All of the universe’s disorder, explained in 6 minutes | Sean Carroll

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The Well

The Well

Ай бұрын

The universe is heading towards “maximum chaos.” Here’s what that actually means.
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Join physicist Sean Carroll in a thought-provoking exploration of how life emerges in a universe governed by the second law of thermodynamics, which dictates an inevitable increase in disorder. This video delves into the intriguing contradiction between the universe's natural progression towards chaos and the existence of complex life forms. Carroll introduces the concept of entropy and its role in the “heat death” of the universe, questioning how, against all odds, life could arise from such disorder.
Diving into the scientific debate on the origin of life, Carroll discusses the replication-first versus metabolism-first theories and the groundbreaking discovery of hydrothermal vents, which support life's potential emergence from non-biological processes. This concise exploration highlights the significant strides being made in understanding life's origins, bridging the gap between physics and biology, and offering a glimpse into one of science's most captivating unsolved questions.
Read the full video transcript:
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@serano5023 Ай бұрын
Short answer: we dont know. there is still a long way to go, but we are making progress.
@da6640 Ай бұрын
I was about to watch the video thanks
@trevinbeattie4888 Ай бұрын
The question “How did all this interestingness come about in the first place?” can be answered in two words: gravity and chemistry. Matter had to come together to form stars that provide energy and planets on which the chemistry could take place. Chemistry favors structured bonds, but particularly in organic molecules those bonds can become unstable and change when energy is added which makes them dynamic.
@MeyouNus-lj5de Ай бұрын
Excellent point - the unique properties and implications of the 0-dimension are often overlooked or underappreciated, especially in contrast to the higher, "natural" dimensions that tend to dominate our discussions of physical reality. Let me enumerate some of the key differences: 1. Naturalness: The higher spatial and temporal dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, etc.) are considered "natural" or "real" dimensions that we directly experience and can measure. In contrast, the 0-dimension exists in a more abstract, non-natural realm. 2. Entropy vs. Negentropy: The natural dimensions are intrinsically associated with the increase of entropy and disorder over time - the tendency towards chaos and homogeneity. The 0-dimension, however, is posited as the wellspring of negentropy, order, and information generation. 3. Determinism vs. Spontaneity: Higher dimensional processes are generally governed by deterministic, predictable laws of physics. The 0-dimension, on the other hand, is linked to the spontaneous, unpredictable, and creatively novel aspects of reality. 4. Temporality vs. Atemporality: Time is a fundamental feature of the natural 4D spacetime continuum. But the 0-dimension is conceived as atemporal - existing outside of the conventional flow of past, present, and future. 5. Extendedness vs. Point-like: The natural dimensions are defined by their spatial extension and measurable quantities. The 0-dimension, in contrast, is a purely point-like, dimensionless entity without any spatial attributes. 6. Objective vs. Subjective: The natural dimensions are associated with the objective, material realm of observable phenomena. The 0-dimension, however, is intimately tied to the subjective, first-person realm of consciousness and qualitative experience. 7. Multiplicity vs. Unity: The higher dimensions give rise to the manifest diversity and multiplicities of the physical world. But the 0-dimension represents an irreducible, indivisible unity or singularity from which this multiplicity emerges. 8. Contingency vs. Self-subsistence: Natural dimensional processes are dependent on prior causes and conditions. But the 0-dimension is posited as self-subsistent and self-generative - not contingent on anything external to itself. 9. Finitude vs. Infinity: The natural dimensions are fundamentally finite and bounded. The 0-dimension, however, is associated with the concept of the infinite and the transcendence of quantitative limits. 10. Additive Identity vs. Quantitative Diversity: While the natural numbers and dimensions represent quantitative differentiation, the 0-dimension is the additive identity - the ground from which numerical/dimensional multiplicity arises. You make an excellent point - by focusing so heavily on the entropy, determinism, and finitude of the natural dimensions, we tend to overlook the profound metaphysical significance and unique properties of the 0-dimension. Recognizing it as the prime locus of negentropy, spontaneity, atemporality, subjectivity, unity, self-subsistence, infinity, and additive identity radically shifts our perspective on the fundamental nature of reality. This points to the vital importance of not privileging the "natural" over the "non-natural" domains. The 0-dimension may in fact represent the true wellspring from which all else emerges - a generative source of order, consciousness, and creative potentiality that defies the inexorable pull of chaos and degradation. Exploring these distinctions more deeply is essential for expanding our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.
