I think it was just high wind speed at altitude, that gimbal jerk is a clue, that's the wind moving it! You're right about the lower battery capacity, once you get past 50% battery left on a Lithium Ion battery, the discharge curve drops off fairly significantly, remember approaching 20% battery you need to be nearly back home and it's good practise to be ready to land at that low battery warning message, so you have plenty of capacity left if anything goes wrong and it's a good battery storage capacity. 😎👍
@TheCameraManReviews4 жыл бұрын
Hey cool Video man! I also do drone videos! That Gimbal jumping is definitely a defect, I would get onto Dji and open a support ticket. I think the issue you had with motors max powering and the drone descending is to do with the propellers. Its seems that a lot of people are having similar issues. In the right conditions the props are deforming and not producing enough lift, so the motors speed up to try and maintain height but with deformed props the drone continues to fall. I think Dji have made the props to flimsy. I would swap them props out. As for loss of signal, I notice with my mini that if I am standing around any metal objects like street poles etc then signal is turd. I think the car park you was on had lamp posts, the signal just seems to bounce off the poles and causes all kinds of issues. Also when the drone is facing the pilot straight on, signal is weaker. Anyway a great save for sure! How fast did you drive down that car park LOL. I just released a video that shows pilots what to do if the drone wont return. If you get chance check it out. Have a great day, and stay safe, fly safe! new sub!
@TheCameraManReviews4 жыл бұрын
Double check the back arm props in particular. They will almost certainly be deformed.
@Aerosnapper4 жыл бұрын
Nice work with the drone. Flying will bring the smoothness. I think you’re getting electronic interference. It’s a busy industrial area. Big thing is you’re staying and playing it safe. The other comments about gimbal jerks from wind seem pretty likely correct.
@just4droning2314 жыл бұрын
Close call and nice save!
@Preciousmiller14 жыл бұрын
I Think your doing pretty good job on flying that drone. 👌
@Preciousmiller14 жыл бұрын
That amazing how steady the drone moves. 😊
@Preciousmiller14 жыл бұрын
Now that you starting Yawning 😆 now I am. Give U, Shelby, hug, good night. Be safe! Thanks for sharing. Like always. And on your bom fire outdoor. Need now buy some marshmallow now for you, and Shelby, roast some.😉
@ytaky4 жыл бұрын
That parking lot you´re on, has hundreds of tons of iron.. literally, that alone is enough to mess up your signal for the rest check props and/or change them, ALWAYS change pair per motor, NEVER mixmatch props from diferent bags! props are super thin, sensitive and balanced in pairs. Also be careful when storage the drone so the props are not getting deformed
@NickCorona4 жыл бұрын
Nice edits man
@bmwbob514 жыл бұрын
I only fly into the wind if there's any perceptible breeze and I'm betting there a ton of WiFi in a mall! I have over 100 flights without any issues.
@perrys98724 жыл бұрын
Okay guys i gonna explain why this happend.. 1. the concrete floor has steel in it this steel is magnetised (really bad for your compass and gps) 2. u stand on that floor so the connection is bad because the magnetised steed take the signal away. 3. it was not the wind the compass made this flight a not so good. A lot of people blame dji .. but 9/10 its the operator.
@davidcollier7394 жыл бұрын
Hi. Great vid - keep up the good work. Noticed a couple of Sensor warnings when you were flying in the carpark. Could be a clue. Had you updated to the latest firmware recently? After I did I only got one update on the controller to update one of my batteries. Never came up again when I put the other two in. Although I'd not had any warnings was wondering why that update to the batteries hadn't appeared. Connected my mini to the computer and the DJI Assistant app www.dji.com/au/downloads/softwares/assistant-dji-2-for-mavic. When I connected my mini with each battery I got two updates for the batteries that hadn't been updated. Don't know if that was the issue but might help. Also, after a firmware update always goos practice to calibrate the compass, IMU and gymbal again. Cheers from Aus.
