Is an ethical ivory trade possible? | Inside Story

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@jimtakahashi4638 2 жыл бұрын
Anything that can possibly encourage poaching must be avoided.
@bharat-dz9wi 6 ай бұрын
I stand by this let nature reclaim their ivory and leave them elephants alone. Even ivory from a dead elephant should be illegal.
@shaharearhossain4280 2 жыл бұрын
The western countries have lots of money for that they talk through emotionally about conservation but Zimbabwe is poor countries what they can do for conservation of ivory..
@kareemkalisari 2 жыл бұрын
Each of us has a role to play in protecting our planet 🌍🌏🌎.
@shaharearhossain4280 2 жыл бұрын
International authorities should left banned from certain countries where huge opportunities have to gain some profit from this.
@The.ImperiumofMen 2 жыл бұрын
Why are we listening to countries without a single elephant on how to deal with our overpopulation
@mountainfrost7095 2 жыл бұрын
Let Zimbabwe do what they think is best for their stock pile of ivory. They have less things to worry about storing and security.
@strength9621 2 жыл бұрын
If the international community doesn’t want to help in the preservation then so be it
@AljabbarWestJava 2 жыл бұрын
*VICTOR HUGO* 's Theory: ‏نظرية فيكتور هوغو: ‏ الماء مرن لأنه لا يمكن ضغطه ‏إنه ينزلق تحت الضغط. ‏ وعندما يتم عصره من جانب، يندفع إلى الجانب الآخر. ‏ لذلك يتحول الماء إلى موجة ‏الموجة هي تجسيد للحريّة." ‏هناك أناس كالماء ‏لا توجد قوة تستطيع أن تضغط عليهم ‏وإلا سيتحولوا إلى موجة ‏فإما يجتاحونك ‏وإما يبتعدوا عنك. --- VICTOR HUGO بعد الكوارث الحرب العالمية الاولى والحرب العالمية الثانية، ازدادت بشدة ضرورات تأسيس ما عرف فيما بعد باسم -- الاتحاد الاوروبي 🇪🇺🇪🇺 --. لا توجد تلك القوة إلا مع الجميع 🌍. شكرا على تضامنكم في بناء مستقبل أفضل وأكثر استدامة وأمنا. أشكركم. 🌏 .
@tka-tpa-prapatankalisari45192 2 жыл бұрын
🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓 ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️ 'STUDENTS TURNED LEGENDS' "No power in World can ever dare trample Soul, Whose association with God, to hug God is goal. No light is wicked or phylanthropic, Be it of oblivion or of lovely lipistic, Thinking and use of it by the consumer, Makes it so, this idea has the soulful support of Shakespeare's POWER. Thank you. ❤️❤️ .
@ncubesays 2 жыл бұрын
Tinashe presents a very compelling argument.
@aikishtar 2 жыл бұрын
Tinashe needs to learn of the science from Allan Savory and his body of ecological work in Zimbabwe that started because he realized the mistake in culling elephants in his hay days.
@ncubesays 2 жыл бұрын
@@aikishtar I watched Allan's TED Talk a couple of years ago, just watched it again for good measure. Tinashe is not advocating for culling 40,000 elephants like Allan did. Quite the opposite. Hwange National Park needs money to help sustain the large elephant population, currently at 3x park capacity, for sustainability. And also reward/develop local villagers who live in close proximity to the park who actually help them fight poachers.
@NonaManis229 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you *Al Jazeera* 😊🌺!. 🌺 ' *We all have a role* to play in stopping the spread of harmful disinformation online, which can result in people being left uninformed, unprotected & vulnerable during a crisis.' Thank you 🇺🇳. 😊👏😊 And may God's peace be upon you 🇺🇳.😊👏😊
@ivareskesner2019 2 жыл бұрын
It's very much possible in theory. Unfortunately human greed wrecks this plan, much like many others. As long as it's that valuable, there will always be people poaching it.
