A-apple B-balloon C- cog mixed with cloud D- dog E- earth F- flower G- green H-hay I-ice J-jelly (jello) K- Korean L- lollipop M- money N- noodle O- orbit P- pink paintbrush paint bucket Q-queen R- rainbow S- snoik T- tv U- umbrella V- volcano W- Window X-? Y- yellow Z- zebra 1- red 2-orange 3- yellow 4- green 5- cyan 6- purple 7- rainbow 8- magenta 9: shades of white to black 0: nothing .- grey @- apple to dark apple $- money &- a n d fused #- tic tac toe ()- magnets ,- remote !,?- dots as wheels Alt d: dog Alt f: flower Alt g: green Alt h: hay Alt i: ice Alt l: lollipop Alt m: money Alt s : snoik non lined Alt t: tv Alt U: umbrella but blue Alt v: volcano Alt w: what?