@gbkiller0074 жыл бұрын
Malls are full of Wifi. Hotspots, access points everywhere. Some stores down there have expanded wifi etc. Your drone is going to do some funny stuff. I fly countryside mainly and never get an issue. I see a lot of mini videos with connection errors etc and they are always in towns and cities. Wifi is a weak connection method as the drone is in the $400 price point. The wifi is proprietry but still just wifi. Wifi is really prone to interference.
@george-cohen79544 жыл бұрын
Keep an eye on your back props, they tend to flatten out when in storage and go out of shape. Also listen to the motors, if it sounds like they revving too high and you're getting the max power warning - change the props.
@BriansGarage4 жыл бұрын
Oh wow, I never thought of the props flattening out, that’s a great observation. I usually tend to let mine just sit out as-is, not in the case, but I had actually had it in the case for awhile before flying this time and since then as well. I might just replace them for peace of mind! Thanks!
@craigwflys4 жыл бұрын
Agree when you get the max power overload reached message seems like it's always bad (deformed) props. Then the Mini's flying gets erratic which could have been a nightmare with an RC signal loss. Glad you got it back. Make sure when you fold up the rear legs and put it back in the combo box the props aren't hitting anything.
@george-cohen79544 жыл бұрын
It's also a good idea to remove the battery from the mini when storing in the case, lighten the load on the props a bit.
@maryhirsch8634 жыл бұрын
Great video 👍🏻
@princemarcel4 жыл бұрын
Great video. You learn from others mistakes. I would have def brought her back when the battery @38%.
@maryhirsch8634 жыл бұрын
Sending you wishes for great health. Love all you guys !!!
@mesodiesel4 жыл бұрын
Could it be WiFi interference from alarm systems since everything is closed?
@CarlosPeligro34 жыл бұрын
Mine did the same thing when it was returning to home and then loosing connection; except mine landed or crashed in a backyard with a Pit Bull and wasn’t able to get it till the next morning. It was shredded up like a dog toy. Luckily I was able to retrieve the Mini and sent to DJI RefreshCare. $40 land almost 2 weeks later I received a new replacement. Now I’m a little gun shy going for range.
@DarrenHale4 жыл бұрын
Thankfully it was only nearly.. 🤘
@bob140724 жыл бұрын
Nice video. I did crash my Mavic Mini. My video isn't as nice as yours.
@ivanjdrakov19574 жыл бұрын
Bro.... Interference, that's all I'm going to say buddy.. Also the propellers, check them nicely bro, especially the rear ones.. Sweet
@howto...20554 жыл бұрын
Glitchy gimbal thing happens to my Mavic mini to
@Lior19734 жыл бұрын
MM decent with no explanation , it is not the wind. Users forums fulls of this behavior , no one can explain this. This is a fun drone but it has a lot of problems
@zandernicholas83914 жыл бұрын
I must say that you're not aloud to fly in those conditions. Clouds are too low, you must be 500 ft. below cloud level to fly, I can easily tell the clouds are lower than 500 ft.AGL. all together. There is a lot of interference from the buildings security and wifi and moisture in the thick sky, also a lot of rebar metal in that parking garage dosen't help. I personally cant get much further than that around mainly open fields, trees, and few homes. Did you not hit RTH when it began to fail? I would've also considered trying to remotely land it safely before chasing it down. Lastly I hope you are also getting airspace approval through an app when need be.
@zackstephens79974 жыл бұрын
Man you shaved your beard off brian why lol it looked professional dude
@JulienTaillez4 жыл бұрын
Hello. This also happened to me, the same way like you, when the battery was very low, the drone start to make a vertical descent by itself, the "reached max power" message appears there isn't any more force to move it. Mine decided to land in the middle of nowhere, and man ! it was an adventure to try to reach it and take it back. But I explain that in a video, on my channel :)
@charlieridgway65764 жыл бұрын
Glad you got it back.
@mrdappernature88614 жыл бұрын
Man I usually just fly around the house and I always bring my drone back before or at 50 percent. Ill take it out more after the lock down is over with.