Рет қаралды 101,448
Whether you're a beginner programmer or looking to level up your skills, this course will teach you how to:
Organize your data efficiently using essential structures like Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Hash Tables, and Graphs.
Solve coding problems effectively with powerful algorithms for searching, sorting, and more.
Write cleaner and more performant JavaScript code.
This course offers:
Clear and concise explanations with real-world examples to solidify your understanding.
Hands-on coding exercises to apply your knowledge and practice problem-solving.
Up-to-date content reflecting the latest advancements in JavaScript.
By the end of this course, you'll be confident in building efficient and scalable JavaScript applications.
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Instagram: huxnshorts
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GitHub: github.com/huxn-webdev
Twitter: huxnwebdev
00:00 - Intro
00:42 - What is DSA
3:53 - Course Requirements
4:40 - Course Setup
6:46 - Solving the first problem
10:07 - Why Should I Care
10:58 - What is bigO
13:48 - O(n)
20:11 - O(1)
23:48 - O(n^2)
29:37 - O(log n)
33:55 - DS Arrays
34:26 - What is DS Array
36:05 - Creating Custom Array
37:42 - Custom Push Method
41:20 - Custom Get Method
43:05 - Custom Pop Method
46:30 - Custom Shift Method
51:17 - Custom DeleteByIndex Method
54:35 - Reverse String
59:31 - Palindromes
1:02:30 - Reverse Integer
1:05:57 - Sentence Capitalization
1:10:23 - FizzBuzz
1:14:06 - Max Profit
1:20:41 - Array Chunks
1:26:18 - Two Sum ( ugly code )
1:30:01 - What is Linked List
1:33:01 - How the Linked List Looks Like
1:36:05 - Creating Our First Linked List
1:40:01 - Linked List Push Method
1:45:24 - Linked List Pop Method
1:52:42 - Linked List Unshift Method
1:56:51 - Linked List Shift Method
1:59:44 - Linked List GET FIRST Method
2:00:53 - Linked List GET LAST Method
2:03:05 - Linked List GET ELEMENT BY INDEX Method
2:06:15 - Linked List SET Method
2:10:33 - Linked List INSERT Method
2:17:31 - Linked List SIZE Method
2:19:18 - Linked List CLEAR Method
2:20:17 - What is Doubly Linked List
2:21:34 - Create Your First Doubly Linked List
2:23:06 - Doubly Linked List Push Method
2:26:43 - Doubly Linked List Pop Method
2:30:47 - Doubly Linked List Unshift Method
2:34:43 - Doubly Linked List Shift Method
2:37:38 - Reverse Linked List
2:45:32 - Stack & Queues
2:46:20 - What is a Stack
2:49:36 - Creating Our First Stack
2:52:01 - Stack Push Method
2:55:29 - Stack Pop Method
2:58:49 - What is Queue
3:00:38 - Queues Enqueue Method
3:06:14 - Queues Dequeue Method
3:09:36 - Queues Min Method
3:14:22 - isValidParenthesis
3:19:05 - Reverse String Using Stack
3:22:08 - Hash Tables
3:22:21 - What is a Hash Table
3:23:30 - What is a Hash Function
3:24:29 - How Hash Table Looks Like
3:26:11 - Creating Our First Hash Table
3:29:27 - Hash Table Set Method
3:34:02 - Hash Table Get Method
3:38:37 - Get All Keys & Values
3:43:01 - Word Counter
3:47:15 - Two Sum ( refactor )
3:51:06 - What is a Tree
3:55:36 - BST
4:00:27 - Creating Our First Binary Search Tree
4:02:15 - Binary Search Tree Insert Method
4:08:36 - Binary Search Tree Includes Method
4:15:42 - What is Recursion
4:17:11 - Recursion Count Down
4:20:19 - Recursion Factorial
4:23:11 - Tree Traversal ( Breath First Search )
4:31:56 - Tree Traversal ( Depth First Search PreOrder )
4:41:41 - Tree Traversal ( Depth First Search PostOrder )
4:50:32 - What is a Graph
4:55:38 - Creating Our First Graph
4:56:23 - Add Vertex To Graph
4:58:36 - Add Edges To Graph
5:01:21 - Remove Edges From Graph
5:04:50 - Remove Vertex From Graph
5:09:33 - What is Bubble Sort
5:12:03 - Creating Bubble Sort
5:15:06- What is Selection Sort
5:19:33 - Creating Selection Sort
5:22:20 - What is Insertion Sort
5:24:48 - Creating Insertion Sort
5:27:18 - What is Merge Sort
5:29:15 - Creating Merge
5:35:44 - Creating Merge Sort
5:38:32 - Outro