@marinachhakchhuak6782 2 жыл бұрын
F ohi isi ududduduuduiydudididudduududidiuuuududddifuiddigufguydudduufydydduduuudydduudddidududydydudddidudiiyddydididyddiududfduuuddudiudududi Igudyfuddududdiuuddduuddi diyddiudiddididigdyuyduiuduydiuddududuifyfuduiddyiddududfuddyddiguddududiydidddiddiydiyidiidduidiidyddudufudyududduududidddiduidyududududduyiydidduddiuydidyduyudiudddydydiiddiiddgidiyiddiiddydudiuudyddudigdydudfiduduufdiddduududududydiuddididdudyydudufdiiddidiuududiddydudududguddidriddiduddudydi uiiiii Dydiudugudduddydidudddudgiguidddidddiuudiddyiugidiudyudifsuyudufuufduifudidiguddigutuffududufuddiyuiididifuddiidididiud ydiidddfidyddyduduyuddyidididyyiudguugudugidududydudydigidiyiyiyiddiuidyigfudsudiuiduddiuddgdiddiudiidddiiddfidgidudd di udiudfuiduigiddid reti didududyddyuguuyuiufiudiifdiuyuuiifududududdiuduuuddiidiufyididiuddiddiyduyyudidididiiidyduidiguiiddiydiuduygidydyddidiuuddfiydyiiidiuguuddudiiguguddudddiiddiyiyiiggiddyydddyddydiudidiifiudidudiiddiidiuddidd iddiiiiiduudifdiigiddfudgdidiuiiudidiydiguduffiiddududuffdiiuddugiddiiududdiidiifdifiigiddigudiduiduidiidudiidyfuyii₹di Diduuduudiyuudyufuufdiufyduddiyuufd IFIGUYUYYYUUDDUDIDDIDDYDUDYDUIIDugufuffddidudfuudddiyfdufidyddffuiddiuddyudfududydudyyududgudydudufuduududdudud usgs Udddydydidfigf iiddsuyidguufduduyuiiidudu horrify dididyddfuydiyfddidudfuud
@marinachhakchhuak6782 2 жыл бұрын
&f&&_gf gd ch&gf&h chhe g ch gf ggg gf guy &gg gg is gf gf ggg gf se &g is the g gg &gg g &fgg isthe gggf gf g is gf se bat gf gf gis the way guy f gfggdgf g is the gg is a good day xggfgfgf ko bolgd gf f is the only_gf g is a good day &for a a &duty andduty duty gghuhv hv gg g gudgth gghigh andhighhigh and d d best to make g is the only thing you havegf tshirt x chromosome &dgff &ch th &ggf gd gf h fgfu gf&gd gf ko ggdgffgfg &gfggd fgf gf hhu hv dharm ch gdgfse highs fhh hddd &f is agreat timegd gf hv h g gxg gd gfchat chat g gf d g is the f is &gf d gfgggffhgggh hgfgghffhfghdfgfxdh_fhfhhgxg&fgfghf&fhff_gffhg gd h_f hv gh ch fudfffd_fggddggf&gggfhxxhhfhfgffgsgh ggdgffgfg x xgffhg f gh fhfhff hgf&gf fgfhdgffdhhhgxdghfzgdfdffxzgdfffggfgixuff&gd hd gdxx huxxgf&gdxx ghxxfhd hgfgghffhfghdfgfxdh x ch gfgf gd fgffhg GF xx gf&hhxguffgffhg
@freddypie7613 2 жыл бұрын
@midlifeparty 2 жыл бұрын
Poach the poachers
@megasmart7740 2 жыл бұрын
There's no such thing as "poaching", animals have been killed since the dawn of time, and theyhhave replenished. AAnimals were alwaysmmeant to be killed.
