NPN Positive on the Base Conducts, PNP negative on The base Conducts. Great way to remember. Thanks Richard.
@TerryDeSimone Жыл бұрын
Yes, *PLEASE* more vids like this.. more of like how components work, when testing & ideally *how* to test em.. and the kind-of expected values.. *AND* what shouldn't happen when testing.. like in diode mode, *in-circuit* .. when it SHOULDN'T beep, different pins.. etc.. so we can apply this knowledge to repairing.. i'm a beginner trying to learn to repair stuff.. *AND* explain more about in-circuit as well as out-of circuit values & beeps... etc.. and Thank You for the vids, keep up the good work.. sorry to hear about ur Dad... -- oh & when you write out the diagrams can you put the leads *on* the paper and show *what* goes where for whichever component.. thanks..
@viorelpopescu4990 Жыл бұрын
Prietene electronica este o meserie care se invata mai intii pe hirtie Mult, mult studiu si mai cu seama in particular Astazi aveti alte facilitati nu ca mine in anii de inceput 1970 Gasiti pe internet orce va intereseaza Totul depinde cum va rationalizati studiu Incepeti cu cunostinte generale despre electricitate invata ce e tensiunia apoi curentul tipul (alternativ, continu....) cum este produs etc invatati marimile si unitatile de masura folosite in electricitate si electronica (tensiunea in V curentul in A puterea in w, rezistenta in ohmi etc apoi simbolurile din schemele electronice , componentele si rolul lor in circuit identificare terminalelor etc) Toti vor sa REPARE Ce? Daca tu nu ai habar de ce tii in mina Ce sa repari? Invata tot ce consideri necesar si atunci cind privesti cite un videoclip din asta incepi sa intelegi aproape din ochi despre ce e vorba in mare dupa care treci la studiu pe schema si aplici metodologia depanarii care este si ea impartita si subimpartita in diferite etaje (etaj de alimantare cu componentele lui Trf, dioda s-au punte redresoare elect rolitice de filtraj si rezistori limitatori de curenti circuit de stabilizare si in unele cazuri cu circ de protecte la suprasarcini etc toate acestea genereaza U si A necesar circuitelor de lucru Circuitele de lucru cu dif etaje cu comanda externa manuala, radio etc interna data de ascilatoare temporizatoare traductoare etc E nosol e mult de invatat si mai cu seama de memorat extrem de multe date Nu e chiar jucarie, iau letconu si lipesc si deslipesc la plezneala nu merge daca vrei sa faci treaba invata macar ce am spus eu ca mai departe te c vei dumiri singur si vei invata daca iti place
@TerryDeSimone Жыл бұрын
@@viorelpopescu4990 Thank You...
@bobpitt1261 Жыл бұрын
Excellent tutorial Richard, thanks.
@viorelpopescu4990 Жыл бұрын
Cred ca Richard se distreaza pe seama voastra Este sigur 100% ca nu veti invata nimic Nu sinteti din generatia noastra eu se pare ca sint mai in etate ca dm am 70 de ani Noi am fost generatia marilor descoperiri stiintifice nu trecea luna sa nu afli o noutate prin anii 70 - 80 de la spatul cosmic la marile descoperiri in electronica de la tuburi la Circ integrate procesore si arii tranzistorizate de la tubul chinescop la ecranul plat LCD toate au fast aduse in existenta de generatia noastra inclusif telefonul personal de astazi transmisiunile prin sateliti calculotorul ceasul inteligent si multe, multe altele si in domeniu sanatatii in orce domeniu sa facut pasi uriasi Aproape intreaga generatie nascuta intre 1950 si 1960 a fost generatia cu cei mai multi si capabili oameni Dupa 1960 sa slabit treptat si usor acum ajunginduse chiar la un nivel jalnuc la mai bine din jumatate din populatia lumii Nu ma laud o spun dupa ce vad lucruri care eu la stiam si stapineam bine inca din clasa a V-a si a VI- astazi vad chiar absolventi de liceu care se uita la mine ca loviti de bombe si nu stiu despre ce vorbesc Nimic nu se poate realiza fara invatatura puneti mina si studiati lucrurile nu sint cum vi se par
@adaboy4z9 ай бұрын
This was excellent for a Newbie electronics Hobbyist! I learned so much on how to test my vintage equipment!!!
@alanbickerstaff868 Жыл бұрын
Great information the little diagrams make it so much easier to understand and remember the information
@boblevey Жыл бұрын
That was excellent and just what I needed. Great teaching and channel!!!
@johnhawkes7681 Жыл бұрын
This is one ridiculously informative video. Learnt so much. Thanks Richard.
@tofix1603 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video! Thank you Richard!
@mkkd85 Жыл бұрын
Hello Richard. Thank you for the video, it's very informative and easy to understand. Please post more videos like this one!
@elenium115 Жыл бұрын
perfect as usual. Tons of knowladge to absorb.
@SlavkosHobbyChannel Жыл бұрын
Great information, thank you for sharing!
@LearnElectronicsRepair Жыл бұрын
You're welcome
@Lightrunner. Жыл бұрын
Thanks Richard 👍👌🖖 The basics are essentielle to learn and understand electronics. Did i say that??😱🤣🤣
@LearnElectronicsRepair Жыл бұрын
You did and you're right. Part 2 will build on the basics, be more advanced and probably teach a few old hands some new tricks 🙂
@Lightrunner. Жыл бұрын
@@LearnElectronicsRepair new tricks😱🤔 , new tricks are more trickyer🤣. Yeahhh new tricks makes live easyer.🖖
@viorelpopescu4990 Жыл бұрын
Bine si eu ce am spus?
