangerous bit.
@melissaoneal9896 8 жыл бұрын
there is a difference between addicted and dependent. they can send all the people they want to treatment but that doesn't solve the pain issue.
@BugpinBunny 6 жыл бұрын
So if you refilled their oxy that YOU prescribed in the first place they wouldn’t be on H?
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that opioid pain meds % prescribed follows the % increase in spine surgery in this country. Is there a link here?
@martigreene500 5 жыл бұрын
Not everyone prescribed opioids turns into a heroin addict when they don't have the meds. I am a chronic pain sufferer and didn't realize how popular these meds were until mine were stolen (with a lot of other valuables). I did what I was supposed to...police report, copy to Pain Management, etc. but I had to wait almost 2 weeks to get my script filled. As bad as I felt, I never once thought of finding heroin! The ones to blame for the HELL pain patients go through are the doctors who used to overprescribe, and the people who misuse their script or take them recreationally. I've watched a family member nod out during family gatherings...so I choose not to increase my dose or change my meds. Instead I take breaks every few months (doctor supervised) and suffer through intense pain so my tolerance doesn't skyrocket. Another friend does the same thing, and it's worked the last several years! I was on both Oxycodone (IR) and OxyContin (ER) for two months and hated the way I felt. So I told my Pain doctor and I stopped the OxyContin. I know I'm not alone, so I wish these documentaries talked to more people like me!
@HeavyProfessor 8 жыл бұрын
Can they really not figure out why the FDA ok'd ZOHYDRO?
@leek7412 7 жыл бұрын
I been on opiods since 98.When i worked i worked the force of 2 guys so i have been told.I raced motocross and rode dirtbikes since i was 8 with many concussions,broken bones etc without opiods. pipefitting on the job making small tank facilitys for oil spills across america 18 hours a day 7 days a week was what i thought was a great thing for the environment . We did 2 inch to 4 inch pipe which weighs i think one 4 inch 20 foot= 430 pounds all by hand unless it`s 5 inch then you rent a crane which is very exspensive.My shoulders are arthritic and i blew my lumbar and thoracic and my neck joints and my knee ligaments.i`m still in 24 hour pain and was on 3 -90 mgs a day which worked but now they are so strict because i went vegitarian and lost alot of weight i`m on 1 30 mg which lasts 8 hours and have withdrawls in the morning but the pain level is through the roof.I tried physical therapy with the best intent a couple times with a down time of excrutiating pain for 3 days to recover.I can`t walk with a cane because of my shoulders but i want these rods out of my lower back it`s a fail and workers comps not budging or paid the surgeon off who knows. I just want to work somehow and get off this nightmare of a drug and go in a wheelchair if i have to. Sorry for not typing perfect for all the anal people.Don`t touch this evil drug please!!
@bobsee8226 7 жыл бұрын
Even the dog was like, WTF.
@patrickmartin2689 7 жыл бұрын
I ❤ goes out to any and everyone who got on opiates thur injuries or chronic pain and got hooked not by choice May God be with you all...😔
@rochelle123ist 6 жыл бұрын
I am a cancer survivor and I didn’t choose to get stage 3 uterine cancer. Oxycodone was a godsend for the 3 months it took me to fully recover from invasive cancer surgery. That was the most pain I’ve ever felt in my life. If you don’t believe me I hope you never find out how wrong you are.
@sharonstack4269 6 жыл бұрын
They talk about the number of people who get hooked on opioids. I'd like to know the percentage of people who are prescribed opioids or receive them in hospitals but never become addicted.
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
There is a less than 0.05 % risk of death in patients with a single provider of Rx.
@lesliehyde 6 жыл бұрын
Since 2014 I've been on opioid pain killers to treat complex regional pain syndrome. Now that Trump wants to do away with prescription pain medication I worry that killing myself will be a better option than living with pain as living with pain will have me in a nursing home completely bed bound.
@DianeHasHopeInChrist 4 жыл бұрын
I saw, then fired a doctor who told me, the only reason he would prescribe pain meds, is if a patient had TERMINAL cancer. I asked, "so, you have abandoned your oath. What would you do if a veteran pain patient had permanent shraplnel embedded in his body?" He said, "I don't care". I have been in a Federal pain management program for 13 years & have taken myself off 4 times. My new doctor referred me to a wonderful pain mgmt doctor, and all is well. When a legitimate pain patient can't get their meds because of druggies who never needed pain meds, those patients SUFFER. Some patients need pain meds to function, work...etc.
@Reree-gz5bg 6 жыл бұрын
That’s crazy how prescribed medicine, for medicinal use gets abused ;-; I finally passed my pharmacy technician exam, fairly recent, but you learn about each medicine and how they work. But then you also learn about drug abuse too. It’s so sad ,-,
@Cnightz 4 жыл бұрын
The problem with cutting off pain meds to someone who has been taking them for so long is, Your body has natural endorphins that act as a pain killer in your body. Which is why you can take a tylenol and it will work when you need it. When you're on opioids for a year or 6 months you have completely stopped those endorphins from functioning. So when you come off these drugs you are now feeling every ache and pain your body at one time would naturally take care of. Of course people will take it to get out of pain. It's a trap, they should never be on pain killers that long. I speak from experience of 10 years. There are better options than opioids to manage pain but ultimately the person suffering has to be willing to make that effort to change and adjust and if you don't then yes you are a drug seeker relying on the pills.