@NonaManis229 2 жыл бұрын
Love you *Al Jazeera* 😊🌺. *Thank you for every memory* *Thank you for every smile* *Thank you for every moment* . 😊😊👏😊🌺 We may have closed our doors but *Our promise* still stands, connecting MINDS CREATING the FUTURE 🌎🌍🌏. Until we meet again… 😊👏😊👏😊👏😊👏😊👏😊
@kareemkalisari 2 жыл бұрын
Spread the word about how CLIMATE ISSUES are affecting our wildlife, and share WAYS for people to get involved. And vote like our PLANET depends on it. Our world is far too important, and the time to ACT is NOW✍️.
@newterm 2 жыл бұрын
Human population also booming, maybe Aliens should look into re-activating Pineal Gland harvesting.
@MelandraSmith 8 ай бұрын
The chap from Zimbabwe puts an excellent case for lifting the ban. I think I would support the money gained being used to support the local communities but I wonder whether governments are able to carry this through. If here in the UK we can't even mend potholes in roads when our communities pay huge sums in tax, what hope has Zimbabwe got of controlling the diversion of funds and corruption by officials?
@garcongallery1129 7 ай бұрын
The government won't folllw through. They are so corrupt that they bankrupted many mines, smelters and car msnufacturers. It is hard to trust a government with a history of always letting it's people and country down
@sailordoc2818 4 ай бұрын
It’s ethically possible to relocate elephants to habitats that have lost them to poaching .
@basheerahamed6845 2 жыл бұрын
Let your service continue so that the world can know a lot.
@AljabbarWestJava 2 жыл бұрын
🌍EU | *European Economic Community* للاتحاد الاوروبي 🇪🇺🇪🇺 نشاطات عديدة، أهمها كونها -- سوق موحد -- ذو عملة واحدة هي -- اليورو | EURO -- كما له سياسية زراعية مشتركة -- وسياسية صيد بحري موحدة. ONLY TOGETHER WE CAN 🤔 معا يمكننا بناءً مستقبل أفضل وأكثر استدامة وأمنا. شكرا لك. 🌏 .
@AljabbarWestJava 2 жыл бұрын
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW وأكتفي من بين ما كتبه هؤلاء باقتطاف ما قاله «برناردشو» الكاتب والناقد الإنجليزي الذائع الصِّيت الذي تَعرفه الدنيا بأسرِها، والمتوفى سنة 1950، يقول هذا المفكر العملاق عن رسول الإنسانية محمد ﷺ: «إنَّ أوروبا الآن بدأت تحسُّ بحكمة محمد ﷺ وبدأت تَعشَقُ دِينه، وإنَّ أوروبا سوف تُبرِّئ الإسلام ممَّا اتَّهمته به من أراجيف رجالها ومُفكِّريها في العصور الوسطى، وسيكون دين محمد ﷺ هو النظام الذي تُؤسِّس عليه دعائم السلام والسعادة، وتستندُ على فلسفته في حل المعضلات وفك المشكلات، وحَلِّ العُقَد. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW يقول: إنِّي أعتقد أنَّ رجلًا كمحمد لو تسلَّم زمام الحكم المطلق في العالم بأجمعه اليوم لتم له النجاح في حكمة ولقاد العالم إلى الخير، وحلَّ مشاكله على وجه يحقق للعالم السلام والسعادة المنشودة.. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW ثم يقول: أجل.. ما أحوج العالم اليوم إلى رجل كمحمد لِيَحُلَّ قضاياه المعقدة بينما هو يتناول فنجانًا من القهوة». ☕ أنقذ كوكبنا 🌏🌍🌎 !!!. أشكرك. 🌏 .
@marilynlucas5128 2 жыл бұрын
With blockchain technology, yes, it's possible
@2butnot277 2 жыл бұрын
Compromise: Allow the sales of only the current loads. Enhance conservation capabilities with the major share of the proceeds. Divide the balance among local interests. Maintain and propagate current international restrictions. The southern African countries will continue to store acquired ivory. Re-evaluate the following sale at an agreed upon future date between invested parties.