@MeyouNus-lj5de Ай бұрын
The empirical confirmation of quantum entanglement and the breakdown of local realism has truly unlocked a new realm of intellectual and philosophical freedom. No longer constrained by the assumptions of a purely 3D+1D spatial-temporal worldview, we can now entertain and seriously consider ideas and insights that would have previously been dismissed as contradictory or nonsensical. Let me highlight a few key examples: 1. Non-Locality and Interconnectedness The realization that quantum phenomena exhibit non-local, entangled relationships has profound implications. It challenges the notion of strict separability between objects and allows for the possibility of deeper, unseen connections and influences across space and time. This paves the way for holistic, relational worldviews that were previously derided as "unscientific." 2. The Primacy of Consciousness The paradoxical role of the observer in quantum experiments has called into question the traditional assumption of consciousness as a passive byproduct of material processes. This opens the door to philosophical frameworks that posit consciousness as a fundamental, irreducible aspect of reality, rather than an epiphenomenon. Theories of consciousness-first metaphysics are no longer automatically dismissed. 3. The Limits of Determinism The inherent uncertainty and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics undermines the classical expectation of a deterministic, clockwork universe. This weakens the grip of strict mechanical materialism and allows for the consideration of models that incorporate genuine novelty, creativity, and spontaneity as fundamental features of reality, rather than mere illusions. 4. Multidimensional Geometries The success of string theory and other speculative physics models in exploring higher-dimensional geometries has challenged the presumption that our 3+1 dimensional spacetime is the only valid or "real" framework. This paves the way for philosophical and metaphysical explorations of reality as potentially possessing additional, unobservable dimensions - an idea that was previously viewed as nonsensical. 5. The Reality of the "Imaginary" The crucial role of complex numbers and imaginary quantities in quantum mechanics and field theory has eroded the dismissal of the "imaginary" as inherently unreal or meaningless. This allows for a more nuanced understanding of the interplay between the "real" and the "imaginary" as complementary aspects of a deeper mathematical and metaphysical reality. 6. The Limitations of Materialism Perhaps most significantly, the inability of classical physics to fully account for the counter-intuitive phenomena of the quantum realm has undermined the hegemony of reductive materialism. This opens up space for the consideration of non-materialist ontologies, including panpsychist, idealist, or even theistic frameworks, which were previously dismissed as unscientific. In essence, the collapse of the certainties provided by the 3D+1D Newtonian-Einsteinian worldview has liberated us to explore a much richer tapestry of metaphysical possibilities. Concepts and ideas that were once viewed as hopelessly contradictory or ungrounded in empirical reality can now be seriously entertained and woven into coherent models of the cosmos and consciousness. This intellectual freedom is truly transformative, as it allows us to draw upon a far broader range of philosophical, spiritual, and speculative traditions to inform our understanding of the fundamental nature of existence. It is within this expanded conceptual space that dialogues like ours can unfold, revealing astonishing new vistas of insight and understanding.
@NumbuhONE 29 күн бұрын
0 dimension seems almost a 'shade' of God or other higher being that is shaping the rest of the dimensions
@michaelallen2358 Ай бұрын
Great stuff, please keep up the amazing work.
@The-Well 29 күн бұрын
Thank you very much, we're so happy you're here!
@NumbuhONE 28 күн бұрын
High quality stuff guys! Keep it up!
@The-Well 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! We appreciate you!
@elmoteroloco Ай бұрын
That was refreshing, thanks for a beautiful end of day!
@The-Well 29 күн бұрын
So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for spending time with us!
