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Alma and Harry get their own rooms! Complete room makeover. Renovating the children's room is a project that’s been planned for a long time and the interior design week has finally arrived. Join us from Monday to Friday in this vlog and see what happens in the rooms, wallpaint, wallpaper, carpets, curtains, a bed is built, furniture and paintings. Interior designer Lena Nyholm is with us all the way. Mommy Joanna and daddy Axel are quite tired by Friday but the tiredness is blown away when they see Alma and Harry's reactions when they enter their new rooms.
Many thanks to our partners who’s been involved in this fun project! Lena Nyholm, Jollyroom, Måleributiken, Vi Målar, Sängjätten, Reforma, Add interiör, Sthlm Mattor, Ryska Posten and Juniper of Sweden.
Jollyroom: bit.ly/2EFXZqZ
Vi Målar: www.vimalar.se/
STHLMMattor: www.sthlmmatto...
Måleributiken: www.maleributi...
Globen Lighting: www.globenligh...
ADDInteriör: addinterior.se/
Svenska sovloft: www.sovloft.se/
Sängjätten: www.sangjatten...
Juniper of Sweden: www.juniperofs...
Reforma: www.reformasth...
The Swedish Family lives in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Little brother Harry, 5 years old, is a rascal. Big sister Alma is 8 years old and a thinker. Daddy Axel is an engineer and mommy Joanna is a TV producer. We vlog about our daily life and love to travel.