@luzmindafabay2565 2 жыл бұрын
@DUBSTEP_KUSH305 2 жыл бұрын
SAVE all animals 🙏
@ivareskesner2019 2 жыл бұрын
@DUBSTEP_KUSH305 2 жыл бұрын
@ivareskesner2019 2 жыл бұрын
@@DUBSTEP_KUSH305 I don't. How many people do you think hunt and eat wild animals?
@Sammy-wu8gm 2 жыл бұрын
Has anyone seen the National Geographic video of an elephant which the greedy inhumane had sawed off it’s task from inside it’s mouth? The poor elephant survived; but it’s flesh was dangling all the way to the ground 😢
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
One very important reason to be managing the elephant population in a wise manner would be to improve the gene pool especially if and when there is a problem. For example in the state of Florida where I had the fish and wildlife biologist coming to work my herd of goats they had just come from working a herd of buffalo On the Florida Paynes Prairie preserve and told me there were major complications where they found that all the female buffalo only had one hole to urinate and to defecate a to give birth! And rather than replace the whole herd they took the buffalo bull away and replaced him immediately. Solving the problem of the next generation supposedly. Those buffalo had been in breeding too long and that had resulted in genetic inferiority and the gene pool needed to be out crossed immediately! And a bull elephant that has been in with his girls and his sons and daughters and probably his grandsons and granddaughters for quite some time does need to be replaced from time to time. And in order to do this in a timely manner when needed there need to be salt in feeding stations like semi shipping container van type stations where he could go up and get his salt and mineral licks and then he would learn to be loaded up and taken away one day without causing trauma to the herd! Elephants are so intelligent and if there is any trauma they will remember it all of their lives and may act out accordingly! So to take the grandfather away peacefully and either put him at an elephant sanctuary or allow him to be laid down mercifully and feed the tribe and keep the tribe alive and allow his tusk to be harvested humanely And allow the locals some prosperity. While at the same token providing a genetic improvement for the whole elephant family!
@freedomfighter4990 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't is obvious after all these decades of poaching that the authorities will have no way of distinguishing old ivory collected years ago "mostly from natural deaths" from ivory from an elephant who was shot last week for his tusks? And I guarantee you none of the revenue from selling that ivory will end up in the hands of the actual farmers in Zimbabwe who have lost crops to living elephants. The last two 1-off sales of old ivory only lead to increased killing of elephants. The fact that it happened in countries other than Zimbabwe doesn't Zimbabwe should assume history wont''repeat itself.
@steveparker8065 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, just take a poll of elephants and see how many of them want their tusks removed to make ornaments and potions...
@kylesmith4572 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the potion thing is just mind-blowing. It's as crazy as medieval Europe and all of their "Alchemists" trying to turn lead into gold and mostly getting lead poisoning in the process.
@megasmart7740 2 жыл бұрын
How many chickens, cows want to be killed? How many plants want to be razzed to feed you? Animals have been killed for millenia, stop your pretentious nonsense
@steveparker8065 2 жыл бұрын
@@megasmart7740 Elephants, like the black Rhino, will face extinction if they are hunted for their ivory. We only have 5 thousand black rhinos, up from 2,400 in 1995. We don't want the elephant to go the way of the dodo. We've already lost 65% of global genetic diversity at 1,000 times the natural rate of extinction. PS I'm vegetarian so no animals are killed to feed me.
@tka-tpa-prapatankalisari45192 2 жыл бұрын
🎓🎓🎓 🎓🎓 In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of INNOVATION and *EDUCATION* ✍️🎓. And this is important because no development strategy can be based only upon what comes out of the ground, 🤔 nor can it be sustained while young people are out of work🙂. ❤️🤔😎 Thank you✍️. 🤔 😅 ☝️Only you🇺🇳 are one person who understands me.🤔 🤣☝️ 🤭🤭😁☝️ ☝️Only you. We love you ❤️. 🤭🤭😁 .