@gm4l450 6 жыл бұрын
It's sad because people in legitimate chronic pain can no longer get the drugs they need to function
@margermcdonld5712 7 жыл бұрын
Who brings most drugs into America? Why my gosh its our goverment, they even shipped it back in my cousins coffin from Vietnam
@cwnewsnow7875 7 жыл бұрын
I'm 35 been on pills since 2007 when I ripped a disc in my back can't get help had surgery and now hurt worse than I did
@garysundell2332 8 жыл бұрын
6:29-- LMFAO -dog roles his eyes with that awkward look on his face.
@Cuinn837 7 жыл бұрын
I read in an article today that depression is becoming the blame for chronic pain sufferers. If they treat the depression, they claim, then patients will tolerate better what pain they have and will then need little in the way of opioids. But what about those of us who can't tolerate anti-depressants? Another excuse to deprive us of what we really need. PAIN is PAIN and it causes depression! How can we have a sunny disposition when we can't get relief from torture?
@elainefox9213 7 жыл бұрын
it makes me so mad that doctors do this but if you smoke a joint you go to jail. I hate the doctors for giving me this patch for pain
@alanorlowski327 7 жыл бұрын
i had my t-9 to l-3 fused in a botched back surgery, and after being cut off from pain management for failing for weed one time, it has been downhill from there. too many regulations and the system is meant to fail you. two back surgeries and a whole host of problems to come from it.
@samplexity5595 7 жыл бұрын
they should regulate how much a doctor can prescribe to someone and the drug addiction and overdoses will go down
@Mr9Guns 7 жыл бұрын
This is nothing new just the current chapter of a problem as old as humans have known opium.
@Gpacharlie 8 жыл бұрын
"Eventually Katie decided to seperate from Wayne." This drama is so terribly skewed and fear mongering hype.
@thesneakyzephyr4531 8 жыл бұрын
I've got osteonecrosis in both of my hips. I was prescribed Norco 10/325 every 6 hours. I stopped taking them because I'm so afraid of getting addicted to it. There has to be a better way of dealing with chronic pain than this.
@comradecommie8545 7 жыл бұрын
If you have good insurance and get into a pain management clinic, you'll get tons of drugs whether you need them or not.
@DianeHasHopeInChrist 4 жыл бұрын
It isn't pain patients fault.....it is greedy drug companies & doctors who receive kickbacks, for each prescription.
@MainStreetCustoms33513 6 жыл бұрын
There is too many people on here that just want to get high... It’s for chronic pain that’s it.. I have a major back injury and it’s almost impossible to get my medicine because people miss using it...If someone doesn’t have something to prove there injuries/ MRI then don’t prescribe them something so strong and for so long.. I understand both sides and it really sucks because I have a brother who nothing is wrong with but he takes pain pills and gets high as a kite and it pisses me off to know end, because there isn’t anything wrong with him nothing...He says he hurts and that’s all it takes , Hell I got to jump through hopes to get mine 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
@blushberri3814 7 жыл бұрын
Not my real name... I am a Registered Nurse and you know .... people having major surgery on my unit - c/s's, abdominal hysterectomies, MAJOR abdominal surgery are only being told to take Tylenol ES and motrin when they go home! It's no wonder people seek other ways of giving themselves pain relief! I agree with Sandra and Cuinn837, and others. Opiates in some form should be available to use .... The need to ask a pharmacist for sure yes, but still they should be available!! Being Canadian , we can get Tylenol #1's over the counter, but still , that isn't going to be enough for post operative major abdo. surgery. Also, the risk of overdosing on the Tylenol is increased!! I say make opiates somewhat MORE available. Not the hard stuff like morphine, oxy's etc etc but at the very least, Tylenol #3's!!
@rochelle123ist 6 жыл бұрын
Blush Berri I totally agree with you! Tylenol number 3 needs to be available over the counter! It helps me with migraines and shingles pain. I am also a cancer survivor and I have no regrets using oxycodone for the 3 months it took me to fully recover from invasive cancer surgery.
@jeffhucle6436 3 жыл бұрын
Ironically enough the mitigation effort causes more death than it curtails. If the drugs became prolific enough people would eventually see all the death and despair and realize to stay away from opioids
@aussietrue612 7 жыл бұрын
This is so one sided it's ridiculous..! What about those patients with actual long term chronic pain that are not "addicts using the medication to get high"..?
@scottvalentine9739 6 жыл бұрын
If You're injured at work the system is gonna destroy your life
@bowdown3320 7 жыл бұрын
the withdrawal s are terrible
@t.perkins209 7 жыл бұрын
It'd be interesting to see how people perceived prescription opiates if heroin were called diacetylmorphone rather than by a name suggesting a difference between H & other narcotic analgesics.
@zennyrayati2002 6 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile if that person was black, he or she would be thrown to local jail immediately without any medical assistance.
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