@viorelpopescu4990 Жыл бұрын
@@Lightrunner.Daca crezi ca electronica se invata CU TRUCURI esti naiv rau
@Lightrunner. Жыл бұрын
@@viorelpopescu4990 in english please😭😭
@CliveChamberlain946 Жыл бұрын
This, and the next one will be good reference material so I can get my son busy learning at the bench! Thanks!
@filipc3010 Жыл бұрын
Hi Richard, I know what's missing here. PNP and NPN Darlington diode testing! I think it's worth to explain the testing methods. It's still a bit of mistery for me how we are able to check double junction. Thanks in advance!
@weerobot Жыл бұрын
Great Stuff...
@ashenafihirpa1042 Жыл бұрын
I like this video. It is a very good one for beginners. Do all multimeters have diode mode? Is diode mode similar to continuity checking mode?
@CRAZY_VIDS0710 ай бұрын
You cannot touch leads while testing your fingers will affect reading.
@roberthopkins8089 Жыл бұрын
Im decorating and watching this and still following... Wish you had been my lecturer at college... You keep it simple thanks for your teaching
@force4200 Жыл бұрын
Great channel i learned som mutch today the Brain is hot
@GapRecordingsNamibia Жыл бұрын
Funny how no one gave theTIP3055 package? TO-247 Thanks Richard.Very informative....
@Dutch-linux Жыл бұрын
LOL to remember the polarity of a transistor in the netherlands is for PNP pijltje naar plaatje (Arrow to plate) and NPN niet pijltje naar plaatje (No arrow to plate) 😂
@baghdadiabdellatif1581 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@Dutch_off_grid_homesteading Жыл бұрын
Heya, I still have the problem with the like bc337 transistor because of the differant lay out of the pins but practics makes purfect
@rashidshirinov364211 ай бұрын
Please do tutorial about oscilloscope, it will be great, there is no such a good video that explaining this tools ❤
@NorthElectronFix Жыл бұрын
Let's learn.
@michaelcostello699111 ай бұрын
In the beginning of video at 5:22 you have 0.6 volts when doing resistance measurement . How come when it should be constant voltage of say 0.1 volts ? You are reading 10 M Ohms through the internal resistance ofmeter measuring voltage.
@davet3804 Жыл бұрын
Nice back to basics If you can’t remember which is lower say ‘clowlector’ and you will never forget which is which
@elantric Жыл бұрын
UNI-T UT117C has same Fluke style "chirp" on DIODE TEST.
@HenrikHvalpen Жыл бұрын
I tried testing an led but my multimeter can't measure anything in diod mode. I can measure normal diode thought. Is it only some multimeters that can measure LEDs and make them light up?
@ElizabethBarber-e9b Жыл бұрын
Can you help please? I've got two multimeters , one small fluke and a big bench multimeter I bought. When I do diode readings , they're different on both multimeters. When I do the reading on the bench multimeter it's different to the readings I get off the fluke multimeter by a lot . Does that mean one of my multimeters is broken? Thanks
@Lightrunner. Жыл бұрын
Yes , eventuelly, because show the meassurement voltage of your multimeters.
@UltraUltaderdritte Жыл бұрын
No necessarily, they may simply use different constant currents in diode mode. As the junction voltage depends on the current you will get different voltage readings. Just measure the current in diode mode with the other meter in current mode and you will see how much they differ.
@TheEmbeddedHobbyist Жыл бұрын
It depends on by how much they differ, if its more than a few percent then yes one is duf. A normal diode will read about .6 - .7V so the meter that reads close to that should be the good one.
@TheEmbeddedHobbyist Жыл бұрын
The collector is normally a lower value as the collector is a larger junction on the silicon. This helps in the collection of electrons..
@LearnElectronicsRepair Жыл бұрын
@@UltraUltaderdritte Yes exactly that. In this video I showed that the Aneng could light blue and white LEDs and give a voltage reading, whereas the Fluke gives no voltage reading but still lights the LED. Different brands of multimeter will output different voltages and different constant currents in diode mode. This does not mean either of them are faulty, and there is no international standard that I know of which a multimeter should adhere to in this respect.
why if i sense voltage on a working power mosfet i mean during operation, it causes to blow it? what is the explanation?
@LearnElectronicsRepair Жыл бұрын
That shouldn't happen, at least not if you have your meter in volts mode. Which pin are you measuring? The gate?
@kas262 Жыл бұрын
@@LearnElectronicsRepair Been there done that 😐 If you mesure voltage between drain and gate on a working SMPS, you will definitely blow the mosfet
@plinker439 Жыл бұрын
7:21 'It"s about 100 ohm resistor'.
@edwinwaugh Жыл бұрын
@anthonywatson8077 Жыл бұрын
you really need to learn how/where to place the camera relative to the item. Spoils an otherwse good video
@NorthElectronFix Жыл бұрын
1 st
@TerryDeSimone Жыл бұрын
@doogsm6013 Жыл бұрын
@za_ozero Жыл бұрын
After a triangle you failed in continuing in a comprehensive way😢
@mevk1 Жыл бұрын
Videos are way too long. "BE BRIEF, BE BRILLIANT, BE GONE"