@cherry-vz5kx 2 жыл бұрын
Buy Tagua,Ecuador`s answer to ivory.
@trevoroertel 2 жыл бұрын
Assuming Will Travers from Born Free has any expertise, I fail to see how the sale of ivory by Zimbabwe or any of the range states that have stockpiles can lead to a poaching epidemic on the African continent as claimed by Travers as he has categorically stated: "There is no Market"! I also fail to see how "one-off sales" can be a steady supply. Between the Southern African range states, we can assure the buyers of a steady supply - something any business model needs to be successful, and which has insured that the once-off sales have not been as successful as they could have been. Travers himself claims elephant numbers after the introduction of a ban in 1989 have decreased from 600 000 to 400 000. Based on that is it not time to try a different approach as clearly bans are not working. As for his claims of Tanzania having a surge in poaching from 2010 to 2014 after the once-off sale of 2009 it would be interesting if some researchers looked at the correlation between a natural die-off of elephants from overpopulation (which Tanzania seems to have had at the time) and drought. Currently, the only two creatures on the planet benefiting from our elephant (and rhino) are poachers and a donation hungry animal rights movement as they keep raising donations to "save" elephants and rhinos (both of which if one looks at the numbers they are failing dismally).
@krissimms4775 2 жыл бұрын
No .killing a valuable creature like the Elephant is wrong
@The.ImperiumofMen 2 жыл бұрын
Are you going to send money?
@ShahrezadNorMohammadiy9116 2 жыл бұрын
❤️🌺🌸 Gender EQUALITY is everyone's business.❤️💇 Stand up for women's rights every day 🌅♀️🧖 and everywhere 🌍🌏🌍! Let's be happy!!.😊🌸 ❤️🌺🌸
@Molecular-Brainwaves-Translate 2 жыл бұрын
@KZbin Finance does your height help you on the Internet?
@ansh_u_r 2 жыл бұрын
Is an ethical beef trade possible.
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 жыл бұрын
😀😀😀 🇺🇲 We've made historic investments in maternal HEALTH, from extending mandatory Medicaid postpartum coverage from two months to one year, to INVESTING in mental health for new mothers. 🇺🇲 I applaud California, Oregon, Florida, and Kentucky for joining us in expanding Medicaid coverage for mothers. -- H. E. Kamala Harris 🌸 The Vice President of the United States 🇺🇸🇺🇸. Thank you. 😀😀😀 .
@stephensharma4994 2 жыл бұрын
@annablack4599 2 жыл бұрын
Make them the only place they can buy it. It will be the same as it is now.
@v.britton4445 2 жыл бұрын
Save, protect elephants, regrow the environment.
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
And it’s not just Government but the local men, Women, and children that should Also be able to profit and celebrate a beautiful sacred harvest of life and food to help sustain them all!
@cynthiamarie2107 2 жыл бұрын
@meejinhuang 2 жыл бұрын
No. There's no such thing as ethical ivory.
@The.ImperiumofMen 2 жыл бұрын
There is such a thing as too many elephants
@sulu3757 2 жыл бұрын
rich country condemned like that ,but the country like Europe, and asian import ivory, Hippocrates ...
@GladysAlicea 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, but you mean "hypocrites."
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 жыл бұрын
😀 👍 Yes👍 Oh 🌏Al Jazeera English🤗 Yes👍 and yes-. MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT 👍!. YES 👍 👍 # Cop 26 SAVE OUR PLANET 🌏🌍🌎! 👍 '' we are talked a lot about, but we are not listened to '' -why? 😀 Thank you. 😀😀
@odiebalo4547 2 жыл бұрын
nag papa ming,-ming miilng
@ivareskesner2019 2 жыл бұрын
That's right.
@calebsmith404 2 жыл бұрын
Because of the economic crisis that always comes up the best thing to be on every wise individual’s mind or list is to invest in different streams of income that’s not depending on the government to generate funds.