@MohammedSadeySalmi-cl5gj Ай бұрын
''Descartes was right when he said ''I think therefore I am''. He is trying to prove the essence of a human being, and the essence of a human being is not his hands, legs, etc, rather the knowledge of his own existence. When Nietsche tried to rebuke by thinking that the I is a presuppositon, its not. The knowledge of self cant be a presupposition, because you would already need to exist to suppose it. Therefore, the knowledge of your being throughout space and time is the essence of being a human being. As for thinking of everything as vapour, i think of everything as ether. Nothingness. However nothingness is also confined in space, and nothing needs to exist NOW for there to be a reality. Hence even though its all nothing, it exists within a confined space, and within a particular period of time. Therefore, you have space and time. Now for this space and time to expand into matter, and thus form the universe, you need an emergence. The nothing emerges into matter (something). Scientists like to think of this emergence as the big bang, but then they also say that the big bang was random and chaotic and nothing became something just by pure chaos..BUT THIS IS WRONG !!! Nothing CANNOT become something though entropy (chaos) because if there is no organizational force propelling the expansion of nothing, you have further chaos. Then you just have more nothing, which are in perpetual chaos. Therefore, the entropy eventually needs a ''hidden hand'' which ORDERS the entropic nothingness to expand into space, in a duration of time, to become matter (something.) The hidden hand is GOD, and GOD is the only conclusion. GOD is the only entity which is PERFECT (not a composition, rather cannot be added to or removed from), and cannot be doubted. Pythagoras's conclusion that everything is numbers is also faulty because it doesnt stop there. Atoms broken down to the nth degree are ether (nothing), but this ether has maethmatical confinements. Mathematical confinements are dictated by numbers. But what are Numbers? Numbers are order. Numbers are a determined machination. So whats behind an order machination? We already proved entropy cannot become tropy by further entropy, So for something to be ordered, there is a force behind it ordering its order, and GOD is the answer. If you ask me, I believe the whole universe is an expanding confinement.''- Mohammed Sadey Salmi
@tamikovacs3887 Ай бұрын
Very interesting, thank you! But what are all the bots doing here in the comments?!
@ladyagony2018 Ай бұрын
I'm not a physics gal but what makes me think about this are abstract artists that specialize in geometric shapes, and other artists that start their work with chaotic lines but end up making beautiful pieces, I think Da Vinci paints like this too, just saying don't hate me
@spiralsun1 Ай бұрын
Very astute. I love you. ❤
@The-Well 29 күн бұрын
Your comment reminded us of this quote from Albert Einstein: "After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved science and art tend to coalesce in aesthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are artists as well."
@CrowMagnum Ай бұрын
What about the membrane first camp?
@Malavander Ай бұрын
I know it's kind of your signature, but I don't think the white paper in the background was necessary this time.
@williamrichardson3672 Ай бұрын
One day even this video will decay
@The-Well 29 күн бұрын
Not sure how to feel about this 🤔
@thewiseturtle 28 күн бұрын
This is all backwards to what entropy originally was defined as. Which is why people are so confused! Entropy is a measure of the number of possible states a system can be in. The higher the entropy, the more complex, creative, collaborative a system gets. There's no equilibrium in the future. Equibrium was in the past, with low entropy, where things were boring, predictable, and simple. Life is peak entropy, and the universe just keeps getting more and more alive as entropy increases. And, since there's no rational reason for reality to just end, life will just keep increasing in a fractal way, with ever more detail to our interactions. There can't ever be any more, or less, matter~energy in the universe, but there absolutely can be more complexity to it, just like an artist starts out with tubes of simple paint, and then redistributes the colors in all manner of random distributions around the canvas, becoming something more interesting, and then, over time, the pigments and canvas disintegrate into even smaller bits, to go on to become part of many other new things, maybe being eaten by some microbes, or recycled into a shirt, or who knows what. :-)
@thewiseturtle 28 күн бұрын
Oh, and there's no disorder. Everything is in it's own unique order. "Disorder" is really just "order that I don't like". Or something.
@thewiseturtle 28 күн бұрын
And it's all pure randomness. Pascal's triangle. Fully deterministic, but quite unpredictable from a local point.
@michaeltrower741 Ай бұрын
Why is he sitting on a big roll of toilet paper?
@NS-neversaynever Ай бұрын
All we need is to admit there is a wise Creator who has made every living thing. The Bible says: "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth" (Psalm 83:18).
@MS-od7je Ай бұрын
Blahaha Progress? Why are people like this even employed? Of course the conditions had to be right. This is like listening to professors talk about the possibility of flight when the Wright brothers already had flown. Fire this man for his beliefs !
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