@jackwood1400 2 жыл бұрын
That won't bother you if you trade with a professional like mr Wilson Moore
@shailanorton8357 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard a lot about investments with mr Wilson Moore and how good he is, please how safe are the profits?
@justinphil9756 2 жыл бұрын
I got an astonishing $11,140 USD from my first investment with Mr Wilson and ever since then he has been delivering
@clintswiss5871 2 жыл бұрын
Please how do I contact Mr Wilson?
@ellarose2711 2 жыл бұрын
Text him on what's app I think she replies faster on there⤵️
@importantname 2 жыл бұрын
what a silly question - ethical ahahaaha, ethics of the seller are not the same as ethics of the dictator or the ethics of a drug addict. Ethics are what ever you want. Non Ethical is what you dont want.
@Ecovaluations 2 жыл бұрын
It is important to know how much elephant habitat has been lost to human population growth and development. Might that be the reason the remaining land area is over its carrying capacity?
@kylesmith4572 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely true for most species that are not human, dog, cat, chicken, etc. But I think he said their preserve was 14 thousand kilometers squared, which is freaking huge. In America we would have far-right ranchers grazing their cattle on it and shooting the elephants while refusing to pay taxes and somehow feeling proud about the whole thing. edit: To be fair, there would also be far-left pot growers and pseudo-cults setting up and hiding from "the man."
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
Local crafts men and women, and young apprentices of all genders should be able to utilize some of the tribal ivory for their local trades.
@Potomacstud 2 жыл бұрын
if someone comes into your house and yanked out all your teeth and make that into a pretty necklace , would that be legal and ethical ?
@ys1281 8 ай бұрын
@aisadal2521 2 жыл бұрын
Poaching is poaching; it can _never_ be ethical, nor should it be normalized and/or legalised 😡
@ivareskesner2019 2 жыл бұрын
Ethical would be harvesting from the dead ones or removing them without killing them, then letting them back into the wild. Like they do with rhino horn.
@Sammy-wu8gm 2 жыл бұрын
Humans* greed always finds ways to exploit. Elephants have roamed earth millions of years before us. I say, don’t off palaces nature and just let them be
@TotalTomoko 2 жыл бұрын
@@ivareskesner2019 or just grow the Ivory from cells in a Lab
@pedrogabrielduarte4544 2 жыл бұрын
The goverment needs to stop elephant killing
@kylesmith4572 2 жыл бұрын
England is one of the most domesticated and eviscerated ecologies in the entire world. And their "expert" is telling them what to do about animal management in a country that actually has diversity.
@TotalTomoko 2 жыл бұрын
@cosmincoco3679 2 жыл бұрын
thsi is easy but looks hard , k look so ukraine that heart and usa would say by bolivia in belarus passing hungary , ofc bolivia may have some heart identification , belarus the egg , but i say they would go straight in belarus by north , elephants say yes because u identify with nature. and they even agree.
@stopdeforestation 2 жыл бұрын
This is the only anchor on Inside Story I refuse to watch. He's got creepy eyes; he grunts when guests talk; his voice is creepy; he's rude. Put him behind the camera or fire him. I thumbs down any video he is on. Al Jazeera has a lot of talented anchors. He has zero talent, other than scaring people away from Al Jazeera & toward your competitors. I spend time watching foxnews, france24, 60 minutes Australia, & PressTV when u have that fool on. Notice how people thumbs up my criticism of him on other videos. People do NOT like him. He is an outcast at al Jazeera.
@jude175 2 жыл бұрын
There doesn't need to be an ivory trade - ethical or unethical. Ivory collectors can collect stamps.
@peace4850 2 жыл бұрын
أمي مريم وأنا ابنتها! جدي شيخ أنا إمام. نحن نعرف الحقيقة الحقيقية! أنا أيضًا شيخ وسينغ 💜 أنا أم كل الخليقة سنمنح جميع الناس على هذا الكوكب حياة متساوية مثل الرجال! أنا كل الأديان! وهؤلاء الكفار الطغاة لا أنا ملكة كل الأشياء التي أخبرته بها لقد قلت لهم كلهم ​​من الأفضل أن يتوقفوا وإلا سوف أتحدث بها وسوف يتم إخبارهم أنني أستطيع رؤية كل شيء أنا رائي! العراف إمباث إمباث هيوكا شامان النبي مستبصر الروحاني الوسيط الغجري ، ستعرفني أيضًا كإله والأم التي ولدت الله المسيح الحقيقي المولود الأول أريدك كل ما أتحدثه ، لقد تم ذلك مرة أخرى سأكرر أفكاري ، لقد تم! لقد تكلمت هذه الملكة وأطلق النار على كل الفاعل الشرير الآن! 😡👍🙏📿🛐🤲💋🌎🕊️👩🏼‍⚖️⚖️♎
@Sammy-wu8gm 2 жыл бұрын
Humans* greed always finds ways to exploit. Elephants have roamed earth millions of years before us. I say, don’t off palaces nature and just let them be
@TotalTomoko 2 жыл бұрын
just grow it from cells in a lab like they are starting to do with meat now
@TotalTomoko 2 жыл бұрын
not only that, but they have a stock pile of unused Ivory from the conservation efforts, they can't just let that stuff sit in a Wearhouse forever, that's wasteful
@megasmart7740 2 жыл бұрын
What a stupid argument proposed by the man from London. He's talking about theoretical value that IMF predicts will occur, but what he fails to say is that you cannot create that value without substantial investment. The problem with that is Zimbabwe can get loans from the IMF due to sanctions the IMF has on Zimbabwe. So these people want villages and water resources and ecosystems to be destroyed in Zimbabwe to keep an artificial high number of Elephants? How absurd
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely possible and with good stewardship skills and management protection and habitat this should be part of the end results do utilize every part efficiently when it’s needed to be. Not careless reckless behavior but a careful stewardship management and production of elephants and when need to be culled appropriately especially if there is an inferior gene or a super aggressive problem specimen. I have produced both large and small animals all my life and apprenticed for the worlds largest old timers in Heirloom ranching and have produced all types of cattle including water buffalo American buffalo Scottish highland cattle Texas Longhorns Brahmas and other various forms of cattle as well as all shapes and sizes of heirloom horses and ponies as well as donkeys emu dogs cats Goats and sheep chickens turkeys pheasants guineas peacocks geese you name it etc. etc. lol and with elephants mankind stewardship is definitely necessary and the technology to monitor them 24 seven if need be.
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
In proper stewardship every single part of the animal is utilized and sacred.
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
We need good shepherds in these programs worldwide to help manage both lands and animals in these stewardship programs and the animals with what they deposit into the ground will increase fertility and reduce fire hazards and are a natural part of our ecosystem for thousands upon thousands of years. With proper management and stewardship programs over the animals they do their part in our ecosystem and do not stand in one spot in a feedlot they are allowed to migrate with the Shepherd or Shepherds in a management system where they actually help the ecosystem and they help re-green arid wastelands. Not to be confused with overgrazing in one spot. It takes lots of good Shepherds to achieve these results. The urea and other nutrients out of the animals urine and the fibrous roughage and good bacteria‘s enzymes and other trace elements minerals and nutrients that come out of the animal as well as some seeds that depend upon the animals to spread them around in good shepherding and good stewardship management systems. These systems will cut down on harmful fires worldwide with our changing ecosystems. Elephants back in the day were looked at as the enemy of the lands and when it was ordered that they needed to be exterminated to keep the balance it actually created way more harm in the end! Scientist and biologist studied what had happened and the elephants were providing a valuable source of management of these great lands that they traveled! If anything we need better stewardship and management and shepherding programs worldwide! We do not need to keep spraying Roundup ready Monsanto on brush for example here in Florida they spray Roundup everywhere in every ditch on every roadside because apparently there are no people qualified to go out and actually cut and clean the area? I remember back in the day they would utilize some prison labor and put good shepherds and stewardship over them in order to help keep our ecosystem more clean and in proper working order. But now they do not utilize the prison labor where prisoners seemed like they were happy and making good money with the roadside projects but now they are utilizing the round up on the side of the roads instead. Not only does it turn everything brown and ugly but it pollutes our precious ecosystems and water streams waterways that connect from Florida to the rest of the world. They have proven Fluoride forms and other chemicals are in our aquifers now in springwater in Florida and other places in the world. We must offer better stewardship program stand this if we are going to still exist.
@sheenahspermacultureparadi8407 2 жыл бұрын
We can re-green the world and reverse desertification worldwide with proper stewardship and management programs involving shepherds and animals. The animals produce the viable nutrients and the roughage materials to allow moisture and fertility to regenerate soils world wide. Plus they more properly manage the roughage to help prevent fires from creating more problems with our ecosystem.
@Sammy-wu8gm 2 жыл бұрын
Has anyone seen the National Geographic video of an elephant which the greedy inhumane had sawed off it’s task from inside it’s mouth? The poor elephant survived; but it’s flesh was dangling all the way to the ground 😢
@jmalkus1702 2 жыл бұрын
Many wild animals species are endangered and toward extinction. One of main reasons is their commercial value to attract poachers. Any ivory trade should stop. Human beings are well civilized with highly developed science and technology. Human shouldn’t rely on wild animals for living. Any form of trades will give poachers another opportunity for kills.Elephants, rhinos etc can exist today is by persistent pure love, dedication and sacrifices from so many conservationists, individuals with multi generations. It will be shame to see their hard work and efforts wasted.Hope human have decency to let animals live with dignity.
@megasmart7740 2 жыл бұрын
That's ridiculous.AAnimal populations in Zimbabwe are at an all time high. You eat game meat, chicken, cows, and communities who live next to these animals are not supposed to benefit from it? How pretentiousyou are
@ragnarandersson2866 2 жыл бұрын
why Zimbabwe is poor. why blacks are not farming. And export the food and making monye . In Europe that's normal...and we make monye...😁👍
@peopleunchained3704 2 жыл бұрын
Have Sincerity and Fortitude in the QUR'AN. Remove the Many Veils of Darkness's 😈. (Read It Daily) The Only Law& Holy Scripture in Existence, Entirely Unchanged. Coming from Our Creator. WE WILL NOT CHANGE THE CONDITION OF A PEOPLE UNTIL THEY CHANGE WHAT IS WITHIN THEMSELVES. QURAN(The Speech Of THE MERCIFUL)!
@tbwnayeem04 2 жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ FROM BANGLADESH 🇧🇩
@Makedonac007 2 жыл бұрын
If any animal is helped .... it's an act of kindness ..👓. like weT pOonânî🐺
@nickyrivernene5921 2 жыл бұрын
End exploitation and speciesism, rewild and go plant based, vegan for the animals.
@TotalTomoko 2 жыл бұрын
Just grow that type of resource in a lab instead, from cells
@ADAM87351 2 жыл бұрын
🌩️Keep fken with my friend's🦏🐘🐎🐖 and watch what happen's⚡
@lyndagriffiths4779 2 жыл бұрын
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 жыл бұрын
😀 👍 Yes👍 Oh 🌏Al Jazeera English🤗 Yes👍 and yes-. MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT 👍!. YES 👍 👍 # Cop 26 SAVE OUR PLANET 🌏🌍🌎! 👍 '' we are talked a lot about, but we are not listened to '' -why? 😀 Thank you. 😀😀
@nedludd7622 2 жыл бұрын
A brief history of the ivory trade
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